Muslim boy urinates on Bible, no Christians riot



  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    How many Muslims are there? Who controls the majority of the world's oil? Who is winning the war in Iraq. I'm not sure I would agree that "we are ruling the world." We might be ruling our little island, but the whole world is a stretch.

    I think Mr. Teddy is somewhat right about this. If it had been a white kid doing this to a Koran, and it was covered by the media, I'm sure it would have inflamed some Muslims to start the Riot Act. Being a Christian however, I could really care less if some kid takes a piss on the Bible. I'm not the one he'll have to answer to about that.

    yes, but up until maybe a few years ago, who was buying all that oil? the american economy has driven the world for 50 years. our military has had unquestioned superiority. we have been recognized as the lone superpower for decades.

    furthermore, that's only america. the western world is even larger and clearly has the upper hand. we're richer, have more resources, and better education. and it's christian. the luxury of being on top is christians can create their own problems... catholics vs protestants, the gay menace, etc. so a muslim pissing on the bible is no big deal. it's just what the western christrians would expect from the "savage heathens." the muslims, however, are in many ways simply struggling to survive and to gain some respect and credibility. nobody gave a shit what they wanted or how brutal their lives were until they started killing americans. we didnt care about bringing freedom and democracy to iraq. we didnt care that the taliban was an atrocious dictatorship (we even propped them up becos they were burning opium fields). not until 9/11. so yeah, they're very sensitive about any sign of antagonism from christians.

    you do raise a point though. islam is on the rise. the tide is turning. christians are more apathetic. china is growing to challenge sole western christian dominance. india as well. the power is waning. in a few decades, you WILL see christians throwing shit fits when the majority muslim leaders of the world piss on the bible. you will also see muslims become less fanatical once they get the majority of their citizens into cushy and wealthy comfort and turn their attentions to the menace of rock music, feminism, or what their shiite members' loppy koran interpretation is.

    this is all natural.
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    if a 13 year old christian pissed on the koran, at least 2 ontinents would have come to a standstill.

    Assuming this 13 year old christian pissed on the Q'ran in a christian school (which would be a near impossibility as they wouldn't have a copy of the Q'ran), he would probably be applauded for what he did by both the school and the parents, with maybe just a token 'telling off' for PC sake. The catholic religion rejects all other religions and any other 'book' is blasphemy anyhow.....

    This boy acted inappropriately and he was punished accordingly. He brought shame on his parents who seemed to have raised him to be tolerant as they are.

    The US don't seem to mind desecrating the Q'ran.... Guatanamo being one example.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Saturnal wrote:
    If the point here is to say that some fundamentalist Muslims would riot in the street if some kid pissed on the Koran, then I'd say you're probably right. And what does that tell us? Not much. It tells us that fundamentalist religious beliefs are not a good thing. It says nothing about Muslims in general. Just like the KKK shows nothing about Christians in general.

    bad comparison. you might get 100 KKK members at most protesting or whatever stupid sit they do, compared to the 10s, 100s, of thousands muslims in multiple countries taking to the streets.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    bad comparison. you might get 100 KKK members at most protesting or whatever stupid sit they do, compared to the 10s, 100s, of thousands muslims in multiple countries taking to the streets.

    I agree, In the present it's a one way road.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    jlew24asu wrote:
    bad comparison. you might get 100 KKK members at most protesting or whatever stupid sit they do, compared to the 10s, 100s, of thousands muslims in multiple countries taking to the streets.

    Nevertheless, it's still a small procentage of Muslims that take to the street.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • darkcrowdarkcrow Posts: 1,102
    just thought of another incident where christians went on the rampage... when jerry springer the opera hit the uk, the religious right when crazy. So called christians sent death threats to the everyone involved with the production, and did the same when the bbc screened it on tv. due to the hate they spewed and more death threats they forced the production to stop its national tour. they also, dispiciblly, allied themselves to the evil BNP (racist far right party) to get this stopped.

    on another religion... a gang of horrible sikhs stormed a theater of a play written by what is said to be one of the finest new writing talents in the uk becuase they said her play was offensive... she is a sikh too.
  • Collin wrote:
    Nevertheless, it's still a small procentage of Muslims that take to the street.

