Very scary to think people are getting "facts" from this think progress site. It's not even a news group, or objective in any way at all. Very scary.
Fear clouds your mind rah0027. You ought to be able to read and analyze sources from different points of view without being afraid.
I used this link because a timeline helps us put the events in perspective. And I find this timeline to be well researched, note that all of the entries include references to mainstream media or government sources. If you can find a better timeline please post it. We can discuss the details in it and I won't be afraid.
It takes gall to criticize objectivity and respond by posting a right wing authored opinion piece.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Fear clouds your mind rah0027. You ought to be able to read and analyze sources from different points of view without being afraid.
I used this link because a timeline helps us put the events in perspective. And I find this timeline to be well researched, note that all of the entries include references to mainstream media or government sources. If you can find a better timeline please post it. We can discuss the details in it and I won't be afraid.
It takes gall to criticize objectivity and respond by posting a right wing authored opinion piece.
Of course there was enough blame to go around, except people weren't blaming Blanco and Nagin. Surprised you admitted that. The president trusted those under him. That thinkprogress gives timelines like Micheal Moore gave 9/11 timelines. making it seem like the president could care less. It is a way to sway opinion, and is very dishonest. Making it seem like he was partying while those people were drowning. Shame on thinkprogress. Using tragedy to further their political agenda.
Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. --Ronald Reagan
I really don't care who did what in the first days, well I do care but I'm more bothered about what hasn't been done in the years since Katrina!!!!!!!! FUCK BUSH!!!! There is still devastation there now!
I really don't care who did what in the first days, well I do care but I'm more bothered about what hasn't been done in the years since Katrina!!!!!!!! FUCK BUSH!!!! There is still devastation there now!
How is that President Bush's fault?
Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. --Ronald Reagan
I'm definately a states rights guy, but when its obvious that the state is overwhelmed and incapable of doing shit, the fed government should step in. As the leader of the goddamn country and MOST POWERFUL HUMEN BEING ON THE PLANET Bush at the very least could have payed more attention rather than leaving it up to incompetent inferiors and state officials. Any real leader would have made some calls and got shit done. He wasn't a leader. I gave him a pass on the chickenshit way he handled 9/11, but after he went AWOL for Katrina as well I'm absolutely convinced he has no leadership capability. He also appointed a completely unqualified loyalist asskisser like Brownie, who not suprisingly was completely unprepared. How can that not be Bush's fault? Bush's dumb fuck ass wasn't even aware that the crisis was still going on when he said "heckuva job, Brownie". Someone had to burn him a copy of the news so he could catch up!
Bob Geldof says President Bush has done more to help Africa than any other Predient ever. This is another example of the media ignoring his wonderful accomplishments. Read about it when the Time magazine articla comes out. Remember when President Bush stood up to China by presenting the Dalai Lama with an award? There really is a media bias in the country which is trully blinding our youth. It presents people like Shawn Penn as authorities on morality (Jeff Spicoli). This is scary. Put aside your hatred and dig deeper into what the president has done. Hate is a nasty thing.
Okay... doing relief work for Africa is a good thing. No one disputes that. And Bush set aside that huge underwater santuary off of the Hawaiian Islands... another good thing. Yay, Bush.
But, you balance that against the terrible policy decisions (wih Iraq and the complete mishandling of the relief effort in the Gulf States in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as the greates blaring examples) whose long term effects will continue to do more harm, than good... they don't quite balance out. It's sort of like saying, "Well, Adolph Hitler DID give us the V.W. Beetle... so, maybe we should cut him some slack on that whole Holocaust thing".
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Okay... doing relief work for Africa is a good thing. No one disputes that. And Bush set aside that huge underwater santuary off of the Hawaiian Islands... another good thing. Yay, Bush.
But, you balance that against the terrible policy decisions (wih Iraq and the complete mishandling of the relief effort in the Gulf States in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as the greates blaring examples) whose long term effects will continue to do more harm, than good... they don't quite balance out. It's sort of like saying, "Well, Adolph Hitler DID give us the V.W. Beetle... so, maybe we should cut him some slack on that whole Holocaust thing".
No it's nothing like Hitler quote. President Bush improved the strategy in Iraq, and continues to push for relief in New Orleans. The people finally elected what seems like a competent governor, and things are improving.
Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. --Ronald Reagan
No it's nothing like Hitler quote. President Bush improved the strategy in Iraq, and continues to push for relief in New Orleans. The people finally elected what seems like a competent governor, and things are improving.
No it's nothing like Hitler quote. President Bush improved the strategy in Iraq, and continues to push for relief in New Orleans. The people finally elected what seems like a competent governor, and things are improving.
Improving... yeah, you are right. Depending on your point of view.
