The one thing that might have happened is the dog was jealous of the baby
I've seen that before where the Baby is getting all the attention
It could have been a dominant thing where the dog's instincts kicked in, some dogs actually kill new puppies to show dominance
We don't know enough facts about the dog, the family, the whole situation
I disagree that all big breeds should not be around children I have an 80lb Golden Retriever who is a big baby with kids, I've grown up with dogs all my life
The only dog that has bitten me is my Mom's little Yorkie
My drinking team has a hockey problem
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
i blame the owners or parents it's called supervision or better yet how you brought that dog up ,it's not the dogs fault it's the humans" i'd rather be with an animal " ....
exactly's absolutely ignorant to put sole blame on the matter how docile you think your dog is does not mean you should be vigilant when it's around people.....especially infants.....
Very true, I'm just pointing out that Dobermans are a particularly bad tempered and notoriously vicious, and should never be kept.
MintGreenGoblin: I've never come across a docile Doberman. I've been attacked by one before and I absolutely hate the things.
You have NO IDEA what you are talking about....I own a Doberman and am also a moderator on a Doberman Forum. They are NOT Vicious, they are protective and that is a huge difference. They are also considered one of the top 5 smartest dog breeds, and are very easily trained. My dog will bark at you and then lick you to death. He loves everyone. He is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever owned. The owners were most likely getting warning signs from this dog and didn't see them. As with all breeds of dogs there are bad apples and dogs with problems. The only dog I've ever been bitten by was a small scottie dog and I've owned and worked with dogs my entire life.
No dog should ever be left near young children unsupervised. When I was a kid our friends beautiful Yellow lab mauled their 18 month old daughter,even after plastic surgery, she has a face full of scars. Any dog is capable of biting and inflicting major damage on a child or an adult.
I do agree that the animal must be put down. My heart breaks for the family.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
dogs, and children, are not hobbies. you don't just bring them out when you want to show off and then put them away when you're done playing. you don't just shove them to the side when you get tired of them. you don't just pretend they're not there when you're too stupid to deal with the responsibility of having them in the first place.
it will be a great day when people who choose to have children and dogs understand this....
as for you.....I luv YOU! You totally get it! Very few people do!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
The one thing that might have happened is the dog was jealous of the baby
I've seen that before where the Baby is getting all the attention
It could have been a dominant thing where the dog's instincts kicked in, some dogs actually kill new puppies to show dominance
We don't know enough facts about the dog, the family, the whole situation
I disagree that all big breeds should not be around children I have an 80lb Golden Retriever who is a big baby with kids, I've grown up with dogs all my life
The only dog that has bitten me is my Mom's little Yorkie
very good points i bet it had a lot to do with jealousy very sad though ...
Dogs suck. I never understood all of the uproar surrounding the Vick case. It was probably just the desire to see a successful black man ruined. Oh noes, he killed some dogs! :rolleyes:
Dogs suck. I never understood all of the uproar surrounding the Vick case. It was probably just the desire to see a successful black man ruined. Oh noes, he killed some dogs! :rolleyes:
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Dogs suck. I never understood all of the uproar surrounding the Vick case. It was probably just the desire to see a successful black man ruined. Oh noes, he killed some dogs! :rolleyes:
whoa a real caveman here or cluless wich one are you ?? i'm serius ....
i blame the owners or parents it's called supervision or better yet how you brought that dog up ,it's not the dogs fault it's the humans" i'd rather be with an animal " ....
I concur. Couldn't have said it better
I just don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
I'm probably going to get flamed here (and a terribly sad story BTW) but I'm one of those people who truly believes that any animal can be nasty from a pitbull to a pug if you raise it poorly without proper training and most importantly LOVE!
I grew up with German Shepards. Who tend to get a bad rap. But we treated them as part of the family, had them trained to listen to us and not once did any of them ever even growl at someone (actually, once but I had a guy follow me into my driveway and harass me so I called Blitzy for help. Little did the man know that he had hip dysplasia so he could only run a few feet but it did the trick!)
And it's also important to know where the dog comes from. What it's bloodline is, what the parents were like. If you take the responsiblity of getting a pet, you MUST take all the steps to ensure it has a good background. And then do the proper training!
This is so sad, it just breaks my heart.
I'm still wondering why they put that poor tiger down at the S.F. zoo!!
Those little fuckers were taunting her!! :(
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
Put down the parents IMO. You have to put down the dog because now it has a taste for human blood. But it's all the fault of the idiot parents who killed their kid and now have to kill their dog.
You have NO IDEA what you are talking about....I own a Doberman and am also a moderator on a Doberman Forum. They are NOT Vicious, they are protective and that is a huge difference. They are also considered one of the top 5 smartest dog breeds, and are very easily trained. My dog will bark at you and then lick you to death. He loves everyone. He is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever owned. The owners were most likely getting warning signs from this dog and didn't see them. As with all breeds of dogs there are bad apples and dogs with problems. The only dog I've ever been bitten by was a small scottie dog and I've owned and worked with dogs my entire life.
No dog should ever be left near young children unsupervised. When I was a kid our friends beautiful Yellow lab mauled their 18 month old daughter,even after plastic surgery, she has a face full of scars. Any dog is capable of biting and inflicting major damage on a child or an adult.
I do agree that the animal must be put down. My heart breaks for the family.
I agree Dobermans are very smart. I could yell commands at mine from 50 feet away like "sit" and "stay" and they would obey instantly.
They were both big sucks.
It's all in the training and attention you give them.
The lady up the street when I was growing up professionally trained Rottweilers to jump gates and run courses in her backyard. Man, you want to see some alert, faithful, and truly obedient dogs. She had them.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Yep, agility training is awesome for dogs who need a job like dobies and rotties. There are a few of each in my agility group and they are all the biggiest babies you could possibly imagine.
I agree Dobermans are very smart. I could yell commands at mine from 50 feet away like "sit" and "stay" and they would obey instantly.
They were both big sucks.
It's all in the training and attention you give them.
The lady up the street when I was growing up professionally trained Rottweilers to jump gates and run courses in her backyard. Man, you want to see some alert, faithful, and truly obedient dogs. She had them.
Yep, agility training is awesome for dogs who need a job like dobies and rotties. There are a few of each in my agility group and they are all the biggiest babies you could possibly imagine.
Here is my BIG baby! Looks vicious doesn't he?
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
A few things here. First off I'm a dog lover (though I currently don't have one) and a parent of a 21 month old, with # 2 en route. There are a few types of dogs I would never own. Pit Bulls are # 1, and Dobermann's
(The Dober Man as Norm McDonald would say) are # 2. the reason is that no matter how well they are trained, brought up, and taken care of, it's common for both, especially the pit bull to just snap, and attack one day, completely out of nowhere. that's not to say all pit bulls will one day lose it, but it's not worth taking the chance. When I do get a dog, It will be a German Shepherd. Those dogs treat kids as if they gave birth to them themselves. And will rip teh hand off anyone who fucks with your kid.
Second, I'm at my in laws last last night. They have a little shit dog, an ankle biter. he's on the couch. My son walks up to him to pet him, and they're eye to eye. The dog growls. Noone but me semed to mind. I grab my kid and whisk him away from the mutt. 10 minutes later, my son runs by the dog, paying him no mind. The dog leaps off the couch, and headbutts my son in the hip. Since my toddler weighs more than the shit dog, he barely notices. Then the dog tries to bite him. Again, my in-laws don't care. I don't care how small this ankle biter is, what the fuck is wrong with people! This dog is trying to bite your grandkid! Get the fuck up and grab your mutt before I kick him for a 56 yard field goal. Rant Over
Every time you hear about a dog doing something like this, it never fails for somebody to say something like "the dog never acted out like that before".....too fucking late now!
When I do get a dog, It will be a German Shepherd. Those dogs treat kids as if they gave birth to them themselves. And will rip teh hand off anyone who fucks with your kid.
yeah, nothing will EVER happen if you have a German Shepherd:
My Yellow Lab is great with kids...I'd keep him around children and not even be worried about it.
Dobermans are not vicious, no breeds are "vicious". It all depends on how they've been cared for.
Labs are outstanding with kids. My nephew used to climb all over his then 12 year old black lab. The dog never so much as batted an eye. The worst thing she ever did was get up and walk away. She's still hobbling around now some 4 years later
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
yeah, nothing will EVER happen if you have a German Shepherd:
Bottom line is, it's still an animal...and could snap at any second (not that people are that much different)
No way dude, dogs are way more level headed and good natured than people.
by a long, long shot...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
A few things here. First off I'm a dog lover (though I currently don't have one) and a parent of a 21 month old, with # 2 en route. There are a few types of dogs I would never own. Pit Bulls are # 1, and Dobermann's
(The Dober Man as Norm McDonald would say) are # 2. the reason is that no matter how well they are trained, brought up, and taken care of, it's common for both, especially the pit bull to just snap, and attack one day, completely out of nowhere. that's not to say all pit bulls will one day lose it, but it's not worth taking the chance. When I do get a dog, It will be a German Shepherd. Those dogs treat kids as if they gave birth to them themselves. And will rip teh hand off anyone who fucks with your kid.
Second, I'm at my in laws last last night. They have a little shit dog, an ankle biter. he's on the couch. My son walks up to him to pet him, and they're eye to eye. The dog growls. Noone but me semed to mind. I grab my kid and whisk him away from the mutt. 10 minutes later, my son runs by the dog, paying him no mind. The dog leaps off the couch, and headbutts my son in the hip. Since my toddler weighs more than the shit dog, he barely notices. Then the dog tries to bite him. Again, my in-laws don't care. I don't care how small this ankle biter is, what the fuck is wrong with people! This dog is trying to bite your grandkid! Get the fuck up and grab your mutt before I kick him for a 56 yard field goal. Rant Over
Proof positive that some people have no idea how to communicate with, or constructively train an animal. These types of people are usually poorly educated, and just unintelligent, and unobservant to reality in general. Aloof to their surroundings would be a good term. To them a dog is a possession, not a living, breathing mind.
10 minutes of watching the dog whisperer drives this reality home like nothing else.
That scary part is these people actually have children, yet are unable to properly care for a simple dog.
How insane is that!?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I've seen that before where the Baby is getting all the attention
It could have been a dominant thing where the dog's instincts kicked in, some dogs actually kill new puppies to show dominance
We don't know enough facts about the dog, the family, the whole situation
I disagree that all big breeds should not be around children I have an 80lb Golden Retriever who is a big baby with kids, I've grown up with dogs all my life
The only dog that has bitten me is my Mom's little Yorkie
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
i choose NEITHER LOL
exactly's absolutely ignorant to put sole blame on the matter how docile you think your dog is does not mean you should be vigilant when it's around people.....especially infants.....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
You have NO IDEA what you are talking about....I own a Doberman and am also a moderator on a Doberman Forum. They are NOT Vicious, they are protective and that is a huge difference. They are also considered one of the top 5 smartest dog breeds, and are very easily trained. My dog will bark at you and then lick you to death. He loves everyone. He is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever owned. The owners were most likely getting warning signs from this dog and didn't see them. As with all breeds of dogs there are bad apples and dogs with problems. The only dog I've ever been bitten by was a small scottie dog and I've owned and worked with dogs my entire life.
No dog should ever be left near young children unsupervised. When I was a kid our friends beautiful Yellow lab mauled their 18 month old daughter,even after plastic surgery, she has a face full of scars. Any dog is capable of biting and inflicting major damage on a child or an adult.
I do agree that the animal must be put down. My heart breaks for the family.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
as for you.....I luv YOU!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
very good points i bet it had a lot to do with jealousy very sad though ...
Vancouver Canucks 3 New York Rangers 0
Another reason to not be a Rangers fan...
PS. The grandmother screaming would just rile up the dog more
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
whoa a real caveman here or cluless wich one are you ?? i'm serius ....
I concur. Couldn't have said it better
I'm still wondering why they put that poor tiger down at the S.F. zoo!!
Those little fuckers were taunting her!! :(
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I couldn't have said it better either!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I agree Dobermans are very smart. I could yell commands at mine from 50 feet away like "sit" and "stay" and they would obey instantly.
They were both big sucks.
It's all in the training and attention you give them.
The lady up the street when I was growing up professionally trained Rottweilers to jump gates and run courses in her backyard. Man, you want to see some alert, faithful, and truly obedient dogs. She had them.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Here is my BIG baby! Looks vicious doesn't he?
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Yea lol he looks like a real killer. Beautiful boy you have there.
(The Dober Man as Norm McDonald would say) are # 2. the reason is that no matter how well they are trained, brought up, and taken care of, it's common for both, especially the pit bull to just snap, and attack one day, completely out of nowhere. that's not to say all pit bulls will one day lose it, but it's not worth taking the chance. When I do get a dog, It will be a German Shepherd. Those dogs treat kids as if they gave birth to them themselves. And will rip teh hand off anyone who fucks with your kid.
Second, I'm at my in laws last last night. They have a little shit dog, an ankle biter. he's on the couch. My son walks up to him to pet him, and they're eye to eye. The dog growls. Noone but me semed to mind. I grab my kid and whisk him away from the mutt. 10 minutes later, my son runs by the dog, paying him no mind. The dog leaps off the couch, and headbutts my son in the hip. Since my toddler weighs more than the shit dog, he barely notices. Then the dog tries to bite him. Again, my in-laws don't care. I don't care how small this ankle biter is, what the fuck is wrong with people! This dog is trying to bite your grandkid! Get the fuck up and grab your mutt before I kick him for a 56 yard field goal. Rant Over
another reason not to have a kid.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
yeah, nothing will EVER happen if you have a German Shepherd:
Bottom line is, it's still an animal...and could snap at any second (not that people are that much different)
Dobermans are not vicious, no breeds are "vicious". It all depends on how they've been cared for.
Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
This is very true. Its not like the lady who drowned her kids in Texas ever did that before.
Labs are outstanding with kids. My nephew used to climb all over his then 12 year old black lab. The dog never so much as batted an eye. The worst thing she ever did was get up and walk away. She's still hobbling around now some 4 years later
lol @ the chicken in the mouth pic...
nice pup you got there.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
No way dude, dogs are way more level headed and good natured than people.
by a long, long shot...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Proof positive that some people have no idea how to communicate with, or constructively train an animal. These types of people are usually poorly educated, and just unintelligent, and unobservant to reality in general. Aloof to their surroundings would be a good term. To them a dog is a possession, not a living, breathing mind.
10 minutes of watching the dog whisperer drives this reality home like nothing else.
That scary part is these people actually have children, yet are unable to properly care for a simple dog.
How insane is that!?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)