So now that Iran has clearly violated International Law...

Is the United States going to continue to be the bad guy here? All diplomatic means are being used, and the Iranians continue to be belligerent. When Saddaam flouted the UN at least we gave him no fly zones and sanctions that really hurt. Well see what the UN does this time...My guess...NADA.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Somehow with Pakistan having their finger on a button the world isn't a safe place anyhow. But all you people who love the fact that they are an ally of the US seem to overlook what the main religion is there and how little power the army brass who heads the state really dosen't have.
Waa waa waa, they said they would wipe out a country.
Waa,waa waa, they already have dropped bombs on a country.
hmmm.. all diplomatic means are being used.. well, maybe not ALL.. since the United States refuses to talk to Iran about anything at all...
I suppose that can be considered all diplomatic means if you desire war.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I have come to agree with this too. Iran has no defense against Israel and US military power.
isn't it funny that when it comes to the US or israel violating international law ppl say they can't tell us what to do! and how the un has no credibility! you can't have it both ways, guys, sorry :(
like when we the world court said we violated international law in our mining nicaragua's harbors and bombing them into the stone age...ppl here said we don't have to follow international law and they can't tell us what to do...huh
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Exactly. And so the spiral of U.S violence and bully tactics continues.
So you're basically saying that the UN ignores violations of international law all around? I basically agree, they are ineffectual. Half of their resources are devoted to harassing Israel, and the other half are devoted to ... Hmmm ... I'm not even sure. What the hell does the UN do, really?
Is it bullying if the kid getting slapped down is really mouthy and constantly making threats? These aren't really victim behaviors.
Israel's nuclear arsenal has been the Middle East's worst kept secret for decades; yet it hasn't provoked an Arab nuclear arms race--unlike the Iranian nuclear program. The reason is that the Arab world knew that we wouldn't use the bomb unless we ourselves faced imminent destruction. The Sunnis appear to be no less "paranoid" about a nuclear Iran than the Jews.
How can you ignore the statement by former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani that it is "not irrational" to contemplate a nuclear war that would destroy Israel but would only damage the Muslim world? Or the statement by Ahmadinejad to Kofi Annan that a third world war is coming and Iran is going to win it?
or "We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world. "
Most antizionists are antisemites
sounds right
That's what I think as well. Regardless of how crazy or fanatical he is, he has to realize that any attack on Israel would lead to all hell raining down on him and his country.
this is so common and such a really bad arguement..
Please remember we tend not to judge our successes and failures based upon other countries for which we have no respect....
What is it WE are supposed to be negotiating with and for? The IAEA and UN are tasked with the job of inspections and enforcing UN resolutions. Since we have nothing to offer Iran, unlike the situation in North Korea, what is it you think the US has to gain or lose from unilateral talks? This is the UN's job at the moment. That is, if they still have a job.
so in other words its ok for Iran to act like an asshole
I agree with you basically - with the charactorization of their approach to the religion - which is essentially none of our business
The whole Iran crisis is one of our perception..
which is akin to "all in our head"
you're kidding right? if iran can do it; then north korea should have the same benefits; as well as any other country wanting to build nuclear weapons.
Why do you find the need to drag Israel into this? Last time i checked Israel had nothing to do with Iran at the moment
didn't you hear? after the CIA coup in '53 Iran lost all historical agency. now everything since then, and everything that will be, is the US's fault. (sarcasm)
Most antizionists are antisemites
can't imagine how you read that from what I said..
There are so many things wrong with this statement.
First of all, Saddam proposed to get rid of his WMD's if Israel would do the same. The US blocked that move. Second, the US has repeatedly violated internationl law, on a scale IRan could never compete with. Third, the US has already installed a brutal dictatorship in Iran, one the people eventually overthrew-meaning IRan has every right to fear US aggression. Fourth, the UN's inability to act is a direct result of US failure to allow it too. If the world's superpower doesn't want to play there is no game.
Saddam was not a threat to anyone, after 91. Even his neighbors didn't see the need for the US to invade. He sure wasn't a threat to the US. Much like Iran isn't a threat to anyone, least of all the US. The only reason they are looking for WMD's is defend themselves against US aggression, a real threat considering US actions in the region.
I'm not kidding, no. And any country who wants to build nuclear weapons is going to build nuclear weapons, unless you bribe them or kill them, and even then you're likely just delaying the inevitable. Regardless, I'm not interested in bribing or killing anyone. Otherwise I'd be building my own nuclear weapons just like the rest of these fools.
Dont confuse them with the facts again.....
Of course we have things to offer Iran... please.....
You might also mention the non-stop "death to america" rallies they have had perpetually since 1979. Big difference between Iran and the Sunni world. If you ask me, we invaded the wrong country....Iraq was just an easier target.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Here's the trouble with that approach: there's no "problem" to resolve, in the eyes of both parties.