"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
wtf? that pope should stick to his bible preaching instead.
"warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology."
I find that funny, considering who it is coming from....
"The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement."
"warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology."
I find that funny, considering who it is coming from....
"The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement."
That aswell
Lol i thought this straight of aswell.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Of course the pope would not care what happens to the Earth and if man destroys it. He is of the notion that there is a better place then this somewhere, someplace. They are usually the fucks that shit on the planet and not give a fuck about it. The guy would probably step over a homeless person and not give them the time of day, just so he could go into his jewel encrusted church to give a sermon about caring.
the pope talking about global warming is about as credible as a meteorologist holding a mass.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Of course the pope would not care what happens to the Earth and if man destroys it. He is of the notion that there is a better place then this somewhere, someplace. They are usually the fucks that shit on the planet and not give a fuck about it. The guy would probably step over a homeless person and not give them the time of day, just so he could go into his jewel encrusted church to give a sermon about caring.
WTF ever. And what you say about him not giving a shit about the Earth is pretty ridiculous, what have you seen a priest or Pope do to a homeless person or the Earth that makes you think this?
The Pope and past Popes are very educated people and they have a political role in the world whether you like it or not. His statements pretty much sound like common sense to me.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
WTF ever. And what you say about him not giving a shit about the Earth is pretty ridiculous, what have you seen a priest or Pope do to a homeless person or the Earth that makes you think this?
The Pope and past Popes are very educated people and they have a political role in the world whether you like it or not. His statements pretty much sound like common sense to me.
i think felt very strongly about this subject, and may have exaggerated things in the heat of the moment.
Did he mention anything about pollution being toxic?
I'm not sure if the message isn't "ok kids just go pollute... everything will be fine" between the lines.
"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
It's called an eco-system where the failing of one species leads to big problems that affect many others. I think ol popey is smoking the sacramental incense on that statement.
But...oh yeah it's only been a couple thousand years here on earth since creation according to the pope man.
couple troubling points to ponder for the pontiff.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Did he mention anything about pollution being toxic?
I'm not sure if the message isn't "ok kids just go pollute... everything will be fine" between the lines.
"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
It's called an eco-system where the failing of one species leads to big problems that affect many others. I think ol popey is smoking the sacramental incense on that statement.
But...oh yeah it's only been a couple thousand years here on earth since creation according to the pope man.
couple troubling points to ponder for the pontiff.
Sorry Roland but you are wrong on the Pope believing that it has only been a couple of thousand years since creation. Just another example of people believing things about the Catholic Church that isn't true. The Catholic Church has said before that there is enormous scientific proof that the big bang and evolution took place and it is their belief that this in no way removes Gods hand from taking place in these events.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
for some reason it seems it is cool to rip on the Catholic church. Probably because it is the largest church in the world. But I just can't find anything wrong with what he said. Whats wrong with saying we should take care of the plants and animals as long as their welfare isn't put above mankinds welfare? If there is a drought in Africa and there are people, plants and animals dying shouldn't we put saving the people first? Maybe I am simplifying what he is saying but that is how I am reading this. We should take care of this planet and everything on it but we have to remember to take care of the people first. And in order to take care of people their environment must be treated with respect.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
WTF ever. And what you say about him not giving a shit about the Earth is pretty ridiculous, what have you seen a priest or Pope do to a homeless person or the Earth that makes you think this?
The Pope and past Popes are very educated people and they have a political role in the world whether you like it or not. His statements pretty much sound like common sense to me.
Right O! The welfare of man over animals and plants. (according to what I read in the link) I guess the pope thinks God wasted it's time on the the six days leading up to the creation of the all mighty human. Give me a break! The guy seems to be missing the point about living with everything on the planet. You know the whole puzzle as opposed to the human on the top of the pyramid thingy. See if we are the top and almighty, one step below god, I think we should be doing something about the welfare of this place that god granted us humans and every other creature and tree and sea and lake and fish and cow and horse and sheep, bird, etc. God didn't say "I'll put birds on the planet so the colour will make a nice view to a human", just to have them wiped out.
