Joe the Plumber does foreign policy



  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    The thing about Joe the Plumber is that the McCain camp obviously wants him and "what he represents" to be this game-changing seminal moment in the campaign that turns everything on its' head, that 'October surprise.' The thing about the game-changers is that a campaign rarely, if ever, is able to conjure them up or invent them out of nothingness. They happen naturally. Reagan's "there you go again" comment to either Carter or Mondale (I think Mondale) wasn't meant to be a game-changer, but it naturally became one because that's the way the mood of the country was turning, and a pivotal moment highlighted it. Just because McCain and his camp mention Joe the Plumber every chance they get doesn't mean it's going to be one of those moments. They're trying to push a square peg into a round hole when those aforementioned seminal moments are usually effortless.
  • prytojprytoj Posts: 536
    "This idiot should stick to un-clogging toilets and accept that his 15 minutes of fame have long passed him by."

    Word. Get a book deal and retire. The fact that he would say what he said shows he's not fit for politics. That rhetoric helped no one.

    A couple quick points:

    Lieberman, a senator who is jewish and who sits in caucus with democrats, backs McCain

    The fact that Obama has a pretty solid rapport with Rashid Khalidi.

    I think it's clear who the BETTER friend of Isreal would be, no matter where you fall on the issue.

    It's very difficult for an outsider to really know what's gone wrong in the Ireali/Palestinian conflict, even when one looks at the history of the conflict.
    Very difficult situation. I personally don't understand why folks won't stop killing eachother in the name of religion, but whatever.

    Maybe some of the smart folks here can educate.
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    Somewhat unrelated, but what pisses me off is that come the seventh-year of the past two eight-year terms, both Clinton and Bush seemed like it would be a good idea to go "legacy-hunting" by trying to solve the Middle East conflict. Both times, it's completely been vanity; what do these presidents expect to solve in one year? It concluded in some wonky peace deal at the end of Clinton's term that didn't solve matters, and the Bush administration seems to have dropped the idea entirely. Why won't these people get working on the peace process and the two-state solution in their FIRST year in office, rather than their last?
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    this election makes me laugh sometimes. joe the plumber. what the fuck.

    but anyway, Joe Biden is one of the most ardent Zionists in our government. the man delivered the eulogy for Tom Lantos, for chrissake.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    this election makes me laugh sometimes. joe the plumber. what the fuck.

    but anyway, Joe Biden is one of the most ardent Zionists in our government. the man delivered the eulogy for Tom Lantos, for chrissake.
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,787
    PJ_Saluki wrote:
    Are you not familiar with FOX News? If the morning show would've interviewed Joe they probably would have fallen all over themselves to agree, especially the weather man.

    To my surprise, I see Foxnews here tearing Joe the Republican a new one. Also kind of shedding the McCain campaign in a negative light for this.
  • jimed14jimed14 Posts: 9,488
    MayDay10 wrote:

    To my surprise, I see Foxnews here tearing Joe the Republican a new one. Also kind of shedding the McCain campaign in a negative light for this.

    got to give Shepard Smith credit for this ... he's probably going to lose his Christmas bonus from Rupert, but, it was nice to see.

    Smith - "Joe do you know Barack Obama's positions on Israel?"

    Joe the Fraud - "Let people go out and find why they would think I would say that." which means 'no, but Sean Hannity told me he's bad for Israel' ....

    AGAIN ... Watch the whole exchange between Joe and Obama ... watch the whole thing ... Joe would do better under OBAMA'S plan! He could have bought the business QUICKER under Obama's plan.
    "You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91

    "I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,787
    is it a coincidence they picked a guy who looks just like Jason Hawes the plumber from Ghost Hunters?
  • Joe the Plumber stood up John McCain at a rally today!

    "Joe? Joe? Joe where are you? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller..."

    power to the peaceful
  • Joe the Plumber stood up John McCain at a rally today!

    "Joe? Joe? Do we have Joe here? Bueller? Bueller?..."

  • PJ_SalukiPJ_Saluki Posts: 1,006
    Joe the Plumber stood up John McCain at a rally today!

    "Joe? Joe? Joe where are you? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller..."

    McCain looks more like the Keystone Kandidate every day.
    "Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    This campaign has been surreal. If John McCain wins it's going to be by shear luck because this campaign has to be the worst campaign I have seen since I started voting. All the missteps and infighting and last minutes desperate attempts. If John McCain had just run a campaign like he did in 2000 he would have this election in the bag.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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