Well than your instinct is worse than I first surveyed. If I am not reaching you than all I can say is please wait till Novemeber to lock your vote in. People may tell you to vote early.. please don't and also please please please do not tell people proudly who you are voting for.
You know what they say...vote early and vote often.
The year 2000 called. They wanted to remind you how GREAT the last time Nader supporters called the two parties the same worked out for us...
First off.. Im not a Nader supporter and im not trying to sell a candidate to you. In fact I may even write in Monty Brewster... that being said.. if you are making a reference to the fact that many of your fellow republicans or democrats may have told you those who voted for nader or nader running cost al gore that election... well its 2008
and there are records and it is now known fact that the democrats lost that election because of ridiculous tactics, just like in 2004 when they elected a horse and just like they are doing now in 2008.. they are poor tacticians... but thats still not the argument.. statistics from the elections will you show you thousands voted for the nazi party... people voted for independent candidates... green candidates.. and many other independents... I CAN GET THE LIST IF YOU NEED IT.
are you against war, the ideas obama have (not fictional hope ideas... ACTUAL PLANS) ..
cause I am and last night I actually considered voting for him...
these people are trying to convince you that your ideas are theirs..
there are no ideas because theya rent giving you any... they are telling you things are going to change... everything is gonna get better...
that doesnt just happen magically folks
I have to wonder, what is NOT brainwashing...?
campaigning is sharing views and hoping to earn votes...no one is making you vote for anyone...therefore, I disagree with your notion that brainwashing is happening...
no offense, but if that's your point...no shit. Of course politicians will do anything for control and for power and for their own ego. Anyone who'd be willing to go through the political process, and drag a family with them through it, has some serious issues. Why on earth would you spend millions upon millions of dollars on a job that pays 400K a year? power, control, ego are the only things that come to mind.
I love you.. Im talking to a lot of people on the streets in various cities and people are not practicing good citizenship they are promoting candidates they know nothing about.. and I know this is fact.. because they can't tell you why.... guess what they say
''its time for a change''
and i tell them with that thinkings... things might certaintly change
First off.. Im not a Nader supporter and im not trying to sell a candidate to you. In fact I may even write in Monty Brewster... that being said.. if you are making a reference to the fact that many of your fellow republicans or democrats may have told you those who voted for nader or nader running cost al gore that election... well its 2008
and there are records and it is now known fact that the democrats lost that election because of ridiculous tactics, just like in 2004 when they elected a horse and just like they are doing now in 2008.. they are poor tacticians... but thats still not the argument.. statistics from the elections will you show you thousands voted for the nazi party... people voted for independent candidates... green candidates.. and many other independents... I CAN GET THE LIST IF YOU NEED IT.
My whole point is that this has all been said before and it turned out to be FALSE by the actions of the current Republican administration.
Due to that I don't trust third party candidates as having the best interest for the country.
And I actually am a centrist myself and enjoyed the Clinton years and am planning on enjoying the Obama years.
You can say I'm brainwashed but I don't really care. I think third party supporters do just as much brainwashing to get people to see there viewpoint.
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
campaigning is sharing views and hoping to earn votes...no one is making you vote for anyone...therefore, I disagree with your notion that brainwashing is happening...
no you are wrong... brainwashing is happening... democrats and republicans for years have been engaging in ''disinformation''. they are taking advantage of struggling voters in a weak economy by telling them change is near... change is near.. and the republicans are telling you... we arent like that guy anymore... change is near..
its brainwashing... they are telling you what change... whos gonna change... are things gonna get greener..
IN FACT the only commercials to be found on Television that contain change are from an old oil tycoon named pickens... whos voting for that change??
wind power sounds pretty fucking good to me... thats change
My whole point is that this has all been said before and it turned out to be FALSE by the actions of the current Republican administration.
Due to that I don't trust third party candidates as having the best interest for the country.
And I actually am a centrist myself and enjoyed the Clinton years and am planning on enjoying the Obama years.
