No Trees - Life Will Cease

'Nothing affects just ONE' all capacities, for everyone and everything, whereas : NO TREES - LIFE WILL CEASE!
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programm (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, it's potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.
The IPCC (AR4) is the 4th such report spanning MANY decades of accumulated information which you can access at : then click on IPCC (AR4) 'summary for POLICYMAKERS'. There is MUCH information, and it is NOT!! for the faint-of-heart!!!
As you search through the massive, and BLEAK, report(s) summaries : keep this in mind ...for every ACRE of AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING TREES it "sequesters" about 4 metric tons of carbon annually! That's 2204.62 POUNDS of carbon!!!
Q : WHY are INDUSTRIES/DEVELOPEMENTS/PROGRESS -(?) allowed to continue to devastatingly DEPLETE our AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING woodlands & forests? Will all THEIR money be worth the LOSS?!!!
It is stated : The only concrete goal was to INCREASE forest cover in the region by at LEAST 50 million acres by 2020 - enough to absorb about 11 percent of the greenhouse gases the world emitted in 2004.
Q : Do you know how long it takes to grow a mature AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING TREE? (Another noteworthy site is :
check it regularly as it INCREASES daily!!
It is also stated : Both past and future anthropogenic -(that's human contribution)- carbon dioxide emissions will CONTINUE to contribute to warming and sea level rise for more than a MILLENNIUM, due to the time scales for REMOVAL of this gas from the atmosphere.
Whether you 'believe' in sciences ...we are in the midst of a dramatic EVOLUTION, or in the BIBLE ...the end IS near, I have stated 2 facts at the start of this : 'NOTHING affects just ONE' and 'NO TREES - LIFE WILL CEASE'!
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programm (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, it's potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.
The IPCC (AR4) is the 4th such report spanning MANY decades of accumulated information which you can access at : then click on IPCC (AR4) 'summary for POLICYMAKERS'. There is MUCH information, and it is NOT!! for the faint-of-heart!!!
As you search through the massive, and BLEAK, report(s) summaries : keep this in mind ...for every ACRE of AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING TREES it "sequesters" about 4 metric tons of carbon annually! That's 2204.62 POUNDS of carbon!!!
Q : WHY are INDUSTRIES/DEVELOPEMENTS/PROGRESS -(?) allowed to continue to devastatingly DEPLETE our AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING woodlands & forests? Will all THEIR money be worth the LOSS?!!!
It is stated : The only concrete goal was to INCREASE forest cover in the region by at LEAST 50 million acres by 2020 - enough to absorb about 11 percent of the greenhouse gases the world emitted in 2004.
Q : Do you know how long it takes to grow a mature AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING TREE? (Another noteworthy site is :
check it regularly as it INCREASES daily!!
It is also stated : Both past and future anthropogenic -(that's human contribution)- carbon dioxide emissions will CONTINUE to contribute to warming and sea level rise for more than a MILLENNIUM, due to the time scales for REMOVAL of this gas from the atmosphere.
Whether you 'believe' in sciences ...we are in the midst of a dramatic EVOLUTION, or in the BIBLE ...the end IS near, I have stated 2 facts at the start of this : 'NOTHING affects just ONE' and 'NO TREES - LIFE WILL CEASE'!
Post edited by Unknown User on
now that i know about it, i am sad i didn't volunteer.
actually thinkin' about movin back in with mom, just to spend a few months at this place:
trees for the
you can volunteer time there in several capacities.
looks like they will take ANY one, as opposed to some of these fru-fru groups that require degrees and shtuff.
i can't believe you wanted that as your first post, you little tree-hugger you!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
n : overbearing pride or presumption,
exaggerated pride or self-confidence
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Uhhhm...why would anyone have to do that? Don't you know how it works?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
She's posting on the internet, she has chosen to not lessen her impact. Many parts of the computer she uses are petroleum by products. There's a huge problem with the reycling of used computers. Then there's the electricity required to run the computer and the housing required to shelter the computer.
The consumer has the responsibility. She asks "WHY are INDUSTRIES/DEVELOPEMENTS/PROGRESS -(?) allowed to continue to devastatingly DEPLETE our AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING woodlands & forests?" Because consumers like her demand products that require the industries to "devastatingly DEPLETE our AIR FILTERING, OXYGEN PRODUCING, EARTH COOLING woodlands & forests".
