The US REJECTS Israeli arms request

well thats interesting. I thought we have already declared war with Iran.,2933,402708,00.html
JERUSALEM — The United States has rejected an Israeli arms request that would have improved Israel's capability to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, a frontpage report in Israel's Haaretz newspaper said on Wednesday.
The U.S. warned Israel against attacking, saying such a strike would undermine American interests, the paper said. The unsourced report also says the U.S. demanded that Israel give it a heads-up if it decides to strike Iran.,2933,402708,00.html
JERUSALEM — The United States has rejected an Israeli arms request that would have improved Israel's capability to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, a frontpage report in Israel's Haaretz newspaper said on Wednesday.
The U.S. warned Israel against attacking, saying such a strike would undermine American interests, the paper said. The unsourced report also says the U.S. demanded that Israel give it a heads-up if it decides to strike Iran.
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please keep posts on topic yada yada yada
They're already arming Israel. This is just a big political shit on public awareness.
yes we arm Israel. but Israel made a specific request that we denied and also warned AGAINST attacking Iran. why do you choose to ignore those details?
— Socrates
Maybe you didn't see the big wink
How dare they go to war with Iran before we can beat the war drum over here.
It appears to me that alot of people (on this board particularly) do not have an open mind. they only see things the way they want to see it.
It does not say what was requested... I am guessing it was Advanced Air-To-Ground Attack Missiles.
And isn't the last thing the world needs right now is the wildcard being played by Israel? We have our troops in a Shi-ia majority neighbor... what do we do? Support Israel and fight the Shi-ites in Iran with Shi-ites in Iraq watching our backs? Or sit it out as hoards of Iranian refugees cross the porous borders into Iraq? The last thing we need is a third party to stir things up in that fucking hornet's nest.
Hail, Hail!!!
That's it.
It's just a simple call the US had to make, it can't afford more chaos in that area. On top of that, America already has both of it's leg's cut off right now.
But this is not the first time America has rejected an arms request by Israel. Only to change it's mind shortly after.
It's almost like Israel has America by it's balls? Nah...
My vote is to just sit back pop some popcorn and watch them fuck each other over there.
1. Maybe the key phrase of this article is 'would have improved Israel's capability to attack Iran's nuclear faciities'.
Doesn't this suggest that Israel already has the capabilty, they just want better odds.
2. Why warn Israel against attacking - then ask for a heads-up?
That's like saying: I'm warning you, don't go over your Ex's place, you know it always trouble, but, hey, if you do go let me know ahead of time so I can be prepared to back you up.
Israel likely does already have the capacity. They took out Iraq's nuclear facilities in 1981. This would be a similar strike. So yes, you're right.
As for asking for a head's up ... You could be right on that too, or it could be to afford the US an opportunity to intervene diplomatically before a military strike is tried. Time will tell.
Of course they have the ability to hit iran. but does America have the ability to back Israel enough for an all out war with iran?
Sure, although "all out war" needs to be specified. Iran has little or no capacity to strike successfully at Israel directly, although they could certainly up their military support of Hezbollah and other groups, which would cause Israel all sorts of problems.
what is all out war? full invasion and regime change? similar to Iraq. that would never happen. this has always been about stopping their nuke program. which means bomb their nuke facilities.
I'm glad someone gets it
A few years ago a report hinted that Iran has cells or the ability to suicide bomb multiple targets in multiple countries.
Iran does not really need missles when it's people are willing to die for the battle upfront.
As far as pure military weapons go, very few countries could touch israel in that regard.
Which is gonna lead to trees that produce cup cakes? or war with iran on a major level?
I only hope that time is on our side because we are pushing the envelop and I honestly don't think that the people or the politicians of the world can take much more without someone doing something to begin the end. Forgetting all the possible reasons behind the 5 day war between Russia and Georgia, it just shows how stressed things have become.
True enough ... If not the Iranians directly, other terrorist groups could be tapped to launch attacks. That's a scary scenario, actually. A few suicide bombings, and Israel would probably turn Iran into the next Lebanon (cluster bomb central).
a 100% transparent one? sure. I'm sure you think thats their sole purpose right?
I think they would need a longer ranged standoff weapon, such as an AGM-130, to hit targets in Iran. Israel would have to use either F-15 or F-16 fighters since they do not have any heavy bombers. And Iraq (a.k.a U.S. Military) would have to grant permission to fly over their air space, which Israel would probably not request and would do it anyway. That leaves our Air Force in the region to deal with Israeli warplanes illegally entering the airspace with hostile intent. It gets really ugly from there.
And actually, it's kind of ironic that Iran's nuclear program was originally concieved to fend off... Iraq. With the immediate threat of Sadam Hussein out of the picture, they can train their cross hairs on Israel. Funny and sad at the same time.
Hail, Hail!!!
I agree with you in that politically, we have begun to speak more objectively with Israel. It has been whispered in several corners after we got control of Iraq that Israel's political influenece in the U.S. would shift. The U.S. still needs and will continue to support Israel militarily, but it has begun the political weening process.
I don't, however, agree with the media's interpretation of this story suggesting that we are putting Israel on notice.