Pearl Jam & Catholicism

Hello All
I have got into the band in the last year or so and have bought all the albums and so on.
I have had a slight nagging discomfort having read previous interviews in which Vedder has "mocked" religion.
My own faith is a big part of who I am and I would like to know if there are any others on here with similar views.
Is it possible to be a big devotee of the band and still have your own beliefs.
I certainly don't claim to have the monopoly on wisdom and everyone is entitled to their opinion, just a touch concerned that my own views would be belittled here
I have got into the band in the last year or so and have bought all the albums and so on.
I have had a slight nagging discomfort having read previous interviews in which Vedder has "mocked" religion.
My own faith is a big part of who I am and I would like to know if there are any others on here with similar views.
Is it possible to be a big devotee of the band and still have your own beliefs.
I certainly don't claim to have the monopoly on wisdom and everyone is entitled to their opinion, just a touch concerned that my own views would be belittled here
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I also think you've got to be willing to hear the other side of the debate, whether or not you agree with it. Whether it's politics, religion, etc. I've found that hearing the whole argument either helps strengthen my beliefs or makes me want to find out more about the issue. Either way, that's a good thing right?
If you love their music, you shouldn't worry about what Eddie thinks about certain issues, etc. It's the music that matters....everything else is not very important.
Ron Paul 2012
routine was the theme..
there aint gonna be any middle any more
I'm in the same boat as you and of course it is possible to be a big devotee of the band and still have your own beliefs. I love PJ for their music, not for their views on religion or politics.
There are some people who might say some negative things about you being Catholic but all are entitled to their opinion.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
god is for idiots
move on
people haven't changed and have used resources (one example religion) for their own ends
Then you have a song like "faithful" which I feel is mocking in tone
I wonder if it possible to appreciate something when the underlying message is "you are all fools" - which isn't particuarly tolerant
i know there are a ton of people on this board that do not agree with every word that comes out of eddie's mouth.
thank you for your highbrow answer
you believe the jesus myth i presume??
where's nessy?
If you enjoy the music, enjoy the music. The personal beliefs of the band shouldn't matter. If you can get past that and respect that other people may have opinions different than yours, you should probably reevaluate more than just the music you're listening to.
Again I must stress I am fairly open myself (a bit of a contradiction with the good book I know) and would probably class myself as a liberal at a push
If one of the moderators could close this, it would be for the best
religion & god are like a hard count... they draw me offsides
religion is trolling
Just call Eli Manning Jesus, thanks...
I find religion very interesting to study... but it's all hogwash really... and there are people in my life who would not understand why I dislike religion... I think you and I dislike religion for different reasons though... I don't denounce God, because I am not certain (on the fence really) but what I dislike is the way most religions are run with scare tactics, it's 2008, people sin, move on... I do tend to believe in scientific theories sooner than I would things that come from the bible, such as the adam and eve tale...
I'm rambling now but some people just need something to believe in and I do not have a problem with that as long as they don't aggressively push it onto me I am fine.
If you go over to "A Moving Train" you might be surprised at the kinds of fans that this band, or at the very least this message board, attracts. White supremacists, anti-semites and just all-out racists and homophobes. Sometimes all in one person.
Well then there are billions of idiots and a few million non-idiots.
I think that it's very possible that Eddie believes in God, in fact I am of the opinion that he does. I can't prove it definitively but that's just the sense I get having seen various performances, interviews, etc. I think that he was mad at God for a long time for various reasons. As far as his views on religion, he opposes religion because it turns people into "sheep," as he has said. That is a very valid and true point. His problem is not with the existence of a God but with the religions themselves which can often turn people into fanatical adherents.
Right, and Nickelback sells millions more albums than Pearl Jam, so they're obviously a superior band.
You fucking sheep.
Why must we resort to insults? You're just making yourself look more ignorant.
Personally, I am not a very religious person. I believe in God and Jesus but I take issue with the attitudes of many Christians and with many characteristics of Christianity (not views or ideas, characteristics).
Ignoring the apparent hypocrisy you just displayed, I don't think you should claim to know anything about Ed's beliefs after watching a few performances. You WANT him to believe in God, because that is what you believe. And you believe in God and Jesus because that is what people told you to believe, which makes you a fucking sheep.
Hey! I resent that! There are enough parts of me that probably qualify me as a "sheep" (I work for a living, I take mass transit, I watch NBC if I feel like it) but I really don't think you have any right to tell me my religion is one of those things. My religion is deeply personal to me, I was not raised a Catholic, I came to it on my own and it means a lot to me. If Buddhism, or Judaism, or Scientology or even Atheism had appealed to me in the same way then I would study that.
If you're not a follower of whatever religion, that's your thing, but don't offend everyone because you're going after one.
Really, nobody mocks Scientology?
And don't you dare say that Scientology is any less of a religion than Christianity.
Your version of a sheep is anyone who believes in God. My version of a sheep are the people who become fanatical and extremely close minded about a religion, an attitude which totally opposes what the religion itself teaches and what the person supposedly believes about God. For instance, the word "Catholic" itself means universal and Catholics are called to be open to and understanding of all people because that's how God and, more specifically, Jesus are. However, I know many Catholics who are anything but universal and open. They just follow the example set forth by many other Catholics who themselves have lost track of what religion is really about. They view their religion in an elitist way. I think Christ would actually be very disappointed with many aspects of the Church were He to see it today.
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I don't think it's necessarily right to mock Scientology. The only problem is that Scientology is a fucking cult that takes advantage of its followers.
hahaha! you can't be fucking serious?!!
fuck what anybody thinks!! when it comes to religion it's about what YOU FEEL INSIDE,not what others say or feel.I love Ed like a dear old friend and how or what he thinks/feels about God doesn't change my faith or the way i feel about him.
this country was supposed to be about freedom and being able to agree to disagree.