That's not what I'm talking about... get a clue please or stop posting in this thread.
I'm sorry but I don't know how to put this any other way to you....I'm saying that if Obama would get assassinated there will be uncontrolled uprisings in this country.
For a quick history lesson Wiki (Martin Luther King assassination) and you will need to read about the riots that followed.
Thank you
No, you said "if Obama wins", not "if Obama is assassinated."
if you're talking about him being assassinated, then it's really pointless. how about we see him win first, atleast. discussing his assassination right now is just so far-fetched and ridiculous.
It's amazing how blind or naive we are. People from metropolitan areas tend to believe racism is dead. Hey this is the new millenium aren't we past all these skincolor issues?
Racism isn't just a Southern problem either.
The town I live in has 17000 people and about 4000 of those are black but I can name at least 20 towns around us that have zero blacks. There's even a town 20 miles west of me that has 8000 people and 0 blacks. UNBELIEVABLE but true.
unfortunately you have a lot of merit in those points...i dont know directly if lack of minority groups gives tendencies towards adverse treatment of the minority groups if encountered, but i do know that you're spot on when you say things could kick off. COULD......and racisms/discrimination will exists in some form everywhere....
Probably its not discussed as majority arent of that view....but its funny that racism is still relatively stong in places yet this hasnt really been discussed lately in light of the election.
im probably rambling, but to some up, i think you shouldnt be too pessimistic in people, but you raise a very interesting possibility.
even if people disagree, who are they to say its impossible?
No, you said "if Obama wins", not "if Obama is assassinated."
if you're talking about him being assassinated, then it's really pointless. how about we see him win first, atleast. discussing his assassination right now is just so far-fetched and ridiculous.
strangest tribe, i understand what you are saying. i actually heard someone say that they would NOT vote for obama, because they were concerned if he was elected he would be shot. btw, i live 10 miles away from a major city.
I don't think Obama getting elected will be bad for race relations in the United States... I think it will be the best thing to happen for race relations in the last 30 years.
There has been remarkably little progress post-MLK, and I think having a black man as our president will only help end racism in this country.
All the rusted signs, we ignore throughout our lives, choosing the shiny ones instead...
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
I don't think Obama getting elected will be bad for race relations in the United States... I think it will be the best thing to happen for race relations in the last 30 years.
There has been remarkably little progress post-MLK, and I think having a black man as our president will only help end racism in this country.
as long as people inhabit this planet, racism will never end.
there was an interesting thread going this morning that got locked before some issues could be properly addressed.
Makes you wonder what can be discussed around here.
That was fucked up. Hoping someone gets assasinated is completely fucked up.
That was fucked up. Hoping someone gets assasinated is completely fucked up.
yeah, it was fucked up...
but it got locked down (as it rightly should have been) before I could retort, then it gave me a sick feeling which caused me to start this thread so I could vent some:)
but it got locked down (as it rightly should have been) before I could retort, then it gave me a sick feeling which caused me to start this thread so I could vent some:)
Gave me a sick feeling too. I mean i'm not naive, and i know there are freaks out there, hell i see them often in my work, but it just gives me the creeps to know that you can be communicating with people like that, even on a message board. Just really creeps me out. Ugh.
I think some people are missing his point. He's not saying that he wants an assassination, he is saying that their is so much racism still embedded deep in the minds of certain people that he sees it as a possibility.
Obama himself and his wife has both commented on a possible assassination but they always say that they cannot think that way because if they did, then they wouldn't be where they are today, trying to bring hope to the free land.
And strangest tribe, there is so much racism still, even in NYC, where I live. It's not just the deep south. There are cases of NYPD officers brutally beating or killing of simply arresting people of color for unjustified reasons. Google the Sean Bell incident.
I think a lot of you don't want to believe there is racism still in our everyday lives (hence: what year are you living in?) and we need to accept that their is and discuss it as opposed to pretending that it isn't there.
I think some people are missing his point. He's not saying that he wants an assassination, he is saying that their is so much racism still embedded deep in the minds of certain people that he sees it as a possibility.
Obama himself and his wife has both commented on a possible assassination but they always say that they cannot think that way because if they did, then they wouldn't be where they are today, trying to bring hope to the free land.
And strangest tribe, there is so much racism still, even in NYC, where I live. It's not just the deep south. There are cases of NYPD officers brutally beating or killing of simply arresting people of color for unjustified reasons. Google the Sean Bell incident.
I think a lot of you don't want to believe there is racism still in our everyday lives (hence: what year are you living in?) and we need to accept that their is and discuss it as opposed to pretending that it isn't there.
Indeed there is racism today and it's being directed at white people. The perpetrators are left wing scum and affirmative-actionites like Barack Obama.
There will be payback for it too. Mark my words. Obama will be the catalyst - he's going to piss off too many people and the american people are going to blame the left wing scum.
I oppose all violence and I would assume that the reason that thread was closed is correct: killing someone only makes them a martyr. That's what happened with MLK.
No, Obama needs to live a long life so we can hear all of the idiotic ideas he has and then summarily reject them.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I think some people are missing his point. He's not saying that he wants an assassination, he is saying that their is so much racism still embedded deep in the minds of certain people that he sees it as a possibility.
Obama himself and his wife has both commented on a possible assassination but they always say that they cannot think that way because if they did, then they wouldn't be where they are today, trying to bring hope to the free land.
And strangest tribe, there is so much racism still, even in NYC, where I live. It's not just the deep south. There are cases of NYPD officers brutally beating or killing of simply arresting people of color for unjustified reasons. Google the Sean Bell incident.
