Obama Favors Partial Birth Abortions



  • A presidential hopeful who actually listens to the people? What have you been smoking? ;)

    ...that stuff they were passing around at Crabs Unlimited.

    Dammit, what was I thinking!?
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • LaterDaysLaterDays Posts: 142
    Quite a discussion here... for both of you.

    The partial birth abortion ban bill intentionally didn't include a clause allowing for medical necessity - when the mother's life is severely at risk due to near-delivery complications and there's a likelihood the baby would die anyway. (Partial birth abortions account for well under 1% of all abortions performed anyway, so although I strongly disagree with the procedure, it's sort of a moot point).

    It's akin to proposing a bill that will get us out of Iraq, but makes no guarantee that we'll do so safely or wisely. When a politician (rightfully) votes against it as poorly put together, his political opponents can point at it and say, "Look! He/She voted AGAINST leaving Iraq!" It's wholly misleading.

    But for you vindicates of the silly superstition that considers a 1st trimester fetus or a fertilized egg (holding my laughter here) on par with a fully grown child, I'm sure the gimmick worked just well. Go vote for McCain - I'm sure he'll be willing to cater to your illogical whims now (though it was a different story a few years ago).
    "You are everything, and everything is you. Me, you... you, me -- it's all related."
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    LaterDays wrote:
    The partial birth abortion ban bill intentionally didn't include a clause allowing for medical necessity - when the mother's life is severely at risk due to near-delivery complications and there's a likelihood the baby would die anyway. (Partial birth abortions account for well under 1% of all abortions performed anyway, so although I strongly disagree with the procedure, it's sort of a moot point).

    Thank you for providing actual information rather than just unfounded opinion.

    Just to add to this thought: I agree that only 1% of abortion occur in the 3rd trimester. One of the many problems with this bill, however, (and back to my earlier point that there's no such medical procedure as a "partial birth abortion") is that the wording is so vague that it could actually outlaw 2nd- and even 1st-trimester procedures as well. But the public has been duped into outrage over the one rarely-performed 3rd-trimester procedure they think the bill is solely about.
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    scb wrote:
    Thank you for providing actual information rather than just unfounded opinion.

    Just to add to this thought: I agree that only 1% of abortion occur in the 3rd trimester. One of the many problems with this bill, however, (and back to my earlier point that there's no such medical procedure as a "partial birth abortion") is that the wording is so vague that it could actually outlaw 2nd- and even 1st-trimester procedures as well. But the public has been duped into outrage over the one rarely-performed 3rd-trimester procedure they think the bill is solely about.

    exactly. some clinics were affected at 12 weeks. and this was signed into law btw.

    one of the most disturbing images i've seen:
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    VictoryGin wrote:
    one of the most disturbing images i've seen:

    What do you mean?! Certainly a bunch of old, white, male politicians are more qualified to make reproductive health decisions than the woman herself or even her doctor! :rolleyes:
  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    scb wrote:
    What do you mean?! Certainly a bunch of old, white, male politicians are more qualified to make reproductive health decisions than the woman herself or even her doctor! :rolleyes:

    yeah. well they don't have to smile so much over it. ;)
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    Can anyone explain this to me?

    Obama supports partial birth aboritons.
    That is, he would seek to remove the current ban on the proceedure.

    Can someone here explain the medical necessity of this process of either simply murdering a birthed child, or inducing labor to then stab the child in the back of the head with scissors?

    Yay liberal values!

    You're right, we need to FORCE women to have those unwanted babies so we can put them in uniforms and fight the next hundred years of oil wars.

    As those unwanted babies grow to unwanted adults we can pass more drug laws (except for alcohol which I really have a taste for) so we can build more prisons.
    the Minions
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