How many Americans have died from vCJD (the human form of mad cow disease to the lay population)? There have been a grand total of either 1 or 2 (can't remember for sure) cases of BSE in livestock in the U.S. And did you know that both of those cows were traced back to Canada? And did you also know that both those cases were traced back to Canadian ranchers using illegal feed?
I know it got here because of failures from agencies like the FDA and USDA the ones you claim protect us. Besides mad cow look at salmonella outbreak the FDA incorrectly identified as coming from tomatoes when it was actually peppers. On and on, it's kinda scary how many things get missed, overlooked. And also...LEGALIZE!
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
I am straight edge, but I feel its a personal choice and must come from within, regardless of availability of substance. Alcohol is legal but I don't drink either. I would have no problem with weed being legalized. Then the whole thing would be a non issue, and it would save the government money from having to prosecute something.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Besides mad cow look at salmonella outbreak the FDA incorrectly identified as coming from tomatoes when it was actually peppers.
The most recent salmonella scare was initially suspected to come from tomatoes. Further investigation concluded it was improperly handled peppers from Mexico.
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
I am straight edge, but I feel its a personal choice and must come from within, regardless of availability of substance. Alcohol is legal but I don't drink either. I would have no problem with weed being legalized. Then the whole thing would be a non issue, and it would save the government money from having to prosecute something.
Wow at least there are open-minded people around here who have common sense. Makes me feel better about the ones who aren't and don't. Thank you.
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
... which is actually the fatal flaw in the "legalize and tax it" argument. Legalization won't bring in nearly the amount of revenue supporters claim.
And you know this how??? You're also a financial expert? I can argue for the opposite based on the BILLIONS of dollars generated by all the other drug industries. It's already happening so how's it a flawed argument? Not to mention the results can be seen in Holland already where it's legal. Oh and don't forget the amount of new jobs it would create, thus helping even more.
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
... which is actually the fatal flaw in the "legalize and tax it" argument. Legalization won't bring in nearly the amount of revenue supporters claim.
I guess I hadn't thought of that argument.
People are allowed to brew their own beer without having to pay taxes. I guess they would be allowed to grow their own marijuana without having to pay taxes, too.
That's where the harsh punishment would come into play. Anybody caught selling weed illegally would have to serve a good amount of time in jail.
The most recent salmonella scare was initially suspected to come from tomatoes. Further investigation concluded it was improperly handled peppers from Mexico.
Yea thanks you're actually agreeing with me. FDA said it was tomatoes, it wasn't it was peppers. People lost millions maybe billions throwing out tomatoes, and it didn't protect us one bit.
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
I guess I hadn't thought of that argument.
People are allowed to brew their own beer without having to pay taxes. I guess they would be allowed to grow their own marijuana without having to pay taxes, too.
That's where the harsh punishment would come into play. Anybody caught selling weed illegally would have to serve a good amount of time in jail.
Right. Some people would probably grow, most would buy it and be taxed if it was legal so they wouldn't worry about jail etc. It would generate $$$ as you said.
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
How is that different from the status quo, though? Tax stamps, anyone?
It's different because the punishment would be for cultivation instead of simple possession. Most people would buy through government, be taxed instead of taking the chance of growing. Some would grow. What about Tax stamps?
West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
Right. Some people would probably grow, most would buy it and be taxed if it was legal so they wouldn't worry about jail etc. It would generate $$$ as you said.
I think most would buy and and pay the taxes. Many people wouldn't want to be bothered with having to take care of the plant(s), then harvesting and drying what they get from it if they could just pick some up at the store that's ready to smoke.
You could use that same argument against people growing their own food in gardens. People still buy most of their food at the store, which is taxed in some states (like where I live).
I think most would buy and and pay the taxes. Many people wouldn't want to be bothered with having to take care of the plant(s), then harvesting and drying what they get from it if they could just pick some up at the store that's ready to smoke.
You could use that same argument against people growing their own food in gardens. People still buy most of their food at the store, which is taxed in some states (like where I live).