You can say I'm brainwashed but I don't really care. I think third party supporters do just as much brainwashing to get people to see there viewpoint.
youre missing something...
third party isnt a party.... its not voting for those 2 parties...
they are brainwashing you... the nineties werent good because of Clinton.. the nineties were good because our economy was booming and our citizens were selling the country away. but this is not why I am here
I am here to tell you the Republicans AND Democrats Are having conventions based on brainwashing... NOTHING IS BEING LAYED ON THE TABLE BECASUE THEY WANT TO APPEAL TO EVERYONE
America is asleep. You try and wake people up and generally they just get angry. Maybe they just don't wanna believe they could be deceived so badly. Or maybe people just enjoy the comfort of the illusion so much they don't wanna believe. The vast majority have sold their souls for shiny cars, cell phones, houses with yards and a boob tube to alert them of what they can get for just a little more apathy.
no you are wrong... brainwashing is happening... democrats and republicans for years have been engaging in ''disinformation''. they are taking advantage of struggling voters in a weak economy by telling them change is near... change is near.. and the republicans are telling you... we arent like that guy anymore... change is near..
its brainwashing... they are telling you what change... whos gonna change... are things gonna get greener..
IN FACT the only commercials to be found on Television that contain change are from an old oil tycoon named pickens... whos voting for that change??
wind power sounds pretty fucking good to me... thats change
anyone can say it
based on your logic, you're attempting to brainwash me and others here....
I suppose you think it's ok for you to share some information based on your perspective and expect others to believe you but it's not ok for anyone who thinks differently from you to share their views because it's brainwashing...
America is asleep. You try and wake people up and generally they just get angry. Maybe they just don't wanna believe they could be deceived so badly. Or maybe people just enjoy the comfort of the illusion so much they don't wanna believe. The vast majority have sold their souls for shiny cars, cell phones, houses with yards and a boob tube to alert them of what they can get for just a little more apathy.
based on you logic, you're attempting to brainwash me and others here....
I suppose you think it's ok for you to share some information based on your perspective and expect others to believe you but it's not ok for anyone who thinks differently from you to share their views because it's brainwashing...
I am one man in my office currently. I don't expect you to believe anything.. but the fact that Ive reached you in the sense now that things you watch on television now may have a different effect on you... and maybe... you can give this idea the benefit of any doubt that you may be under the influence or currently being engaged by people who want to influence your decision on who to vote for.
I am one man in my office currently. I don't expect you to believe anything.. but the fact that Ive reached you in the sense now that things you watch on television now may have a different effect on you... and maybe... you can give this idea the benefit of any doubt that you may be under the influence or currently being engaged by people who want to influence your decision on who to vote for.
I'm getting rid of my tv and going to live in the woods...
yeah, having a house, car, cell phone and a tv just plain sucks...damn, I can I have been so stupid...
I've been brainwaaaaaaaashed....oh help me....
I think I'll drop out and go live in the woods....I'm not sure what I'll do for food and shelter....I'll be dirty, hungry and braindirtyed.....
that guy does not speak to me and my intention is not to make anyone feel dumb.. i love my cell phone.. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever I want. Im here to tell everyone who reads these words that. in the year 2008. The democrats and republicans more than ever before are using brainwashing techniques that go back to the stone ages and the result of this may very well speak that they win the presidency, but this country is at stake and a division will kill the United States of America.
based on your logic, you're attempting to brainwash me and others here....
I suppose you think it's ok for you to share some information based on your perspective and expect others to believe you but it's not ok for anyone who thinks differently from you to share their views because it's brainwashing...
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
that guy does not speak to me and my intention is not to make anyone feel dumb.. i love my cell phone.. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever I want. Im here to tell everyone who reads these words that. in the year 2008. The democrats and republicans more than ever before are using brainwashing techniques that go back to the stone ages and the result of this may very well speak that they win the presidency, but this country is at stake and a division will kill the United States of America.
but I feel so stupid...how could I have not seen this....I mean I read various viewpoints, I'm openly critical of my gov't., I watch various news shows, I talk to others, I read books...and still, I've been brainwashed...
My intention was to not make people feel dumb. The point was not that everyone with those things is dumb. I have a cellphone too. The point was that to many people are living their lives for materialistic things and goals.
the problem with third parties is complacency... After this election is over all their supporters go back to their Playstation games where they sit for 4 more years until a few weeks from the next election where their voice isn't heard loud enough...
I embrace third party ideals but to continue to pour money into them whilst 75% of their base can't show for a local fundraiser because of a Halo3 tournament is ludicrous....
the problem with third parties is complacency... After this election is over all their supporters go back to their Playstation games where they sit for 4 more years until a few weeks from the next election where their voice isn't heard loud enough...
I embrace third party ideals but to continue to pour money into them whilst 75% of their base can't show for a local fundraiser because of a Halo3 tournament is ludicrous....
Speaking from personnal experience.
Third parties have no chance because the media heads never gave them a chance. The media is the 4th branch of government. It is a well oiled propaganda machine.
