It's All About Who You Sleep With ... a Cautionary Note from Michael Moore

Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral, unwinnable war. Make no mistake about it: We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended -- and we will actively work to defeat each and every one of you who does not support an immediate end to this war.
Nearly every Democrat set to run for president in 2008 is responsible for this war. They voted for it or they supported it. That single, stupid decision has cost us 2,592 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives. Lieberman and Company made a colossal mistake -- and we are going to make sure they pay for that mistake. Payback time started last night.
I realize that there are those like Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war. Perhaps that switch will be enough for some to support them. For others, like me -- while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.
To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war. I'm sure someone has advised you that a woman can't be elected unless she proves she can kick ass just as crazy as any man. I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war. It is your only hope. You and Joe have been Bush's biggest Democratic supporters of the war. Last night's voter revolt took place just a few miles from your home in Chappaqua. Did you hear the noise? Can you read the writing on the wall?
To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are now numbered. Myself and tens of millions of citizens are going to work hard to actively remove you from any position of power.
If you don't believe us, give Joe a call.
Michael Moore
P.S. Republicans -- sorry to leave you out of this letter. It's just that our side has a little housecleaning to do. We'll take care of you this November.
Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral, unwinnable war. Make no mistake about it: We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended -- and we will actively work to defeat each and every one of you who does not support an immediate end to this war.
Nearly every Democrat set to run for president in 2008 is responsible for this war. They voted for it or they supported it. That single, stupid decision has cost us 2,592 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives. Lieberman and Company made a colossal mistake -- and we are going to make sure they pay for that mistake. Payback time started last night.
I realize that there are those like Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war. Perhaps that switch will be enough for some to support them. For others, like me -- while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.
To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war. I'm sure someone has advised you that a woman can't be elected unless she proves she can kick ass just as crazy as any man. I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war. It is your only hope. You and Joe have been Bush's biggest Democratic supporters of the war. Last night's voter revolt took place just a few miles from your home in Chappaqua. Did you hear the noise? Can you read the writing on the wall?
To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are now numbered. Myself and tens of millions of citizens are going to work hard to actively remove you from any position of power.
If you don't believe us, give Joe a call.
Michael Moore
P.S. Republicans -- sorry to leave you out of this letter. It's just that our side has a little housecleaning to do. We'll take care of you this November.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
Post edited by Unknown User on
But, side against them on one issue and your'e fucked! What a fucking party. Ladies and gentlemen, I prodly present the new communist party of america.. THE LIBERALS.. (formerly known as democrats)..
I hope Joe comes back and stomps lamont in the ground!!
In addition, after reading this after printing it and showing it to other democarats and republicans, this is pretty fucking close to what Bin Laden would say in his tapes addressing america... "your days are numbered"... "change your mind now"....
It was like reading a letter from fuckin Al qaeda.
This party has spun the fuck out of control. Communism and terrorism MUST BE STOPPED! I know I know, this letter is not from the DNC, however, the candidate to win last night was partially funded by moveon, and moore is right there in bed with them too. So I guess, he's right, all about who you sleep with!
And you're damn right if you disagree with voters you're out the door. That's what voters do - they vote.
And Lieberman will probably still win the general election. Again - democracy in action. But we'll just have to wait and see.
don't forget, this is also the man that the DNC sat right beside president carter at their most recent convention. he is helping to take that party off a cliff.
Dude - you're wack.
First of all, anti-war is not being a kook, it's being a part of the majority. Have you been following the news the last 6 months? Then you say we need multiple parties while bashing the Dems, at least some of them, for having a backbone and standing up to Bush & Co.? Sounds to me like someone is a little scared the good old USA voting public might be coming to its collective senses. We'll see in November. I am ecstatic Lieberman was given the boot by the Dems in Connecticut. He may as well have called himself a Republican anyway at this point.
the dems have no ideas to sell to the american people, all they do is bash bush. thats great for sound bites, but it doesn't win elections. didn't you all learn anything from the last mid-term elections, or the elections 2 years ago?
It's not similiar in any way, shape, or form. Bin Laden tends to eliminate dissent in a violent manner. Michael Moore was talking about using THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS OF FREE ELECTIONS to change the course of our country's leadership.
You know: Democracy. Yeah, that's what you call that.
Let's not get carried away here ... Michael Moore is not blowing anything up, not chopping off any heads, he's not planting IEDs on the road to the capitol building. He's telling them "the majority of us in your party don't support this policy ... now get in line with us or you're out." What's wrong with that? They're SUPPOSED to represnt us, aren't they?
Heil Hitler!!!
Call himself a Republican? He supports about 95% of liberal causes, but if he supports a war (while at the same time bashing the way it has been handled) he is a Republican. Your party is a joke. You can't stand that two out of the 47 or so Democratic senators supported the war. How fucking ridiculous. Lamont is such a hypocrite it is unbelievable. I saw him on the Colbert Report blasting the war in Iraq and all the civilians getting killed, but when Colbert brought up the Israel-Lebanon issue Lamont sided with Israel...blah, blah, fucking blah. Can't lose the Jewish vote can you Lamont? It's disgusting that money and left-wing propaganda win you a primary. But yes, the people will vote and Joe will win as an independent.
It's sickening. As you stated, Joe supported but hated the way the war was handled but got kicked out by the voters with help from moveon. But in the end, come 2008, that radical liberal party will once again fail at gaining the white house. The democratic party dam sure not what it used to be back in the day. They are out of control. Either follow EVERY position they do, or your'e labeled a conservative. What a fucking tolerant party!
Can you explain how being antiwar makes you a "radical liberal"?
There's alot more to it than just antiwar. That does not make one radical.
1. Smeared a war hero (who lost limbs in vietnam) by campaigning with photos of him (Max Cleland) with Bin Laden and Hussein.
2. In the GOP primary, ran a phone campaign of S. Carolina voters--a "poll" that asked them "would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain if you heard he'd illegitimately fathered a black child."
3. I believe he bugged his own office in a Bush campaign for Texas Governor so the Democratic party would be blamed.
But keep being sickened by democratic campaigning.
Then why is Lamont radical?
4. Shut down the opponent's campaing website and email effectively killing a large portion of campaing communication and GOTV plans on election day.
I guess a public healthcare system is deemed kooky......
However, the Lamont campaign actually put up Lieberman's cached web page up on their page - so I don't think that one can be tied directly to the Lamont campaign itself.
His issues are on the left fringe. It's fine it's just not going to play well when the voters are not all in the same place. Many here are on that same fringe which will not make for a very fair political assessment from this board.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
It was hacked. I posted a link to the screenshot that was there when it happened. It's in one of the threads yesterday.
The problem was not that people couldn't see the pictures. It cut off all internet based GOTV communications for Lieberman's campaign. That could have easily been a cover-up by the Lamont campaign. He cannot be held to a different standard by this board than Bush just because he is a left winger.
Does it? What do you think happened in 2000 and 2004? Are you of the same opinion as me that Bush won those elections based on prescribed legal standards?
Here's his post from yesterday w/ the link: