I don't get it. so we should just vote for Obama? so we should not debate his policies?
what's the problem here (not with you, with this thread)?
The problem here lately is that there is no debate... Every Obama or Israel/Palestine thread has turned into what abortion used to be here. Over the years this has been a great place to discuss things from the Iraq War, our tax system, gun control, and even 9/11 (before that subject got worn out), and countless other subjects where you could contribute and listen to other points of view, and even understand both sides of the argument.
But in the past few months this place has become a joke... It's the same people cutting and pasting articles and links with absolutely no intention of starting a sensible debate, but instead just to proselytize their point of view.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
what about the rest of the time when you could be funding 3rd party candidates?
Nobody supports the 3rd party until the election year...
and the people that are here supporting them now were singing Obama's praises last fall....
why weren't you singing Nader's praises last fall???
Because nobody even knew he was going to run this time a year ago.... that's why!!!
This IS the problem with 3rd parties...they don't keep the shop open... and their support goes away.... I bet you Nader fans aren't here talking him up for another 3 years after this election.... why???
And it's just as valid a point to say that Obama won't bring real change even if his name was Changey McVariant.
I hear even Changey Mcvariant is particularly good at appearing to promote change while doing little to nothing that even resembles it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Could the same exact thing be said in the reverse order though? Many times when typical 2 party voters (dems/reps) would vote 3rd party, they would jump ship and abandon the party which would lead it not have the staying power and influence it could. Goes both ways. People in our culture need everything yesterday... it's all about instant gratification. Vote for the winning candidate and you did your part... if they lose, it's someone else's fault and you can then sit back and play the blame game. There's no faith, resistence or legitimacy to our system anymore - it is broken and people would rather continuing driving a car with 3 wheels and structural damage then take the necessary time out to have the car overhauled and set straight. This is in every aspect of our society... merely marginalize the loss and bad effects, but let's not address the problem..and just maybe it will work out. That's our national mantra. So when people complain why things are working out for this nation or they see it slowly trickling down to them in negative ways, remember, garbage in the system merely produces garbage out. Remember that when you vote.
what about the rest of the time when you could be funding 3rd party candidates?
Nobody supports the 3rd party until the election year...
and the people that are here supporting them now were singing Obama's praises last fall....
why weren't you singing Nader's praises last fall???
Because nobody even knew he was going to run this time a year ago.... that's why!!!
This IS the problem with 3rd parties...they don't keep the shop open... and their support goes away.... I bet you Nader fans aren't here talking him up for another 3 years after this election.... why???
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
but you're not bashing McCain as much as you are bashing Obama (if you are bashing McCain at all)..... are you supporting McCain?
If not then I'm just trying to understand why you think Obama is such a serious threat it causes all of you bashers countless hours of trolling here on this forum
.......otherwise you are just preaching to your choir of cronies here because all the bashing of Obama has no credibility if you don't back it up with solutions...you might as well go post in the hot pics of Ed thread because it's the same 8 or so people that keep rehashing the same bullshit....
nobody wants to argue with you anymore because you are boring as shit, it's become so redundant....
What about McCain's 2 million "reach around" from the oil companies?
What about the book that came out this week stating Bush and the CIA forged documents?
Why aren't these topics like these being discussed here like in the past?
It's the same 8 people that all they want to do is continue to bash Obama
Is he that big of threat?
Talk about something else for a CHANGE
first of all - i've never posted an anti-obama thread ... i live in canada - i am interested in US politics in so much as it affects my country and the world ...
if i were to vote in the US elections - i would definitely not be supporting mccain nor would i vote obama ... i believe the entire electoral process has been compromised ... corporations are dictating us policy domestically and abroad and they do this by making sure those elected to all levels of office are supportive of their agenda ...
as much as i would love to believe obama is capable of making real change - my reality and truth says that he cannot ...
If Changey McVariant couldn't pull it off, no one could.
