
I know this has been commented on but:
Oh my GAWD!
Follow this logic with me....please.
America has been preparing to invade Iran; it doesn't take a fucking political genius to see the signs. The rhetoric is the same as it was leading up to Iraq...
EXCEPT this time we figure out BEFORE America attacks that Iran does not have a weapons program.
America has been putting "pressure" on Iran to halt its nuclear weapons development program. (HERE IS WHERE THE LOGIC COMES IN.)
So, the motherfucking object of the motherfucking pressure is for Iran to stop its motherfucking program.
Today President Asshole says he has received the report that Iran halted its weapons program 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO. They are still trying to get nuclear power for their people, just like we enjoy, but they stopped pursuing weapons 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO.
So, logically, that's a good thing right? No need for any more pressure, they stopped pursuing weapons on their own, 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO. They ALREADY DID EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK WE WERE PRESSURING THEM TO DO!
But NO! That kind of thinking is way to simple for the Mensa student of President named George W.
He says, "I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program. The reason why it's a warning signal is they could restart it."
I couldn't make that shit up.
The REAL danger is that they have ATOMS over in Iran and therefore isn't it obvious that means they could create an atomic bomb. But thank the Lord that we have George W. to make sure we get rid of those heathen atoms before they ruin our Great American Way of Life!
Oh my GAWD!
Follow this logic with me....please.
America has been preparing to invade Iran; it doesn't take a fucking political genius to see the signs. The rhetoric is the same as it was leading up to Iraq...
EXCEPT this time we figure out BEFORE America attacks that Iran does not have a weapons program.
America has been putting "pressure" on Iran to halt its nuclear weapons development program. (HERE IS WHERE THE LOGIC COMES IN.)
So, the motherfucking object of the motherfucking pressure is for Iran to stop its motherfucking program.
Today President Asshole says he has received the report that Iran halted its weapons program 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO. They are still trying to get nuclear power for their people, just like we enjoy, but they stopped pursuing weapons 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO.
So, logically, that's a good thing right? No need for any more pressure, they stopped pursuing weapons on their own, 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO. They ALREADY DID EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK WE WERE PRESSURING THEM TO DO!
But NO! That kind of thinking is way to simple for the Mensa student of President named George W.
He says, "I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program. The reason why it's a warning signal is they could restart it."
I couldn't make that shit up.
The REAL danger is that they have ATOMS over in Iran and therefore isn't it obvious that means they could create an atomic bomb. But thank the Lord that we have George W. to make sure we get rid of those heathen atoms before they ruin our Great American Way of Life!
Post edited by Unknown User on
he is after his personal interestslike the candidates running for president
do you think bush didnt know they stopped production?
the huge question i think here come Iran was playing along like they were developing... why would they want to trick us into invading them?
I'm not saying we should trust them, but this just makes Bush look like an ass clown - especially because he knew about this a long time ago.
So my question is why the fuck have we been pusing sanctions on Iran when we knew they suspended their weapons program? This just stregthens China and Russia sense they have been against sanctions.
Bush really fucked this one up big time!
why would iran pretend to still be developing?
Hell if I know. I reckon if I had to guess it would be becuase being ambiguos about their nuclear program strengthens their position.
Also, as far as what I've read about what is actually happening in Iran. Amadenijad has framed the nuclear issue as one of Persian pride. He doesn't talk about the economic aspect of needing nuclear power. Just like Bush, he tries to tap into emotion, and pits "us against them" with regards to the US.
So, I guess it makes him popular to appear as a leader who stands up to Bush.
This par for the course when it comes to this president.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Makes me wonder.
Is it because of Israel?
Or maybe Iran isn't quite the "enemy" Georgie and Dickie would make us believe they are.
All I know is this, there's been a rotten smell rising from the White House and the Middle East, for a very long time.
thats what im questioning...we are being lied to and i think it would be good to engage in discussions to figure out why and who is who..
and this news makes me think the U.S., Iran, Russia are actually working together to figure out whos funding these terrorists and i think they are finding its Saudi Arabia... by creating a mass media diversion...maybe this info leaked about the stopping of the plants in iran in 2003 wasnt supposed to be leaked...but this is all assuming bush isnt pushing iran for money and greed purposes (which could very well be the reason) SELF INTEREST ONCE AGAIN? or a Diabolical plot to find the culprits... STAY TUNED!
—Dorothy Parker
Are you serious?
Unfortunetly he is.
At least he didn't say the Iranians and Israelis are working together. I'll give him credit for that!
No the Israelies are working with the Saudies to fund terrorism.
hell, i'd clap for him if he wanted to try
my guess is he's hoping if he can provoke them enough, they'll launch a missile at us so he can declare a state of emergency and suspend elections indefinitely... you know, until we take care of all the muslims in the world.
They have said repeatedly they stopped trying to develope nukes a long time ago.
You got to spend it all
I swear somethings going down with the weed in Fl. They're spraying it with something, or a huge crop got harvested too close to an industrial area.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
haha....nah it's just florida....i'd go batshit crazy to if i had to live in that hell hole....;)
... i could be wrong here,
... but can someone point out to me where, if anywhere, Iran has "acted like it has a nuclear weapon" or is pursuing them?
I think what this thread speaks to is that the US Media is SO good at manipulation and outright propaganda, that people think Iran is actling like it wants a bomb.
Everything i've EVER read, from IAEA reports to iranian official statements basicaly says this:
Iran has firmly denied (and aparently rightly) that it wants to pursue nuclear weapons. Even Amadinejad has repeatedly stated that he wants only the right to nuclear ENERGY, and that his country has this right, and was sanctioned for it, approved by America for it, and helped in its quest for such since the last half of the 20th century.
They have never, best i can read, done any posturing like they want or have nuclear weapons. The only thing they do, is not cooperate with efforts to "disarm" their nuclear research. If not complying with inspections and refusing to stop enriching <5% uranium for peaceful purposes is acting like you want nukes, ok. But i don't see it.
Anyone else confused here?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
hehe yeah...apparently it seems a lot of people would
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Iran is now stomping it's feet in contempt confident that it has US in it's pocket.
Israel must be run by some scary, evil racist people of unknown origin...they certainly aren't Jewish or close to human in nature.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Totally agree with you drifting, i can't see it either, but it might be because i don't get the same news.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
imagine...turning off the tv...receiving information...relating it to the human spirit and human behaviors...size the information up...twist it and turn and eat...and come up with your own opinion on why or what is happening..all this set in your brain...because you are being lied to.
or continue to let them tell you what is happening and watch the media speculate what you just saw 5 seconds ago and you will lose all ability to think for yourself
its evolution baby..use it or lose it...
weed is fine in florida, nice comments... make yourself feel better huh?
it feels good when you know you are way more developed mentally than another doesnt it...
Self aggrandizement is pretty pathetic if you ask me.
was that message addressed to you?? lol
grow the fuck up. good god...
this board is to talk about issues and politics and events in the world...