Why doesn't anyone blame the SUN for global warming?

Some people have been brainwashed into thinking the evil USA and its wealthy, SUV driving, NEOCONS are to blame for global warming. No one wants to take in account the sun and it's solar flares, etc.
"If you want peace, be prepared for war."
George Washington
George Washington
Post edited by Unknown User on
I dont think anyone is blaming the US...Canada has worse emissions than the USA for that matter....as well pollutants in the atmosphere cause strife...smog is simple example of how pollution can cause changes in the environment....I don't think anyone is blaming the US directy....
with more hot air of course
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We do?
We don't have nearly as many people as the U.S.A. is it from all the power plants?
I think the Sun has the most to do with global warming (if there is such a thing). Next to that would be flatulance and then maybe cars. I don't drive, so thank you, all you bastards for polluting the air I breath and causing this intense heat.
Sort of like mercury in fish.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
We are worse..there was a study done not that long ago that showed we were worse than the USA.....
Was that a joke?!?!
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Until global warming from our SUVs and power plants we have never had a problem, their werent any Ice Ages before our SUVs or anything.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Here in Philly we just experienced the hottest stretch of days EVER. And it's happening elsewhere. Europe is having a serious problem with it if you remember any international news of the last couple of years.
But the funny thing is, in a way, you are actually CORRECT about the sun being the primary cause. Well, that is to say that because of the erosion of the ozone that our emissions have caused over the years, holes in the ozone allow UV rays to enter the earths atmosphere and hit land AND water bodies directly, causing all kinds of warming trends, including El Nino and La Nina. In turn, the rays, which normally should bounce of the ozone back into space, bounce of the earth itself back up toward space, but because their trejectory is changed, they don't simply leave through the door they came through. Rather they actually bounce off the ozone on the INSIDE and create what everyone knows as the Greenhouse effect (because they use the same principle in Greenhouses to keep temperate climate plants warm, year round.)
To further add to the problem, massive development adds millions of miles of concrete to the earth, covering dirt and soil and destroying greenery which is one of the best ways the earth absorbs heat in the atmosphere from the sun's rays. Instead, newly paved roads, highways, developments use black pavement, which absorbs the rays of the sun, heats up, and then disperses the heat back into the atmosphere at night when the earth Should be cooling, rather than having heat added, compared to plants which convert the heat to energy. (some don't, but many do. Yet the ones that don't can still provide shade for the earth and it's inhabitants.)
The last thing to remember about global warming is that the name is deceptive. True, in the end is results in the earth gaining almost double digits in F degrees for its average temp. But right now that's not all it does. Nor is it the only end result. The others include irratic weather ie Massive hurricanes, mild temperatures in winter and summer, then 180 degree flops to extreme lows in winter and highs in summer, only to be followed by flopping back to moderate temps all over again. The weather was never perfect, but it was never this consistantly irratic (there's an oxymoron for ya) before.
I also want to mention that there are OTHER theories about GW and its source. There are scientists who believe it has to do with the degredation of the earth's orbit around the sun, meaning the inevitable gravitational pull of the sun, pulling all planets, including us, slowly closer to it over the millenia. Doesn't mean we are doomed in a few years, rather billions, or could be millions, but they do know we aren't getting farther away, nor are we staying the same distances from it in orbit.
Unfortunately, most studies though have irrefutably pointed to our own destruction of the earth's natural resources and defenses as the primary reason for the recent signs of climate change.
I recently read an article about GW, as in the prez rather than Global warming, being briefed by meteorologists about the new chain of super hurricanes forming in the gulf and whether or not it was from GW (not the prez). The studies were inconclusive because of all the scientists in the study reaching different conclusions with their research and their inability to come to a "consensus".
Katrina, i believe, was strong evidence of GW. But now they are finding Katrina sized storms may start to brew on a more regular basis down in the gulf, where they have seen average temps around the equator jump 5 whole degrees F in the last few years, compared to something around 1 or slightly less during the first 50 years (half a century, guys) of the 20th century.
Ok im done.
p.s. Until GW is removed from the table as a political sissy fight, we are essentially crippled to do anything about it. Ofcourse this part is just my opinion, but i do stand by it.
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Did anyone else laugh really hard when they read this sentence?
Please people, ozone has virtually nothing to do with climate change. Ozone is completely different. Global warming has to do with CO2 and other greenhouse gasses (ie methane) and the hole in the ozone layer has to do with CFC's which has been largely eliminated and the ozone is doing quite nicely recovering since. The hole in the ozone layer increases our exposure to UV radiation linked to skin cancer-not climate change. CO2 etc increases the greenhouse effect which traps insolation (incoming solar radiation) which heats up our planet. Completely different all together.
For those who are denying that Climate change is occurring, do you also deny the existence of the greenhouse effect? I don't see how it is logically possible to deny human induced climate change without denying the legitimacy of the green house effect, the fact that we are spewing billions of tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere while concurrently removing carbon sinks (ie forests) and the fact that the atmosphere itself is very, very thin and therefore vulnerable.
That's what I'm saying...that big fiery orb has been burning us slowly for years (sunscreen anyone?). I'm sure if we bring this new evidence to the president he'll want to blow it out of the sky.
Yeat, that's what I said flatulance (ie methane).
99% of what makes up flatulence is both odorless and colorless (carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and methane)
Oh dear.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Who said K-12 was working just fine?
If this was the same study I read Canadian pollution was worse per capita, but overall the US pollution is still much higher due to a larger population, industry, factory farms, etc. But the worst part was Canada's CO2 emmissions actually increased after signing on to the Kyoto accord!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Failing to succeed that, he'll then blow up the moon and claim that he's not really concerned about the sun anyway.
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I'm no climate expert, so you could very well be right, but I was under the impression that the ozone layer was synonymous with the atmosphere (or is it just part of it? But also, isn't it CO3, Carbon Monoxide that's the real problem, while CO2 is not quite as much? I should read more about it i suppose.
Stone just did that interview, i MISSED it. But everyone should read it. He does mention that deforestation is a major component to global warming and climate change. It's amazing we still do as much of it as we do.
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
we've all seen proof of the worlds ice melting and it's fact that it's too late to correct it.
what about what they don't tell us? like the melting of the ice will dilute the salt content of the oceans killing a great number of marine life. the earths ice will be melted within the next decade and that ice helps with cooling. without it; warming will be excelerated.
so i pulled up next to a honda at a gas station. when finished; the kid drove off with a cloud of balck and blue smoke following him down the road. it reminded me of the hummer thread and thought: give that kid a hummer; it burns cleaner.
true story.
I said that comment mostly as a joke
same reason you don't blame the tiger (the sun) when he mauls someone after he escaped from his cage...you blame the negligent zookeeper (those causing the hole in the ozone layer).
i know that. but it reminded me of that thread and the honda. it was not directed at you or your comment.
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now there's an intelligent and well thought out answer to the problem.