What's so "special" about Barrack Obama?

His skin color?
The fact that he is one of the few blacks in the DNC that doesn't talk nonsense like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson?
He's been in the Senate for two (2) years. What makes him "qualified" to lead this nation as a president?
The fact that he is one of the few blacks in the DNC that doesn't talk nonsense like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson?
He's been in the Senate for two (2) years. What makes him "qualified" to lead this nation as a president?
Post edited by Unknown User on
He is the anti Bush
A great speaker
It would be nice to have a president to lead us out of the fear, fear fear mentality. He also has a degree in International Relations from Columbia. Imagine that, "international relations" Who needs that?
What qualifications would you like candidate to have?
Its almost unbelieveable that the U.S. would send someone like Bush to the Oral, oops, Oval Office. The U.S. is so involved in the affairs of many nations of the world - to have a zenophobe in that position just seems crazy. Ya, it sure would be nice to have a U.S. leader who is genuinely appraised of international affairs instead of paying it lip service or bemoaning that aspect of his/her overall duties. Bush just seemed lost out there.
WOw thats some great list of accomlishments you got there...Better go out and vote for him right away! Ya know, cause hes smart and has a college degree.......no experience but hey fuck it!
didn't list his accomplishments. Just stating he had more experience than Bush and as far as character, he actually has some. I didn't even state if I prefer him over other Dems.
I asked what qualifications do you think a president should have? I tend to think the less time in government the better and 10 years seems to be a good cutoff.
Yea but Obama will never be president...bush has been for 2 terms. I win you lose
America lost
this doesn't even make any sense. obama never even ran.
that said, i dont know anything about him. but i know why the dems love him: he's the only guy in their entire party that has a shred of charisma and isn't a total lunatic.
Your just not seeing my point of view. Rex Grossmans shittyness can do that to you...i bet you will come around.
who's rex grossman? that the bears guy? i dont follow the nfl... i only root for my alma mater, ohio state football... and my guy is winning the heisman so you can suck on that
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you know, i have read some really dumb posts on the moving train, but ive got to hand it to you... this one takes the cake. you've exceeded even my worst expectations of potential stupidity among moving trainers. congratulations.
Exactly. I dont think he is different from most politicians. But the fact he is very well spoken and charismatic makes him a solid presidential candidate. And its kind of sad when simply being a good speaker is qualification for being president.
What makes him not qualified?
What makes you not qualified for that matter?
Read the Constitution. Nowhere does it say that you must be a Senator, Governor, or multi-millionaire to become president. The President must be a natural born citizen of the United States (or a citizen of the United States at the time the U.S. Constitution was adopted), at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years. That's it. Whether or not there's much reality left to that is pretty obvious I suppose. I don't think you'll ever see John or Jane Q. Public get elected...though the Constitution guarantees that they are qualified to at least run if they meet those three criteria.
Here's a piece of trivia for you...who was the last US President to not have a college degree?
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
C'mon now, we all know that anything that happened pre-9/11 isn't relevant in the least. Boo for trying to add perspective to the discussion.
I think one strong thing going for him is that no one knows much about him other than his book, which he controls the story, his speeches which he controls, like any candidate for President, though he hasn't announced yet, it's how they stand up under the media and their opponents scrutiny that will determine if he is going to last or not.
the media pudints keep making much about nothing, the more involved in each parties primaries the better off for the voters, get them to actually take a stage on issues, and not a neutral position that will not offend. Debate, debate, debate...
Stop by:
Yep. What "qualifies" him is that he is even more likable than most likeable candidates. He's also very articulate and intelligent. I know a lot of republicans that like him.
But if he runs for Presdient, he's going to have to put out his postions on abortion and other things that will diminish the universal love for him.
my only memory of obama ever saying anything that sounded like opinion before i moved from illinios had something to do with reparations long before he was in the spotlight. i do not remember the comment though.
He is pro-choice, which has led Christian social conservatives to urge Rick Warren to disinvite him from speaking at one of those mega-churches.
He supports energy independence -- he is, after all, a Senator from Ethanol.
He was anti-war back before it was fashionable. He was the only Democrat in the primary who was explicitly against the war, who said it was a mistake in 2004. I'm pretty sure that's what got him the primary. (He won the election because Keyes was a carpet-bagging nutjob, completely out of step with the Republicans in Illinois.)
He supports programs to alleviate poverty, although he isn't the kind of guy who's going to throw money at problems. He'd prefer to put people to work, improve public education, that sort of thing. To pay for it, he will probably do away with the tax cuts that benefitted the people in the top 1% of income earners.
And he's entirely too comfortable mixing religion and politics for my taste. But it's what sells these days . . .
And he had a distinguished career as a lawyer and a community activist before he went into politics -- unlike some spoiled mama's boys who made a career out of losing the money of his daddy's friends before driving sound baseball teams into the ground. And Obama had a reputation as a state legislator as someone who could reach across the aisle to Republicans and broker deals. I know that the fine art of compromise is unpopular to all the chest-thumping he-men who prefer their politicians to stick to "principle," but he got stuff done, because as someone has already noted, Republicans like him.
So what else do you need to know?
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
OK, but a lot of people don't really know his positions. Once they do, some of them will jump off the bandwagon. It's inevitable.
But Bush ISN'T running for a third term! Can't some of you liberals fucking understand that? And no conservative Evangelical Christian is going to vote for a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT like Barrack Obama, let alone that flake McCain. They rather vote for Romney, and he is a Mormon! Mitt Romney over McCain ANYDAY!
People are jumping on the Barrack bandwagon to soon.
Furthermore, Obama is stealing Hillary's thunder. Whatever you do, you don't want to get in the way of a Clinton.
yup or...
anybody w/o their head up their ass.
the world lost... oh although i am not american i have seen barrack speak on tv at the national convention and during the midterms. he is very charasmatic, inspiring and seems like a strong leader. if americans as a majority would vote for a black guy... that is a different issue. i started a thread about this and a few people did say that they thought a lot of americans were not ready for that...
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