Super foods, healthy foods

Anyone into trying new foods? reading that somethings healthy and trying it out?
Like pomegranate juice, I've been drinking for about 7 years now, I love it. good stuff. After that I got into Brazilian Açaí, great energy source.
Now Manuka Honey, I've been reading about it for a few years, couldnt get my hands on it until I moved up here to Toronto, this guy in the city imports it from New Zealand. Oh and it works great on cuts and seriously good.
Of course it's used in some parts of the world as a dressing for wounds. Some major hospitals are starting to use it here in North America (so I've read)
and of course, Black Seed Oil. That's the one that i'm most impressed by.
also something interesting is bee venom.
Like pomegranate juice, I've been drinking for about 7 years now, I love it. good stuff. After that I got into Brazilian Açaí, great energy source.
Now Manuka Honey, I've been reading about it for a few years, couldnt get my hands on it until I moved up here to Toronto, this guy in the city imports it from New Zealand. Oh and it works great on cuts and seriously good.
Of course it's used in some parts of the world as a dressing for wounds. Some major hospitals are starting to use it here in North America (so I've read)
and of course, Black Seed Oil. That's the one that i'm most impressed by.
also something interesting is bee venom.
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Which store in Toronto do you shop at?
I could always use another location to check out.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I get the black seed oil online, manuka honey at the St. Lawrence Market in downtown. Acai and pom juice Dominions sells. Oh and the bee venom, I just let bee's sting me.
Yeah for sure, it's very good for you. Has fibre, rich in nutrients (Vitamin A Vitamin C, calicium), good for the heart.
I just can't eat it that often. Not sure what to make with it.
love pomegranate juice...SO expensive though. i've been drinking this pomegranate lemonade that minute maid makes. its not as good and pure as the regular pomm...but its cheaper and pretty delicious if i might say so.
what is this brazilian acai you speak of?
black Asian vinegar
as for other health foods, i'd just check out whole foods. they've got a great selection of organic/healthy products. i love their food! (but its on the expensive side...)
Black Asian vinegar? I'll check that out. I love green tea! I drink at least 1 cup per day, of course I add honey to it.
"Its a secret to everybody."
my wife does a shot of it after a meal-latest japanese health fad
good for your blood and supposedly cleansing
"The acetic acid in this vinegar reduces hypertension, LDL cholesterol and improves blood circulation."
all I know is it tastes good
If you find this stuff, stock up!!!! It's amazing!
Or meat. Or Pizza. Anything really. I love it.
naděje umírá poslední
interesting...i may make a whole foods run tomorrow. thanks
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My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
wheat grass! Of course, I forgot about that one. I juiced my own back in the late 90's. I kinda miss that. Grew my own, juiced it fresh.
I eat a lot of broccoli.
I also like Apple Cider Vinegar..the stuff from Bragg's.
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broccoli in a stir-fry is fave way to eat broccoli. mix it up with chicken, beef or shrimp, red peppers, mushrooms, onions, whatever veggies you like....a good oil...some spices of choice......brown rice and YUM!
as to wonder foods......i am ALL about berries! i eat them every day, and a variety. LOVE em! also, nuts....almonds, sunflower seeds....delicious and soooo good for you. also, red wine and don't forget small servings of dark chocolate.
i've tried the pom juice and it';s just WAY too pricey and not my flavor to be worth it imho. i'll try just about anything, but i have to like it and not find it prohibitively expensive to take on as a regular part of my diet.
i also supplement with a multi-vitamin and fish oil or flaxseed oil daily.
oh and hummus!
dear gawd how i love hummus. sooo tasty and so good for you. i especially like the red pepper hummus on kavli crispbread.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Stir fry! of course, mix it all up. I've not done stir fry in for like, a long time, thanks for the reminder that it exists!, I'll try it. You know pom juice also comes with a bluberry or cherry + pom. taste really good but as you said, a bit expensive.
btw an interesting article
also hummus! Yes I love humnmus, I make my own of course. I think it comes out fairly well. Well good enough for me anyway
Study: Some Cooking Methods Maintain or Boost Certain Nutrients in Vegetables
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDDec. 21, 2007 -- Cooking vegetables may not reduce all of the nutrients in those veggies, according to a new Italian study.
The University of Parma's Nicoletta Pellegrini, PhD, and colleagues bought freshly harvested carrots, zucchini, and broccoli at a local market.
In their lab, the scientists measured levels of various antioxidants in the raw vegetables. Then they boiled, steamed, or fried the vegetables. Lastly, they measured antioxidant levels in the cooked vegetables.
Raw vegetables were loaded with antioxidants. After cooking, their antioxidant levels were a mixed bag.
In some cases, the veggies lost antioxidants to cooking. But not all antioxidants decreased when cooked -- and in some cases, certain antioxidant levels rose when cooked.
For instance, steamed broccoli contained higher levels than raw broccoli of glucosinolate compounds, which may reduce cancer risk. And boiled carrots contained higher levels than raw carrots of carotenoids, which give carrots their bright orange color.
OTTAWA (AFP) - Honey, used in tea or hot water in Canada for generations to soothe sore throats, could soon be substituted for antibiotics in fighting stubborn ear, nose and throat infections, according to a new study.
Ottawa University doctors found in tests that ordinary honey kills bacteria that cause sinus infections, and does it better in most cases than antibiotics.
It's astonishing," researcher Joseph Marson said of bees' unexplained ability to combine the nectar of flowers into a seemingly potent medicine.
The preliminary tests were conducted in laboratory dishes, not in live patients, but included the "superbug" methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA, which is highly resistant to antibiotics.
In upcoming human trials, a "honey rinse" would be used to "flush out the goo from sinus cavities," said Marson in an interview with AFP.
The researchers have so far tested manuka honey from New Zealand, and sidr honey from Yemen.
The two killed all floating bacteria in liquid, and 63-91 percent of biofilms -- microorganisms that sometimes form a protective layer in sinus cavities, urinary tracts, catheters, and heart valves, protecting bacteria from normal drug treatments and often leading to chronic infections.
The most effective antibiotic, rifampin, killed just 18 percent of the biofilm samples in the tests.
"As of today, nobody is sure what in the honey kills the bacteria," Marson said, noting that "not all honeys have the same potency" and calling for more research to determine the mechanism behind the healing.
( I never spell broccoli right on the first try :mad: )
Oven to 375 degrees American. Euros can calculate for themselves. rotflmao
Put the broccoli in a roasting pan with some olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss it around with your hands.
Bake for about 25 minutes.
Oh lord, take me away.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Yum! My friends and I have ordered "Broccoli Blasted" at a wine bar here in Seattle but I've never tried this at home...oh, but I will.
I do the same and sometimes add crushed garlic and lemon or slivered almonds YUM!
elaborate, please
And I don't feel right when you're gone away