Third parties have no chance because the media heads never gave them a chance. The media is the 4th branch of government. It is a well oiled propaganda machine.
or perhaps those 3rd party candidates are very much to the left or right or just plain way out there...
I embrace third party ideals but to continue to pour money into them whilst 75% of their base can't show for a local fundraiser because of a Halo3 tournament is ludicrous....
Speaking from personnal experience.
It was the launch of World of Warcraft's Burning Crusade Expansion pack and the ensuing battle to enter the Dark Portal into the Outlands that doomed our efforts here!
Third parties have no chance because the media heads never gave them a chance. The media is the 4th branch of government. It is a well oiled propaganda machine.
No... Actually most people don't care about the fringe and so the media goes with the flow.
You're not being denied access to third parties by anyone. If you want to know about any third party go to their website.
The media showed the John Anderson/Ronald Reagan debates in the 80's.... Nobody cared about John Anderson.
What about Ross Perot? Didn't he participate in debates on national TV?
Nobody gave a shit about him either.
Why should the media give a shit?
It's not about the media...not at all. That's paranoia.
It's about having the fortitude to devote yourself and third parties can never accomplish this.
If the Republican party didn't push pseudo religious morals already ... Don't think for a second that the evangelicals wouldn't be making sure Pat Robertson got air time like he did in the 90's... Remember that?
The eveangelicals have their shit together. The Greens, Libertarians and Naders only wish they could get their shit together like the evangelicals.....
Nader is a nutjob... That's how most of America sees him... A Bonafide crazy!!!
Maybe most of you are too young to remember Nader in his heyday.
He wrote a bestseller titled "Unsafe at any speed" which attacked the automobile industry to the point they had to reconfigure their assembly lines and recall millions of automobiles. Americans were afraid to get behind the wheel of their cars. Nader cost a lot of jobs to workers and drove the price of cars up.
That's how America will always remember him.
No ones gonna give that looney fucker airtime for free!!!!
i vote libertarian on local and state levels. only when this infiltration is commonplace will a third party presidential vote be worth a damn. there needs to be several third party governors and senators and representatives throughout the country to make it even vaguely possible.
'Brainwashing' is an inaccurate term in this case. Obama supporters or McCain supports aren't 'brainwashed'. A more accurate term to describe some of them is 'misled' or 'misguided', in my opinion.
However, if there's one thing I learned, it's that voting is completely overrated. Voting should be the least thing people do in this country. Trying to get people to vote outside of the two-party system is a hopeless case for this election, Nader just won't win. In order to work for an ACTUAL future, how about all these people who support third-party candidates, and the third-party candidates themselves, get on someone like Obama's back? If Obama were to see everyone 'united' (for lack of a better word) and upset about the same things, you'd think he'd DO something about it... I'm done with third-party candidates this term, my goal now is to lobby Obama to get him to accomplish the things I, and many other people, want done.
Due to that I don't trust third party candidates as having the best interest for the country.
That's simply untrue. Third-party candidates definitely do not have their own selfish agenda because they know themselves that even if they had one, it'd never get accomplished. their whole point is just to try to change up the admittedly terrible election process we have in this country.
You can say I'm brainwashed but I don't really care. I think third party supporters do just as much brainwashing to get people to see there viewpoint.
I love it when people try to "fight the man" as it were and hold their individuality to be sacred (it is all we have, no?). But just because someone votes for a democrat or (gasp) a republican doesn't make them a sheep and it doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to fit into the mold. I feel like people want to be a dissident just for the sake of their own individuality and don't really think about the issues at hand. Politics are just one way to express yourself and shouldn't be weighed too heavily when trying to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Voting for the wrong reasons and buying into the propaganda is obviously the other side of the coin and should be avoided as well, but I honestly don't think people here on the AMT fall into this trap. The majority of the people in this country on the other hand...
I think people should vote for the candidate who best fits their belief system and will implement policies that he/she believes in, regardless if it is a "mainstream" party or the green party or the libertarian party or even the communist party. It is that simple.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
And I know its a tired point but after 2000 I don't trust both parties are the same argument. They have similarities yes but its only natural that they will both fall into line with the thinking of MOST Americans.
I think you guys need new material then they are both the same. It's like you guys are Gallagher still smashing Watermelons after all of these years. GET SOME NEW MATERIAL ALREADY.
To run out the same tired argument that both sides are the same is tired and it is a form of brainwashing when there are clear differences between the two sides. EVEN with foreign policy where they are closest to the same. Obama has not wavered yet on his stances yet hes still accused of being a Hawk. I just don't get it.