Next thing you know the pope will be saying that a new flood is coming and won't mention global poisoning as the reason and the flock will now believe and lick at his boots for god to save the human race.
Next time you read on the train from somebody who loves god and goes to church that "why should they help somebody who won't help themselves", go to town on them with religion and how you should help your fellow man. Even those that don't or can't help themselves.
Sorry Roland but you are wrong on the Pope believing that it has only been a couple of thousand years since creation. Just another example of people believing things about the Catholic Church that isn't true. The Catholic Church has said before that there is enormous scientific proof that the big bang and evolution took place and it is their belief that this in no way removes Gods hand from taking place in these events.
So where did this notion come from then?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Right O! The welfare of man over animals and plants. (according to what I read in the link) I guess the pope thinks God wasted it's time on the the six days leading up to the creation of the all mighty human. Give me a break! The guy seems to be missing the point about living with everything on the planet. You know the whole puzzle as opposed to the human on the top of the pyramid thingy. See if we are the top and almighty, one step below god, I think we should be doing something about the welfare of this place that god granted us humans and every other creature and tree and sea and lake and fish and cow and horse and sheep, bird, etc. God didn't say "I'll put birds on the planet so the colour will make a nice view to a human", just to have them wiped out.
Next thing you know the pope will be saying that a new flood is coming and won't mention global poisoning as the reason and the flock will now believe and lick at his boots for god to save the human race.
Next time you read on the train from somebody who loves god and goes to church that "why should they help somebody who won't help themselves", go to town on them with religion and how you should help your fellow man. Even those that don't or can't help themselves.
I just don't think in anyway is the Pope saying anything like this. I think he is saying that all life should be respected but from the view of the church mankind was made in the image of God, so therefore we should lookout for all humans first. I was trying to say on a previous post that if you put the welfare of all humans first, respecting animals and humans environment will naturally happen. Of course we should respect all life on this planet. But the welfare of other human beings comes first.
As for the rest of your post you obviously dislike religion, which is fine. I go to Church, and obviously I am Catholic, but someone who goes to church and believes in God should never think "why should I help somebody who won't help themselves".
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
There are plenty of other religions who take the Bible literally, such as Baptists, and believe this. If there are Baptists out there, please correct me if i am wrong but i know i have heard a Baptist preacher talk about this.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
WTF ever. And what you say about him not giving a shit about the Earth is pretty ridiculous, what have you seen a priest or Pope do to a homeless person or the Earth that makes you think this?
The Pope and past Popes are very educated people and they have a political role in the world whether you like it or not. His statements pretty much sound like common sense to me.
His statements sound like reworked version of republican paranoia and propaganda to me. He's a fucking parrot.
Right wing anti-environmentalists seem to think there's some elite group of scientists researching global warming that's sole purpose is to bring them down. Therefore they must be discredited with a total disregard for logic or fact.
The Pope said it pretty well when he said, essentially, that we should not be listening to our scientists, we should be listening to our "scientists". I guess the VAST majority of scientists researching the subject aren't credible enough for him.
His statements sound like reworked version of republican paranoia and propaganda to me. He's a fucking parrot.
Right wing anti-environmentalists seem to think there's some elite group of scientists researching global warming that's sole purpose is to bring them down. Therefore they must be discredited with a total disregard for logic or fact.
The Pope said it pretty well when he said, essentially, that we should not be listening to our scientists, we should be listening to our "scientists". I guess the VAST majority of scientists researching the subject aren't credible enough for him.
Where did he say we shouldnt be listening to our scientists?
"Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow," he said in the message entitled "The Human Family, A Community of Peace".
Whats wrong with this?
"It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions, and above all with the aim of reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances. If the protection of the environment involves costs, they should be justly distributed, taking due account of the different levels of development of various countries and the need for solidarity with future generations."