I think a lot of you don't want to believe there is racism still in our everyday lives (hence: what year are you living in?) and we need to accept that their is and discuss it as opposed to pretending that it isn't there.
I'm not missing any point. The exact words he said were 'one can only hope he gets taken out'
I don't think Obama getting elected will be bad for race relations in the United States... I think it will be the best thing to happen for race relations in the last 30 years.
There has been remarkably little progress post-MLK, and I think having a black man as our president will only help end racism in this country.
I think we have a long ways to go. BTW - racism isn't only white on minority. I've seen it quite the opposite.
There are people in power where I work who have actually STATED that they do NOT want to hire any WHITE people.
There is a diverse population of people who need a shift in their thinking and behaviors WAY before we will see any measurable progress in race relations.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
I'm not missing any point. The exact words he said were 'one can only hope he gets taken out'
PJ Gurl
I think jimlives doesn't know about the other thread we were discussing and maybe there is some confusion. I think the argument is getting jumbled in between the two threads
jimlives... there was another thread this morning where some folk were saying they'd like to see Obama get assassinated but that's not in this thread...we don't feel that way and are disgusted by it...just so you know we are all friendly:)
Agreed. But there is no doubt that we are better off now than in the 60s... and I think there is still quite a bit of reasonable progress to be made.
yup yup.
personally, i don't think anything like an assassination would happen if obama were elected. the security around the president these days is pretty tight. i also don't think someone would want to kill him just because he's black. of course, i could be wrong.....but i'd like to think i'm not.
I think jimlives doesn't know about the other thread we were discussing and maybe there is some confusion. I think the argument is getting jumbled in between the two threads
jimlives... there was another thread this morning where some folk were saying they'd like to see Obama get assassinated but that's not in this thread...we don't feel that way and are disgusted by it...just so you know we are all friendly:)
hehe yea, thanks! I didn't know that. I was wondering what thread you were talking about but I thought the assassination talk stemmed from this thread.
I'm looking for an unpopulated, but able to sustain life, island in the pacific, maybe in the fiji chain, to retire to. Women welcome...ok, pj fans welcome
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
if you're talking about him being assassinated, then it's really pointless. how about we see him win first, atleast. discussing his assassination right now is just so far-fetched and ridiculous.
unfortunately you have a lot of merit in those points...i dont know directly if lack of minority groups gives tendencies towards adverse treatment of the minority groups if encountered, but i do know that you're spot on when you say things could kick off. COULD......and racisms/discrimination will exists in some form everywhere....
Probably its not discussed as majority arent of that view....but its funny that racism is still relatively stong in places yet this hasnt really been discussed lately in light of the election.
im probably rambling, but to some up, i think you shouldnt be too pessimistic in people, but you raise a very interesting possibility.
even if people disagree, who are they to say its impossible?
I'm just being paranoid
whoever said I need a vacation was probably right on.
It just kinda freaks me out to hear and witness how some people think.
rioting? geez I dont know maybe? I'm really not that concerned that Obama will get shot
There has been remarkably little progress post-MLK, and I think having a black man as our president will only help end racism in this country.
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
Thread idea for another room.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
as long as people inhabit this planet, racism will never end.
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
yeah, it was fucked up...
but it got locked down (as it rightly should have been) before I could retort, then it gave me a sick feeling which caused me to start this thread so I could vent some:)
Obama himself and his wife has both commented on a possible assassination but they always say that they cannot think that way because if they did, then they wouldn't be where they are today, trying to bring hope to the free land.
And strangest tribe, there is so much racism still, even in NYC, where I live. It's not just the deep south. There are cases of NYPD officers brutally beating or killing of simply arresting people of color for unjustified reasons. Google the Sean Bell incident.
I think a lot of you don't want to believe there is racism still in our everyday lives (hence: what year are you living in?) and we need to accept that their is and discuss it as opposed to pretending that it isn't there.
I can't wait until he's elected
-Enoch Powell
Indeed there is racism today and it's being directed at white people. The perpetrators are left wing scum and affirmative-actionites like Barack Obama.
There will be payback for it too. Mark my words. Obama will be the catalyst - he's going to piss off too many people and the american people are going to blame the left wing scum.
I oppose all violence and I would assume that the reason that thread was closed is correct: killing someone only makes them a martyr. That's what happened with MLK.
No, Obama needs to live a long life so we can hear all of the idiotic ideas he has and then summarily reject them.
-Enoch Powell
I think we have a long ways to go. BTW - racism isn't only white on minority. I've seen it quite the opposite.
There are people in power where I work who have actually STATED that they do NOT want to hire any WHITE people.
There is a diverse population of people who need a shift in their thinking and behaviors WAY before we will see any measurable progress in race relations.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
PJ Gurl
I think jimlives doesn't know about the other thread we were discussing and maybe there is some confusion. I think the argument is getting jumbled in between the two threads
jimlives... there was another thread this morning where some folk were saying they'd like to see Obama get assassinated but that's not in this thread...we don't feel that way and are disgusted by it...just so you know we are all friendly:)
yup yup.
personally, i don't think anything like an assassination would happen if obama were elected. the security around the president these days is pretty tight. i also don't think someone would want to kill him just because he's black. of course, i could be wrong.....but i'd like to think i'm not.
hehe yea, thanks! I didn't know that. I was wondering what thread you were talking about but I thought the assassination talk stemmed from this thread.
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