Like in Iraq... things are improving for Muqtada al Sadr. He has a huge influence in the Iraqi government and his 60% majority Shi'ites can grow even larger now that there is no more restrictions on Shi'ite immigration, like there were under Hussein. In a Democracy where 60%+ are anti-American/Anti-Israel Shi'ite Fundamentalists... guess who wins elections. He is getting paid in U.S. Tax dollars to keep his militia forces at bay. He takes our tax dollars and spends them in Iran to gain even greater forces and command.
So, you are right... things in Iraq are improving for Muqtada al Sadr.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Improving... yeah, you are right. Depending on your point of view.
Like in Iraq... things are improving for Muqtada al Sadr. He has a huge influence in the Iraqi government and his 60% majority Shi'ites can grow even larger now that there is no more restrictions on Shi'ite immigration, like there were under Hussein. In a Democracy where 60%+ are anti-American/Anti-Israel Shi'ite Fundamentalists... guess who wins elections. He is getting paid in U.S. Tax dollars to keep his militia forces at bay. He takes our tax dollars and spends them in Iran to gain even greater forces and command.
So, you are right... things in Iraq are improving for Muqtada al Sadr.
He is losing, and will continue to lose. He better call for a cease fire.
Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. --Ronald Reagan
Another Dan Rather hit job. He better get ready cause the media loves Obama.
Right... the Media is in love with Senator Obama :rolleyes:
Headlines from the Fox Spews site:
McCain Paints
Portrait of Patriot
• Clinton Battles Call to Quit
• Rev. Wright Makes Surprise Visit to Chicago Church
• Obama: Foreign Policy Resembles That of Elder Bush, JFK
CNN politics site
Obama: Had Rev. Wright not retired, I'd have left
MoveOn takes on Clinton's moneyed supporters
Obama, Clinton hit McCain on the economy
CNN TV: The week in politics, 6 p.m. ET Sat. »
Seems from this quick snap shot Fox Spews thinks Rev Wright is running for president. Fox News has been stuck on this story for how long now? Four weeks?
The whole Media is in love with Senator Obama is just RW propaganda.
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Right... the Media is in love with Senator Obama :rolleyes:
Headlines from the Fox Spews site:
McCain Paints
Portrait of Patriot
• Clinton Battles Call to Quit
• Rev. Wright Makes Surprise Visit to Chicago Church
• Obama: Foreign Policy Resembles That of Elder Bush, JFK
CNN politics site
Obama: Had Rev. Wright not retired, I'd have left
MoveOn takes on Clinton's moneyed supporters
Obama, Clinton hit McCain on the economy
CNN TV: The week in politics, 6 p.m. ET Sat. »
Seems from this quick snap shot Fox Spews thinks Rev Wright is running for president. Fox News has been stuck on this story for how long now? Four weeks?
The whole Media is in love with Senator Obama is just RW propaganda.
Sure it is. Ever hear of Rezco?
Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. --Ronald Reagan
He is losing, and will continue to lose. He better call for a cease fire.
Losing... huh. So, that means... what? We're 'winning'? Winning what?
Please, explain to me how Al Sadr is losing... when... in case of his death... there will become thousands or hundreds of thousands more that will be willing to die... not for a man... but, for a martyr.
The Shi'ites are 60% majority and growing... how is that losing? 60% beats 40% divided by 2 anyway you try to spin it. Al Maliki backed off on his (U.S. insisted) raids of Shi'ia militias... called a 'concession' so al Sadr would clear his men off the streets. Calling the shots is 'losing' in your book?
Look... maybe it's time you change the channel on the television set and take a long, hard look at reality and give up this fairey tale about Iraq turning into the next Nebraska. It's real easy to sit in the comfort of a safe bedroom and say 'WE'... and I use that term, "WE", loosely... should stay there. You are not doing anything in this war. None of us are. You are only saying you think someone else should stay and do the things you are not willing to do yourself. The only ones with something at stake in this war are the soldiers and their families... that's it. No one else... not you... not me... not the politicians or the talking heads.
That shit over there is going to explode whenever we leave... be it today or 100 years from today. We have to decide... are the lives of our soldiers worth the cost of that fucking place that is NOT going to change 1,400 years of religious divide because we (godless, decadant money worshippers) tell them they should.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Thats not even a news organization. It is a left wing propaganda machine!
Very scary to think people are getting "facts" from this think progress site. It's not even a news group, or objective in any way at all. Very scary.,8599,1717934,00.html
Just saying.
Fear clouds your mind rah0027. You ought to be able to read and analyze sources from different points of view without being afraid.
I used this link because a timeline helps us put the events in perspective. And I find this timeline to be well researched, note that all of the entries include references to mainstream media or government sources. If you can find a better timeline please post it. We can discuss the details in it and I won't be afraid.
It takes gall to criticize objectivity and respond by posting a right wing authored opinion piece.