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Nice link. They want to help developping countries. See, it's all about others bearing the responsibility. It's all about well I live in a developped nation and I'm not changing my lifestyle. But you shmucks in the third world, well we'll just slow your development and shackle it with enviro laws just so I can feel good about my consumption habits.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
i personally am quite tired of the counter-arguement against such posts being what the op SHOULD/could do....or how being on a computer, obviously not willing to live as they preach, etc, etc. BS. it is NOT all or nothing, people. we can...and live in BALANCE.
no where did i see suggested that all wood product use CEASE. merely sharing information...imortant information....for us ALL. YES...we ALL can do our part, cut down use...recycle....etc....but it IS also important on a corporate level as well, b/c bottomline, there is so much waste....period.
thanks for the post.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Synonyms: airs, aloofness, audacity, bluster, braggadocio, brass*, cheek*, chutzpah*, conceit, conceitedness, contemptuousness, crust*, disdain, disdainfulness, ego, egotism, gall, haughtiness, hauteur, high-handedness, hubris, imperiousness, insolence, loftiness, nerve, ostentation, overbearance, pomposity, pompousness, presumption, pretension, pretentiousness, pride, priggishness, scornfulness, self-importance, self-love, smugness, superciliousness, swagger, vanity
Antonyms: humility, modesty
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Dude it's planting trees on this planet... How is that bad?
okey dokey...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Unfortunately, only 5 miles away the WORLDS largest cement plant had already been APPROVED and this year alone has BULLDOZED away FOREVER 1700 acres of TREES!!! That's 14,991,416 MORE POUNDS of carbon that HAD been "sequestered" a year ago! Not to mention the carcenogenic/toxic silicon dioxide, diesel emissions, etc., ETC., that WILL be emitted!!
Another 5 miles further -WITHIN 10 MILES!- about 300 TREE bearing acres have been BULLDOZED away FOREVER for a DEVELOPEMENT!! That's ANOTHER 661,392 MORE POUNDS of carbon that HAD been "sequestered" a year ago! TOTAL : an AUTOMATIC additional 1,102,320 pounds OF CARBON TO OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!
thats silly, and you know it.
That way anyone who promotes environmentalism is a hypocrite.
Welcome Kay!
Way to go!! In 5 years I've planted 27 trees, but only 19 have survived so far. Another -MINIMUM- 25 are being planned for. The SAD thing is most people don't have the full scope of how IRREVOCABLY DEVASTATING the situation ALREADY is!! The reports are HEAVY and DISHEARTENING reading, but -WOW!!!- what an eye opener! A small example : "...there are projected to be major changes in ecosystem structure and function ... with predominantly negative consequences for biodiversity, and ecosystem goods and services e.g., WATER AND FOOD SUPPLY." But, Hey! Let's allow a few more thousand acres of TREES be bulldozed away! Then we'll just blame everything on cigarettes ...BUT, you won't hear the full depth of the reality on the tube-news, from policy makers, presidential candidates ...PRAYERS - PATIENCE - PEACE
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
What's wrong with the concept of taking responsibility for your actions? Why do some people need to blame corporations for their own consumption habits? Corporations only provide what we'll buy. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable by letting you know that your computer is an environmental nightmare. But now that you know are you going to do anything about it? Talk is cheap you know.
Kudos on planting trees but the biggest impact individuals can have is through conservation and purchasing choices. In the end most people opt for the easier route of planting a few trees.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Come on, it doesn't necessarily have to be on extreme or the other.
You can live in the society and watch what and how you consume. Just because you don't live in the woods and hunt for your food doesn't mean you're not allowed to care for the environment.
And believe me, I tried, it is tough not to buy stuff that comes from a corporation or another. But you can always try and go plant a tree later on that day.
I appreciate the sentiment she's trying to get across but placing blame while her's and others actions support those she's blaming is pretty weak.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I dont think any environmentally minded person is suggesting we get rid of all technology, such as computers, music players, TV's which are made from petroleum produtcs. Nor do I think they are suggesting that we all should stop all corporations from ceasing to exist.
I think the more responsible argument is to suggest and pursuade corporations to be accountable for their actions, and to pursuade corporations to create environmentally friendly materials to make things we see as necessary tools for the 21st century.