Exactly. It's not like you throw some seeds in the ground and all of a sudden you have big huge buds growing off the plant
I'm for decriminalization, not legalization. I do think that hemp should be a legalized industry though.
There's no fight, just discussion. He was replying to someone who implied government protects society from consequences of the actions of others, (which isn't entirely true) so he used the analogy of banning cars, which is true to an extent. Cars kill, if it's government's job to "protect" why are there cars? That's the point government can't protect you and won't protect you against every singe thing, even if there are reckless driving laws.
for what it's worth, instead of comparing weed to cars because it's not a good comparison, let's compare weed to cigarettes. how many people do cigs kill a year, yet they're still legal.
personally, i think it should be legalized, taxed, and sold just like cigs. generic, middle of the road, and top shelf joints, or canisters of weed you can either roll or pack.
but still, it would generate something, and that something would be more than what the gov't was previously taking in.
In addition, it would eliminate much of the expense that is going toward waging the war on drugs, and imprisoning non-violent criminals.
I find it astonishing how anti-choice and pro-government-bureacracy some posters are in this thread. I don't smoke, and wouldn't if it were legalized, but I am certainly pro-liberty. This is simply an issue of choice in the same vein as the use of tobacco, alcohol and transfats. Some of you moral crusaders need to get off your high horses.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'm all for legalizing drugs and ending the tax wasting war on drugs..
But is that really a priority?
I can thing of 101 things we need to change before that, starting with the waste full war.
Sniff some glue in the mean time..
Solving issues isn't a serial process. There are multiple things that can happen at the same time. And while legalization certainly couldn't be considered a top priority, it could be a way to cut spending and increase revenue, all while doing the right thing. It would be a rare move for government, and a good way to create good will.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Marijuana should be legalized. Here's a plan that works:
Marijuana is legal to be sold in quantities of a 1/8 ounce or less in designated coffee shops. You can sit down, smoke a bowl or joint for a fixed price, have some tea and conversation with friends and leave with good, legal pot. Similar to Holland, there would be menu choices.
The pot sold in these coffee shops is government grown and high quality. If the government produces most of the pot on the market and sells it directly to the coffee shops, the illegal marijuana market suffers a huge hit. Most marijuana users would much prefer to go to a store that they can walk into and know they are buy good pot than call a bevy of unreliable dealers in hopes of finding some good pot. The government and shops could also fix the prices at a level that is best for the government and coffee shops to make money while keeping the customers coming to the legal pot shops.
Legally, as far as carrying marijuana on your person, consider it decriminalized under a certain amount, say the same 1/8 ounce that would be legal to purchase at a time. Drinking in public is a crime, as smoking in public would be. Drunk and disorderly is a crime, as it would be for marijuana. Driving while high is the same situation.
Pot smokers are happy; the government is happy; new businesses and workers are happy. A whole new industry is created.
Comments and criticisms are welcome.
“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Kurt Vonnegut
Marijuana should be legalized. Here's a plan that works:
Marijuana is legal to be sold in quantities of a 1/8 ounce or less in designated coffee shops. You can sit down, smoke a bowl or joint for a fixed price, have some tea and conversation with friends and leave with good, legal pot. Similar to Holland, there would be menu choices.
The pot sold in these coffee shops is government grown and high quality. If the government produces most of the pot on the market and sells it directly to the coffee shops, the illegal marijuana market suffers a huge hit. Most marijuana users would much prefer to go to a store that they can walk into and know they are buy good pot than call a bevy of unreliable dealers in hopes of finding some good pot. The government and shops could also fix the prices at a level that is best for the government and coffee shops to make money while keeping the customers coming to the legal pot shops.
Legally, as far as carrying marijuana on your person, consider it decriminalized under a certain amount, say the same 1/8 ounce that would be legal to purchase at a time. Drinking in public is a crime, as smoking in public would be. Drunk and disorderly is a crime, as it would be for marijuana. Driving while high is the same situation.
