
Everything i have written or read today, seems insignificant after reading Cosmo's post. Truer words have never been spoken.
Thank you Cosmo.
Thank you Cosmo.
Cosmo wrote:...
I believe we may be bearing witness to the decline of America as the world's leading Super Power. I also believe that History will record that this place and time is when we lost our grasp and the power of China rose to take our place.
Is it the end of America? NO. Remember, it wasn't all that long ago when Britania was the world's greatest Super Power. Did they disappear? NO. They remain a great country that enjoys Freedom and Democracy (they just need to let go of that bullshit figurehead Monarchy they got that the old guard is clinging to).
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Our greed and arrogance is our downfall. We were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to solidify our place as the World's Leader... a benevolent, caring Super Power who had more friends than enemies... but, we squandered it with our arrogance and self-righteousness. We **should** have... could have lead the world... but we decided to go it alone and lost the respect of both friends and enemies along the way. America has lost her way and we need to get her back on track. We may not be the leader in the future... but, it will not be the end of America... unless we let our arrogance destroy us.
Post edited by Unknown User on
What is comforting about this and different is the very important recognition that we will not cease .. and can live on in peace and prosperity even after squandering our opportunity. What has transpired is embarassing, but it aint over till its over.
Our economic dominance may be at an end though. That started when we stopped building things and shipped jobs elsewhere, we are really hurting from it now.
In the meantime people keep shopping at Wal-Mart to save a buck on some garbage Chinese made t-shirt that falls apart after a few washes. I've said it before that people need to look at EVERYTHING that they buy, down to toothpaste. Sure there are some things that we have no choice but there are choices on almost everything. If you buy something made in a foreign country when there is a perfectly good USA made alternative then you are directly to blame for the problems we are having today. It is your fault.
Personally I willingly pay more for American made goods because I have pride in my country and more importantly myself.
Seriously when will people get it? How many problems have there been with Chinese made goods? Lead paint on toys, bad tires, melamine killing our pets, the list goes on and on. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
so does Britain.. does that make us world leaders also?
hey ... what you are espousing are socialist ideologies ... be careful ...
I mean the rivalry between Australia and the Poms and the Sheep shaggers is friendly, we genuinely like each other, but here, the rivalry between canada and the US is not at all friendly.
having been to NZ twice and Australia and traveled much of the US ... i would say you're off the mark here ...
US-Canada relations are great at the person level ... here in Canada, we often criticize americans for this that and the other but it's not malicious ... we get along quite well ...
i would say we're no different than how aussies treat and feel about kiwis ...
Personally, I don't see why it's such a great post. It's common sense to say 1st place will at some point in time drop to 2nd. To say that's happening now, is a bit more of a risk. But, a "wow" statement it is not.
As for the substance, emerging-markets (like China) are going to get crushed by a fall in U.S. consumption. We still hold the world economy on our shoulders and will for the forseeable future (look at the dollar recently). China may surpass us, but it won't be any time soon and it won't be because of this particular recession.
Here it just feels like like we (USA) are on our own. That's what i mean. Hopefully i explained that better this time.
oh ... if that's what you meant - then you're spot on!
I would consider Great Britain one of the leaders, yes. I'd probably also include Germany and Japan, possibly Canada.
oh so its a shared thing now?
leader (singular)
canada is not a world leader in anything ... we used to be on some issues ... not anymore ... we are world derailers ...
surely Maple Syrup exports?
how could i forget!?? ... hockey players and maple syrup!
oh right ... i thought we were talking about something positive ...
What is said was we should have... and could have become a benevolent, caring Super Power. But, we didn't. We failed to learn from the lessons of other empires and instead of going a different route... we tread upon the same path that lead to... and will lead us to our decline.
And I DO believe we could have lead the world. After the attacks of september 11, 2001... we had an outpouring of empathy. People who thought we were assholes even said, "Man... you didn't deserve that". I believe that with the right leadership, we could have convinced the rest world that this terrorism must end. Gang up the entire world community to end this bullshit. Yeah, it would have been long and difficult... but, aren't ALL tough problems difficult to solve? And by Lead.. I do NOT mean Rule.
The path we had chosen shut down all that. Now... those people that were leaning towards us after September 11 are saying... "Man... you guys ARE assholes. Maybe you DID deserve it".
Like it or not... we are Rome. We are not evil... just arrogant with a sense of self-righteousness and a serious case of narcissism. The people of Rome probably thought they were doing good for the world... road building, running water, leading technology, arts, culture. But, what was the Roman Empire doing in those far away lands? Economic expansion and imperialism with the best interests of Rome at the forefront. Sound familiar?
Hail, Hail!!!
that is dead-on correct and will fall on deaf ears....
The problem is... it is too late. As a company... how do you compete with the juggernaut that is the potential of the Chinese Manufacturing machine? You don't. Those manufacturing jobs we had are gone... and they aren't coming back.
We are turning towards a retail and service employed middle class. And with that, more well paid union manufacturing middle class Americans will slide down the pay scale, than rise to the multi-millionaire executive class. There are those very few at the top... more of our middle class sliding down and a few of us clinging on to our middle class jobs. As an example, look at that AIG execs meeting at a California resort that cost $440,000.00. To them... that's just like the business trip you get sent on where you stay at the Marriot and eat at the Outback Steakhouse. To them... this is what they are used to... $440,000.00 is chump change to them... a mere business expense. That is the gap that we see... but, they do not. Our Middle Class is eroding.
The new Global Middle Class is India and China. A couple of Billion strong. When China comes online at her full potential... she will have 2 billion local (Chinese) consumers. Add the Indians (India) and it is almost 40% of the entire world's population. Will she need us any more?
Hail, Hail!!!
Superpowers become superpowers through evil deeds....invasions, economic strangling, etc. etc. They don't become superpowers by being nice and trying to "lead" the world. I still think it's delusional to think otherwise. The US is no different, and its evil started well before September 11th.
Regardless of that. The opportunity I see is the reaction... of other countries... after the attacks. Yeah... there were/are some who celebrated the attacks... but, many more that thought were were assholes... but, didn't deserve it.
I believe we could have used that opportunity to band with the others... by setting aside our own personal loss.. and worked towards ending terrorism... or, at least, making it a terrible career choice for people... including their financial backers.
But... like you said... we didn't. I feel we lost that once in a lifetime opportunity because we chose the evil way through the door of anger, hatred and vengence.
Hail, Hail!!!
no no you're just being paranoid, insecure, and delusional....
it's all just random chance what's going on right now.
The MIC angle is a hoax and overblown. This is what I'm reminded of here all the time.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
While I know you explained yourself later in the thread.. I just wanted to reiterate that I, nor anyone I know, feels this way. I think Canada is a great country and have always felt the same amount of love and respect back from them. I don't know about Planet Hoth:p.. but the Canada/US rivalry is definitely friendly over here in California.