Russia at it again
MOSCOW - A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.
MOSCOW - A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think Russia is being a bit ridiculous with threatening Poland but how do you think we would react if Russia placed missile and radar installations in Mexico or Canada?
probably not good. but I find it unlikely we would threaten Canada with nuclear weapons.
No we probably wouldn't threaten Canada with nuclear weapons, but we would definitely threaten Russia or Canada with either sanctions or military strikes against the installations. The point is that we have been pushing Russia into a corner and they have finally had enough.
So the only reason for Russian militarism is the U.S.?
threatening other coutries with nukes is a problem.
I never said that.
Threatening a country period is a problem.
I agree. but nukes? thats a different ballgame.
No it's definitely uncalled for, but in all honesty it's a bluff and everyone knows it. Russia just developed a case of beer muscles because of Georgia and now they are shooting off their mouths. In a week or two this will all die down and a year from now no one will even remember what was said.
Probably true. It'd just be nice if the Russians would can the bluster. There's no call for it.
I'm not implied that we are the cause of Russia's recent actions, but the reality is that we have and are continuing to fuck with Russia. We would never put up with Russia if they tried to do what we are doing now. Hell the Cuban Missile Crisis is a perfect example. But just because we have been poking the big bear doesn't give them the right to go threatening other countries with nuclear strikes. Though as I said they are just bluffing.
Remember "The Day After" was a made-for-tv movie that dealt with us nuking/getting nuked by the Ruskies. Was kinda spooky to watch.
Exactly. This whole thing is very retro ... Except that bell bottoms are just humerous, whereas talking about nuclear strikes is just psychopathic.
What are they supposed to do. They know they can't really fuck with us directly. So just like any wanna-be tough guy they talk a lot of shit in public but behind closed doors they will sit quietly and take what is handed to them.
That movie was just on the other night. What a classic.
I dunno ... They could say something like "U.S. military plans in Poland are a potential threat to our security" and leave it at that. They could even use the classic "all options are on the table" approach. There is something to be said for subtlety. Even the North Koreans are better at diplomacy than these guys.
The Russian where never any good at subtlety.
Wow, who showed it?
I love watching Red Dawn. Such a surreal topic to explore!
We would be pissed. We would also be pissed if Russia was training Latin American militaries, as we train Eastern European militaries.
When we defeated the USSR, that was the time to let them have their space. When you rub the loser's nose in defeat, all you do is piss them off and foreshadow future aggression.
-Enoch Powell
I agree with you 100%.
I believe it was the SciFi Channel.
"If I can change... and you can change... "
...then everybody can change!"
Most brilliant movie line ever. The USSR chants "USA USA USA." Ahhhh those were the days.
-Enoch Powell
you really think that the USA woudl do anything to Canada? please. we are beloved around the world. if the USA did anything to Canada military to Canada the US would be fucked. Sorry i just had a "Damm i am a proud Canadian moment"
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I dont think anyone who notice