hating bush is such a trendy thing to do these days yay I love trends!
You may believe it is a trend. But, it is not. It is a reaction to actions he has undertaken that has lead this nation down a path that has gotten to where we are today.
I remember September 12, 2001 and believed we had the right Administration in place because I knew war was in our future. Cheney was the Secretary Of Defense in the 1991 Gulf War and Colin Powell was the Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs. Bush had the resources available from his father, who built a coalition that is necessary to carry out a modern war in the Middle East and we had the backing of our European and NATO Allies. We neded a wartime administration in the Fall of 2001.
Going into Afghanistan was the right call.. and it was an easy call. I think that even a President Vedder could have made that call. The Taliban backed government was openly hosting terrorist training facilities and boasted they provided a safe haven for Usama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda cohorts. We were going to Afghanistan to put an end to terrorists. No wonder his approval rating was so high. I fully supported the Afghan campaign (although I thought it was a major mistake to ally ourselves with the opium warlords.. mostly because they have the words, 'Opium' and 'Warlord' in their titles). Don't you remember the days and weeks following September 11, 2001? Or was that merely a trend to you?
The whole thing went into the ditch with Iraq. I knew the task in Afghanistan was not completed. We had not gotten Afghanistan up and running at 100% and Bin Laden was still at large. We played pansie with Pakistan (who originally set up the Taliban in Afghanistan and whose leaders took over an elected Pakistani government in a military coup). And all the while, Iraq and Saddam Hussein was being contained. He was an impotent buffoon with a big mouth that spewed empty threats. I knew that Iraq had been de-clawed by the 1991 Gulf War and the crippling U.S. sponsored U.N. economic sanctions. To believe Hussein and his inept military could pull off a full blown weapons program under the watchful eyes of our Intelligence and Military is to believe that their Military and Intelligence is better than ours. I wasn't buying it.
That is not a trend, in my book. That is leading our country away from the real threat and towards the business of invasion, occupation and nation building.
As for the surge... it is working because it was what was needed from the begining. Remember, the Bush policy prior to that was to 'Stay The Course'... occupation on the cheap. The surge in troop levels was not Bush's idea... he was pressured to implement it.
So, to say it is simply a trend leads me to believe that you were not paying attention. Americans don't like Bush because he has lead us into a swamp and ignored all of our calls to change direction.
And it makes me wonder... why do you still support President Bush?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
You may believe it is a trend. But, it is not. It is a reaction to actions he has undertaken that has lead this nation down a path that has gotten to where we are today.
I remember September 12, 2001 and believed we had the right Administration in place because I knew war was in our future. Cheney was the Secretary Of Defense in the 1991 Gulf War and Colin Powell was the Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs. Bush had the resources available from his father, who built a coalition that is necessary to carry out a modern war in the Middle East and we had the backing of our European and NATO Allies. We neded a wartime administration in the Fall of 2001.
Going into Afghanistan was the right call.. and it was an easy call. I think that even a President Vedder could have made that call. The Taliban backed government was openly hosting terrorist training facilities and boasted they provided a safe haven for Usama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda cohorts. We were going to Afghanistan to put an end to terrorists. No wonder his approval rating was so high. I fully supported the Afghan campaign (although I thought it was a major mistake to ally ourselves with the opium warlords.. mostly because they have the words, 'Opium' and 'Warlord' in their titles). Don't you remember the days and weeks following September 11, 2001? Or was that merely a trend to you?
The whole thing went into the ditch with Iraq. I knew the task in Afghanistan was not completed. We had not gotten Afghanistan up and running at 100% and Bin Laden was still at large. We played pansie with Pakistan (who originally set up the Taliban in Afghanistan and whose leaders took over an elected Pakistani government in a military coup). And all the while, Iraq and Saddam Hussein was being contained. He was an impotent buffoon with a big mouth that spewed empty threats. I knew that Iraq had been de-clawed by the 1991 Gulf War and the crippling U.S. sponsored U.N. economic sanctions. To believe Hussein and his inept military could pull off a full blown weapons program under the watchful eyes of our Intelligence and Military is to believe that their Military and Intelligence is better than ours. I wasn't buying it.
That is not a trend, in my book. That is leading our country away from the real threat and towards the business of invasion, occupation and nation building.
As for the surge... it is working because it was what was needed from the begining. Remember, the Bush policy prior to that was to 'Stay The Course'... occupation on the cheap. The surge in troop levels was not Bush's idea... he was pressured to implement it.
So, to say it is simply a trend leads me to believe that you were not paying attention. Americans don't like Bush because he has lead us into a swamp and ignored all of our calls to change direction.
And it makes me wonder... why do you still support President Bush?
Hail, Hail!!!