There is blame to go around.
Still doesn't make up for his other fuck ups.
Of course there was enough blame to go around, except people weren't blaming Blanco and Nagin. Surprised you admitted that. The president trusted those under him. That thinkprogress gives timelines like Micheal Moore gave 9/11 timelines. making it seem like the president could care less. It is a way to sway opinion, and is very dishonest. Making it seem like he was partying while those people were drowning. Shame on thinkprogress. Using tragedy to further their political agenda.
Who said that was right wing?
How is that President Bush's fault?
I guess if you have no expectations of a president, it's not.
John Leo writes opinion columns for the right.
Okay... doing relief work for Africa is a good thing. No one disputes that. And Bush set aside that huge underwater santuary off of the Hawaiian Islands... another good thing. Yay, Bush.
But, you balance that against the terrible policy decisions (wih Iraq and the complete mishandling of the relief effort in the Gulf States in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as the greates blaring examples) whose long term effects will continue to do more harm, than good... they don't quite balance out. It's sort of like saying, "Well, Adolph Hitler DID give us the V.W. Beetle... so, maybe we should cut him some slack on that whole Holocaust thing".
Hail, Hail!!!
No, he writes them for the left. Sounds liberal to me.
No it's nothing like Hitler quote. President Bush improved the strategy in Iraq, and continues to push for relief in New Orleans. The people finally elected what seems like a competent governor, and things are improving.
In what year are we?
Hail, Hail!!!
Don't put much stock in your frightened ears. Different views scare you and that can cause confusion.
More objectively he is a senior fellow at a right wing thinktank.
I'm not the one who spouts thinkprogress, and won't look at facts.
Improving... yeah, you are right. Depending on your point of view.
Like in Iraq... things are improving for Muqtada al Sadr. He has a huge influence in the Iraqi government and his 60% majority Shi'ites can grow even larger now that there is no more restrictions on Shi'ite immigration, like there were under Hussein. In a Democracy where 60%+ are anti-American/Anti-Israel Shi'ite Fundamentalists... guess who wins elections. He is getting paid in U.S. Tax dollars to keep his militia forces at bay. He takes our tax dollars and spends them in Iran to gain even greater forces and command.
So, you are right... things in Iraq are improving for Muqtada al Sadr.
Hail, Hail!!!
Ha these guys make up junk to further their politcal motives. They just got caught red-handed.
Another Dan Rather hit job. He better get ready cause the media loves Obama.
He is losing, and will continue to lose. He better call for a cease fire.
Right... the Media is in love with Senator Obama :rolleyes:
Headlines from the Fox Spews site:
McCain Paints
Portrait of Patriot
• Clinton Battles Call to Quit
• Rev. Wright Makes Surprise Visit to Chicago Church
• Obama: Foreign Policy Resembles That of Elder Bush, JFK
CNN politics site
Obama: Had Rev. Wright not retired, I'd have left
MoveOn takes on Clinton's moneyed supporters
Obama, Clinton hit McCain on the economy
CNN TV: The week in politics, 6 p.m. ET Sat. »
MSNBC politics site
they seem to have more comprehensive coverage.
Seems from this quick snap shot Fox Spews thinks Rev Wright is running for president. Fox News has been stuck on this story for how long now? Four weeks?
The whole Media is in love with Senator Obama is just RW propaganda.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Sure it is. Ever hear of Rezco?
Losing... huh. So, that means... what? We're 'winning'? Winning what?
Please, explain to me how Al Sadr is losing... when... in case of his death... there will become thousands or hundreds of thousands more that will be willing to die... not for a man... but, for a martyr.
The Shi'ites are 60% majority and growing... how is that losing? 60% beats 40% divided by 2 anyway you try to spin it. Al Maliki backed off on his (U.S. insisted) raids of Shi'ia militias... called a 'concession' so al Sadr would clear his men off the streets. Calling the shots is 'losing' in your book?
Look... maybe it's time you change the channel on the television set and take a long, hard look at reality and give up this fairey tale about Iraq turning into the next Nebraska. It's real easy to sit in the comfort of a safe bedroom and say 'WE'... and I use that term, "WE", loosely... should stay there. You are not doing anything in this war. None of us are. You are only saying you think someone else should stay and do the things you are not willing to do yourself. The only ones with something at stake in this war are the soldiers and their families... that's it. No one else... not you... not me... not the politicians or the talking heads.
That shit over there is going to explode whenever we leave... be it today or 100 years from today. We have to decide... are the lives of our soldiers worth the cost of that fucking place that is NOT going to change 1,400 years of religious divide because we (godless, decadant money worshippers) tell them they should.
Hail, Hail!!!
What is your point? Rezco was dismised in the news cause it was a non story. It was such a non story even Fox News ignored it.
Ever here of Rev. Wright?
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!