Pot smokers are happy; the government is happy; new businesses and workers are happy. A whole new industry is created.
Comments and criticisms are welcome.
The only gray area is determining if someone is affected by marijuana while driving. Most states have a .08 limit for alcohol, how would you determine a legal limit for mary jane? Since it does stay in your body for a few weeks.
The only gray area is determining if someone is affected by marijuana while driving. Most states have a .08 limit for alcohol, how would you determine a legal limit for mary jane? Since it does stay in your body for a few weeks.
I would say that the best way to deal with that is with a field sobriety test and, if the officer determines it necessary, the driver can be searched for pot, detained and administered a proper drug test.
“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Kurt Vonnegut
I would say that the best way to deal with that is with a field sobriety test and, if the officer determines it necessary, the driver can be searched for pot, detained and administered a proper drug test.
Then they would have to have some type of blood test that measure's how stoned you are at the time.
I think the amounts deemed legal would be higher than an 1/8th. I could see it being an ounce. That's basically the difference between a charge, and a slap on the wrist right now, at least in my state.
Then they would have to have some type of blood test that measure's how stoned you are at the time.
I think the amounts deemed legal would be higher than an 1/8th. I could see it being an ounce. That's basically the difference between a charge, and a slap on the wrist right now, at least in my state.
I know determining the level of highness at the time is a tricky issue, so maybe the solution is a zero-tolerance policy for driving. If you fail the field sobriety test, you get charged.
I think an ounce is a bit excessive. I don't know anyone who themselves has an ounce of pot for personal use, which is what I was demonstrating by setting the limit at 1/8th. A quarter ounce would probably be fine.
“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Kurt Vonnegut
I know determining the level of highness at the time is a tricky issue, so maybe the solution is a zero-tolerance policy for driving. If you fail the field sobriety test, you get charged.
I think an ounce is a bit excessive. I don't know anyone who themselves has an ounce of pot for personal use, which is what I was demonstrating by setting the limit at 1/8th. A quarter ounce would probably be fine.
An ounce is pretty normal around these parts. It's a better deal But if stores/coffee shops were to sell, then yes and ounce would be excessive.
I know it got here because of failures from agencies like the FDA and USDA the ones you claim protect us. Besides mad cow look at salmonella outbreak the FDA incorrectly identified as coming from tomatoes when it was actually peppers. On and on, it's kinda scary how many things get missed, overlooked. And also...LEGALIZE!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
The most recent salmonella scare was initially suspected to come from tomatoes. Further investigation concluded it was improperly handled peppers from Mexico.
—Dorothy Parker
Well, actually I don't care if they tax it or not as long as I can grow my own without any taxation.
naděje umírá poslední
... which is actually the fatal flaw in the "legalize and tax it" argument. Legalization won't bring in nearly the amount of revenue supporters claim.
—Dorothy Parker
Wow at least there are open-minded people around here who have common sense. Makes me feel better about the ones who aren't and don't. Thank you.
And you know this how??? You're also a financial expert? I can argue for the opposite based on the BILLIONS of dollars generated by all the other drug industries. It's already happening so how's it a flawed argument? Not to mention the results can be seen in Holland already where it's legal. Oh and don't forget the amount of new jobs it would create, thus helping even more.
I guess I hadn't thought of that argument.
People are allowed to brew their own beer without having to pay taxes. I guess they would be allowed to grow their own marijuana without having to pay taxes, too.
That's where the harsh punishment would come into play. Anybody caught selling weed illegally would have to serve a good amount of time in jail.
Yea thanks you're actually agreeing with me. FDA said it was tomatoes, it wasn't it was peppers. People lost millions maybe billions throwing out tomatoes, and it didn't protect us one bit.
How is that different from the status quo, though? Tax stamps, anyone?
—Dorothy Parker
Right. Some people would probably grow, most would buy it and be taxed if it was legal so they wouldn't worry about jail etc. It would generate $$$ as you said.
