Anybody have that one friend that is kinda stuck in the high school/college days?



  • TrailerTrailer Posts: 1,431
    I'm 27, have a good job, but still like to go out with my friends! I'm single, but have a couple of friends that are married... they are not the stay at home types though. None of them have children and they are not old, so they come out with us. Whether it be a Friday night, or a Saturday afternoon watching college football.. they still come out and have a good time. We do other things besides going to the bars too! We're just not the stay at home type people.

    City life, however, is completely different from surbuban.. let alone Kentucky surburban life. So I'm sure the scene is quite lame where you are and I guess the only reason to go out is to hook up. If I was in your situation, my opinion might be different. Where I'm at now in life, I'd definitely rather be out doing something than sitting at home watching television.
    Whoa, chill bro... you know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.
  • Trailer wrote:
    So I'm sure the scene is quite lame where you are and I guess the only reason to go out is to hook up.

    "The Scene" is the same no matter what part of the country you are in...I've been...and seen.....not just in KY, but in Chicago, Nashville, Cincy, Orlando, Atlanta, St. Louis, KC, Omaha, Indy, Cleveland....."the Scene" is the same ole shit everywhere and I'm just not into it anymore.
    "It's all happening"
  • "The Scene" is the same no matter what part of the country you are in...I've been...and seen.....not just in KY, but in Chicago, Nashville, Cincy, Orlando, Atlanta, St. Louis, KC, Omaha, Indy, Cleveland....."the Scene" is the same ole shit everywhere and I'm just not into it anymore.

    The scene is quite different depending on where you go. There are hipster clubs, sports bars, indie bars, live music bars, clubs, etc.

    You just seems not into that, and that's fine, but the scene isn't the same everywhere. You aren't a "THE SCENE" expert.
  • but the scene isn't the same everywhere.

    Please explain more...since you are "the scene expert"
    "It's all happening"
  • Please explain more...since you are "the scene expert"

    I'm not saying I am either. But to say that "the scene" is the same everywhere...whatever the hell the scene is...I guess bar scene? wrong. It depends on where you go.
  • I'm not saying I am either. But to say that "the scene" is the same everywhere...whatever the hell the scene is...I guess bar scene? wrong. It depends on where you go.

    I want to know how though....I feel that you have the wrong vision of the KY scene. What does KY have/not have that you can find somewhere else?
    "It's all happening"
  • I want to know how though....I feel that you have the wrong vision of the KY scene.

    I have no clue what the hell the KY bar scene is like. I've never even been to that state.

    I live in New Orleans, LA at the current moment. There are so many different bars in that city, it's ridiculous. I can go to a nice bars around the corner with all the fucking LSU fans and college kids with popped collars hang out. I can go to the trendy bar that plays techno or I can go to my favorite bars downtown that has live music every night and all the freaks go there. Then there is another bar that has "indie" nights that caters to those college indie kids. Or you can go to Tipitina's and hear funk/new orleans music every night.

    It's just a matter of where you go.
  • I have no clue what the hell the KY bar scene is like. I've never even been to that state.

    I live in New Orleans, LA at the current moment. There are so many different bars in that city, it's ridiculous. I can go to a nice bars around the corner with all the fucking LSU fans and college kids with popped collars hang out. I can go to the trendy bar that plays techno or I can go to my favorite bars downtown that has live music every night and all the freaks go there. Then there is another bar that has "indie" nights that caters to those college indie kids. Or you can go to Tipitina's and hear funk/new orleans music every night.

    It's just a matter of where you go.

    You've proved my point....Take out LSU and insert U of L and you just described the ville. Its the same everywhere.
    "It's all happening"
  • You've proved my point....Take out LSU and insert U of L and you just described the ville. Its the same everywhere.

    But you said it's all the same. It's not. All those bars are very different. Therefore, it's not all the same.

    If you don't want to go out, I'm not going to argue with you about that. Do what you want. But to say that it's all the same, it really isn't. You've never been to NOLA, I've never been to KYJelly...yadda yadda yadda. the end.
  • But you said it's all the same. It's not. All those bars are very different. Therefore, it's not all the same.

    If you don't want to go out, I'm not going to argue with you about that. Do what you want. But to say that it's all the same, it really isn't. You've never been to NOLA, I've never been to KYJelly...yadda yadda yadda. the end.

    i've been to New Orleans in 2003....SEC B-ball tourney at the superdome. Orleans ain't that big of a city....Louisville, and Lexington KY are both you can't tell me it's that different. I mean NYC and Los Angeles may be way different...haven't been to a city that big yet.
    "It's all happening"
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    eah, I have an old friend like that. He is a bit older than me, really looked after me when I was a parentless teen, and mentored me through some pretty mixed up times. I got a degree and a career, but 20 years later, he is still wasting his life away. He just can't seem to see that he needs to grow up a bit. We grew apart years ago, but I still like him, but I don't let him waste my resources l;ike he wastes his own.
    HIs wife left him early this year because of it. They are back together now, but not for long I htink. They came through here last week, and he is back to his old habits, and she is getting cheesed off I can tell.
    If your friend was serious about getting a degree and a career, he would be partying less and studying harder.
    I think he needs to respect your progress through life a bit more, or he will lose your friendship.
    BTW, I don't look down on "the young kids of today", but this guy is not a kid anymore, just acting like one.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • lisamlisam Posts: 75
    I guess i can see both sides of the story

    I can understand you love your family and want to spend time with them, nothing wrong with that at all. But you are young and should get out, otherwise in 20-30 you'll be sitting alone with no friends thinking about what you wished you had done before you got to old.

