Call himself a Republican? He supports about 95% of liberal causes, but if he supports a war (while at the same time bashing the way it has been handled) he is a Republican. Your party is a joke. You can't stand that two out of the 47 or so Democratic senators supported the war. How fucking ridiculous. Lamont is such a hypocrite it is unbelievable. I saw him on the Colbert Report blasting the war in Iraq and all the civilians getting killed, but when Colbert brought up the Israel-Lebanon issue Lamont sided with Israel...blah, blah, fucking blah. Can't lose the Jewish vote can you Lamont? It's disgusting that money and left-wing propaganda win you a primary. But yes, the people will vote and Joe will win as an independent.
but big difference with America/Iraq and Lebanon/Isreal......Lebonon/Hezbola (sp??) are an actual threat to was proven...they actually did something to Isreal.........Iraq wasn't to the US....they had no weapons...and half of us knew this....duh. Make some comparable arguments...please.
It's sickening. As you stated, Joe supported but hated the way the war was handled but got kicked out by the voters with help from moveon. But in the end, come 2008, that radical liberal party will once again fail at gaining the white house. The democratic party dam sure not what it used to be back in the day. They are out of control. Either follow EVERY position they do, or your'e labeled a conservative. What a fucking tolerant party!
Tolerance......what republicans talking about tolerance???? ....give me a freakin bout about a womans right to her body. Your kidding me right......the voters just didn't like the fact the Joe was sucking face with George....and thats okay......I sure the fk wouldn't get close to him...or show him any affection. He (Georgy) fked up...we found out...we know he lied...if your a democratic politician and show any love for George you should be thrown out...America is in a great mess right'd be a fool to align yourself with Georgy....even Repub. will distance themselves from Bush administration.
I cannot believe some people is American pride (b/c Americans have great pride for their country which I have hailed many times as being fantastic but too much can lead one to being very illogical) or what is it (and I am not trying to be insulting but that is what it seems it adds up to) cannot admit to yourselves you failed...miserably at we call the anti-war movement kooks and all that fun stuff.....why cannot the acknowledgement be made that "mission failed"....get the boys back home...they have seen enough blood for five lifetimes....the excuse that Bin Laden will rally the troops as defeating America...give me a break...America/Britain/Israel have already rallied the troops with their unjustified magnitude of attacks....radical Islam was on the decline and all these nations have done is portray these people as heroes and the only option to rid their country of invaders...sorry Bin Laden won when America came to Iraq.....and more importantly remained to stay in Iraq....if you cannot fathom that simple concept I don't know....
its not all of us....please be sure to distinquish which Americans...some of us do get it........favorite Pearl Jam show ever was in Toronto.....Eddie did a listen to the boot?....incredible and funny as hell....not this year...but last time they were in town. Get it.....great.....
its not all of us....please be sure to distinquish which Americans...some of us do get it........favorite Pearl Jam show ever was in Toronto.....Eddie did a listen to the boot....incredible....not this year...but last time they were in town. Get it.....great.....
I was not trying to be rude and include I said what I envy (in a good way) about Americans is their national pride which is fantastic to I said no one is more proud of their country then an American...which is a great thing....what I was alluding to was that maybe too much pride can be bad thing....such a bad thing that it delays the obvious (pull out of Iraq) b/c of an issue to save face....national pride is fantastic...but too much can be bad....
I was not trying to be rude and include I said what I envy (in a good way) about Americans is their national pride which is fantastic to I said no one is more proud of their country then an American...which is a great thing....what I was alluding to was that maybe too much pride can be bad thing....such a bad thing that it delays the obvious (pull out of Iraq) b/c of an issue to save face....national pride is fantastic...but too much can be bad....
just have been to several countrys last couple years and the perception is we all agree with what our Government is always try to enlighten. But.....remember this...the half that dispise Georgy and the boys....we are as Proud to be an American as the other half....and thats why we're just sooo disenchanted( okay pissed off) with the current Eddie has said......"Just doesn't feel like the US anymore" Houston Concert last time around. America is about being free and just and Tolerant...and that's not what the current administration is about.
just have been to several countrys last couple years and the perception is we all agree with what our Government is always try to enlighten. But.....remember this...the half that dispise Georgy and the boys....we are as Proud to be an American as the other half....and thats why we're just sooo disenchanted( okay pissed off) with the current Eddie has said......"Just doesn't feel like the US anymore" Houston Concert last time around. America is about being free and just and Tolerant...and that's not what the current administration is about.
No I do not, or ever have, held that perception....I have American buddies and met a few cool Americans at the 2005 shows and the opinion of their government is all negative....
Um, well...uh ok. First off to the person who responded by saying that this was a sign of the immenent downfall of the "Liberals" into some kind of communist party, As a matter of fact, when was the last time Michael Moore was the spokesperson for the DNC? Umm...Never! And poor Mike seems to be washed up in media hype like the rest of the counry.. "Lieberman LOSES!" Ok well, yes, but it was actually a very, very narrow loss. Hardly a landslide for some kind of leftist darkhorse. Just enough people fed up with Leiberman bein wishywashy like most dems to give the new guy a single digit win.
