
anybody else have a hangover today?
i feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. i feel like i am going to throw up every 5 minutes. my fantasy football team is getting killed...
i'm just a mess today. luckily i have the day off from work tomorrow. nothing like an extra day for me to lick my wounds.
i feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. i feel like i am going to throw up every 5 minutes. my fantasy football team is getting killed...
i'm just a mess today. luckily i have the day off from work tomorrow. nothing like an extra day for me to lick my wounds.
Post edited by Unknown User on
...that's what I get for having so much fun
I drank martinis all weekend. I think I'm going to have another one tonight for the game.
No day off for me tomorrow. :(
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
From my response in another thread...
A hangover isn't the result of a lack of alcohol in the system. The shitty feeling is a result of the metabolic breakdown of ethanol into an aldehyde. That aldehyde is what causes the shitty feeling.
Everyone has "what has worked for them", but there are myths, urban legend and then there is science.
As mentioned before, there is no "cure". You can greatly reduce the effects of a hangover buy drinking plenty of water the night before and taking a B-complex tablet. Vitamin B chemically binds to the aldehyde that is created by ethanols metabolism.
When you hear of people going blind because they drink methanol (wood alcohol) it's because the body metabolizes that into the most simple aldehyde (formaldehyde...which also is a carcinogenic agent). When ethanol is "broken down" it retains an additional CH2, whereby making it a more complex aldehyde, and one the body can naturally metabolize (it just takes some time. Vitamin B speeds this up!). It is this aldehyde that makes you feel shitty. In fact, a common treatment for the consumption of methanol is ethanol. It's true. What happens is that the influx of EtOH (ethanol) causes the addition of an extra CH2 to the toxic methanol. You won't go blind, but you will really feel like shit the next day.
Vitamin B-Complex is your friend.