    As for the friend, you have all the rights to be pissed at him fo turning up with so many friend and using your place for pre-drink.. Thats extremly rude and arrogant of him. But a for his situation, cut him a little slack because even though he may enjoy his life style he will be full aware that he is falling behind in the 'maturing' department.. God knows cause im in the same predicament
    Shot me with your funk gun
  • I am in a relationship and still socialise with his friends and my friends. Its just that going out isnt what i live for. we are trying to build our future together and are often tired or broke to go out, esp midweek. But we still go see people, you can go out without spending a shitload of money.

    what pisses me off is when people dont get it and start ragging on us for coming out for a few drinks, but heading home instead of going clubbing til the early hours.

    these days, going out is all about quality over quantity

    and i have people in my life that refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions, choosing to sponge off parents (who are stupid to let them, imo)

    or trying to resurrect their old high school band/girlfriends, when everyone else has moved on. my coz is about to become a father and when i ran into his old bandmates they were giving him shit for 'not putting the time in' and leaving the band. i think he got his priorities straight. but he cant hang out with them because they dont get it and constantly hound him about his situation.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    It would make perfectly good sense that you don't like going out anymore since it appears the only reason you used to like going out was to hook up. I think its understandable that you don't like to go out drinking anymore and its understandable why you might think its all the same, BUT I think the point allot of us here are trying to make is that going out to have fun has nothing to do with age or being "stuck" is another time of our lives.. case closed.

    Does your friend sound a little irresponsible? Yes.. It it unusal for someone his age to be out partying? HELL NO!.. I'm assuming he's only 27 as well. Thats prime partying age. You're in your freaking 20s!!!
  • i have a few friends who are stuck in their teen years....and these fucking people are in their 40's....

    and its funny...i have mentioned it here before....

    these people are also the same people who never put the fucking BONG down....they wake up in the morning and start their day getting high....and spend the rest of their day in a "clouded" state......

    they cant hold down jobs....they have never had "serious" relationships....they live check to check....they have no major accomplishments in their lives.....

    i just find it a silly pathetic lifestyle.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • I'm not saying I am either. But to say that "the scene" is the same everywhere...whatever the hell the scene is...I guess bar scene? wrong. It depends on where you go.

    this is true. There are plenty of bars in Boston I haven't been to since I was 21 nor would I go back. But there are plenty of pubs where "adults" feel perfectly comfortable. You don't have to wear a halter top and the music is ok and no one going around hitting on everyone. You're just relaxing with your friends. There are several places I like to hang out right in my neighborhood. It was the same down in the triangle in NC-there were undergrad bars and grad bars, even around the 3 universities. Everyone knows what places are the 21-year-old bars, and just stop going to them at some point, but that doesn't mean you stop going out altogether.

    Indian Summer, I think the problem is that you haven't been out much since you WERE younger, so you don't know where to hang out as an adult. It's not the same everywhere, there's no "scene." From your original post, you talk about going to "clubs" and I think that is the problem. "Clubs" in my mind generally refers to the cheesy, dance music, 21-year-old, halter top places. Have you gone to pubs, restaurants, live music clubs, (some) sports bars, etc?
  • what pisses me off is when people dont get it and start ragging on us for coming out for a few drinks, but heading home instead of going clubbing til the early hours.

    Oh, we get that a lot we'll meet everyone for dinner, and pass on the after dinner bar/venue whatever....getting heckled like that doesn't help the matter.

    Indian Summer, I think the problem is that you haven't been out much since you WERE younger, so you don't know where to hang out as an adult. It's not the same everywhere, there's no "scene." From your original post, you talk about going to "clubs" and I think that is the problem. "Clubs" in my mind generally refers to the cheesy, dance music, 21-year-old, halter top places. Have you gone to pubs, restaurants, live music clubs, (some) sports bars, etc?