And again, Mike is still forgetting that there was no RESOUNDING VOICES kicking the asses of all dems that supported the war. If any voices like that were speaking, it was a barely audible whisper.
And in the end, I think the dems are still screwed. The primaries are them pettin the dolphin while they can.
Mike also seems to be forgetting the OTHER HALF of the country that voted this regime into power. Just because Bush cant run again doesn't mean Rove hasn't already mastered the demise of the Democrats. THEY ALWAYS UNDERESTIMATE HIM. Stop thinking he might be good. The man is seriously evil, and devilishly genius.
I hear engravers carving out a tombstone now, OMG!!! it says..."DNC"
"Winded is the sailor, drifting by the storm, wounded is the organ he left all bloodied on the shore...the smallest oceans still get Big Big waves..."
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Michael Moore creeps me out....what kinda of message is that? He is a freak - how can any American Democrat like to hear this guy...creepy. That is the same kinda of message I am used to hearing in Arabic, spoken by Saddam, Osama, Nasarallah, etc yet translated in English.
"Pay attention, o' leaders of the Great Satanic empire. Stop your Zionest incest, or we shall destroy your land and people with the fires of judgement" They are all the same guy.
Call himself a Republican? He supports about 95% of liberal causes, but if he supports a war (while at the same time bashing the way it has been handled) he is a Republican. Your party is a joke. You can't stand that two out of the 47 or so Democratic senators supported the war. How fucking ridiculous. Lamont is such a hypocrite it is unbelievable. I saw him on the Colbert Report blasting the war in Iraq and all the civilians getting killed, but when Colbert brought up the Israel-Lebanon issue Lamont sided with Israel...blah, blah, fucking blah. Can't lose the Jewish vote can you Lamont? It's disgusting that money and left-wing propaganda win you a primary. But yes, the people will vote and Joe will win as an independent.
Excellent point....and I agree. I saw him also say he was going to ensure that the US would have the strongest army in the world! Now what is that all about, just got the win inthe primary as the anti war canidate and now he is going to ensure we have an army that can kick ass?
Bin Laden would threaten his enemies with free elections? Now THAT I'd like to see!
Let's not get carried away here ... Michael Moore is not blowing anything up, not chopping off any heads, he's not planting IEDs on the road to the capitol building. He's telling them "the majority of us in your party don't support this policy ... now get in line with us or you're out." What's wrong with that? They're SUPPOSED to represnt us, aren't they?
No you don't I know you are wise enough to know that there is no representation going on here. If anyone here thinks the party is loyal to the people then I got some oceanfront property.....
If I was in Conn, I would probably vote in the general for Lieberman just because I figure he has nothing to loose, and no one to represent BUT the people.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
What's with the July 10th, 2006 time stamp? I thought the site went down a day or two before the primary. There's not really much to the screen capture, either. Where did it come from?
What's with the July 10th, 2006 time stamp? I thought the site went down a day or two before the primary. There's not really much to the screen capture, either. Where did it come from?
It had been hacked about three times in the past month. Each time the hacking shut down the email.
It's good to see Moore criticizing the Democrats again. After Farenheit 911, I lost a lot of faith in him because I thought that film was not made to inform people, but simply get a Democrat in office. So this is good to see. People need to realize the majority of Democrats are not in-line with the anti-war movement. They want a troop reduction, not a time table for withdrawal.
It had been hacked about three times in the past month. Each time the hacking shut down the email.
I didn't know that part. Still, it's hard to believe that a website would make that much of a difference in an election. And, that doesn't rule out the possiblility of net overload on the day before the election - which would make sense considering it was the day before an election where the whole country was watching. Could have been an organized effort too - kinda like he got "Freeped," only Lefty-style (which is pretty much the same as Freeping - but with a different ideology lodged in the brain).
Do you have a site where the screen shot came from? I tried going to the root of the address, but all I got was an index (honest curiosity - not baiting).
I didn't know that part. Still, it's hard to believe that a website would make that much of a difference in an election. And, that doesn't rule out the possiblility of net overload on the day before the election - which would make sense considering it was the day before an election where the whole country was watching. Could have been an organized effort too - kinda like he got "Freeped," only Lefty-style (which is pretty much the same as Freeping - but with a different ideology lodged in the brain).
Do you have a site where the screen shot came from? I tried going to the root of the address, but all I got was an index (honest curiosity - not baiting).
I woun't disagree with you on this at all. I was just bringing it up because of all of the times that I have defended the 2000 and 2004 elections.
It wouldn't be the website at all that would make such a huge difference. Usually the biggest use for a website for the 72 hours prior to an election is helping people find out where to go vote for you. The biggest problem I would think for them is that the whole server went down which made them lose email capabilities which is where a good chunk of a campaign's GOTV and election day organization takes place.
