Indy 4 - SPOILERS...

brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
edited May 2008 in All Encompassing Trip


from the opening scene when they find themselves in the warehouse, in New Mexico mind you, and they open the crate and there's an 'other worldly' carcass that is shown...i thought to myself "it's going to have aliens"

i kept it to myself until half way through the movie when i turned to my wife and said "i just hope they don't show any live aliens OR a spaceship"...yep, that's right.

there was a very uncomfortable feeling in the theatre last night...or was it just me? hoping that my dad didn't reach over and choke me for dragging him and my mom to this "abomination" as my wife called out during the whole vehicle chase scene deep in the jungle....

then came the swinging from the vines with the monkies scene and she just lost it. she couldn't stop laughing...aliens???... i was so happy...i hadn't seen her laugh like that in some time. it brought back memories of us watching Raiders and The Last Crusade 2 days earlier and laughing at the wit and humor and dialogue between the characters. i found nothing funny about this movie, except the fact that it was made.

btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

oh, and way to stick by your earlier statements Steven....or was it George?...about not using too much CGI. there really wasn't a need for all of that, honestly.

i'm thinking that the applause in our theatre wasn't for the fact that Indy and the only woman for him finally get hitched and oh what a great way to close out a series but because the movie was finally over.

ok, maybe it wasn't that bad....but it was frustrating after 3 superb films. i would have never used that word superb before when talking about Temple of Doom but after this film definitely. maybe i'll give it another chance?

Esther's here and she's sick?

hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • gobrowns19gobrowns19 Posts: 1,447
    It was a pretty good movie, but didn't feel like an Indiana Jones movie until about halfway through really. I don't know. I thought the action scenes were pretty good, and the jungle chase scene was pretty fun. i agree though that swinging on the vines was awful. and i didn't mind dead aliens or something to do with aliens too much, but having semi-living one, especially a UFO, just wasn't right.

    When Indy's hat blew off and Shia Lebeouf's character picked it up I heard about 5 people, my sister included, groan, before Harrison Ford took it away, haha.
    Happiness is only real when shared
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Yeah I really don't know how to feel about the film. I so badly wanted to like it, and I sort of did, but there's a nagging feeling of disappointment that I just can't shake off. It did take a while before it got going and actually felt like an Indy film, but once it hit its stride I did quite enjoy it. I loved all the action stuff, I thought the chase through the jungle was superb, and I loved the creepy South American temple scenes. Unfortunately though, I thought the whole alien concept was a bit shit. I can understand why they went with it because it was set in the 50's - and obviously the whole interest in UFOs came about then, but it just seemed a bit much.

    It's funny really because so many people were worried that Harrison Ford was too old to play Indy (he isn't, he did just fine), and yet it didn't even seem to occur to people that the story would be the thing to let it down.

    Are they doing another one?
  • pouch15pouch15 Posts: 436
    I didnt mind at all the aliens, I think it was a very good action movie, maybe not as good as the other 3 indys, but it was very fun to watch. The alien thing, it was ok for me considering that in the 3rd movie they interact with a knight that has more than a 1000 years of age I think, so I think in life its more likely to interact some day with aliens than with a 1000 year old knight!!! :) but thats just my opinion.

    I hated the swinging apes, the refrigerator, and the waterfalls!!
  • SomethingCreativeSomethingCreative Kazoo, MI Posts: 3,396
    so....ALiens are to over the top but the arc of the covenant melting the faces off of a bunch of nazis isn't?

    I thought it was a worthy installment
    "Well, I think this band is incapable of sucking."
    -my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
  • pouch15pouch15 Posts: 436
    so....ALiens are to over the top but the arc of the covenant melting the faces off of a bunch of nazis isn't?

    I thought it was a worthy installment
    A question, when Indy and Mutt, discover the skull, they fight with two dudes that jumped like apes? who were they? the undead? what were they?? anyone?
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    so....ALiens are to over the top but the arc of the covenant melting the faces off of a bunch of nazis isn't?

    I thought it was a worthy installment

    Did anyone else catch the glimpse of the arc in the warehouse at the beginning when Indy was making his escape?

    I just think the aliens seemed too futuristic for a film franchise that's traditionally been focussed on the past.
  • pouch15pouch15 Posts: 436
    Did anyone else catch the glimpse of the arc in the warehouse at the beginning when Indy was making his escape?

    I just think the aliens seemed too futuristic for a film franchise that's traditionally been focussed on the past.

    Yep. in a boxed that opened, just as they escape the warehouse, it was the last scene in the warehouse.
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    Did anyone else catch the glimpse of the arc in the warehouse at the beginning when Indy was making his escape?