  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    Saturnal wrote:
    If the point here is to say that some fundamentalist Muslims would riot in the street if some kid pissed on the Koran, then I'd say you're probably right. And what does that tell us? Not much. It tells us that fundamentalist religious beliefs are not a good thing. It says nothing about Muslims in general. Just like the KKK shows nothing about Christians in general.

    You're failing to see the larger picture. What is relevant and scary is that say this happened in Saudi Arabia or Iran. The government would support and encourage a mass reaction from its citizens. The boy would be severely punished, maybe even killed. His family would be dishonored and alienated from everyone they knew. They would probably recieve death threas and who knows what else.

    In contrast, that doesn't happen in Western civilization.... this is what we are fighting - though some don't want to recognize it. It's the GOP/Haliburton propaganda machine spreading fear right???

    George Bush and Haliburton and everyone in the GOP can kiss off. I don't care about them and I don't need them to tell me anything. I can read the headlines and watch the news from the most ultra left wing outlets and still draw my own conclusions about the world.
  • co-ex-ist
    1. To exist together, at the same time, or in the same place.
    2. To live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy
    Noblesville 6/22/2003 St. Louis 5/4/2010 East Troy 9/4/2011
    Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
    Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
    Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
    Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
    Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
    Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
    Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
    NYC 5/2/2016
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    Collin wrote:
    Nevertheless, it's still a small procentage of Muslims that take to the street.

    Small...really? even when leaders of countries call for that persons death.

    Wow yea small....
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • miller8966 wrote:
    Small...really? even when leaders of countries call for that persons death.

    Wow yea small....

    Last time I checked, leaders don't get credit for being thousands of people, still one. Just like you and I.
  • If it was the other way around the Muslim communities in Australia would make all hell break loose. Remember the mufti comparing scantily clad women to dogs? Not in the same way that their cousins in Europe have done (because Australia is generally quite tolerant) but it would be a big issue nonetheless. I think the issue is as good as dead, they did a stupid thing and they have being punished for it. Luckily in Australia we can all live together in peace (apart from isolated incidents here and there) with people from all relgions which I'm very thankful for, seems to be much worse in Europe.
    The wind is blowing cold
    Have we lost our way tonight?
    Have we lost our hope to sorrow?

    Feels like were all alone
    Running further from what’s right
    And there are no more heroes to follow

    So what are we becoming?
    Where did we go wrong?
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    i just pissed on the koran,better watch my back now.dont wanna upset any muslims
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,111
    "Christians are so abused" is getting really old now. I'm tired of the religious pity party.

    But your "Islam is a peaceful religion" talk isn't old, when it OBVIOUSLY isn't?
  • But your "Islam is a peaceful religion" talk isn't old, when it OBVIOUSLY isn't?

    Why do you think it's not peaceful?
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    Islam and Christianity are religions with violent histories. Trying to say that one is more violent than the other is missing the point. Is religion supposed to inspire violence or hatred? i would argue that it is not an objective of either religion to spread hate...and that it is people who contort the doctriens of both religions for their own destructive purposes.
  • PJPOWER wrote:
    Hmmm, another idea based on faith..............When you put yourself on the operating table, you're basing your idea that the surgery is going to go well completely on the faith that that person with the "Dr." in front of his name isn't drunk and has a proper education............That's assuming you have "faith" in the idea that we have a decent education process to offer that person about to cut you open. Everyone puts a certain amount of faith in things that they do not know to be true or untrue.

    It is probablity not faith and probablities are based on evidence i.e most people go in to an operation come out in a better condition than they went in. Religion uses peoples fear of death to dictate how they live their lives, often to the detriment of others.
  • The pope can make a relatively non-inflammatory comment about Islam, and there is rioting in the streets in Muslim countries.

