Sec Rice pushing for Troop withdrawal deal in Iraq

I thought Rice did nothing? I wish people had more open minds around here.,2933,407663,00.html
edit: deal apparently reached on TIMELINE,2933,407804,00.html,2933,407663,00.html
edit: deal apparently reached on TIMELINE,2933,407804,00.html
Post edited by Unknown User on
Must be an election year with an unpopular war.
looks like the course has run its course. "stay the course" did not mean the war would last forever.
If it happens then that's great... It will just be funny to see all of the video clips of republicans in the past calling timelines and withdrawl "cut and run policy", "defeatists", "aiding terrorists", etc., etc., playing side by side with them praising this plan.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Oh yeah... That's true and I'm not complaining about it.
I just find the timing of all this withdrawl too convinient.
What do you think?
maybe, maybe not. I kinda dont care as long as movement starts to happen
sigh. even republicans understand that our combat troops would come home at some point. maybe its time for you leftys to admit progress has been made and conditions are well enough to begin bringing them home. such partisanship really bugs me
Progress made from shit? What kind of progress is that? You take a country and turn it into shit then you put a cherry on top of it and call it progress? Who's the partisan one here?
country was shit before we got there. by progress I mean....better security, infrastructure improvements, functioning government, internal peace progress..etc.
people like you, who are so filled with hatred, will never be happy. why do you bother?
Well, after the last 8 years you have to see why people would be suspicious of anything the Republicans do. Even if they have best intentions their credibility is lost on a lot of people, not just the left wingers.
hahahahah....thanks.... people had the basics of life and the ability to walk to the store w/o getting blown up....
progress, american style.
absolutely. but hell I'll take it
people has the basics of life? come on you cant be serious. your saying were just peachy under saddam? i'm not saying the US invasion was justified or the right thing to do but put aside your biases for a second. conditions have improved.
Don't forget we gave them democracy also. We gave democracy to a country whose underlying religious belief is women's sole purpose is to make babies and not have an opinion...we'll see how well that works after we're gone.
Dude...not peachy, but if you didnt speak out against the goverment, you could walk to the grocery store w/o worrying about getting blown up.. have no idea when you will get blown up, even if you dont speak up.
Dont speak for me or talk about my biases, b/c you know nothing about me. Just b/c i dont agree w/ you im biased? How can you possibly say life has improved.
It's this stupid arrogance that allowed this administration to take us their in the first place...You're like walking speaking point.
Iraq will be officially liberated!
And all it took was 1 million dead Iraqis and a couple million refugees!
democracy wins again!
My motives are not really partisan, I just enjoy watching politicians have their words thrown back at them. And I'm not talking about politicians who supported the war and made sensible arguments to support their side. I'm talking about the assholes who have have repeatedly called into questions the patriotism of people who wanted to end the war, and basically called them traitors.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
and you think thats acceptable?
actually thats not so much the case anymore.
well for one, you are allowed to speak out against the government without being tortured and killed. an entire section of the population (shiites) are much better off now. is everything perfect? fuck no. thats not what I'm saying. and by bais I'm saying you are sooooo against what is going on there, you refuse to acknowledge any positive things that happen in Iraq.
ok cool
i don't think it is convinent becuase McCain has been basing his campiagn on teh war.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
humanatarian conditions(food water electricity crime etc...) are worse now than under Saddam (fact check taht with Red Cross and Human Rights Watch)
Anyway back to the topic...
Politics as usual... all this (withdrawal) does is help the Republican side becasue it takes away the Democrats (potential) claim to withdrawal or end the occupation (which Im not sure Obama wants to do, I believe he thinks Irag is a dumb war and Afghan is a smart war??? anyway I digress) as a chip in the upcoming election (ahhh duh!!).
Again all either of the "two" parties care about is maintaing control and winning elections.. it amazes me why people dont see that.
I can understand how many would tolerate let alone support "either" party.
I look at the whole picture and are people better off, no. When you experience having to worry for your life every single day, then maybe you'd understand.
Again, you can call putting whip cream and a cherry on shit progress. Its all done.
would you mind posting something to back that up?
that happened under saddam too.
yes I mind.
search for yourself or better yet find a independent report to the contrary!
I know it's 6 months old but it's kind of a given the situation is worse after 4 years of war which made +1 million deaths and 2 million refugees than during a dictatorial but stable regime.
first one is from 2002
second one is on us media coverage which is improving, yay!
the third one, appart from being from the "official website of the usaf" is on a training course on waste management
the 4th and final one states : "For the first time in months, Arab Jabour is beginning to look and feel like it did before insurgents arrived." (aka before the war).