    I just think the aliens seemed too futuristic for a film franchise that's traditionally been focussed on the past.


    i have grown tired of Spielbergs fascination with aliens and the like...i really didn't think he would fit it into an Indy film.

    melting nazis? hell yea! and that was 1981! still kind of creepy when i watch it.

    it's more than just the aliens BTW, like i's the cgi also. i agree with many about the action scenes, they were good at times. but whatever, i'm off to watch the original 3.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    brainofPJ wrote:


    from the opening scene when they find themselves in the warehouse, in New Mexico mind you, and they open the crate and there's an 'other worldly' carcass that is shown...i thought to myself "it's going to have aliens"

    i kept it to myself until half way through the movie when i turned to my wife and said "i just hope they don't show any live aliens OR a spaceship"...yep, that's right.

    there was a very uncomfortable feeling in the theatre last night...or was it just me? hoping that my dad didn't reach over and choke me for dragging him and my mom to this "abomination" as my wife called out during the whole vehicle chase scene deep in the jungle....

    then came the swinging from the vines with the monkies scene and she just lost it. she couldn't stop laughing...aliens???... i was so happy...i hadn't seen her laugh like that in some time. it brought back memories of us watching Raiders and The Last Crusade 2 days earlier and laughing at the wit and humor and dialogue between the characters. i found nothing funny about this movie, except the fact that it was made.

    btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

    oh, and way to stick by your earlier statements Steven....or was it George?...about not using too much CGI. there really wasn't a need for all of that, honestly.

    i'm thinking that the applause in our theatre wasn't for the fact that Indy and the only woman for him finally get hitched and oh what a great way to close out a series but because the movie was finally over.

    ok, maybe it wasn't that bad....but it was frustrating after 3 superb films. i would have never used that word superb before when talking about Temple of Doom but after this film definitely. maybe i'll give it another chance?

    How are aliens not believable?

    It was more realistic that the first three, I mean come on, an ark that blasts everyone to death with evil spirits.. Vodoo.. a cup that will make to immortal if you drink from it..

    Aliens might actually exist. Besides the wacky stunts, this movie had a waaay more believable plot than the first three..
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    brainofPJ wrote:

    i have grown tired of Spielbergs fascination with aliens and the like...i really didn't think he would fit it into an Indy film.

    melting nazis? hell yea! and that was 1981! still kind of creepy when i watch it.

    it's more than just the aliens BTW, like i's the cgi also. i agree with many about the action scenes, they were good at times. but whatever, i'm off to watch the original 3.
    They talked about how it would be a 50s science fiction flick for years now since Indy 4's inception. Lucas's original plot titled it Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars, but Spielberg and Ford rejected that script.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Did anyone else catch the glimpse of the arc in the warehouse at the beginning when Indy was making his escape?

    I just think the aliens seemed too futuristic for a film franchise that's traditionally been focussed on the past.
    What do aliens have to do with the future? If they exists, they've been visiting us for thousands of years., if not billions of years. Roswell was 1947. Indy movies have always been based around the unknown. This movie made perfect sense, and the aliens are the most believable subject Indy has faced to date.
  • Pearls&StonesPearls&Stones Posts: 585
    brainofPJ wrote:

    btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

    When the grail crossed the seal, Indy Jr and Sr ceased to be immortal.
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    You guys do know there really is a crystal skull kept in a british museum tha movie is based off of that to this day, no technology we know could have carved it with out cracking it...

    Here you go, most realistic Indy yet, the others were just based on bible stories..
  • not4unot4u Posts: 512
    terrible film, absolutely crap.
    we don't want war, but we still want more?
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    How are aliens not believable?

    It was more realistic that the first three, I mean come on, an ark that blasts everyone to death with evil spirits.. Vodoo.. a cup that will make to immortal if you drink from it..

    Aliens might actually exist. Besides the wacky stunts, this movie had a waaay more believable plot than the first three..

    wait, wait...did i say it wasn't believable? i thought not.

    and who's to say the other plots aren't believable? because you don't believe? anyway, that's totally not the point.

    this movie felt more like Close Encounters than Indy.

    and so what if 'They talked about how it would be a 50s science fiction flick for years now since Indy 4's inception.' Spielberg also said he was not going to rely so heavily on cgi...there was no need for a lot of it and come on, at least make your little green man look better than that!

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    brainofPJ wrote:
    wait, wait...did i say it wasn't believable? i thought not.

    and who's to say the other plots aren't believable? because you don't believe? anyway, that's totally not the point.

    this movie felt more like Close Encounters than Indy.

    and so what if 'They talked about how it would be a 50s science fiction flick for years now since Indy 4's inception.' Spielberg also said he was not going to rely so heavily on cgi...there was no need for a lot of it and come on, at least make your little green man look better than that!
    Yeah, well I love the sci-fi shit.. Indy+ Sci-Fi = heaven.. It felt like an Indy film. It wasn't like there were space battles.

