Ron Paul / Dennis Kucinich

These two presidential candidates from different parties are compared frequently: both are against needless wars in Iran and Iraq and refuse to fund them, both voted against the PATRIOT Act and continue to oppose it, both are unusual “underdog” candidates with large followings, and both claim they will bring a revolution to America’s government by returning to the values of the Constitution.
Article goes on to point out how many voters are supporting Ron Paul for the wrong reasons. Obviously biased article but it makes some good points.
Article goes on to point out how many voters are supporting Ron Paul for the wrong reasons. Obviously biased article but it makes some good points.
"Don't lose your inner heat...ever" - EV 5/13/06
Post edited by Unknown User on
Now, I do agree to an extent that some Ron Paul supporters would definitely be better served by Kucinich. However, I think a lot of people are missing the fact that Ron Paul is more than an anti-war, anti-patriot act candidate. There's more to the man and, more importantly, more to the philosophy that he's pushing. The left needs to wake up and ask itself why young people in this country are beginning to turn their backs on Keynesian economics instead of pretending that the young are simply stupid or misguided.
Because Keynesian economics has turned its back on us!
[and its really more White-iean economics ... Keyenes wanted the pound to be the defacto world currency, White wanted the dollar.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sure - Keynesian economics has some serious flaws. However, best keep in mind that Keynes pretty much saved the West in the early part of this century by slowing the march of socialism through Europe and America. Furthermore, you'd be wise to recognize the immense growth of the American economy during the time that Keynesian mindsets reigned. Deny reality at your own risk.
We know already. You have told us to the point of it being naustiating.
the original constitution
all troops out of iraq..
im just glad the election is next novemeber...ive got this weird feeling alot will change by then
Of course you will because you are so much brighter and aware than we are. Your insight is unrivaled by any here. I mean just look at the high level of intellectual discourse you posts emit. The way you label any who disagree with you dumbasses. The way you claim to know better than anyone else but yet proved no facts to support your claims. You are a scholar amongst us children. We should all humbled by your mere presense on this board.
you said it
Sarcasm – the sneering, sly, jesting, or mocking of a person, situation or thing. It is strongly associated with irony, with some definitions classifying it as a type of verbal irony intended to insult or wound — stating the opposite of the intended meaning, e.g. using "that's fantastic" to mean "that's awful".
wait,.. may i inquire about your age..? (just curious where/how you see yourself in relation to 'the young' of which youre referring..)
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
ahh like this
mammasan doesnt feel inferior intellectually to macgyver06
is this an example?
i almost forgot this talking abo ut facts... hahah your ready to endorse a candidate with no numbers of any kind... facts..lets post his voting record??? huh.... lets post some number on TEXAS health... lets post some words talking about oil from ron paul... where are these facts
I do not consider myself a genius or think that I know everything, because I certainly do not, but I am definitely positive that you are intellectually inferior to me.
I do have to admit that your posts do bring me great joy. On these slow boring days at work, with everything slowing down for the holidays, your utter nonsense just makes me laugh. I would have never thought in a thousand years that one individual could be so ignorant and utterly brain dead, but yet think so highly of himself. It is so sad that it actually becomes funny. Even some of my coworkers come to see your posts because of the shear stupidity they amount to. It's like watching a train wreck.
do they walk away after they laugh?
I don't care about his poll numbers. This is not a popularity contest. I vote for the candidate who closest represents my ideals. Ron Paul is that candidate. Above is his voting record, which is far more consistant that any other candidate except for Kucinich. You don't have to like him or even vote for him, but you know nothing about him and your attacks on him and his supporters are baseless and only emphasize how massively foolish you are.
No they usually stick around to see the next pile of shit you will post.
I'm really shocked at the people on the left side (especially) not looking into Ron Paul at greater depth, but rather straining to find good points in Obama or Hillary or Edwards even. Kinda fcuked up indeed. Left or die will ensure a quick death if the message isn't right. More government is curse right now. THAT is a disaster for sure. present, it's all an illusion.
I'll say it a million times with complete confidence that Ron Paul is the best thing going.
There's nothing better available for order on the menu. There just isn''s not there.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
my point is you are being fooled by the republican party. who do you think ron paul is going to endorse for president?? who do you think republicans than in turn expect you to endorse with a single vote.
The Republican Party does not endorse Ron Paul. The Republican party probably hates Ron Paul because he is pretty much against everything they stand for. If Ron Paul is not nominated I really don't care who he endorses for president. I'm not going to vote for that person simply because Ron Paul told me to. If you actually knew anything about Ron Paul, which you don't, you would know that he is running as a Republican because it is extremely difficult for a 3rd party candidate to get on the ballot of all 50 states. It takes a tremendous amount of money and time to accomplish this. That is resource that could be put to better use now, like campaigning. So by running as a Republican he does not have to divert resources and finances to accomplish thisw and he is invited to the primary debates where he can get his message out to a national audience. If he ran as a 3rd party candidate this would have been impossible.
It's pretty funny that you would mock people for voting based on party affiliation, but here you are doing pretty much the samething. You are completely knocking an honest candidate simply because of the party he belongs to.
Are you saying Ron Paul is a con artist for the republican party concocted to steal votes on pure lies?
That's beyond conspiracy, I'm not sure what that ideology is called.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He knows absoluetly nothing about Ron Paul. He is basing his whole position on the fact that Paul is a Republican. Much like the fools who vote for a candidate based solely on party affiliation, he is disqualifing one of the only honest candidates in this race because of party affiliation. Either way you slice it it's pretty fucking ignorant.
Hehe...I'm in my late 20s which would definitely qualify me as part of "the young", though I think I would be excluded from "the politically young".
that first sentence is completely crazy seeing how im related to him
He has stated why several times in interviews. Also in case you didn't know he ran once for president as a Libertarian and he stated that the troubles he had during that run, getting on ballots, not being invited to national debates, is the reason why he decided to run as a Republican.
That makes you look even worse. The fact that you are related to him and you still have no fucking clue about what the man represents is just sad.
He has no choice in the matter really . The guy is libertarian, but cannot start a third party without some seriously huge cash. It's just not a three party system. It's also very risky, as it's like reinventing the wheel from scratch. He has neither the time, or resources, to run for office, and create a new party simultaneously. He gets asked this question at essentially every interview, and has had to explain it hundreds of times. If he had a choice he would run in a separate third party.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
will he make abortion illegal?
If the NJ Libertarian party is any indication of the National Libertarian Party then they are a mess. Here is a 3rd Party with some margin of support that can't even get it's shit together long enough to nominate a candidate. I attended a few meetings here in NJ and proposed supporting Paul. I might as well have been talking to a wall because people could even agree to put this forth as an option.
No. He will try to reverse Roe v Wade because he feels that it is an issue best left to the states.