And no President of this country will win without supporting Israel. It's not a good thing necessarily but it is a fact. I still think Obama will be more like Clinton and work hard for a resolution where McCain is more likely to say FU Palistine. To me that is a HUGE difference on the Israel issue even if its not everything Anti-Israelists want.
Hey I made up a new word there...:)
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
Yes, the democratic party doesn't exactly fit my values though Obama's stances are much closer to mine that any recent candidate. I don't feel like I'm voting for the lesser of two evils, I'm voting for a candidate that is pretty close to my views on issues like taxes, energy reform, foreign policy etc.
Much closer than McCain and much closer than say any libertarians since I believe strongly in having a large and powerful federal government etc.
It's not that I ignore the other parties, or that I'm brainwashed by the two main parties, it's that none of the other parties have thus far came as close to my views as democrats like Bill Clinton or Barak Obama have. They are/were far from perfect, but they were the best match thus far. If something better comes along, I'd welcome it.
2000: Pittsburgh
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
You know what they say...vote early and vote often.
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
First off.. Im not a Nader supporter and im not trying to sell a candidate to you. In fact I may even write in Monty Brewster... that being said.. if you are making a reference to the fact that many of your fellow republicans or democrats may have told you those who voted for nader or nader running cost al gore that election... well its 2008
and there are records and it is now known fact that the democrats lost that election because of ridiculous tactics, just like in 2004 when they elected a horse and just like they are doing now in 2008.. they are poor tacticians... but thats still not the argument.. statistics from the elections will you show you thousands voted for the nazi party... people voted for independent candidates... green candidates.. and many other independents... I CAN GET THE LIST IF YOU NEED IT.
I have to wonder, what is NOT brainwashing...?
campaigning is sharing views and hoping to earn votes...no one is making you vote for anyone...therefore, I disagree with your notion that brainwashing is happening...
I love you.. Im talking to a lot of people on the streets in various cities and people are not practicing good citizenship they are promoting candidates they know nothing about.. and I know this is fact.. because they can't tell you why.... guess what they say
''its time for a change''
and i tell them with that thinkings... things might certaintly change
be careful what you wish for
My whole point is that this has all been said before and it turned out to be FALSE by the actions of the current Republican administration.
Due to that I don't trust third party candidates as having the best interest for the country.
And I actually am a centrist myself and enjoyed the Clinton years and am planning on enjoying the Obama years.
You can say I'm brainwashed but I don't really care. I think third party supporters do just as much brainwashing to get people to see there viewpoint.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
no you are wrong... brainwashing is happening... democrats and republicans for years have been engaging in ''disinformation''. they are taking advantage of struggling voters in a weak economy by telling them change is near... change is near.. and the republicans are telling you... we arent like that guy anymore... change is near..
its brainwashing... they are telling you what change... whos gonna change... are things gonna get greener..
IN FACT the only commercials to be found on Television that contain change are from an old oil tycoon named pickens... whos voting for that change??
wind power sounds pretty fucking good to me... thats change
anyone can say it
youre missing something...
third party isnt a party.... its not voting for those 2 parties...
they are brainwashing you... the nineties werent good because of Clinton.. the nineties were good because our economy was booming and our citizens were selling the country away. but this is not why I am here
I am here to tell you the Republicans AND Democrats Are having conventions based on brainwashing... NOTHING IS BEING LAYED ON THE TABLE BECASUE THEY WANT TO APPEAL TO EVERYONE
based on your logic, you're attempting to brainwash me and others here....
I suppose you think it's ok for you to share some information based on your perspective and expect others to believe you but it's not ok for anyone who thinks differently from you to share their views because it's brainwashing...
yeah, having a house, car, cell phone and a tv just plain sucks...damn, how could I have been so stupid...
I've been brainwaaaaaaaashed....oh help me....
I think I'll drop out and go live in the woods....I'm not sure what I'll do for food and shelter....I'll be dirty, hungry and braindirtyed.....
I am one man in my office currently. I don't expect you to believe anything.. but the fact that Ive reached you in the sense now that things you watch on television now may have a different effect on you... and maybe... you can give this idea the benefit of any doubt that you may be under the influence or currently being engaged by people who want to influence your decision on who to vote for.
I'm getting rid of my tv and going to live in the woods...
thanks...my life will be so much better....
that guy does not speak to me and my intention is not to make anyone feel dumb.. i love my cell phone.. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever I want. Im here to tell everyone who reads these words that. in the year 2008. The democrats and republicans more than ever before are using brainwashing techniques that go back to the stone ages and the result of this may very well speak that they win the presidency, but this country is at stake and a division will kill the United States of America.