    It's hard to compare it to the first three because we grew up with those. Had we seen this recent one as little kids our views would differ. I have a friend who only saw the first trilogy recently and her opinion with the new one was it was on par with the ones we grew up with.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    not4u wrote:
    terrible film, absolutely crap.
    Did you have the same opinion of the Temple of Doom? Just curious, because that was no better.. I'd put this one in the same category as The Last Crusade.. nothing will ever touch Raiders.

    The Indy films never won any awards. They were never meant to be great films.. I think you're basing your opinion on the nastalgia we all grew up with..

    As shitty as you think it was, it is and will be light years better than any National Treasure or Mummy movie that came or will come out..

    But seriously what were you expecting? The movie is about a guy who swings around with a whip.. Lucas and Spielberg were high when they came up with that shit.

    My only gripe with the film was there was no big build up. I didn't get as excited at the end when Indy started kicking ass... other than that, a fun flick.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,902
    total letdown

    3 or four funny parts some good action, but other than that, same old cliches and rehashing same stuff as last 3 movies. Was funny seeing the Ark in the warehouse.

    The movie felt like it was filmed in a studio unlike the others. Mediocre
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    brainofPJ wrote:


    from the opening scene when they find themselves in the warehouse, in New Mexico mind you, and they open the crate and there's an 'other worldly' carcass that is shown...i thought to myself "it's going to have aliens"

    i kept it to myself until half way through the movie when i turned to my wife and said "i just hope they don't show any live aliens OR a spaceship"...yep, that's right.

    there was a very uncomfortable feeling in the theatre last night...or was it just me? hoping that my dad didn't reach over and choke me for dragging him and my mom to this "abomination" as my wife called out during the whole vehicle chase scene deep in the jungle....

    then came the swinging from the vines with the monkies scene and she just lost it. she couldn't stop laughing...aliens???... i was so happy...i hadn't seen her laugh like that in some time. it brought back memories of us watching Raiders and The Last Crusade 2 days earlier and laughing at the wit and humor and dialogue between the characters. i found nothing funny about this movie, except the fact that it was made.

    btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

    oh, and way to stick by your earlier statements Steven....or was it George?...about not using too much CGI. there really wasn't a need for all of that, honestly.

    i'm thinking that the applause in our theatre wasn't for the fact that Indy and the only woman for him finally get hitched and oh what a great way to close out a series but because the movie was finally over.

    ok, maybe it wasn't that bad....but it was frustrating after 3 superb films. i would have never used that word superb before when talking about Temple of Doom but after this film definitely. maybe i'll give it another chance?

    what? and the POWER OF GOD, coming out of the arc in the first flick is more believable?

    : )

    Aliens are more believable to me then the power of GOD being stuck in a box for how long? then being unleashed!!! lol.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    It's hard to compare it to the first three because we grew up with those. Had we seen this recent one as little kids our views would differ.

    i agree that we, or i and many others would have loved this one as i'm sure many younglings did this one. however, there would not have been so much cgi. although, i don't believe kids think about that...

    anyway, just like all the new Star Wars movies relied on the cgi and took a lot away from those films IMO (besides the horrible dialogue and such) did the same. just because it's there doesn't mean you should use it at every opportunity.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    Ummmmmmmmm, it's just a movie!! :rolleyes:

    I liked it...:)
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • Pearls&StonesPearls&Stones Posts: 585
    I just got back and I loved it. I think it was a worthy addition to the Indy franchise. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" will probably always be my favorite, but I think all three sequels carried on the Indy legacy very well.

    I don't think the "aliens" (the film does allude to them possibly being something else) were any more hokey than the Ark of the Covenant frying all who gazed at its contents, an evil priest using his bare hands to rip out a man's heart (that still beats once removed), or the idea that those who drink from the Holy Grail become immortal.

    The Indiana Jones movies are tributes to the fantastic grand serials of the old days. All have narrow escapes, ridiculous fights, creepy critters, and they all deal with mystical aspects of human history that have yet to be proven or unproven.