I think it would be a great accomplishment if we could create materials for computers, houses, buildings, electronic devices, that arent petroleum or wood derived, or at least, made from wood from sustainable forests. And its nt too much to ask to have corporations clean up their acts so that they do not blatently destroy water sources, air quality, etc.
And people need to live in homes and use cars and computers, so its completely unreasonable to ask people to simply give up those things if they dont want to be hypocrates. Rather, as newer technologies and materials are created, replace the old with the new and move foreward. And as repairs are needed to homes, it would be nice to update with environmentally friendly materials.
In fact, much of this is going on now, we just need to push for it.
Nuclear fission
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I think most consumers don't realize the impact they are making on the environment by purchasing some of the things they do. But, in 2007, its still a little much to ask people to try to get along without using a computer. Or a car. Right now, I have no other alternative for my business BUT to use a computer. However, I know to turn it off when not in use, and also make sacrifices buy buying environmentally friendly materials whenever possible.
So, to say companies "fulfill our demands based on how we purchase", that is true to a certain degree. However, when there are no other options (are there green computers?) or the options are too expensive (Prius), people have no choice but to purchase 2007 necessities that are not friendly.
But further, to simply cut down forests or spew toxic chemicals into drinking water.....that has nothing to do with consumerism, that has to do with irresponsibility on behalf of the company.
Nuclear fission
--Tobacco Companies. Sure they had to be dragged kicking and screaming from marketing to kids. Sure their level of nicotene has skyrocketed. But hey, if the consumers are not boycotting them, they have no responsiblility. And it helps their executives sleep at night.
--Clothing manufacuturers. Sure they'll abandon American workers at the drop of the hat in favor of child labor and 95 hour work weeks for pennies a day. But hey, if the consumers are not boycotting them, they have no responsiblility. And it helps their executives sleep at night.
--Polluters. Sure they pollute the air so they can save two cents on the product unit produced. Sure they dump all sorts of shit into the water. But hey, if the consumers are not boycotting them, they have no responsiblility. And it helps their executives sleep at night.
etc. etc. Quite literally, no corporation has ever done wrong. The reason is because the market is perfect and if the market cared about the environment, the increasing additiveness of tobocca products, child labor, etc, it would show through in its purchasing habits. An apathetic populace has spoken.
It's the tradgedy of the commons ( Basically, I can drive an SUV to visit my friend a block away (using tons of gas to start the car and excellerate from 0 to 15) and serve my own laziness and convenince because "hey, I'm just one person on this big blue marble and one trip makes no difference to air pollution." Then, of course, everyone feels that way.
Another grey area, is my computer, made of plastic, will last a decade. Big difference from people that drink 5 plasitic bottles of soda and water per day (and I work with those people). I don't feel too bad about a new computer every decade. However, I would never be that cavalier about my water bottle habits. But many are. It's the tragedy of the commons. I guess we either accpet it or bring some socialism into the mix.
Nuclear fission
I watched a thing on Discovery HD (one of my fave channels) about Patagonia. REALLY interesting stuff...and beautiful land!
I think the best approach is to stop the preaching because it all comes from hypocrites and just individually make our best effort to conserve as much as possible. And maybe put our money where our mouth is and invest in companies providing and/or researching greener energy options. All I know is I'm sick of being told how evil corporations/development/progess/etc... are from people who actively fund them.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I can understand yourlast sentence. It makes no sense for people to spend a ton of energy lashing out at companies while not being responsible themselves. I hope people practice what they preach, by recycling, reducing waste, reducing their own energy consumption...whether its gas, electricity, etc.
But again, I hope people dont stop talking about the issues, and I dont think everyone who talks about the issues or targets corporations are hypocrites. I think many people practice what they believe in, to the greatest extent that they possibly can. know.....short of throwing out their computers and turning their apartment complexes into wetlands.....
Nuclear fission
Discovery HD is the best channel. I could watch anything on that channel.
and yeah, that area is amazing.
I really like this company. They recycle most of their clothing, and use it again, plus all the other stuff that the website lists.
Nuclear fission
Never heard of it until now. Discovery HD is great...but I was glad to hear that National Geographic finally got around to HD. Now THAT'S good television!