November 2008

Dear Readers,
There has been something that has been bothering me for quite some time. It it the fact that everytime I turn on the television or read the newspaper there is always the same people blaming the president for deaths in war. In the new Pearl Jam album the song "Worldwide Suicide" it has many parts in it where it mentions that exact thing ..."Medals on a wooden mantle. Next to a handsome face. That the president took for granted. Writing checks that others pay." I would like to honestly know about this next election and if a democrat is elected and WILL have to send troops overseas where troops WILL be killed how will you react to this. Now it isnt a possibility that Americas military will have to go to overseas to fight it's just a matter of timing. If a democrat is elected into office in 2008 and were still over in Iraq which Im sure we'll be and people will still die ...since this is a war, how are you going to react to this? It seems no matter who is elected people will always blame the president. Im not saying that there is one and only one party that can make correct decisions but I want to know. Because it's only a matter of time before this will all happen again. Now Im sure this is going to bring a lot of the hippie dippie 60's political activism on here that only created more violence than peace so please think before you write. I would like to know if there is anyone out there that is involved in governments out there and if they are seeing things work?
There has been something that has been bothering me for quite some time. It it the fact that everytime I turn on the television or read the newspaper there is always the same people blaming the president for deaths in war. In the new Pearl Jam album the song "Worldwide Suicide" it has many parts in it where it mentions that exact thing ..."Medals on a wooden mantle. Next to a handsome face. That the president took for granted. Writing checks that others pay." I would like to honestly know about this next election and if a democrat is elected and WILL have to send troops overseas where troops WILL be killed how will you react to this. Now it isnt a possibility that Americas military will have to go to overseas to fight it's just a matter of timing. If a democrat is elected into office in 2008 and were still over in Iraq which Im sure we'll be and people will still die ...since this is a war, how are you going to react to this? It seems no matter who is elected people will always blame the president. Im not saying that there is one and only one party that can make correct decisions but I want to know. Because it's only a matter of time before this will all happen again. Now Im sure this is going to bring a lot of the hippie dippie 60's political activism on here that only created more violence than peace so please think before you write. I would like to know if there is anyone out there that is involved in governments out there and if they are seeing things work?
Support the Troops
Go Cubs!
Go Cubs!
Post edited by Unknown User on
The point is that we shouldnt have gone there in the first place. There were no troops to be killed in Iraq...much less the poor civilians who would still be ALIVE if 51% of the people in this country had a brain.
Hey there guy. I didnt open another anti-republican/anti-war thread. I wanted to know about this coming election. People fuck up, Bush isnt perfect, I dont agree with many of his policies. Other presidents fucked up as well. They cant satisfy everyone all the time. Im talking about the election in 2008. Please stay on track here ...
Go Cubs!
Let's say that in the same timeframe (2000 - 2006), the same exact events occured and the same exact decisions were made and the same exact outcomes resulted... the only thing different is the President is Al Gore.
Would the same people supporting the war and decisions and results... STILL be supporting the President?
I can guarantee you that I would STILL be against this war, the way it was sold, the way it was handled and the way it continues to be mishandled.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yeah... but he did give us that 300 dollar tax rebate... er... advance on our taxes... what was that, anyway?
Hail, Hail!!!
I could just as easily say that people like yourself would be quiet, un-assuming, non-activist and generally voiceless if a Democratic President were in place instead of an evangelical Christian/Republican like Bush.
I supported Bosnia and Somalia, just like I supported Iraq.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
As for the "blame" mentioned in the first post? I think the blame will always be firmly on Bush's shoulders, even after he leaves office. He did start the war after all. A 2008 Democratic or Republic President might very well be incompetent (or unconcerned) enough to not be able to pull us out - but he or she will never be the one that started it. So, what you'll see in this scenerio is people will be pissed off that President X can't get us out of Bush's War.
Afterall, THEY HAVE WMDs!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"i don't wanna think, i wanna feel"
it is not about republican or democrats... that is the elemantary way of approaching politics...that is exactly what those truly in power want, is partisan bickering and squables over meaningless issues (flag burning, gay marriage, the list goes on)
that being said the republican party has been completely overrun by corporate agenda's (democrats catching up), and religous zealots
That's the trouble when there are two parties to vote for who are exactly the same and who are both controlled by the same big business interests. Democracy? There is no democracy in America. Fact! There is only a big business dictatorship which calls itself a democracy.
What's wrong with Ms. Rodham?
she doesn't really support the war, she's just saying that to garner some hawkish votes, she's supporting the war to win an election so she can implement some real changes... you'll see when she wins
So she truly stands for nothing?
double exactly... don't we want someone who stands for nothing? someone who won't be dogmatic about issues? someone who goes with the tide as befits them? someone who's open minded...what a perfect president that would be in our postmodern society!
Or someone who can be easily swayed by power and foreign governments? Doesn't sound like my ideal. Sometimes tough decisions need to be made and a poll of registered voters is not always the best consultant.
z, a president has to be open-minded and tolerant so he/she won't take any real stand on any issue... we don't need people like FDR who intolerantly went to war with Japan after Pearl Harbor... an ideal president would have understood why they had to hit Pearl and opened dialogue with Japanese leadership in order to build a better tomorrow... that's why we need someone who stands for nothing
[tongue firmly planted in cheek]
Gotcha. Sorry I didn't pick up on that earlier.
And not to toot my own horn (who am I kidding, I love to toot!), but I had Laz figured out as soon as I read "Hillary in '08!!!!" I really don't think she'll make it past the primary.
I agree with you. The only way she makes it past the primary is because she has so much more money stocked up than any other probable candidate at this time.
I USED to think this. However, moveon and the rest of the RADICAL left will throw hillary under the bus quicker than Joe.