And to think I once referred to him amicably as "ol switchy"...
I feel all dirty inside...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i think the reason that Obama is being "bashed" is becuase he is the front runner. where were you when people here were blasting Hillary?
i think Obama can handle it and in all honesty if you don't like what has happen to the MT then why come here. i don't read about about stuff that i don't care about.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
i think the reason that Obama is being "bashed" is becuase he is the front runner. where were you when people here were blasting Hillary?
i think Obama can handle it and in all honesty if you don't like what has happen to the MT then why come here. i don't read about about stuff that i don't care about.
oh no if it's Hillary it's ok... the Obama crowd absolutely loathes Hillary....
going on policy was it that dramatic of a difference?
policy? huh what's that?
Or perhaps it's a popularity contest despite policy?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
nobody wants to argue with you anymore because you are boring as shit, it's become so redundant....
What about McCain's 2 million "reach around" from the oil companies?
What about the book that came out this week stating Bush and the CIA forged documents?
Why aren't these topics like these being discussed here like in the past?
It's the same 8 people that all they want to do is continue to bash Obama
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Most of the Obama supporters I've met on here don't really know what his policies really are, and then when they find out they say it's irrelevent anyway because "Presidents don't make policy."
There are plenty of other threads available for your perusal that go in detail in explaining most of our reasoning for not partaking of the Barry Kool-Aid.
I've yet to have ONE Obama supporter take me up on my challenge to provide at least ONE issue in which they support Obama's policy, where they ACTUALLY knew what his policy was besides soundbytes and buzzwords. One tried talking about their Iraq policies, which are essentially the same.
Neither Barr nor Nader are viable candidates. I think most people that are supporting them realize that. Voting for them is simply an expression of disillusionment with our political system, and while that certainly has an impact, it in most cases doesn't have the one the voters want (Perot voters put Clinton in the White House in 1992, and Nader voters re-elected Bush in 2004). I'd let Nader test all the products I buy before I buy them, and I'd let Bob Barr interpret our tax policy, but neither are really ready to run the country.
I will vote for McCain and he will be an average one-term President. His policies are NOT the same as Bush's, contrary to what the media machine tells you. He has a pretty researchable background and has been remarkably consistent on most issues. Congressional Record is available to anyone. I encourage everyone to do their own research. His economic policies, like Obama's, will largely be established by his advisors - because, like Obama, he is not an economic expert. Where I think McCain differentiates himself from Obama is in Foreign Affairs. He has military background, 20 years of legislative history to examine his positions on foreign policy and international issues, and is much more competent on those issues than Obama.
This election so far has a much has more in common with American Idol or Dancing With The Stars than it does a contest to determine who leads the country.
We should make them do a sack race, that way people wouldn't be forced to actually pay attention. We'd at least get a decision based on merit. Some of us would still vote for the candidate with coolest sack, though.
Most of the Obama supporters I've met on here don't really know what his policies really are, and then when they find out they say it's irrelevent anyway because "Presidents don't make policy."
There are plenty of other threads available for your perusal that go in detail in explaining most of our reasoning for not partaking of the Barry Kool-Aid.
I've yet to have ONE Obama supporter take me up on my challenge to provide at least ONE issue in which they support Obama's policy, where they ACTUALLY knew what his policy was besides soundbytes and buzzwords. One tried talking about their Iraq policies, which are essentially the same.
Neither Barr nor Nader are viable candidates. I think most people that are supporting them realize that. Voting for them is simply an expression of disillusionment with our political system, and while that certainly has an impact, it in most cases doesn't have the one the voters want (Perot voters put Clinton in the White House in 1992, and Nader voters re-elected Bush in 2004). I'd let Nader test all the products I buy before I buy them, and I'd let Bob Barr interpret our tax policy, but neither are really ready to run the country.