I will go back through my history to try to find where I found that link. I actually found that site a couple of hours before the news was available on the internet.
I didn't know that part. Still, it's hard to believe that a website would make that much of a difference in an election. And, that doesn't rule out the possiblility of net overload on the day before the election - which would make sense considering it was the day before an election where the whole country was watching. Could have been an organized effort too - kinda like he got "Freeped," only Lefty-style (which is pretty much the same as Freeping - but with a different ideology lodged in the brain).
Do you have a site where the screen shot came from? I tried going to the root of the address, but all I got was an index (honest curiosity - not baiting).
Here is where it was initially. I can't find the post that has it now. It was updating throughout the day.
Id love to know what relevence one web site crashing has to do with any of this.
Straws, clutching, hands reaching, methinks.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
Hey, at least theres a way to go before they meet up with you in hell...
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
but big difference with America/Iraq and Lebanon/Isreal......Lebonon/Hezbola (sp??) are an actual threat to was proven...they actually did something to Isreal.........Iraq wasn't to the US....they had no weapons...and half of us knew this....duh. Make some comparable arguments...please.
Tolerance......what republicans talking about tolerance???? ....give me a freakin bout about a womans right to her body. Your kidding me right......the voters just didn't like the fact the Joe was sucking face with George....and thats okay......I sure the fk wouldn't get close to him...or show him any affection. He (Georgy) fked up...we found out...we know he lied...if your a democratic politician and show any love for George you should be thrown out...America is in a great mess right'd be a fool to align yourself with Georgy....even Repub. will distance themselves from Bush administration.
its not all of us....please be sure to distinquish which Americans...some of us do get it........favorite Pearl Jam show ever was in Toronto.....Eddie did a listen to the boot?....incredible and funny as hell....not this year...but last time they were in town. Get it.....great.....
I was not trying to be rude and include I said what I envy (in a good way) about Americans is their national pride which is fantastic to I said no one is more proud of their country then an American...which is a great thing....what I was alluding to was that maybe too much pride can be bad thing....such a bad thing that it delays the obvious (pull out of Iraq) b/c of an issue to save face....national pride is fantastic...but too much can be bad....
just have been to several countrys last couple years and the perception is we all agree with what our Government is always try to enlighten. But.....remember this...the half that dispise Georgy and the boys....we are as Proud to be an American as the other half....and thats why we're just sooo disenchanted( okay pissed off) with the current Eddie has said......"Just doesn't feel like the US anymore" Houston Concert last time around. America is about being free and just and Tolerant...and that's not what the current administration is about.
No I do not, or ever have, held that perception....I have American buddies and met a few cool Americans at the 2005 shows and the opinion of their government is all negative....
And again, Mike is still forgetting that there was no RESOUNDING VOICES kicking the asses of all dems that supported the war. If any voices like that were speaking, it was a barely audible whisper.
And in the end, I think the dems are still screwed. The primaries are them pettin the dolphin while they can.
Mike also seems to be forgetting the OTHER HALF of the country that voted this regime into power. Just because Bush cant run again doesn't mean Rove hasn't already mastered the demise of the Democrats. THEY ALWAYS UNDERESTIMATE HIM. Stop thinking he might be good. The man is seriously evil, and devilishly genius.
I hear engravers carving out a tombstone now, OMG!!! it says..."DNC"
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
"Pay attention, o' leaders of the Great Satanic empire. Stop your Zionest incest, or we shall destroy your land and people with the fires of judgement" They are all the same guy.
Excellent point....and I agree. I saw him also say he was going to ensure that the US would have the strongest army in the world! Now what is that all about, just got the win inthe primary as the anti war canidate and now he is going to ensure we have an army that can kick ass?
No you don't
If I was in Conn, I would probably vote in the general for Lieberman just because I figure he has nothing to loose, and no one to represent BUT the people.
It had been hacked about three times in the past month. Each time the hacking shut down the email.
Do you have a site where the screen shot came from? I tried going to the root of the address, but all I got was an index (honest curiosity - not baiting).
I woun't disagree with you on this at all. I was just bringing it up because of all of the times that I have defended the 2000 and 2004 elections.
It wouldn't be the website at all that would make such a huge difference. Usually the biggest use for a website for the 72 hours prior to an election is helping people find out where to go vote for you. The biggest problem I would think for them is that the whole server went down which made them lose email capabilities which is where a good chunk of a campaign's GOTV and election day organization takes place.
I will go back through my history to try to find where I found that link. I actually found that site a couple of hours before the news was available on the internet.
Here is where it was initially. I can't find the post that has it now. It was updating throughout the day.
Straws, clutching, hands reaching, methinks.
As I said before, it was more the loss of GOTV communication since the email went down with the server.
What did the phone system jamming in New Hampsire in 2002 have to do with anything?
Cracks me up how far the libs have fallen.
Hey, at least theres a way to go before they meet up with you in hell...