    Great film.
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • pouch15pouch15 Posts: 436
    A question, when Indy and Mutt, discover the skull, they fight with two dudes that jumped like apes? who were they? the undead? what were they?? anyone?
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    brainofPJ wrote:


    from the opening scene when they find themselves in the warehouse, in New Mexico mind you, and they open the crate and there's an 'other worldly' carcass that is shown...i thought to myself "it's going to have aliens"

    i kept it to myself until half way through the movie when i turned to my wife and said "i just hope they don't show any live aliens OR a spaceship"...yep, that's right.

    there was a very uncomfortable feeling in the theatre last night...or was it just me? hoping that my dad didn't reach over and choke me for dragging him and my mom to this "abomination" as my wife called out during the whole vehicle chase scene deep in the jungle....

    then came the swinging from the vines with the monkies scene and she just lost it. she couldn't stop laughing...aliens???... i was so happy...i hadn't seen her laugh like that in some time. it brought back memories of us watching Raiders and The Last Crusade 2 days earlier and laughing at the wit and humor and dialogue between the characters. i found nothing funny about this movie, except the fact that it was made.

    btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

    oh, and way to stick by your earlier statements Steven....or was it George?...about not using too much CGI. there really wasn't a need for all of that, honestly.

    i'm thinking that the applause in our theatre wasn't for the fact that Indy and the only woman for him finally get hitched and oh what a great way to close out a series but because the movie was finally over.

    ok, maybe it wasn't that bad....but it was frustrating after 3 superb films. i would have never used that word superb before when talking about Temple of Doom but after this film definitely. maybe i'll give it another chance?
    i find it funny that people have a problem with aliens but not the supernatural concept of god at all in INDY 1 and 3. and if you fucking knew anything about special effects, you'd realize less than 10% was cgi, lots of mattes and blue screen. what a douche bag
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    not4u wrote:
    terrible film, absolutely crap.
    wow you should review movies.
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    what's the deal with his son befriending the monkeys & swinging on the vines? FUCK!!!!
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • Pearls&StonesPearls&Stones Posts: 585
    pouch15 wrote:
    A question, when Indy and Mutt, discover the skull, they fight with two dudes that jumped like apes? who were they? the undead? what were they?? anyone?

    I think they were just natives that were a little less civilized, but a little more in touch with their animal instincts.
    I love my female wife...
    we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
  • pouch15pouch15 Posts: 436
    I think they were just natives that were a little less civilized, but a little more in touch with their animal instincts.

    Thanks!!, I asked because I heard somewhere in the movie that it was guarded by the undead. But I cant recall what
  • vital5vital5 Posts: 5,486
    brainofPJ wrote:


    from the opening scene when they find themselves in the warehouse, in New Mexico mind you, and they open the crate and there's an 'other worldly' carcass that is shown...i thought to myself "it's going to have aliens"

    i kept it to myself until half way through the movie when i turned to my wife and said "i just hope they don't show any live aliens OR a spaceship"...yep, that's right.

    there was a very uncomfortable feeling in the theatre last night...or was it just me? hoping that my dad didn't reach over and choke me for dragging him and my mom to this "abomination" as my wife called out during the whole vehicle chase scene deep in the jungle....

    then came the swinging from the vines with the monkies scene and she just lost it. she couldn't stop laughing...aliens???... i was so happy...i hadn't seen her laugh like that in some time. it brought back memories of us watching Raiders and The Last Crusade 2 days earlier and laughing at the wit and humor and dialogue between the characters. i found nothing funny about this movie, except the fact that it was made.

    btw, how did Indys father die? didn't he drink from the Holy Grail?

    oh, and way to stick by your earlier statements Steven....or was it George?...about not using too much CGI. there really wasn't a need for all of that, honestly.

    i'm thinking that the applause in our theatre wasn't for the fact that Indy and the only woman for him finally get hitched and oh what a great way to close out a series but because the movie was finally over.

    ok, maybe it wasn't that bad....but it was frustrating after 3 superb films. i would have never used that word superb before when talking about Temple of Doom but after this film definitely. maybe i'll give it another chance?
    Picture yourself sitting in a kids movie expecting something that would make an adult think deeply... it's a kids movie!! you're a grown up. I didn't remember the series being as far fetched as this though... I was chuckling at parts such as Indiana landing in a truck then beating up two guys and taking it over. That kinda far fetched... :) anyway... Did you buy the Indiana Jones whip too??? only to find it didn't give you one iota of joy or fun because you're an adult? haha

    i picked aliens... from the start.. Hangar 51... and the word roswell....

    what i didn't get was why those kids were driving like maniacs?! I said to my mate they must have been setting the year.... then up flashed "1957" lol that was all they needed instead of elvis and the other shite heh

    i liked the film...
  • vital5vital5 Posts: 5,486
    pouch15 wrote:
    A question, when Indy and Mutt, discover the skull, they fight with two dudes that jumped like apes? who were they? the undead? what were they?? anyone?
    They were locals....
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