Muslim boy urinates on Bible, no Christians riot

Make a cartoon criticizing Islam, you are a dead man..,20867,20891402-2702,00.html,20867,20891402-2702,00.html
Post edited by Unknown User on
Kids do stupid things. The school kicked them out. Everyone involved is satisfied that they've been punished. Case closed. They're kids. What else should be done? Should they be hanged?
Being Australia, if it was white kids pissing on a copy of the Q'ran I think the same thing would have happened. We don't take religion so seriously that we want to kill each over it down here.
-C Addison
Christians are constantly under attack. They are impuned, mocked, ridiculed, scoffed at (namely by "tolerant" leftists). I don't see the Religious Right taking it to the streets, rioting, and issuing death threats..
"Christians are so abused" is getting really old now. I'm tired of the religious pity party.
Soooo much wrong has been done in the name of religion...
My other home
Get over it. You post the same shit everyday.
Making a mountain out of a molehill again. I don't really think you can compare the impact the pope has on people to this 13 year old kid! Just typical teenage behaviour.... His parents teach respect and tolerance, the school does as well in the way it acted, bringing home that what he did was unacceptable. Could you honestly say a catholic school would have expelled a kid for desecrating the Q'ran ? Coming to think of it... would they even HAVE a copy of the Q'ran in a catholic school? Don't think so.......
Lighten up.
well, it's easy to take things in stride when you know you're ruling the world. the christians can afford to smile condescendingly at those crazy muslims cos the christians hold all the positions of power in this world. it's why bill clinton and the dems took so much abuse when he was in power and why dubya takes so much abuse now. whoever is in charge and running the show has to accept that the people who have to submit to their control aren't going to be happy about it and will say and do some nasty things. on the flipside, such minorities tend to over-react to small things out of paranoia that at any minute they could basically be crushed under the heel of the majority. that's the way power imbalances work.
Why would they? That would be in direct dispute with the whole forgive your enemies/turn the other cheek fantasy.
old music:
No, you guys just start wars.....and didnt some evangelical preacher man say the cia should assasinate hugo chavez a few months ago??So much for not issuing death threats
Yep, you're right, pissing on a bible certainly takes an amazing amount of intelligence and bravery...c'mon now.
Im so sick of people making fun of christianity being this huge "religious freedom" movement. Dan Brown wrote a novel depicting jesus as not being divine...nobody even called for him to die. Now how about Salman Rushdie?
I got an idea; want religious freedom? Dress up as Mohammed.
actually there was a huge campaign against dan brown around the time the film of the da vinci code was going to be released. if memory serves me correctly they even tried to get it banned.
there are bad people on both sides miller. generalisations on either side really do not help matters.,,1770878,00.html
also in in india due to a huge campaign by hardline christians, the government was forced to ban the new slayer album becuase apparently it would offend christians too much.
I think you are way off my friend. muslim countries would be rioting and calling for the kids head.
God. But he's not really for me either.
They don't really have a monopoly on that:
Does this not make you a PC person that is too easilly offended?
Maybe the gay community should issue a statement that they're hugely in favor of violence in the middle east.
Nah, they're too worried about the Christians
People are so damn silly.
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hey it's america...everyone is abused...gays, christians, atheists, those who celebrate christmas, those who dont, black people, white males, illegal aliens. I'm sick of everyone wanting a pity party.
Happy hanakwanmas solstice
who knew that this whole time we've been trying to find ways to get these groups to see each other's point of view, and all it took in the end was some hot man on man action.
How many Muslims are there? Who controls the majority of the world's oil? Who is winning the war in Iraq. I'm not sure I would agree that "we are ruling the world." We might be ruling our little island, but the whole world is a stretch.
I think Mr. Teddy is somewhat right about this. If it had been a white kid doing this to a Koran, and it was covered by the media, I'm sure it would have inflamed some Muslims to start the Riot Act. Being a Christian however, I could really care less if some kid takes a piss on the Bible. I'm not the one he'll have to answer to about that.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years