A Helpless Unsettling Feeling is Slowly Growing

Something wicked this way comes...
There are no answers, no fast solutions.
This country is as divided as ever.
McCain wins...better cancel your travel plans to see the world, we won't be welcome.
Obama wins... the nut cases here at home will have a revolution started within a year.
It's pretty scary
There are no answers, no fast solutions.
This country is as divided as ever.
McCain wins...better cancel your travel plans to see the world, we won't be welcome.
Obama wins... the nut cases here at home will have a revolution started within a year.
It's pretty scary
the Minions
Post edited by Unknown User on
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Don't goad me into transcribing what your own imagination can concoct...
Honestly, the hate groups in this nation are scary, and that combined with the hair trigger of something as simple as the outcome of the Rodney King trial (if your memory should serve you) can illicit such an emotional violent outcome.
I'm voting Obama...
I just hope our country has found some collective ease and social acceptance in it's civility since the turmoil and hate-filled 60's.
I'm good to take in 5 laidback people who like to party at my place
no smoking (cigarettes) and no pets preferred
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
do you ever venture far from your comfort zone?
try it sometime.
It's not a very long walk for me.
there was an interesting thread going this morning that got locked before some issues could be properly addressed.
Makes you wonder what can be discussed around here.
Around here they don't speak of "if" he gets assassinated it's "when"...
and some around here are saying the only way they'd place an Obama sign in their yard is the day "it" happens they'll place the sign in their yard in hope that the blacks won't burn their house down when "it" happens.
what year are you living it? snap out of it already
The only thing we are more afraid of is Cheney having to step in.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
when you're interested in having a discussion, let me know.
OK, let me ask you, would you wear an Obama 08 t-shirt into a country diner/coffee shop where known clan sympathizers often frequent?
where the hell do you live?
you live in some racist, white-supremacist area of the U.S.... and you think that if Obama wins, then these 'known clam sympathizers' will start a revolution within a year?
sadly, I have to agree with spyguy: what year are you living in?
I wish I was making this shit up... but it's pretty scary how people are where I live.
and no, moving is not a viable option, I farm...my family business for nearly 120 years.
The known Democrats around here are tightlipped about their presidential choice. We will keep it secret all the way to the ballot box.
And it's not the low rent rednecks that scare me... It's the racist that live in 3 story mansions and drive Cadillac Escalades that are scary...
They can passive aggressive your shit right to financial ruin.
But that's not expected to be understood by someone living in some flat in a metropolitan area.
ok so you live in some small hick town that has a few racists around. I suggest taking a vacation. see the country you live in. its pretty nice. the area you live represents 0.000000000001% of america. chill the fuck out
Redneck 1: "Look redneck2 there's an Obama sticker on that car out at the pump."
Redneck2: "prolly one of those nigger lovers from the college, got a feelin we're gonna start seeing a whole bunch of those here directly.."
Redneck1: "yeah, I gotta get me one of those signs to put in my yard when they kill him so those crazy coloreds don't burn my house down...hahahahaha"
Sheriff deputy1: "redneck1 I bet if I offered you a free dinner you wouldn't put an Obama sign in your yard?"
Redneck2: "he wouldn't do that for a new Coyote tractor...hahahaha!"
Redneck1: "no fellas... can't say that I would nor Hillary either"
Redneck2: "Sheriff, what do you think... he got a chance?"
Sheriff1: "I don't see it happenin, but you can rest assured there's gonna be some screaming from some of those people before it's all said and done."
Sheriff2: "yeah, we've already discussed election night... We've been keeping an eye on those Obama signs so we know where to expect trouble.."
Redneck2: "well when they shoot him it'll be worse than him losing the election.."
Sheriff2: "either way...fellas... Either way"
I just sat there and grinned the whole time.
I can only vent here.
Not true...sorry
Don't be naive please.
I live on the Missouri Arkansas border 17000 in my hometown and small towns all around plus about 6 colleges within an hour drive.
and you think the KKK is alive and well around you? you think they are going to take over the country and rise up if Obama gets elected?
BUT that being said, racism abounds quite extremely where i work everyday with people who can subject our black & asian staff to racist treatment quite regularly (refuse to talk to / physically attack / spitting at).
In what is a fairly moderate country, we had small riots around Dublin when there was an Orange march held here less than 2 years ago. General public opinion = whats the threat? Irelands been independent for over half a century...so who gives a shit.
But many republicans louts decided to go in and riot, rip up the city centre and attack the peaceful marches. go figure.
most people in the country wouldnt have believed that could happen, and neither did i...but it did. I know its not an assasination, but the principle is the exact same.
i trust Strangest to know his area better than other posters who do not live there...it doesnt take a whole population to kick up civil disturbances, it just takes people who are determined to do it. Thats why its scary.
No that's not my point at all. We got sidetracked from my original post somehow. I don't see the KKK or any one group rising up to seize power in this country.
My point was... I see there being enough hate groups that someone could cross that line and place Obama in their crosshairs. Reality check... This is a potential problem... Like a local radio personality recently states that he sees the McCain commercial with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears as a thinly veiled prejudiced commercial showing a black man with two white women.
If allowed, the ignorant racists could easily send this country back 40 years...possibly revolution... It could get bloody, because how many more heroes can we have fall to an assassin's bullet?
if Obama wins the election, a white-supremacist revolution will NOT be something to worry about.
It's amazing how blind or naive we are. People from metropolitan areas tend to believe racism is dead. Hey this is the new millenium aren't we past all these skincolor issues?
I wish it was that simple.
Racism isn't just a Southern problem either. The short time I went to the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana I was astonished to find out that there were numerous outlying towns around that college where "whites-only" lived... towns of 2-3 thousand people that had zero minorities. And this is in the North!!!!! Not the south.
Same can be said about many northern states, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and on and on.
The town I live in has 17000 people and about 4000 of those are black but I can name at least 20 towns around us that have zero blacks. There's even a town 20 miles west of me that has 8000 people and 0 blacks. UNBELIEVABLE but true.
That's not what I'm talking about... get a clue please
I'm sorry but I don't know how to put this any other way to you....I'm saying that if Obama would get assassinated there will be uncontrolled uprisings in this country.
For a quick history lesson Wiki (Martin Luther King assassination) and you will need to read about the riots that followed.
Thank you