This Just In: Liberals are Pussies

I think we can all agree that conservatives have more guns, yes? And they also support a stronger military, yes?
What makes the libs think that if the shit were to go down and a nuke were to go off in DC or NY, that we would still remain safe without guns? There is a very real possibility that terrorists could sneak a weapon across our border, and if they did, how would you protect yourself if you didn't own a gun? Suppose the government was dissolved for a time or the police force was no longer funded and they all went home. What then?
Or perhaps, what if a home intruder just happened upon your home and decided he was going to kill your ass? Is that reason enough to own a gun?
I like how liberals oppose gun rights so much because then that means they're the only ones without guns. Makes them easier to fight
What makes the libs think that if the shit were to go down and a nuke were to go off in DC or NY, that we would still remain safe without guns? There is a very real possibility that terrorists could sneak a weapon across our border, and if they did, how would you protect yourself if you didn't own a gun? Suppose the government was dissolved for a time or the police force was no longer funded and they all went home. What then?
Or perhaps, what if a home intruder just happened upon your home and decided he was going to kill your ass? Is that reason enough to own a gun?
I like how liberals oppose gun rights so much because then that means they're the only ones without guns. Makes them easier to fight

All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sorry moms, it is not the quantity but the quality. I'm a dead-eye and so are all the people that go with me to the NRA range. And they're all conservative too.
Mofos like Ted Nugent got like thousands of guns. They pass 'em out to freedom-loving people like me and I get 'er done.
But yeah, I'm sure that little 9mm revolver you carry in your purse is real cute with the rubber grip and the pink trigger lock.
-Enoch Powell
Btw, I hate pink, and don't carry a gun in my purse.
However, I think this issue will eventually take a whole new turn when ray-guns are eventually invented and mass-produced. Then it will be like OK we have to draw a line somewhere.
Nah I'm gonna own one and PWN SOME LIBS.
-Enoch Powell
Got a gun, fact I got two
That's ok man, cuz I love god
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Don't think, dumb is strength
Never shot at a living thing
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Feels so manly, when armed
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a...
Always keep it loaded
Always keep it loaded
Always keep it loaded
Kindred to be an American...
Life comes...I can feel your heart...
Life comes...I can feel your heart through your neck...
Life comes...I can feel your heart through your neck...
Like some...I can steal your heart from your neck...
Anybody using that phrase deserves the automatic death penalty. No trials. Just line 'em up against the wall
Besides, guns are for pussies. Let me show you my collection of missiles sometime
—Dorothy Parker
Who the hell really owns a 9MM revolver? I've never even seen a revolver that was a 9mm.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
either corporatewhore made a mistake or he is a fraud
i am not the "pussy" that is so scared of the world around him that i have to own multiple guns to feel secure and safe... and i am not the "pussy" that uses terms like "get er' done" to make myself feel manly or tough :rolleyes:
most NRA folks are the real "pussies"... "we have to have our guns just in case"... in case of what you fucking pussies, chances are you have never even witnessed a violent crime?
ps... i support gun ownership rights and gun control
Three unlikey situations if you ask me. Sounds a bit paranoid too.
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Oh, Lord. Help us.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I guess you dont remember that photo he shared of himself with Pat Buchanan. He is about 120 pounds soaking wet so he NEEDS a weapon. Of course he only talks tough when he is typing......
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This is up there for post of the year.
You said "mofos" "ted nugent" "freedom loving" and "get 'er done" in one paragraph. Brilliant!
I must admit that my stance has changed on gun control over the last few years....and it has nothing to do with terrorists, a dissolved government, or being abandoned by police. It has everything to do with state-sponsored terrorism, dictatorial government, and the policing practices that those things entail.
That said, at this time, I own no guns and have no need to. Another issue is that when gun control laws are passed, they can easily impinge on other freedoms, Canada's gun control laws are an example.
i really think corporatewhore is a total fraud
there is no such thing as a 9mm revolver...
"dead eye" my ass
... probably means he's blind in at least one eye
—Dorothy Parker
Talking about his conservative buddies down at the NRA range, he sounded to me like the girl who says she's a sports fan and while watching a game at the sportsbar says things like "Tom Brady just made a touchdown!" or "Did Derek Jeter make a home run?"
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
that's a lot of suppositions... you sound like a 6 year old:
"what if, the bad men, blew a city. and then, what if, the bad men, came running across the border en masse (cos we'd never have advance knowledge if an army came through mexico). and then, what if, the evil liberals shut off the police? and then, what if, the military stopped working?"
yeah, then you'd need a gun maybe. me, im pretty confident our military are police are here to stay and if there is an invasion, im reasonably sure they could do a helluva lot better job keeping me safe than you or i could.
as to your statement about what we all agree on, no, i dont agree with those. conservatives do have more guns maybe, but i don't believe they want a stronger military. a more bloated budget with lots of tech goodies and a lot of meddling with wars we dont need to fight... yes. but stronger... no. liberals and cons just have different ideas about what makes a strong military.
not a day goes by without you saying something that makes me amazed you are not still in junior high. here's hoping those nukes go off in williamsburg first. you'd make a wonderful martyr.
I think ole CW just "made" in his pants after reading the responses on this thread.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
yes, it's obvious he gets off on controversy.
well, you know how rough it is out in those lily-white suburbs. all those rich WASPS... they have to deal with their neighbor trying to borrow that lawn mower all the time! it's hard out there for a WASP ya know... not a day goes by i don't hear about a dozen different folks gunning down those spick migrants trying to steal their china or those A-rab terrorists risking their lives to get into barroom's (sorry, meant corporatewhore) linen closet cos clearly, al-queda knows with him gone nothing can stop them from world domination. thank you whore (of the corporate variety) for keeping us all safe. your testosterone makes me feel so inadequate. :rolleyes:
You are like a little kid who runs home to tell mom what his teacher said at school, only, in your case, you run home and tell us what the Grand Dragon said at your KKK meeting