I will vote for McCain and he will be an average one-term President. His policies are NOT the same as Bush's, contrary to what the media machine tells you. He has a pretty researchable background and has been remarkably consistent on most issues. Congressional Record is available to anyone. I encourage everyone to do their own research. His economic policies, like Obama's, will largely be established by his advisors - because, like Obama, he is not an economic expert. Where I think McCain differentiates himself from Obama is in Foreign Affairs. He has military background, 20 years of legislative history to examine his positions on foreign policy and international issues, and is much more competent on those issues than Obama.
according to mccain, and/or his advisor's we are a nation of whiners, who should be concerned about the Iraq-Pakistan border, and that Czechoslovakia would be a nice place to visit...
oh, yeah...McCain says Sunni? Shia? what's the difference...?
I Where I think McCain differentiates himself from Obama is in Foreign Affairs. He has military background, 20 years of legislative history to examine his positions on foreign policy and international issues, and is much more competent on those issues than Obama.
Yeah.. shoot first ask questions later... that's a fuckin incredible Foreign policy.
why does everyone that's not for Obama immediately assume that everyone that's for Obama doesn't know what he's about?
I guess the several million books that he's sold are simply to go on the coffee table so we can impress our American Idol popularity soup du jour friends and neighbors.
I will vote for McCain and he will be an average one-term President. His policies are NOT the same as Bush's, contrary to what the media machine tells you. He has a pretty researchable background and has been remarkably consistent on most issues. Congressional Record is available to anyone. I encourage everyone to do their own research. His economic policies, like Obama's, will largely be established by his advisors - because, like Obama, he is not an economic expert. Where I think McCain differentiates himself from Obama is in Foreign Affairs. He has military background, 20 years of legislative history to examine his positions on foreign policy and international issues, and is much more competent on those issues than Obama.
Please to be defining the word "consistent".
McCain is NOT consistent. He changes is position on things as the situation warrants, sometimes in the same day. Most recently, he changed his position on taxes on Sunday.
I'm not saying Obama hasn't changed positions, only that you can't use really use "consistent" and "McCain" in the same sentence and not expect someone to point out the irony.
why does everyone that's not for Obama immediately assume that everyone that's for Obama doesn't know what he's about?
I guess the several million books that he's sold are simply to go on the coffee table so we can impress our American Idol popularity soup du jour friends and neighbors.
"self-appointed judges judge..."
yeah he got popular because of Oprah...
you whiney bitches
because at every turn you will find an Obama apologist vehemently defending him....even when he's calling for (ongoing now) half baked (at best) pre-emptive military pressure on Iran...
what a dick...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
because at every turn you will find an Obama apologist vehemently defending him....even when he's calling for (ongoing now) half baked (at best) pre-emptive military pressure on Iran...
what a dick...
what you call apologist some would call supporters...
Hey I'm "half-baked" on the Iran issue, but as an Obama supporter and having read "The Audacity of Hope" and "Dreams from my Father" I certainly believe Barack will be more careful as Commander in Chief toward the issue...
you have to admit the last thing the world needs is nukes flying around....
How would you approach the Iran issue Mr Roland?
that's my question.
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Iran...hell yes, military options should be on the table especially when it has been said weapons are pointed at Isreal...not that I support Israel, I have a tad of loathing for Israel...but as the situation stands Iran has started to become antagonistic and overly cocksure... I'm hoping cooler heads prevail and right now my money is on Obama over Bush and/or McCain and anyone with a lick of common sense would pick B.O as well....
As for nukes... who cares if they're legal or not (wtf???) they're still nuclear weapons...fuck........shit.........
I honestly don't give a shit if the Arabs and Jews fight each other.... just no nukes please....
but I guess if I was president I would have to have a valid opinion...so I respect B.O for at least taking a stance... I'm sure it's for votes mostly....
I don't give a shit about Condy Rice... and I disagree with most of the Patriot act....
