Kiss and Tell?

This question is for both you ladies and guys...
Do you tell your friends about your past "experiences" or for that matter your current boyfriends or girlfriends? Now I don't mean the disclosure people should do about their sexual history, I mean details about acts. I think that is in such poor taste. I had someone tell me this stuff and I thought it was awful, like how would I feel if someone was saying that type of stuff about me. Who knows if it was even true? I even had somone I dated confide in me that his sibling asked if we had sex. I was so offended. How is that would that be their business and why would they want to know..that is sick.
Do you tell your friends about your past "experiences" or for that matter your current boyfriends or girlfriends? Now I don't mean the disclosure people should do about their sexual history, I mean details about acts. I think that is in such poor taste. I had someone tell me this stuff and I thought it was awful, like how would I feel if someone was saying that type of stuff about me. Who knows if it was even true? I even had somone I dated confide in me that his sibling asked if we had sex. I was so offended. How is that would that be their business and why would they want to know..that is sick.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
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make something up
Boston 1
well it was more of a question for everyone else...Kind of want to see how people feel about it.
Boston 1
Definitely...Sometimes it's mean spirited too.
Boston 1
My ex used to always want me to talk about details with past people I had fooled around with or dated. It used to make me uncomfortable. He only did this when he was drunk though...and then he would make a big scene when I wouldn't tell him. It was embarrassing because we would be out in public or in front of my friends. I don't know why I stayed with him for so long. When he was sober, he was the most jealous guy ever...and then when he was drunk, he would want to talk about past details. I'm getting off track though.
So no, I think there are certain things you shouldn't discuss with people.
Well yeah I understand that.
Yeah I think it's sad when people need to brag about past conquests to look worldly. I always feel it's at another's expense. I remember someone doing this w/me and I felt kind of bad for the person they were talking about. It wasn't right. I have no idea if it was even true.
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but this one time at band camp...................
seriously, women talk more than men about that kinda stuff, at least in my experience
I never tell, but might reference a past experience in detail without naming names
man this one chick was into...................blah blah blah
What's weird though is my guy friends try to fish WAAAAAY more details out of me than my female friends! :eek:
Yeah, if it is a very funny story, then I will tell.
Guys like to hear chicks talk about sex.
But women are more chatty about it. At least it seems that way
for fuck sake that is not cool!
ha..ha...just kidding.
gets to me every time
That's how I feel. I would be pissed if someone I dated was divulging private stuff about the relationship.
gets to me every time
Well I was tempted to tell this one person about stuff that was being said about her because I don't think it's probably true. But I don't want to embarrass her or hurt her. It's not worth it.
I just think people who do that are immature.
It depends what you are saying and your intention. I know I would never discuss anything with my sister..that is weird, nor would I want to hear about her sex life.
i tell my friends and current boyfriends about ex'es. whatever i say in this forum is what i say outside this place..there is no difference. i guess i can be crude sometimes.
Im sure everyone does it to some extent.
THAT'S FOR SURE! :rolleyes:
True, or at least that is what you see in movies/on tv
Verona??? it's all surmountable
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Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you