Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lot more right-wingers on this board?

I've noticed a lot more anti-Obama and anti-left posts on this board than when I used to visit awhile ago.
Is it just me, or do more and more of the posters on this board seem to be rational right wingers instead of looney leftists?
Is it just me, or do more and more of the posters on this board seem to be rational right wingers instead of looney leftists?

All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
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You've made some friends.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Welcome my friend...welcome.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
if anything, there are fewer hardcore right-wingers here than in years past...before public opinion turned on the GOP b/c of Iraq, it was pretty brutal in here at times. I think if anything, a lot of those posters have gone quiet...
I don't consider myself left or right, and don't presume anyone else to be; unless they define themselves that way.
But then, I'm a Canuck; I can choose a party anwhere along the spectrum... if I want to waste a vote
There are some aspects of Democratic thinking that aren't entirely offbase. I don't have a problem with fair trade, for instance. Neocon foreign policy doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth.
Regular folks seem to get signed on to the Dems because they aren't millionaires, but regular folks hate lazy welfare-cases as much as the robber barons. And the average joe is more opposed to illegal immigration than big business, there's no doubt about that.
Somewhere along the line, real conservatives need to reject the excesses of the Republicans and the downright traitorous Democrats.
-Enoch Powell
i fully love the 'objectivity' in the first well done.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Having Obama become president tears at many folks core foundations and hence are becomming very vocal.
Did you know I got booted from Free Republic for being a "troll"
They don't like anti-war conservatives...
And I don't consider myself a Republican either, except when it concerns Eire
-Enoch Powell
I wouldn't mind seeing some of those threads.
there are aspects of republican thinking that aren't entirely offbase. for instance, small, local government and a distrust of federal regulation.
but then they destroy those with their hypocrisy on wanting federal intervention in all kinds of social issues and trampling on privacy rights via fisa and the like.
my fear of the treason of republicans outweighs my fear of democratic economics. the latter only wants to tell me what to do with my money, the former wants to tell me what is acceptable for me to do with my life and thoughts.
You could use some re-education anyway...government sponsored Right-Wing re-education wouldn't hurt eh?
-Enoch Powell
fuck that man. i'm not living in a world without porn. i had enough of that prudish bullshit in catholic school. i like my vices and fuck the right-wingers and the sticks up their asses
censorship sucks, and if y'all had your way, the only books we could read would be little house on the prairie and the only movie would be polly-fucking-anna... and not the good adult title by that name! shit, pearl jam would be out because ed has some lyrics about suicide and drugs. that sound like a fun country to you?
The left's worse for censorship. And I'm a leftie admitting that.
how so?
unless you're talking about leftist revolutionaries in south america and the like, that makes no sense. here in the states, it's the right doing the censoring... blue laws, banning strip clubs, adult stores, calling special sessions of congress to investigate janet jackson's tit, getting harry potter removed from school libraries because it is turning children in satan-worshippers... the right has a stranglehold on censorship over here.
ya know i was raised a republican and the current party and it's followers are no where close to being what i believe to be republicans....the christian right destroyed the party and is slowly destroying this country
which is why i've voted libertarian for the last 16 years...although they are a bit too extreme for me, i agree with the core values
tipper gore was the co-founder of the pmrc
lieberman wants to censor hollywood just as much as christians
So you would rather support someone who spends TRILLIONS on another country...those goddam illegals taking our jobs while our boys in Iraq...hahaha
lieberman's not a left-winger. tipper gore i'll grant you, but she wasn't an elected official. just a bored woman looking for a cause. the right runs whole campaigns on this stuff.
I don't support George Bush. I also do not support John McCain.
I've done very well, thank you. I know with Obama it would be worse.
i know lieberman is a bad example but i think my point is made....republicans/democrats are really the same shit...but yes of course the conservatives are uptight prudes who are afraid of their own genitals
the dems only pose on these issues because they're scared of the right destroying their reputation if they don't
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Really? Ever heard of political correctness? The right are all for you smoking because they own the cigarette companies. Richard Desmond owns the UK's Daily Express - more right wing than the Daily Mail - and he has had a lucrative career as a pornographer. The whole Thatcherite ethos of consumer freedom is anti-censorship, anti-censoriousness and anti-nanny state. (Except when it came to us Irish. She was almost as bad as Labour's Roy Mason then.) The whole Brown ethos of collective social responsibility has its roots in diehard Presbyterianism. The Labour movement in the UK grew up hand-in-hand with Methodism. Censoriousness and notions of world-betterment are the antithesis of the game-theory espousing form of "individualistic liberalism" that is Thatcherite-Reaganite conservativism in full flow. Ah, but now I'm confusing people with the way I suggested that liberalism was a conservative concept which has little to do with socialism. Read Raymond Williams. All will be clearer.
pc on the left is annoying, i'll grant you that. but i see a lot of pissing and moaning on that front here, whereas the right is actually organizing and passing laws on this stuff. furthermore, except for the token reagan nod, all those examples are british. things must be a bit different over there. it sounds like your conservatives are what our conservatives USED to be and now only pay lip service to while acting as puppets for christian fundamentalists.
on the flip side, saying a worker's movement was tied to methodism does not make is conservative. there have been a number of very liberal alliances between religion and social causes... slavery, women's rights, and worker's rights being among them. but that was 100 years ago or so and things have changed and religion is now aligned with social conservatism.
Yeah, I was raised in a staunch Labour environment to some extent. Lot of wharfies, truckies, painters and dockers and very much anti Liberal, silvertail sentiment. Stick FAT comrades!!!
So yeah, by all means label me a Liberal. It cracks me up!
I find that I can no longer give my vote to the Labour party in this country, particularly given some of the outrageously "Liberal like" leanings they have shown in recent years, so these days I'm always voting with the more extremist parties. I realize they have no chance of actually securing overall power and I wouldn't want them too either, but I do enjoy being able to get a few of them into parliament to "help keep the bastards honest" like the Labour party used to before they became a parody of their former selves.
Personally I think the whole system is flawed. I'll always be wanting the best representatives for the job in power. But I guess we'll always be stuck with politicians instead.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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