Obama calls Grandmother.....

"a typical White Person"
If that's not racist I don't know what is...........
If that's not racist I don't know what is...........
PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
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Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Post edited by Unknown User on
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
But since you admittedly don't know racist when you see it, i'll give you an example.
This line of attacks aimed at painting Obama as a black radical hatemonger is racist. Its sad really. There are some here who a couple of months ago said that Obama wouldn't win because America wouldn't elect a Black guy. i didn't buy it. i gave the American people more credit than that. As time went on, Obama started winning states that are 95, 96 percent white. i gave Americans more credit. Now this. i'm crushed. Not because Obama is on the ropes. If he were to lose based on his own merits, if a majority of people disagreed with his platform or the political ideas he espoused, i'd be o.k with that. i'd be upset, but i'd be o.k with that. But THIS shit is crazy. Obama isn't on the ropes because of his platform or proposed policies. he isn't even on the ropes because of something HE said. He is own the ropes because of an institutional racism that has managed to tap into a sometimes subtle, sometimes not so subtle, racism that still very much exists by falsely caricaturing him as an angry, hateful, white hating, uppity "nigra".
Ron fucking Paul had some overtly racist nonsense exposed in a newsletter bearing HIS name. He mildly waved it away in the blink of an eye (and i take his word for it), and the fucking media was done with it. The story lasted, roughly ten minutes. This "obama's pastor bulshit has been going on for over a fucking week now with no signs of going away. The guy went out of his way to boldy reject the reverends statements, he gave a 45 minute speech, widely regarded as one of the best in history, that he shouldn't have had to give. People won't shut the fuck up about it. The next day he gave a stirring speech on Iraq, something that REALLY matters, and no one has paid any attention. Just more Pastor Wright bullshit. i don't care what you or anyone else says this line of smear on Obama is racist. Plain and fucking simple. That being said, i've read your garbage on here and i think YOU'RE a racist. There.
Ya know what, YOU'RE a typical white person.
Ah yes, let's focus on that one line. Not the "My grandmother was (at that period of time) a typical white person".
Also, are white people so above everything else in your state of mind that they deserve to be capitalized?
Apparently, Obama thinks the typical white person is nice, but racist.
for the least they could possibly do
as is the typical black person, mexican person, croatian person, icelandic person, japanese person, etc, etc, etc, etc ...
judging others based on unfounded evidence is what we, as a society, do the best.
so stop whining about all this useless racial bullshit and move the fuck on.
Oh, please.
When Obama's grandmother was young, being fearful of a black guy walking down the street was in fact a VERY typical white response. Acknowledging racism doesn't make one a racist.
I don't think I'm racist. Why, just because I cross the street when I see a person with darker skin than me walking my way?
I'm not a racist, and I would have no problem electing Obama if, you know, I didn't disagree with pretty much everything that came out of his mouth.
for the least they could possibly do
Um, yes. That is a sign of, if not hardcore racism, definite racial prejudice that you may not even be aware of. Why cross the street? The darkie might shoot you and steal your wallet? Face it. You carry the seed of racial prejudice that has been planted in you. It isn't totally your fault. Most people carry this seed. The first step in dealing with it is to acknowledge it.
you can think that til the end of time, but you'd still be wrong.
racist - n, a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
everybody, no matter the color or origin, holds their race above other races. it is a natural and necessary force in the forward movement of human beings. it's inescapable. it's completely fucking ludicrous, but it exists within every living person. as a whole, we are insecure and nervous creatures, therefore, we are comforted by holding onto the belief that "we" are better than "them."
following the logic that means absolutely nothing right?
does it work both ways?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Jesus Christ. He isn't even black. He's a twist cone.
A statement of racial profile will probably be interpreted as racial profiling...even if someone is purple with yellow spots...
...live by the big shiny words die by the big shiny words.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i disagree somewhat. Racial prejudice is very common in the United States. Its historical legacy. Racial prejudice is so ingrained in our culture it is hard to escape. i don't, however, believe that every living being harbors a sense of superiority based on racial identity. i don't. i know many others who don't as well. i think, young people, especially are beginning to move past it. Thinking i'm better than someone else because i'm white, wouldn't comfort me at all. Its what the proverbial "they" want us to think.