    Christians are constantly under attack. They are impuned, mocked, ridiculed, scoffed at (namely by "tolerant" leftists). I don't see the Religious Right taking it to the streets, rioting, and issuing death threats..
    It's not really the religion that's violent it's the society.

    Good god you're naive.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    who cares. i'm listening to YIELD.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • fanch75 wrote:
    who cares. i'm listening to YIELD.
    hell yeah.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    fanch75 wrote:
    who cares. i'm listening to YIELD.

    nice, dude!

    i mean, really. there's no point to this thread. everyone knows that more than a few muslims are psycho about their religion.
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    But your "Islam is a peaceful religion" talk isn't old, when it OBVIOUSLY isn't?

    Dont put words in my mouth....thanks.
  • NCfan wrote:
    You're failing to see the larger picture. What is relevant and scary is that say this happened in Saudi Arabia or Iran. The government would support and encourage a mass reaction from its citizens. The boy would be severely punished, maybe even killed. His family would be dishonored and alienated from everyone they knew. They would probably recieve death threas and who knows what else.

    In contrast, that doesn't happen in Western civilization.... this is what we are fighting - though some don't want to recognize it. It's the GOP/Haliburton propaganda machine spreading fear right???

    George Bush and Haliburton and everyone in the GOP can kiss off. I don't care about them and I don't need them to tell me anything. I can read the headlines and watch the news from the most ultra left wing outlets and still draw my own conclusions about the world.

    We're not fighting against the brutality of oppressive regimes in the Middle East. Saudi is considered an ally, just like many brutal regimes are. That is certainly among the most brutal regimes in the Middle East, and we trade with them regularly, U.S. governement officials will always refer to them as "our friends" in the Middle East, etc.
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    It is probablity not faith and probablities are based on evidence i.e most people go in to an operation come out in a better condition than they went in. Religion uses peoples fear of death to dictate how they live their lives, often to the detriment of others.
    So medicine never uses people's fear of death to dictate the way they live their lives? The government never uses people's fear of death to dictate the way it's civilians live their lifes? The same argument could be made that people go into religion and come out a better person than they were before...............Religion is also often very benificial to the lifes of others through charity and what not. Actually, in the city that I live, the only homeless shelters and charities and battered women's shelters and youth advocate shelters are sponsered entirely by......................churches.............? The argument could be made around here that religion serves as the main means of helping people in the community. It's funny how close minded people are on both sides of these religion/non-religion debates. I realize that religion has and does influenced violence.................but it doesn't ALWAYS promote violence and sometimes does just the opposite. If it weren't for organized religion, my city might actually be in a lot worse shape.
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    I am a firm believer that POWER is the root cause of most violence. Power hungry individuals will use whatever means they can to get nations to believe in THEM. That means could be religion, democracy, money, oil, etc. If the majority of people were athiests, a person like George Bush or Adolf Hitler would have probably spun athiests morals and values to achieve their goals. Ever heard the phrase "never trust a politician"........or "birds of a feather flock together"? The sole purpose of any religion that I can think of was not to inflict violence. Christians main goal is probably to be more Jesus-like, right? I never read a thing about Jesus pulling out a knife and stabbing someone when they didn't believe the way he did, am I missing something? Religion's initial intent, in my opinion, was not to justify wars............Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    I agree, In the present it's a one way road.

    hey just think this way b/c jlew said it!

    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • comparing the "faith" one puts in a doctor who became a doctor here on this physical world, to comparing the "faith" one puts in magic and the supernatural w/ no proof is well....ridiculous.
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    Smellyman wrote:
    comparing the "faith" one puts in a doctor who became a doctor here on this physical world, to comparing the "faith" one puts in magic and the supernatural w/ no proof is well....ridiculous.
    Why? I'm willing to bet that comparable neurotransmitters are used in both
  • Being a Christian however, I could really care less if some kid takes a piss on the Bible.

    FUCK! What's wrong with you? That is by far the most annoying corruption of a simple expression in the american version of the english language. You mean you COULDN'T really care less!!!! If you could care less, then you must care a little bit!
    It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!

    -C Addison
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