Neither candidate has a "shoot-first" ask questions later foreign policy. In actuality, both candidates has a very similar stance on Iraq, which is we will stay until the country is stable. Obama's position on Iran is probably MORE aggressive than McCain's. Obama wants to increase the troop presence in Afganistan by 7000 immediately upon taking office. Obama supports a continuing erosion of US sovereignty by granting the UN the ability to "tax" US citizens, and redistribute US wealth to other countries without US involvement, but inconsistently, Obama has flip-flopped on Free Trade and NAFTA to garner democratic "labor" endorsements. Obama's policy towards Palestine is even more screwed up than Bush's. McCain has also maintained a very CONSISTENT record on readiness, deployment standards, and on bi-lateral relations with both allies and "rogue states".
We SHOULD be concerned about the India/Pakistani border. It is a region historical conflict that involved nuclear superpowers. An escalting conflict there would likely draw in both China and Russia.
McCain's policy on taxes demonstrates sound judgement, and there are 20 years of votes to review to determine that. He rejected 4 Budget Adjustment Appropriations Bills in 2007 alone that were designed to cut Medicaire and Medicaid and Student Loans so that Bush could squeeze more money out in Iraq. He has conservative on economic policy in the "traditional" sense, and has often voted against Bush's policies. It's likely both candidates will change their minds again on taxes. Appropriations positions are much more situational than philosophical ones, which is why they are subject to change
Obama ducked 49 tax-related votes in 2007-2008 alone. (http://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=9490&type=category&category=10&go.x=12&go.y=12). His tax policy, which was developed by Goolsbee from UChicago is only feasible in a world where virtually NONE of the programs Obama supports get funded. A great example of how Obama thinks is involving immigration. Obama votes FOR a bill to allow for greater inspections of trucks crossing the US-Mexico border, and then later, votes against funding it.
You Obama folks REALLY should research your candidate more than you have. I've spoken to a few Obama supporters who seem to be fairly informed, but the vast majority ARE NOT.
If you look at most of Obama's positions that he actually has articulated. Most of them begin with "Increase funding for....."
Look, I will be happy to discuss my position on the election and whether I agree or disagree with a candidate's policy on ANY issue. It is difficult for most Obama supporters to do that, because he has taken a position on so few. The positions he HAS taken are usually VERY DIFFERENT from the average supporter's perception of them. You guys are voting for the Obama he SAYS he will be, not the Obama he PROVEN he will be.
That's the big difference here. I think he's a liar, even moreso than most politicians, and the very frail record he has supports me, not you.
So, again, name ONE position of Obama's that makes you want to vote for him. Can anyone do that? There has to be at least ONE Obama person out there that knows what his positions are and agrees with them.
And there are better things to discuss. Such as what is everyone going to do once McCain's or Obama's shitty policies come into effect?
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
The problem here lately is that there is no debate... Every Obama or Israel/Palestine thread has turned into what abortion used to be here. Over the years this has been a great place to discuss things from the Iraq War, our tax system, gun control, and even 9/11 (before that subject got worn out), and countless other subjects where you could contribute and listen to other points of view, and even understand both sides of the argument.
But in the past few months this place has become a joke... It's the same people cutting and pasting articles and links with absolutely no intention of starting a sensible debate, but instead just to proselytize their point of view.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
what about the rest of the time when you could be funding 3rd party candidates?
Nobody supports the 3rd party until the election year...
and the people that are here supporting them now were singing Obama's praises last fall....
why weren't you singing Nader's praises last fall???
Because nobody even knew he was going to run this time a year ago.... that's why!!!
This IS the problem with 3rd parties...they don't keep the shop open... and their support goes away.... I bet you Nader fans aren't here talking him up for another 3 years after this election.... why???