"if black and white didn't argue the most, they would clearly see the government is screwin' em BOTH"-- KRS ONE
Um ... I was joking. Please try to keep up.
for the least they could possibly do
Mulatto? Sheesh. You'd have to examine his family tree and do the math. Perhaps he's "octoroon". "Quatroon" maybe. i can't believe someone just used the term mulatto. Sheesh.
I seriously don't agree. I know many people of different colors and origins that I rather "rule" over me than half the white dudes that I know. It's all about competence and beliefs.
It might be tough for you to believe, since you apparently are also racist, but not all of us think or act that way. Even here in the backward ol' south.
for the least they could possibly do
He prefers his racist comments to come in the form of a newsletter which his candidate puts out.
oh i think its very prevalent in today's society. look at this election. look at what having one sorta black guy in the election does to America. when faced with the racial line in the sand, people flock to their side and mine for wrongs within the other. and i dont think thats something that will disappear with a new generation.
half black half white...and your word is.....sheesh?
are you in fact smoking hasheesh?
or do you have a better word on hand that exists in the dictionary?
anyhow things get said...people have to come to terms with the fact they were in fact said...
He's the guy who is big on speeches and talking ...you know... the master of words...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
At least RP was smart enough not to actually say them on record...lol
but nice try...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Oh, i agree. What has me pissed off is the fact that it wasn't Obama who drew that "line in the sand". As a matter of fact he tried to erase it. It wasn't until he started doing well and looking very much like he would win, that the media, taking talking points from sean fucking hannity and Rush "i need an oxycontin" Limbaugh, drew the line and now have purposefully tried to place him on one side of it in order to mariginalize him and tap into that underlying racism ansd white fear that is still so prevalent in today's American society. Two weeks ago, shit, one week ago, if Obama were to lose i would not have blamed it on racism. At this point, i have no choice. This line of attack is racist. There is no way around it. Marginalize the Black guy and scare the good white folks.
Any conspiracy theory that begins with the mainstream media taking marching orders from its mortal enemy (Rush and Hannity) is fatally flawed in my book.
Seriously? The New York Times listening to Rush? "Limbaugh's right, let's crush Obama." That's rich. If anything, the media is openly rooting for Obama.
This shit has nothing to do with Obama being black. It has everything to do with him being linked to crackpots.
Maybe that's not important to you, and that's fine. But why is it every time someone comes after Obama, it's because of "racism?" This is exactly what Geraldine Ferraro was talking about. You can't debate Obama's beliefs, because if you disagree, you're labeled a racist.
Why can't some of you Obamaniacs understand that some of us don't like Obama as a candidate AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW HE LOOKS? It has to do with who he is and what he believes and what he might believe.
for the least they could possibly do
As a white person myself (technically I'm a mix, but let's not pretend I'm not considered white), I find absolutely nothing wrong with that statement in context. In fact, I think he's right.
Yeah, Obama has how many racist remarks on the record? None?
Why the hell would he even say this is what I'm wondering....
Is this guy slipping over this whole race issue or what?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I was thinking about this on my drive into work today and I was analyzing how I felt about the grandmother comment and I came to the same conclusion.
I think its the "truth" that makes people so pissed off and suspicious about Obama.
What people are so afraid of, I have NO idea.
Uhm OP??
"typical white person" remark?
earth to lvm...earth to lvm...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Earth to Roland... OBAMA IS HALF WHITE ...
The whole country is slipping over the race issue, like it or not.
Most people don't have a problem if they hear one of their friends say about someone else, "oh, he's this black person I know" or "he's this Asian person I know." But "oh, he's this white person I know"? To many, that sounds a little jarring, as Obama's quote proves.
Yeah you said that already... it makes no sense.. Do I have to go over physical appearances, and how words are interpreted, and how potential presidents are scrutinized by what they say and do?
Take off the I love Obama shades, do him a favor, and go tell him not to make it so easy for Hillary...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)