I still have no fricken clue why/how that chick was toxic...
They explained that some herbal remedy she was taking, reacted with the cancer treatment meds she was receiving and caused her blood to become like some nerve toxin. I doubt anything like that could happen in real life, but it made for an interesting storyline.
I was shocked that Addison slept with McSteamy again..but when she said I'm not thinking of you in 3...2...1 I was waiting for her to start having an O and say Alex's name instead or something cause I'm sure he was prob her mental imagry lol.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
Addy slept w/Mark to get her mind out of Alex, who basically told her in her face that he didn't want a relationship out of her and only wanted to scrub in on her surgeries.
Nevermind. I actually saw the episode on Friday night online, WOW! Addison really WANTS Alex! The way she looks at him is the way an animal looks at its prey. even though I like Addy, I really want Alex and Izzy to end up together.
I also thought it was cool of Meredith that congradulated George. It wasn't forced at all. She seemed happy that he was happy! And cool that he stood up for his woman! FINALLY b/c Callie doesn't deserve to be treated like that! btw, her middle name is Iphigenia
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
No, it's on the American station that carries NBC, but we get it here in the Toronto/GTA area.
I have to say that the whole Christina/Burke storyline is getting old with me. I adored Christina in the first season, but not anymoe. I find both her and Burke totally unlikeable.
I really wanted Alex and Izzy to hook up, but I really do enjoy the Addison/Alex storyline. I think they'd be good together.
No time to be void or save up on life. You got to spend it all.
i just saw the episode online, DAMN, it was pretty intense. I wonder what is going to happen next week then. Now i wonder if that little girl went to get help or just left since meredith got pushed into the water.
and yeah, i agree w/you all that Christina and Burke are a tad boring now. What happened with 'competive Christina' she has now gotten soft on us
did they show previews on what is going to happen next week?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
was she not breathing that entire time - underwater til the hospital? if she survives...which i assume she will...is it really possible to not have extreme brain damage?!? in the real, non-television world i mean.
damnit this show drives me crazy...i love it
yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
Lol, yeah obviously mcdreamy went in and got her. Why did she just stop kicking and sink. She could have just swam over to where he got out.
well im thinking she tried to find some place to hold onto but where she fell into that whole area is just wall like surroundings . she was prob treading the water a while before she lost her energy an just went under ...
well im thinking she tried to find some place to hold onto but where she fell into that whole area is just wall like surroundings . she was prob treading the water a while before she lost her energy an just went under ...
Also remember its Feb in Seattle....that water is fuckin cold, which means hypothermia would set in real fast and that could have prevented her from getting out of the water also.
Well she technically DID die tonight...but ya since u see her with Denny and that other guy...she will have some epiphany as a result of talking to them and her heart will start beating.
I agree with the person who said, in the real world she'd have brain damage...Sometimes in extreme hypothermia stranger things have happened BUT we're talking about people who fell through the ice on frozen lakes and stuff like that.
I still love this show!
To the person who said they'd take House. I LOOOOOVE that show too!
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
ugggh. ok. i hate when shows do this. and im sure when they pick up next week it will be a whole show of how shes "dead" and how she sees everyone and goes through a whole cleansing thing... and then at the end you see she was only dead for a minute and they brought her back.
buuuut... it is coming into sweeps... so just like every other show on right now im sure something big will happen. maybe they will kill off burke... nobody likes him in real life ahha.
and if they kill meredith and shes still in the show as a ghost helping people im outta here
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the pregnant girl with the smashed face is the girl that George and Alex slept with earlier on............The one that Izzie caught Alex with............Didn't she turn up pregnant later on?
They explained that some herbal remedy she was taking, reacted with the cancer treatment meds she was receiving and caused her blood to become like some nerve toxin. I doubt anything like that could happen in real life, but it made for an interesting storyline.
I was shocked that Addison slept with McSteamy again..but when she said I'm not thinking of you in 3...2...1 I was waiting for her to start having an O and say Alex's name instead or something cause I'm sure he was prob her mental imagry lol.
Nevermind. I actually saw the episode on Friday night online, WOW! Addison really WANTS Alex! The way she looks at him is the way an animal looks at its prey.
I also thought it was cool of Meredith that congradulated George. It wasn't forced at all. She seemed happy that he was happy!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
that being said, i was so not expecting the ending of tonight's show.
this show is getting too over the top...don't get me wrong, i'll keep watching...
but it's borderline ridiculous a lot of the time with any of the hospital stuff
Lollapalooza. 8.5.07 West Palm Beach. 6.11.08 Bonnaroo. 6.14.08
Hartford. Mansfield.
I have to say that the whole Christina/Burke storyline is getting old with me. I adored Christina in the first season, but not anymoe. I find both her and Burke totally unlikeable.
I really wanted Alex and Izzy to hook up, but I really do enjoy the Addison/Alex storyline. I think they'd be good together.
lol...me too. she didn't hit her head or anything, why was it so dramatic?? just swim out of there!
I did too. Then, I totally LOL'd when the little girl and the guy were just hanging out.
Yeah, kids that don't talk freak me out. She must have clammed up due to the stress of the accident (well, yeah, duh!...)
Yea its just weird she's not crying or asking for her mom or dad or anything. And then she sees Meredith falls and just stands there.. weird!!!
dumb kid. she clings to meredith the entire episode then just wanders off when she falls in the water.
it was kinda boring to me last night. and I agree..Burke and christina are getting on my nerves.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
and yeah, i agree w/you all that Christina and Burke are a tad boring now. What happened with 'competive Christina' she has now gotten soft on us
did they show previews on what is going to happen next week?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
They're ego-driven, stubborn workaholics...(like me)
...And their happy dance was cute.
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
Lol, yeah obviously mcdreamy went in and got her. Why did she just stop kicking and sink. She could have just swam over to where he got out.
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
damnit this show drives me crazy...i love it
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
...worst acting of the season thus far.
Also remember its Feb in Seattle....that water is fuckin cold, which means hypothermia would set in real fast and that could have prevented her from getting out of the water also.
Well she technically DID die tonight...but ya since u see her with Denny and that other guy...she will have some epiphany as a result of talking to them and her heart will start beating.
I agree with the person who said, in the real world she'd have brain damage...Sometimes in extreme hypothermia stranger things have happened BUT we're talking about people who fell through the ice on frozen lakes and stuff like that.
I still love this show!
To the person who said they'd take House. I LOOOOOVE that show too!
buuuut... it is coming into sweeps... so just like every other show on right now im sure something big will happen. maybe they will kill off burke... nobody likes him in real life ahha.
and if they kill meredith and shes still in the show as a ghost helping people im outta here
she's had brain damage since day one.
i still don't know why i like this show when i hate most of the characters.
i blame my wife and sister-in-law.