I hear even Changey Mcvariant is particularly good at appearing to promote change while doing little to nothing that even resembles it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
first of all - i've never posted an anti-obama thread ... i live in canada - i am interested in US politics in so much as it affects my country and the world ...
if i were to vote in the US elections - i would definitely not be supporting mccain nor would i vote obama ... i believe the entire electoral process has been compromised ... corporations are dictating us policy domestically and abroad and they do this by making sure those elected to all levels of office are supportive of their agenda ...
as much as i would love to believe obama is capable of making real change - my reality and truth says that he cannot ...
And to think I once referred to him amicably as "ol switchy"...
I feel all dirty inside...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i think Obama can handle it and in all honesty if you don't like what has happen to the MT then why come here. i don't read about about stuff that i don't care about.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
oh no if it's Hillary it's ok... the Obama crowd absolutely loathes Hillary....
going on policy was it that dramatic of a difference?
policy? huh what's that?
Or perhaps it's a popularity contest despite policy?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
whatever floats your boat of holes...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
or is that just me?
There are plenty of other threads available for your perusal that go in detail in explaining most of our reasoning for not partaking of the Barry Kool-Aid.
I've yet to have ONE Obama supporter take me up on my challenge to provide at least ONE issue in which they support Obama's policy, where they ACTUALLY knew what his policy was besides soundbytes and buzzwords. One tried talking about their Iraq policies, which are essentially the same.
Neither Barr nor Nader are viable candidates. I think most people that are supporting them realize that. Voting for them is simply an expression of disillusionment with our political system, and while that certainly has an impact, it in most cases doesn't have the one the voters want (Perot voters put Clinton in the White House in 1992, and Nader voters re-elected Bush in 2004). I'd let Nader test all the products I buy before I buy them, and I'd let Bob Barr interpret our tax policy, but neither are really ready to run the country.
I will vote for McCain and he will be an average one-term President. His policies are NOT the same as Bush's, contrary to what the media machine tells you. He has a pretty researchable background and has been remarkably consistent on most issues. Congressional Record is available to anyone. I encourage everyone to do their own research. His economic policies, like Obama's, will largely be established by his advisors - because, like Obama, he is not an economic expert. Where I think McCain differentiates himself from Obama is in Foreign Affairs. He has military background, 20 years of legislative history to examine his positions on foreign policy and international issues, and is much more competent on those issues than Obama.
i disagree... i think there are alot of good politicians that dont get enough credit...
we always attack people that we disagree with. Ah Pearl Jam "if you hate something don't you do it too"
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
We should make them do a sack race, that way people wouldn't be forced to actually pay attention. We'd at least get a decision based on merit. Some of us would still vote for the candidate with coolest sack, though.
McCain's would probably be quite droopy.
(Sorry, had to be done)
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
I was waiting for it.
according to mccain, and/or his advisor's we are a nation of whiners, who should be concerned about the Iraq-Pakistan border, and that Czechoslovakia would be a nice place to visit...
oh, yeah...McCain says Sunni? Shia? what's the difference...?
yeah, very competent...:rolleyes:
Yeah.. shoot first ask questions later... that's a fuckin incredible Foreign policy.
I guess the several million books that he's sold are simply to go on the coffee table so we can impress our American Idol popularity soup du jour friends and neighbors.
"self-appointed judges judge..."
yeah he got popular because of Oprah...
you whiney bitches
Please to be defining the word "consistent".
McCain is NOT consistent. He changes is position on things as the situation warrants, sometimes in the same day. Most recently, he changed his position on taxes on Sunday.
I'm not saying Obama hasn't changed positions, only that you can't use really use "consistent" and "McCain" in the same sentence and not expect someone to point out the irony.
because at every turn you will find an Obama apologist vehemently defending him....even when he's calling for (ongoing now) half baked (at best) pre-emptive military pressure on Iran...
what a dick...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hey I'm "half-baked" on the Iran issue, but as an Obama supporter and having read "The Audacity of Hope" and "Dreams from my Father" I certainly believe Barack will be more careful as Commander in Chief toward the issue...
you have to admit the last thing the world needs is nukes flying around....