What is wrong with this? Make sure the assessments are being carried out by experts that are not being pressured to come to a specific conclusion.
I think people are just bashing this because it is the Pope that said it.
"Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means being committed to making joint decisions after pondering responsibly the road to be taken."
This makes sense to me. We can't ignore our responsibilities, but we have to consider everyone in the world when we decide which course to take. Again, just how i read it.
He added that to further the cause of world peace it was sensible for nations to "choose the path of dialogue rather than the path of unilateral decisions" in how to cooperate responsibly on conserving the planet.
Sounds like a great idea to me, before we talk about conserving the planet we better involve everyone and cooperate with everyone to make sure that war doesn't break out if we are ignoring some peoples wants and needs.
Now read through these quotes in the article and tell me where you are coming to these conclusions?
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
"warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology."
I find that funny, considering who it is coming from....
"The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement."
That aswell
hey, he told american creationists to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pushing genesis into classrooms instead of evolution, so he's ok in my book.
His statements sound like reworked version of republican paranoia and propaganda to me. He's a fucking parrot.
Right wing anti-environmentalists seem to think there's some elite group of scientists researching global warming that's sole purpose is to bring them down. Therefore they must be discredited with a total disregard for logic or fact.
The Pope said it pretty well when he said, essentially, that we should not be listening to our scientists, we should be listening to our "scientists". I guess the VAST majority of scientists researching the subject aren't credible enough for him.
or maybe he was just talking about people like this, the way we all talk about pat robertson and the christian right and islamic fascism:
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
wtf? that pope should stick to his bible preaching instead.
aren't people animals? don't we breathe the same air and share the same earth?
no wonder so many are leaving the church. we can't follow what's behind us.
aren't people animals? don't we breathe the same air and share the same earth?
no wonder so many are leaving the church. we can't follow what's behind us.
umm. I think you know what was meant by the statement. Again, read the quotes from the Pope in the story and tell me what is wrong with them.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
umm. I think you know what was meant by the statement. Again, read the quotes from the Pope in the story and tell me what is wrong with them.
i'm speaking more from opinion. if the church still taught the teachings of Jesus; i would feel differently. i know the bloke can see the bloody ice melting. he can look to the east and see the indian islands being swollowed by the sea and he can see the suffering of the people having to evacuate. he can look to the south and see the lakes that have dried up in africa and the people suffering there because their life-giving water is gone.
we don't need scientists anymore. only to open our eyes. his message should have been to open our eyes and open our arms to our fellow man.
that's what Jesus would have done.
Right O! The welfare of man over animals and plants. (according to what I read in the link) I guess the pope thinks God wasted it's time on the the six days leading up to the creation of the all mighty human. Give me a break! The guy seems to be missing the point about living with everything on the planet. You know the whole puzzle as opposed to the human on the top of the pyramid thingy. See if we are the top and almighty, one step below god, I think we should be doing something about the welfare of this place that god granted us humans and every other creature and tree and sea and lake and fish and cow and horse and sheep, bird, etc. God didn't say "I'll put birds on the planet so the colour will make a nice view to a human", just to have them wiped out.
Next thing you know the pope will be saying that a new flood is coming and won't mention global poisoning as the reason and the flock will now believe and lick at his boots for god to save the human race.
Next time you read on the train from somebody who loves god and goes to church that "why should they help somebody who won't help themselves", go to town on them with religion and how you should help your fellow man. Even those that don't or can't help themselves.
Right O! The welfare of man over animals and plants. (according to what I read in the link) I guess the pope thinks God wasted it's time on the the six days leading up to the creation of the all mighty human. Give me a break! The guy seems to be missing the point about living with everything on the planet. You know the whole puzzle as opposed to the human on the top of the pyramid thingy. See if we are the top and almighty, one step below god, I think we should be doing something about the welfare of this place that god granted us humans and every other creature and tree and sea and lake and fish and cow and horse and sheep, bird, etc. God didn't say "I'll put birds on the planet so the colour will make a nice view to a human", just to have them wiped out.