It's different because the punishment would be for cultivation instead of simple possession. Most people would buy through government, be taxed instead of taking the chance of growing. Some would grow. What about Tax stamps?
I think most would buy and and pay the taxes. Many people wouldn't want to be bothered with having to take care of the plant(s), then harvesting and drying what they get from it if they could just pick some up at the store that's ready to smoke.
You could use that same argument against people growing their own food in gardens. People still buy most of their food at the store, which is taxed in some states (like where I live).
Exactly. It's not like you throw some seeds in the ground and all of a sudden you have big huge buds growing off the plant
I'm for decriminalization, not legalization. I do think that hemp should be a legalized industry though.
for what it's worth, instead of comparing weed to cars because it's not a good comparison, let's compare weed to cigarettes. how many people do cigs kill a year, yet they're still legal.
personally, i think it should be legalized, taxed, and sold just like cigs. generic, middle of the road, and top shelf joints, or canisters of weed you can either roll or pack.
but still, it would generate something, and that something would be more than what the gov't was previously taking in.
In addition, it would eliminate much of the expense that is going toward waging the war on drugs, and imprisoning non-violent criminals.
I find it astonishing how anti-choice and pro-government-bureacracy some posters are in this thread. I don't smoke, and wouldn't if it were legalized, but I am certainly pro-liberty. This is simply an issue of choice in the same vein as the use of tobacco, alcohol and transfats. Some of you moral crusaders need to get off your high horses.
But is that really a priority?
I can thing of 101 things we need to change before that, starting with the waste full war.
Sniff some glue in the mean time..
Should drugs be legal, yes..
But I'm more concerned with our own economy and dealing with the rest of the world than getting high.
Solving issues isn't a serial process. There are multiple things that can happen at the same time. And while legalization certainly couldn't be considered a top priority, it could be a way to cut spending and increase revenue, all while doing the right thing. It would be a rare move for government, and a good way to create good will.
Marijuana is legal to be sold in quantities of a 1/8 ounce or less in designated coffee shops. You can sit down, smoke a bowl or joint for a fixed price, have some tea and conversation with friends and leave with good, legal pot. Similar to Holland, there would be menu choices.
The pot sold in these coffee shops is government grown and high quality. If the government produces most of the pot on the market and sells it directly to the coffee shops, the illegal marijuana market suffers a huge hit. Most marijuana users would much prefer to go to a store that they can walk into and know they are buy good pot than call a bevy of unreliable dealers in hopes of finding some good pot. The government and shops could also fix the prices at a level that is best for the government and coffee shops to make money while keeping the customers coming to the legal pot shops.
Legally, as far as carrying marijuana on your person, consider it decriminalized under a certain amount, say the same 1/8 ounce that would be legal to purchase at a time. Drinking in public is a crime, as smoking in public would be. Drunk and disorderly is a crime, as it would be for marijuana. Driving while high is the same situation.
Pot smokers are happy; the government is happy; new businesses and workers are happy. A whole new industry is created.
Comments and criticisms are welcome.
The only gray area is determining if someone is affected by marijuana while driving. Most states have a .08 limit for alcohol, how would you determine a legal limit for mary jane? Since it does stay in your body for a few weeks.
I would say that the best way to deal with that is with a field sobriety test and, if the officer determines it necessary, the driver can be searched for pot, detained and administered a proper drug test.
Then they would have to have some type of blood test that measure's how stoned you are at the time.
I think the amounts deemed legal would be higher than an 1/8th. I could see it being an ounce. That's basically the difference between a charge, and a slap on the wrist right now, at least in my state.
I know determining the level of highness at the time is a tricky issue, so maybe the solution is a zero-tolerance policy for driving. If you fail the field sobriety test, you get charged.
I think an ounce is a bit excessive. I don't know anyone who themselves has an ounce of pot for personal use, which is what I was demonstrating by setting the limit at 1/8th. A quarter ounce would probably be fine.
An ounce is pretty normal around these parts. It's a better deal