How would you approach the Iran issue Mr Roland?
that's my question.
I don't think it can be ignored
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Iran...hell yes, military options should be on the table especially when it has been said weapons are pointed at Isreal...not that I support Israel, I have a tad of loathing for Israel...but as the situation stands Iran has started to become antagonistic and overly cocksure... I'm hoping cooler heads prevail and right now my money is on Obama over Bush and/or McCain and anyone with a lick of common sense would pick B.O as well....
As for nukes... who cares if they're legal or not (wtf???)
I honestly don't give a shit if the Arabs and Jews fight each other.... just no nukes please....
but I guess if I was president I would have to have a valid opinion...so I respect B.O for at least taking a stance... I'm sure it's for votes mostly....
I don't give a shit about Condy Rice... and I disagree with most of the Patriot act....
does that help???
Neither candidate has a "shoot-first" ask questions later foreign policy. In actuality, both candidates has a very similar stance on Iraq, which is we will stay until the country is stable. Obama's position on Iran is probably MORE aggressive than McCain's. Obama wants to increase the troop presence in Afganistan by 7000 immediately upon taking office. Obama supports a continuing erosion of US sovereignty by granting the UN the ability to "tax" US citizens, and redistribute US wealth to other countries without US involvement, but inconsistently, Obama has flip-flopped on Free Trade and NAFTA to garner democratic "labor" endorsements. Obama's policy towards Palestine is even more screwed up than Bush's. McCain has also maintained a very CONSISTENT record on readiness, deployment standards, and on bi-lateral relations with both allies and "rogue states".
Obama very simply has no foreign policy experience whatsoever, he ducked 15 out of the 25 votes on Foreign policy issues during the last congressional term (http://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=9490&type=category&category=32&go.x=12&go.y=11), so I don't really know what most of positions are becuase he hasn't articulated them when it counts.
We SHOULD be concerned about the India/Pakistani border. It is a region historical conflict that involved nuclear superpowers. An escalting conflict there would likely draw in both China and Russia.
McCain's policy on taxes demonstrates sound judgement, and there are 20 years of votes to review to determine that. He rejected 4 Budget Adjustment Appropriations Bills in 2007 alone that were designed to cut Medicaire and Medicaid and Student Loans so that Bush could squeeze more money out in Iraq. He has conservative on economic policy in the "traditional" sense, and has often voted against Bush's policies. It's likely both candidates will change their minds again on taxes. Appropriations positions are much more situational than philosophical ones, which is why they are subject to change
Obama ducked 49 tax-related votes in 2007-2008 alone. (http://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=9490&type=category&category=10&go.x=12&go.y=12). His tax policy, which was developed by Goolsbee from UChicago is only feasible in a world where virtually NONE of the programs Obama supports get funded. A great example of how Obama thinks is involving immigration. Obama votes FOR a bill to allow for greater inspections of trucks crossing the US-Mexico border, and then later, votes against funding it.
You Obama folks REALLY should research your candidate more than you have. I've spoken to a few Obama supporters who seem to be fairly informed, but the vast majority ARE NOT.
If you look at most of Obama's positions that he actually has articulated. Most of them begin with "Increase funding for....."
Look, I will be happy to discuss my position on the election and whether I agree or disagree with a candidate's policy on ANY issue. It is difficult for most Obama supporters to do that, because he has taken a position on so few. The positions he HAS taken are usually VERY DIFFERENT from the average supporter's perception of them. You guys are voting for the Obama he SAYS he will be, not the Obama he PROVEN he will be.
That's the big difference here. I think he's a liar, even moreso than most politicians, and the very frail record he has supports me, not you.
So, again, name ONE position of Obama's that makes you want to vote for him. Can anyone do that? There has to be at least ONE Obama person out there that knows what his positions are and agrees with them.
He's probably not registered... that would mean that he'd have to step away from the computer for a bit.:)