Next thing you know the pope will be saying that a new flood is coming and won't mention global poisoning as the reason and the flock will now believe and lick at his boots for god to save the human race.
Next time you read on the train from somebody who loves god and goes to church that "why should they help somebody who won't help themselves", go to town on them with religion and how you should help your fellow man. Even those that don't or can't help themselves.
i agree with you. these are the plants and animals that feed us. i doubt he'll be walking out of the vatican with 7 fishes and 2 loaves of bread.
i'm speaking more from opinion. if the church still taught the teachings of Jesus; i would feel differently. i know the bloke can see the bloody ice melting. he can look to the east and see the indian islands being swollowed by the sea and he can see the suffering of the people having to evacuate. he can look to the south and see the lakes that have dried up in africa and the people suffering there because their life-giving water is gone.
we don't need scientists anymore. only to open our eyes. his message should have been to open our eyes and open our arms to our fellow man.
that's what Jesus would have done.
"The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement."
"the environmentalist movement" meaning scientists who have been spreading all this global warming nonesense around lately. I exagerated his statement, but conservatives tend to search out any possible way to discredit the scientists who are studying climate change.
The "dogma" of the environmentalist movement is science.
i'm speaking more from opinion. if the church still taught the teachings of Jesus; i would feel differently. i know the bloke can see the bloody ice melting. he can look to the east and see the indian islands being swollowed by the sea and he can see the suffering of the people having to evacuate. he can look to the south and see the lakes that have dried up in africa and the people suffering there because their life-giving water is gone.
we don't need scientists anymore. only to open our eyes. his message should have been to open our eyes and open our arms to our fellow man.
that's what Jesus would have done.
Well said, i think you have a good point here.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
wtf? that pope should stick to his bible preaching instead.
I find that funny, considering who it is coming from....
"The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement."
That aswell
actually yeah! thank you for pointing it out to me
Lol i thought this straight of aswell.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
meteorologist holing a mass can be achieved, i mean how hard is it?
i've been to a Catholic church i know the drill.
WTF ever. And what you say about him not giving a shit about the Earth is pretty ridiculous, what have you seen a priest or Pope do to a homeless person or the Earth that makes you think this?
The Pope and past Popes are very educated people and they have a political role in the world whether you like it or not. His statements pretty much sound like common sense to me.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
i think felt very strongly about this subject, and may have exaggerated things in the heat of the moment.
I'm not sure if the message isn't "ok kids just go pollute... everything will be fine" between the lines.
"The 80-year-old Pope said the world needed to care for the environment but not to the point where the welfare of animals and plants was given a greater priority than that of mankind."
It's called an eco-system where the failing of one species leads to big problems that affect many others. I think ol popey is smoking the sacramental incense on that statement.
But...oh yeah it's only been a couple thousand years here on earth since creation according to the pope man.
couple troubling points to ponder for the pontiff.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Sorry Roland but you are wrong on the Pope believing that it has only been a couple of thousand years since creation. Just another example of people believing things about the Catholic Church that isn't true. The Catholic Church has said before that there is enormous scientific proof that the big bang and evolution took place and it is their belief that this in no way removes Gods hand from taking place in these events.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Right O! The welfare of man over animals and plants. (according to what I read in the link) I guess the pope thinks God wasted it's time on the the six days leading up to the creation of the all mighty human. Give me a break! The guy seems to be missing the point about living with everything on the planet. You know the whole puzzle as opposed to the human on the top of the pyramid thingy. See if we are the top and almighty, one step below god, I think we should be doing something about the welfare of this place that god granted us humans and every other creature and tree and sea and lake and fish and cow and horse and sheep, bird, etc. God didn't say "I'll put birds on the planet so the colour will make a nice view to a human", just to have them wiped out.
