Why flaming doesn't bother me

It just doesn't.
Too bad a good thread has to be polluted by the incessant childish remarks of a few.
It happens. Kind of like American television.
Ah well.
Too bad a good thread has to be polluted by the incessant childish remarks of a few.
It happens. Kind of like American television.

Ah well.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
This is not a chat forum.
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Well, if one goes back and reads the chronological order of that thread, one cleary sees you were the one throwing insults around and trying to instigate, from the start.
Just another example of a little punk trying to start shit, but cries foul when the shit comes back at him.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You were right. Do you have a link to confirm you were right?
At the very least, I know when I've been a bad boy and can admit it.
This guy...sheesh.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
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Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I may, in fact, make remarks, but the intention isn't to disrupt a topic, and I don't go on a 'reply' rampage to disrupt the topic at hand.
Besides, those long discussions you get into with ahnimus tend to get rather...pointless. I mean, it comes down to what's between you and ahnimus and doesn't have any relevence (beyond the first page or two) beyond that. You could just as well be on a chat forum someplace.
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You weren't even in the thread. I wasn't baiting anyone. I was asking questions. I was trying to find answers. And simply statint my opinion. And it wasn't in an inflammatory way. NMTree was trying to bait me, so if he got zinged in the process, tough shit. I ignored him after that.
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Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Do you have link that proves your weren't childish and inflammatory?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Well, now you're just spiteful. Lol.
I don't mind.
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Oh man, reality really is not your thing!
But if it makes you feel better about yourself, than believe that all you want.
This makes no sense at all. Which pretty much sums up your posting day.
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Oh I have no problem admiting I eventually went too far and got childish.
But my first five or so posts were in an attempt to share the opinions of real people. That was all.
I'll agree with that.
I'm guilty, too, sometimes.
Sometimes it's good to have fun.
Honestly, though, 'hijacking' threads isn't something I do.
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Uh yeah. I'm sure it makes no sense to you....LOL! Of that, I have no doubts.
While I'm at it: Hi there Lien
Well, of what reality am I somehow missing, in your opinion?
I'm asking a fair question here.
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You just did.
Catrina was talking from personal and relative experience; and I was speaking from the experiences of people and their families..... that I know.
You decided in all your wisdom that we were both wrong and that you.....by your own admission, someone who hasn't even spent much time on the Chavez/Venezuelan subject matter; is right.
Now tell me again how you were just being a darling little, innocent angel; and mean 'ole NMyTree came along and picked a fight with you?
Damn that NMyTree.....such a troublemaker....such a jerk:D
I honestly wasn't looking to hijack the thread. I gave my opinion on it, and that's about all. Whether or not you know a few people formerly from Venezuela is irrelevent. You can use it to pad your opinion, but that doesn't make it a good opinion, or free your own opinion from scrutiny any more than my opinions are free from scrutiny. I want people to question my viewpoints, but if it just comes down to hurling insults back and forth, it's kind of pointless.
Anyway, thanks for answering.
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There are two topics that always seem to bring out the worst in posters here:
Cindy Sheehan
Hugo Chavez
a third, which isn't quite as bad:
Michael Moore
Some people might say Bush, too, but really, at this point, it's mostly just for laughs.
Anyway, it just gets absurd, on those topics. Like Internet Armageddon.
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That's what I hope too. I did not take it personally at all. I won't deny it, I'm very stubborn and I hate it when people disagree with me
So, it's back to work for me
Peace (and much love to you my dear polaris)
I had no problems with our debate at all. I wasn't getting the idea you did either.
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you took the high road ... but you work for the UN so you must get some kind of requisite training or something ...