This is the image that I get in my head when I see a thread from Macgyver...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
but I feel so stupid...how could I have not seen this....I mean I read various viewpoints, I'm openly critical of my gov't., I watch various news shows, I talk to others, I read books...and still, I've been brainwashed...
damn it...damn it all to hell...
good stuff, indeed...!
I embrace third party ideals but to continue to pour money into them whilst 75% of their base can't show for a local fundraiser because of a Halo3 tournament is ludicrous....
Speaking from personnal experience.
Third parties have no chance because the media heads never gave them a chance. The media is the 4th branch of government. It is a well oiled propaganda machine.
or perhaps those 3rd party candidates are very much to the left or right or just plain way out there...
just a thought...
It was the launch of World of Warcraft's Burning Crusade Expansion pack and the ensuing battle to enter the Dark Portal into the Outlands that doomed our efforts here!
You're not being denied access to third parties by anyone. If you want to know about any third party go to their website.
The media showed the John Anderson/Ronald Reagan debates in the 80's.... Nobody cared about John Anderson.
What about Ross Perot? Didn't he participate in debates on national TV?
Nobody gave a shit about him either.
Why should the media give a shit?
It's not about the media...not at all. That's paranoia.
It's about having the fortitude to devote yourself and third parties can never accomplish this.
If the Republican party didn't push pseudo religious morals already ... Don't think for a second that the evangelicals wouldn't be making sure Pat Robertson got air time like he did in the 90's... Remember that?
The eveangelicals have their shit together. The Greens, Libertarians and Naders only wish they could get their shit together like the evangelicals.....
Fact Jack
Maybe most of you are too young to remember Nader in his heyday.
He wrote a bestseller titled "Unsafe at any speed" which attacked the automobile industry to the point they had to reconfigure their assembly lines and recall millions of automobiles. Americans were afraid to get behind the wheel of their cars. Nader cost a lot of jobs to workers and drove the price of cars up.
That's how America will always remember him.
No ones gonna give that looney fucker airtime for free!!!!
However, if there's one thing I learned, it's that voting is completely overrated. Voting should be the least thing people do in this country. Trying to get people to vote outside of the two-party system is a hopeless case for this election, Nader just won't win. In order to work for an ACTUAL future, how about all these people who support third-party candidates, and the third-party candidates themselves, get on someone like Obama's back? If Obama were to see everyone 'united' (for lack of a better word) and upset about the same things, you'd think he'd DO something about it... I'm done with third-party candidates this term, my goal now is to lobby Obama to get him to accomplish the things I, and many other people, want done.
But I will say: this argument is so tired, just put it to fucking rest already. That's simply untrue. Third-party candidates definitely do not have their own selfish agenda because they know themselves that even if they had one, it'd never get accomplished.
I think people should vote for the candidate who best fits their belief system and will implement policies that he/she believes in, regardless if it is a "mainstream" party or the green party or the libertarian party or even the communist party. It is that simple.
How so???
And I know its a tired point but after 2000 I don't trust both parties are the same argument. They have similarities yes but its only natural that they will both fall into line with the thinking of MOST Americans.
I think you guys need new material then they are both the same. It's like you guys are Gallagher still smashing Watermelons after all of these years. GET SOME NEW MATERIAL ALREADY.
To run out the same tired argument that both sides are the same is tired and it is a form of brainwashing when there are clear differences between the two sides. EVEN with foreign policy where they are closest to the same. Obama has not wavered yet on his stances yet hes still accused of being a Hawk. I just don't get it.
And no President of this country will win without supporting Israel. It's not a good thing necessarily but it is a fact. I still think Obama will be more like Clinton and work hard for a resolution where McCain is more likely to say FU Palistine. To me that is a HUGE difference on the Israel issue even if its not everything Anti-Israelists want.
Hey I made up a new word there...:)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
Yes, the democratic party doesn't exactly fit my values though Obama's stances are much closer to mine that any recent candidate. I don't feel like I'm voting for the lesser of two evils, I'm voting for a candidate that is pretty close to my views on issues like taxes, energy reform, foreign policy etc.
Much closer than McCain and much closer than say any libertarians since I believe strongly in having a large and powerful federal government etc.
It's not that I ignore the other parties, or that I'm brainwashed by the two main parties, it's that none of the other parties have thus far came as close to my views as democrats like Bill Clinton or Barak Obama have. They are/were far from perfect, but they were the best match thus far. If something better comes along, I'd welcome it.
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II