
Its a real shame those who vote for a democrat or republican this year for president.
these two parties have control of our government and make promises and speak of hope and its all ridiculous.
the conventions are a fraud
this election is a fraud
our military is fraudulent
the corporations who donate money to these parties are fraudulent
the most interesting thing so far about the events leading up to this election is slavery.
both John McCain and Barack Obama have allowed themselves to be shackled by their own party... and why I think its interesting.... both these ''men'' should know what its like to be a slave, but yet they can't realize it when its happening to them.
this is brainwashing citizens of the United States.
you voters have to realize this before november or its gonna be another 4 year stalemate
these two parties have control of our government and make promises and speak of hope and its all ridiculous.
the conventions are a fraud
this election is a fraud
our military is fraudulent
the corporations who donate money to these parties are fraudulent
the most interesting thing so far about the events leading up to this election is slavery.
both John McCain and Barack Obama have allowed themselves to be shackled by their own party... and why I think its interesting.... both these ''men'' should know what its like to be a slave, but yet they can't realize it when its happening to them.
this is brainwashing citizens of the United States.
you voters have to realize this before november or its gonna be another 4 year stalemate
Post edited by Unknown User on
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Forgive me for asking, but is it more naive (brainwashed) for me to vote for the one of the two mass-marketed party candidates that I prefer.. or is it more naive for me to think that I might actually make a difference?
is it naive for me to assume if you are voting for OBAMA you dont have a clue why the fuck you like him other than the fact that he is charismatic and hes a fucking black man.
racism is not dead in america.
drive through a ghetto and look at all the signs... this isnt hope its brainwashing.
Hey now.. I was just asking a question. Because I actually think about what you said a lot. I'm a parent & it does bother me that this is all there is to offer her, realistically.
Also I never drive through ghettos. That's dangerous.
we just have to convince enough people that the ballot has more than 2 names on it.. No change or whatever the hell they are high on is gonna take place until there is cooperation within our government.
if these candidates really want change.. why are they running under old parties???
it makes absolutely no sense... ITS unimaginative... you think this is how its going to be forever... we are fucked if these 2 parties get elected
they are the same
i'm just sayin....
me trying to explain to citziens that republican friends of yours with no media ties are your friends is liberating you... they are not your enemies.. what these two parties are doing is VERY VERY dangerous and they can not be elected
Explain to citizens? Really man...if you want to get your message out perhaps try a different approach than spamming a Pearl Jam board? Seems like a waste in energy if you feel so strongly about it.
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
please tell us how you freed yourself from the Matrix
Mr Anderson
no, who really can't be elected are the people who aren't in those 2 parties...unfortunately. You're not liberating me or enlightening me, don't flatter yourself. Do you honestly think that you are the only person who thinks the 2 party system is not ideal? do you honestly think that you've discovered some great idea and you're the only one who has ever had that thought? I hope the answer to those is no. Of course what they are doing is not great. We need to start by voting everyone of the incumbents out of office, in the primary races...NOT in the final race.
no its not and this is just a couple of hours... this message will get across and it is... not just this message board.. please
not a waste of energy. it will be a wasted 4 years if the people elect a democrat or republican
you know brainwashing is taking place... all you have to do is not vote republican or democrat and spread the word..
snapp out of the craze
are you voting outside the two parties who convince they are the only real choices?
enlighten us...who should we vote for and why...
please, dirty my brain...
LOL and this is just a message board.
You are tho thilly.
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
I'm not thrilled with mccain or obama...or the libertarian candidate or the green candidate...i may just write in a vote. I then have a couple of for the lesser of two evils (read: who will screw me the least) or vote for someone who has no shot in hell and then be stuck with someone who may be the worst of 2 evils in my mind.
that is good, but you shouldnt vote for the lesser of two evils this time. these parties are using brainwashing tactics.. and history has shown.. a nation of people who are brainwashed LOSE on the world scale.
Why is driving through a ghetto dangerous i grew up in a ghetto for 17yrs and im not dead, shot or stabbed. Sure i had to fight sometimes but there are fights everywhere.
Was it sarcasm?
its no joke
this is NEW TO ALL OF US... what happens 10 minutes from now is new to ALL OF us.... this isnt like any election ever...
you are lucky than... really poor neighbors are generally filled with low income citizens. and amongst them are their children... and people who have been pushed aside either in their minds or reality none the less.. they can obtain weapons and drugs and you can go from there... but this stuff can happen in any neighborhood... but poorer neighborhoods frighten people who maintain there stuff
Brainwashing isn't so bad. it's better than having a dirty mind!
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
This paragraph rates pretty high on the unintentional comedy scale.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
are you against war, the ideas obama have (not fictional hope ideas... ACTUAL PLANS) ..
cause I am and last night I actually considered voting for him...
these people are trying to convince you that your ideas are theirs..
there are no ideas because theya rent giving you any... they are telling you things are going to change... everything is gonna get better...
that doesnt just happen magically folks
i'll vote for who I want to.
it was half intentional i find people high on PCP to be comical sometimes... when Im not near them... you know you can imagine
is a guy really just running around with a gun...
who does this?
I have a feel you might be high on something.
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
that is fine... but I find nothing wrong with trying to explain to people that... people who spend millions of borrowed money to convince you to like them are fraudulent... are running with other intentions and WILL DO ANYTHING... ANYTHING for control..
this is reality.
Well than your instinct is worse than I first surveyed. If I am not reaching you than all I can say is please wait till Novemeber to lock your vote in. People may tell you to vote early.. please don't and also please please please do not tell people proudly who you are voting for.
The year 2000 called. They wanted to remind you how GREAT the last time Nader supporters called the two parties the same worked out for us...
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
no offense, but if that's your shit. Of course politicians will do anything for control and for power and for their own ego. Anyone who'd be willing to go through the political process, and drag a family with them through it, has some serious issues. Why on earth would you spend millions upon millions of dollars on a job that pays 400K a year? power, control, ego are the only things that come to mind.