Next thing you know the pope will be saying that a new flood is coming and won't mention global poisoning as the reason and the flock will now believe and lick at his boots for god to save the human race.
Next time you read on the train from somebody who loves god and goes to church that "why should they help somebody who won't help themselves", go to town on them with religion and how you should help your fellow man. Even those that don't or can't help themselves.
So where did this notion come from then?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I just don't think in anyway is the Pope saying anything like this. I think he is saying that all life should be respected but from the view of the church mankind was made in the image of God, so therefore we should lookout for all humans first. I was trying to say on a previous post that if you put the welfare of all humans first, respecting animals and humans environment will naturally happen. Of course we should respect all life on this planet. But the welfare of other human beings comes first.
As for the rest of your post you obviously dislike religion, which is fine. I go to Church, and obviously I am Catholic, but someone who goes to church and believes in God should never think "why should I help somebody who won't help themselves".
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
There are plenty of other religions who take the Bible literally, such as Baptists, and believe this. If there are Baptists out there, please correct me if i am wrong but i know i have heard a Baptist preacher talk about this.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Right wing anti-environmentalists seem to think there's some elite group of scientists researching global warming that's sole purpose is to bring them down. Therefore they must be discredited with a total disregard for logic or fact.
The Pope said it pretty well when he said, essentially, that we should not be listening to our scientists, we should be listening to our "scientists". I guess the VAST majority of scientists researching the subject aren't credible enough for him.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Where did he say we shouldnt be listening to our scientists?
"Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow," he said in the message entitled "The Human Family, A Community of Peace".
Whats wrong with this?
"It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions, and above all with the aim of reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances. If the protection of the environment involves costs, they should be justly distributed, taking due account of the different levels of development of various countries and the need for solidarity with future generations."
What is wrong with this? Make sure the assessments are being carried out by experts that are not being pressured to come to a specific conclusion.
I think people are just bashing this because it is the Pope that said it.
"Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means being committed to making joint decisions after pondering responsibly the road to be taken."
This makes sense to me. We can't ignore our responsibilities, but we have to consider everyone in the world when we decide which course to take. Again, just how i read it.
He added that to further the cause of world peace it was sensible for nations to "choose the path of dialogue rather than the path of unilateral decisions" in how to cooperate responsibly on conserving the planet.
Sounds like a great idea to me, before we talk about conserving the planet we better involve everyone and cooperate with everyone to make sure that war doesn't break out if we are ignoring some peoples wants and needs.
Now read through these quotes in the article and tell me where you are coming to these conclusions?
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
hey, he told american creationists to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pushing genesis into classrooms instead of evolution, so he's ok in my book.
or maybe he was just talking about people like this, the way we all talk about pat robertson and the christian right and islamic fascism:
Damn, now that is extreme.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
aren't people animals? don't we breathe the same air and share the same earth?
no wonder so many are leaving the church. we can't follow what's behind us.
umm. I think you know what was meant by the statement. Again, read the quotes from the Pope in the story and tell me what is wrong with them.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
i'm speaking more from opinion. if the church still taught the teachings of Jesus; i would feel differently. i know the bloke can see the bloody ice melting. he can look to the east and see the indian islands being swollowed by the sea and he can see the suffering of the people having to evacuate. he can look to the south and see the lakes that have dried up in africa and the people suffering there because their life-giving water is gone.
we don't need scientists anymore. only to open our eyes. his message should have been to open our eyes and open our arms to our fellow man.
that's what Jesus would have done.
read Genesis
i agree with you. these are the plants and animals that feed us. i doubt he'll be walking out of the vatican with 7 fishes and 2 loaves of bread.
"the environmentalist movement" meaning scientists who have been spreading all this global warming nonesense around lately. I exagerated his statement, but conservatives tend to search out any possible way to discredit the scientists who are studying climate change.
The "dogma" of the environmentalist movement is science.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Well said, i think you have a good point here.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22