    Definitely, we have several places we like...."Stevie Ray's Blues Bar" is my personal fave for live music...and at 27 years old, I'm usually the youngest there....none of my other friends like it that much...they want dance music type stuff. Another place we go to is a Irish Pub in a poppin' district of downtown that also has live music. As for big "clubs" we like to go to "Angel's Rock Bar" (I think its a chain place)...and its typically a younger crowd. So it's not like we don't have or don't know where to go and we still go out a few times a month, just not 2-3 times a week....and never during the week anymore.
    "It's all happening"
  • we do still go out. I'm more about staying home and drinking out of my own (cheaper) bottle...than paying 9 bucks for a beer.
    It's neither about growing up or being mature... but there IS a respect issue. You both need to respect that you both have different priorities and different lifestyles. I too am 27 and I'm probably somewhere between you and your friend, ie no intention of settling down, but I would never bring a party around to my married friends house cos that's just pretty rude. He can do what he likes and there is nothing wrong with EITHER way of living (you have to see this too). There's many people who never really 'grow up' and that is excellent if that's what makes you happy. Settling down makes many people happy but just isn't for other people. So yeh, you need to stop thinking there's something wrong with his lifestyle and he needs to start respecting yours. And don't chicken out and say 'the wife was pissed off'. Just be a man, sit him down and tell him that it's not cool for him to treat your house like that. Tell him he's still a good friend and blah blah blah but you've got a house and family.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • that's a totally suburban mentality- the eradication of the third space. exactly what's wrong with america. people isolate themselves in their little McMasions that you can only get to by car, only socialize with people they already know well, never experience community. The make their own "parks" in the back yard, drink in the house, watch big screen TVs instead of going to movies and shows.
    YOU need to stop judging people too... why can't people realise that we ALL want something different out of life... who's to say which way is right or wrong just cos it's not the way WE'D go? And there's nothing wrong with that kinda life either... I love being at my sisters house in the summer cos it's pretty much like that. What's the difference in watching a big screen and going to the cinema anyway? Either way you're sitting in front of a big screen. It's just not for some people.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • well it causes a lot of problems that people don't even realize. It's inefficient, it's bad for the environment, and it contributes to antisocial behavior and obesity. See for example 'Suburban Nation' by Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck. I took an entire class that was basically on the importance of developing away from the isolated, autocentric, suburban sprawl model.
    perhaps you need to take a different type of class... or stop taking classes and actually OBSERVE people! I'm not sure settling down is the right choice for me, it may be some day, but I know plenty of 'settled' people for whom it was the perfect choice... they're as happy as I am but they wouldn't be if they were living my life.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • this is true. There are plenty of bars in Boston I haven't been to since I was 21 nor would I go back. But there are plenty of pubs where "adults" feel perfectly comfortable. You don't have to wear a halter top and the music is ok and no one going around hitting on everyone. You're just relaxing with your friends. There are several places I like to hang out right in my neighborhood. It was the same down in the triangle in NC-there were undergrad bars and grad bars, even around the 3 universities. Everyone knows what places are the 21-year-old bars, and just stop going to them at some point, but that doesn't mean you stop going out altogether.

    Indian Summer, I think the problem is that you haven't been out much since you WERE younger, so you don't know where to hang out as an adult. It's not the same everywhere, there's no "scene." From your original post, you talk about going to "clubs" and I think that is the problem. "Clubs" in my mind generally refers to the cheesy, dance music, 21-year-old, halter top places. Have you gone to pubs, restaurants, live music clubs, (some) sports bars, etc?

    I agree with this post. Like I said I'm 27 and I go out a good bit but I definitely don't go out with the intention of hooking up. I just go out to have good company in a good atmosphere with quite a few drinks... I like meeting other people too but only to have a laugh with.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    Wow. If I'm that settled when I hit 27 I know something has gone wrong. I'm 21 now and in my final year of college. Since I was 16/17 I've been doing what kids do - drinking, partying etc. But I'm not done yet. I'm gonna go do a masters for a year, work for a little while, see the world. Thre's a lot of stuff I want to see and do before it's too late. I just completed a 6 month internship, working 9 - 5 every day. And I know that if I get stuck doing that straight after college, I'm gonna have to kill myself.
    As for only going out to bars to hook up - WTF? I go out to bars to have fun with my friends, Sometimes you meet new people and it's great, sometimes you hook up and that's fucking awesome, but if you go out with ulterior motive you're gonna be disappointed more often than not.
    Maybe I'll have a dfferent outlook a couple of years from now, but right at this moment I couldn't imagine settling into any sort of life that early.

    On the note of your friend invading your house - that's just him being a shithead. No matter how long I manage to keep up my childish ways, I'm not going to impose it on anyone else.
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
  • Mamasan23Mamasan23 Posts: 16,388
    I still party like I'm in college. Don't judge me!
    WI '98,  WI '99 (EV),  WI '00,  Chgo '00,  MO '00,  Champaign '03,  Chgo '03,  WI '03,  IN '03,  MI '04,  Chgo '06:N1 & 2,  WI '06,  Chgo '07,  Chgo '08 (EV:N1),  Chgo '09:N1 & 2,  Chgo '11 (EV:N1),  WI '11:N1 & 2,  Philly '12,  Wrigley '13,  Pitt '13,  Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2
  • BinauralJamBinauralJam Posts: 14,158
    Fuckin It, i'm Partyin, if you guys want to sit around and quietly wait to die, that's your business, enjoy QVC!!!

  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    I miss GTD. She was funny. She needs to comeback
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

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