Driving drunk and driving stoned is the same thing.
Wow, you are so wrong. You are an idiot.
Mansfield I & II 1998
Mansfield I & II 2000
Montreal 2000
Mansfield I, II & III (The Experiment) 2003
Boston I & II 2004
Montreal 2005
Hartford 2006
Boston I & II 2006
Mansfield I 2008
That would be great I agree but you know they are going to tax the shit out of it.
Here’s a question you might need to ask
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
I love these folks saying, "Driving under the influence of anything, is not driving sober". So, if I'm drinking a coffee while driving, I'm driving under the influence of caffeine, right? When are any of us not under the "influence" of something? I mean, shit, they're putting B vitamins in Doritoes now. B vitamins speed up your metabolism, etc. Make sure not to eat 'em while driving. Let's be real folks...we're all under some sort of "influence", most of the time.
I love these folks saying, "Driving under the influence of anything, is not driving sober". So, if I'm drinking a coffee while driving, I'm driving under the influence of caffeine, right? When are any of us not under the "influence" of something? I mean, shit, they're putting B vitamins in Doritoes now. B vitamins speed up your metabolism, etc. Make sure not to eat 'em while driving. Let's be real folks...we're all under some sort of "influence", most of the time.
So what you are saying is that driving after taking a B-vit or having a cup of coffee is the same as driving after smoking a nice big fatty?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Then I dont get your argument in your other reply? What are you saying then? I think it is pretty apparent when that statement was made, that the "influnences" in questions were illegal substances. That said, do you feel it is "OKAY" to drive under the influence?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Then I dont get your argument in your other reply? What are you saying then? I think it is pretty apparent when that statement was made, that the "influnences" in questions were illegal substances. That said, do you feel it is "OKAY" to drive under the influence?
I wasn't really making an argument. More of an observation about the idea of what it means to be sober. If anything, I am saying that with everything we consume it's hard to keep track of what we're really putting into our bodies. No big deal...
I wasn't really making an argument. More of an observation about the idea of what it means to be sober. If anything, I am saying that with everything we consume it's hard to keep track of what we're really putting into our bodies. No big deal...
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
I think the government should legalize marijuana, sell it, and tax the shit out of it. Stop putting decent folks in jail/prison and have the police available for real crime.
As far as driving under the influence - it is completely different than alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, a person is much more likely to have poor reaction time, drive FAST, and think they are invincible. A person under the influence of marijuana is more likely to pay too much attention to things on the road as well as drive at or under the speed limit. If you're a first time smoker or haven't smoked in a long time - don't be in the driver’s seat under the influence. If you're a regular smoker in the middle of nowhere driving about smoking a phatty...this is my version of Valhalla.
On that note - don't forget if you live in or around Seattle - Hempfest is coming August 16-17 in Myrtle Edwards Park. See you there! http://hempfest.org/
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Driving under the influence of alchohol? Yes
Driving while talking on a cell phone? Yes
Driving while texting :eek:? Yes
Driving while eating? Yes
Driving and paying 100% attention to everything around you? No
My point being - it's not as dangerous as many people would have you believe. I truly think that driving while stoned - people DO pay much more attention to what they are doing. You are one with the road (especially a nice, curvy back road in the woods ). You don't speed. You are much more apt to follow the rules of the road. JMHO.
Driving under the influence of alchohol? Yes
Driving while talking on a cell phone? Yes
Driving while texting :eek:? Yes
Driving while eating? Yes
Driving and paying 100% attention to everything around you? No
My point being - it's not as dangerous as many people would have you believe. I truly think that driving while stoned - people DO pay much more attention to what they are doing. You are one with the road (especially a nice, curvy back road in the woods ). You don't speed. You are much more apt to follow the rules of the road. JMHO.
Driving under the influence of alchohol? Yes
Driving while talking on a cell phone? Yes
Driving while texting :eek:? Yes
Driving while eating? Yes
Driving and paying 100% attention to everything around you? No
My point being - it's not as dangerous as many people would have you believe. I truly think that driving while stoned - people DO pay much more attention to what they are doing. You are one with the road (especially a nice, curvy back road in the woods ). You don't speed. You are much more apt to follow the rules of the road. JMHO.
You BELEIVE, but you dont KNOW....Safer for you? Safer for the other people on the road? Come on, seriously. My issue is with alocohol vs weed, and imho, there is NO difference in the driving. You are still altered NO MATTER what you say...more mellow while baked...attentive while baked....and being ONE with the road while baked does not make you a safer driver....:)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
You BELEIVE, but you dont KNOW....Safer for you? Safer for the other people on the road? Come on, seriously. My issue is with alocohol vs weed, and imho, there is NO difference in the driving. You are still altered NO MATTER what you say...more mellow while baked...attentive while baked....and being ONE with the road while baked does not make you a safer driver....:)
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree Cause alcohol and weed are VERY different in the way they alter your perceptions and reactions.
i locked her in her cage.
So why be satisfied?
Shame on you people who think he is
Free the herb
For Those About To Rock !
Art changes people. People change the world.
Wow, you are so wrong. You are an idiot.
Mansfield I & II 2000
Montreal 2000
Mansfield I, II & III (The Experiment) 2003
Boston I & II 2004
Montreal 2005
Hartford 2006
Boston I & II 2006
Mansfield I 2008
Idiot is kinda harsh . . . What about ignorant?
This shit will warp your mind so blind its got to be illegal.
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
So what you are saying is that driving after taking a B-vit or having a cup of coffee is the same as driving after smoking a nice big fatty?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Not at all.
Then I dont get your argument in your other reply? What are you saying then? I think it is pretty apparent when that statement was made, that the "influnences" in questions were illegal substances. That said, do you feel it is "OKAY" to drive under the influence?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
I wasn't really making an argument. More of an observation about the idea of what it means to be sober. If anything, I am saying that with everything we consume it's hard to keep track of what we're really putting into our bodies. No big deal...
Fair enough, I was just asking...:)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
As far as driving under the influence - it is completely different than alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, a person is much more likely to have poor reaction time, drive FAST, and think they are invincible. A person under the influence of marijuana is more likely to pay too much attention to things on the road as well as drive at or under the speed limit. If you're a first time smoker or haven't smoked in a long time - don't be in the driver’s seat under the influence. If you're a regular smoker in the middle of nowhere driving about smoking a phatty...this is my version of Valhalla.
On that note - don't forget if you live in or around Seattle - Hempfest is coming August 16-17 in Myrtle Edwards Park. See you there! http://hempfest.org/
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Safer than what?
Driving under the influence of alchohol? Yes
Driving while talking on a cell phone? Yes
Driving while texting :eek:? Yes
Driving while eating? Yes
Driving and paying 100% attention to everything around you? No
My point being - it's not as dangerous as many people would have you believe. I truly think that driving while stoned - people DO pay much more attention to what they are doing. You are one with the road (especially a nice, curvy back road in the woods
Alchohol - yes
Cell Phones - yes
Eating - yes
High - yes
You BELEIVE, but you dont KNOW....Safer for you? Safer for the other people on the road? Come on, seriously. My issue is with alocohol vs weed, and imho, there is NO difference in the driving. You are still altered NO MATTER what you say...more mellow while baked...attentive while baked....and being ONE with the road while baked does not make you a safer driver....:)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree