This place is wrong.

and its why its coming to an end.
this society is ridiculous.. and i don't understand it anymore and have realized.. I never did.
all these laws on top of laws banning any person from feeling safe in public... and its not the terrorist to be worried about... its our local police and city laws... our own government needs to be overthrown at any cost.
plants are illegal - no money to be made by the gov't
homeless and ghetto sales of drugs go on - no money to be made by the gov't
mentally distressed homeless veterans go without food and support - no money to be made by your government
see the pattern here... the people you support and think are supporting you are actually only in it for the money and thier precious careers..
How much is a dollar worth to you, in a society that proves time and time again that you in fact are not free.
If you live on U.S. soil than you live with man handed boundaries and the result of this is what is on the present plane.
1. acts of violence will only get worse and more unpredictable
2. Weapons are getting bigger by the day
3. No more Civilian police relationship (they dont know you/you dont know them... in fact many come from other towns... to POLICE YOUR TOWN)
4. Elections are run by the media and major corporations (no faces)
5. If you have money, you are more likely to go to jail for minor violations (ones you may not even know exist)
this is a police state.
if you dont believe me, consider this:
How would your local Police department stay in operation if the citizens stopped driving cars?
think about that...
this society is ridiculous.. and i don't understand it anymore and have realized.. I never did.
all these laws on top of laws banning any person from feeling safe in public... and its not the terrorist to be worried about... its our local police and city laws... our own government needs to be overthrown at any cost.
plants are illegal - no money to be made by the gov't
homeless and ghetto sales of drugs go on - no money to be made by the gov't
mentally distressed homeless veterans go without food and support - no money to be made by your government
see the pattern here... the people you support and think are supporting you are actually only in it for the money and thier precious careers..
How much is a dollar worth to you, in a society that proves time and time again that you in fact are not free.
If you live on U.S. soil than you live with man handed boundaries and the result of this is what is on the present plane.
1. acts of violence will only get worse and more unpredictable
2. Weapons are getting bigger by the day
3. No more Civilian police relationship (they dont know you/you dont know them... in fact many come from other towns... to POLICE YOUR TOWN)
4. Elections are run by the media and major corporations (no faces)
5. If you have money, you are more likely to go to jail for minor violations (ones you may not even know exist)
this is a police state.
if you dont believe me, consider this:
How would your local Police department stay in operation if the citizens stopped driving cars?
think about that...
Post edited by Unknown User on
f-in uptight egoist pricks they are...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
plants are illegal? if they aren't narcotic, it's because the city voted them that way, if you are talking about weed, get over it, it's not like people don't smoke away regardless, even though many peoples death are associated with it being brought into the country. No problem with that huh?
no police state, sorry, time for microwave food now...
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seems you haven't met too many uptight far from a city center are you?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yes i do have issues with humans pushing humans around. You think people go to other towns to police them so that they can provide for their family... you use the word normal, but that means different things to different people... so im lost here..... and you say if they do go to the other town to find a job... its not really that they want to police but more so to provide their family.. so you are suggesting what once a position of power hand in hand with pride is now simply a career decision.. this is a mindset in a surrounding of slavery.
and its spelled psycho... and i don't think you know what that word means.
what kind of vote is that... how can you vote on what someone else does with their personal time peacefully... where does it end? its absurdities at the highest order... you speak as if youre un-educated and its not wise.. you state
''even though many peoples death are associated with it being brought into the country. No problem with that huh?'' what does this mean.. what people... where??? can you not provide that information in your hauntingly misinformed response to a real problem in society?
you seem to be the type that wonders why atrocities happen and why tragedies happen in schools and every day life...and instead of looking for an answer you would rather dismiss thinking as psycho babble and make some piss poor food in a microwave..
well beach dweller... enjoy the beach while you can because with each rolling wave of sediment in... more is going out and THIS IS THE RESULT OF THE EXACT LAWS YOU REFUSE TO QUESTION
to pass it off as... ''this is what the people want''
i dont want anything for anyone except peace of mind and the right to be left alone from tyrranical rule..
surfs down.
Could things be better? absolutely... but I can honestly say that I enjoy my life everyday.
And all this talk about local police? In my experiences they haven't changed. There are some jackass ones, but there are more that are just normal people who happen to be cops.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I've met many cops with attitude, but even with that being true, I think quite a few people that complain about them to this level, might want to look at themselves first. We are not in a police state.
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"Stuff White People Like"
#33 Marijuana
January 27, 2008 by clander
People from many cultures like marijuana (South East Asian, Jamaica, India, Morrocco, Mexico, etc), but white people take it to an entirely new level.
To simply purchase, roll and smoke marijuana is not enough for white people. They need to make sure they know all the different strains, cultivation technique, and methods for smoking it. They even have an entire magazine devoted those where they actually have centerfolds of plants that people have grown.
White people are also willing to spend over $500 on smoking devices just to find new and more expensive ways to smoke weed.
It is worth noting that at every white person, at some point, has written a high school or college paper about the history of how the DuPont industry helped make weed illegal. This paper also teaches them about how hemp can be used to fuel cars, make clothing, create food, cure cancer, and solve every single problem on earth.
While you would assume that most white people smoke weed between 14-28 (and act as though they are the first generation to do so), the reality is that white people smoke weed well into old age. They also smoke weed with their kids! This is not a joke. White people love weed so much that they consider it a ‘gift’ to share with their kids. Leading to a generation that was not allowed to watch Power Rangers, but was allowed to toke up.
All white people believe marijuana should be legalized, and they consider the Netherlands to a pinnacle of enlightenment. Also, every white person has had their most profound weed smoking experience in Amsterdam, so it’s a good idea to fabricate a story about your own experience there so you can quickly forge a bond. Traditional tales uses the following words: hostel, brownie, girl/guy from Hungary, crazy, locked out, chill dudes from Ireland.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ever imply that people just smoke weed to get high, they do it for medical/spiritual/social reasons, etc, or that there are any negative consequences. This will likely alienate you from white people.
On the plus side, white people are always looking for higher quality, more potent, more organic marijuana. If you promise to hook them up with a special selection from your home country, they will likely pay a high premium.
you dont understand how hard it is for individuals just breaking into the system thats in place right now... im talking about 18, 19 early twenties... individuals trying to be on their own... and spend time with people who care baout them peacefully... and just trying to get by... and at 24... like me you wake up and realize... ever since youve turned 18... you been harassed... fined... ticketed... while never going to jail...never commiting a violent crime... never hurting anyone... and Im wondering what is it all for... why are these people we are supposed to respect.. these adults we learned in high school and middle school.. why cant they make it on their own.. why cant they find money on their own without having to take it from me... im not responsible for their failures.. im not responsible for their poor decisions...
i guess you cant feel the way i do...because it isnt happening to you... It seems though.. the harder i try to stay out of their records... out of their books.. off their mailing lists... the harder they try to find me... and the fines increase.
got to love ignorance, EDITED - I retract this statement
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um, taxes maybe
Now this is a more powerful communication, and I can find understanding in what you are saying.
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I disagree. They are either being trained harder or their stress levels are higher. Something has changed in the police force, that I am sure of.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you should probably get to know a few cops... and thank them...
I don't think you understand.
its the laws behind the cops you fool... good god!... these posts make me sad
and for the record ''my2hands''
if you dont understand concepts stay out of my threads... you dont have to click
use your head... lol thats all im asking here
and also...if a guy kicks your door in and you run for the phone... youre a coward.
When you get a cop yell at you for doing essentially nothing wrong, it makes them look like huge fucking assholes.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
guess what.. some people are assholes... they could be doctors, lawyers, cashiers, teachers, cops... i have met assholes from every walk of life and profession... as i am sure you have
really, a coward for calling the cops when your doors kicked in, when you aren't going to know any real facts of the situation, is it one person, many, are they aren't, what's their intent, do you have family in the house to worry about, did they think the house was empty?
not everyone owns guns, so basically run at them with a baseball bat and pray?
since everyone that does own a gun has tactical training, and has actually gone to a firiing range to become an expert and so 1, 2, 3 baddies, armed or not, take'em on, life is over rated anyway to actually worry about comprehending a situation and making an intelligent decision.
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do them a favor then... when your car gets stolen... dont call the cops
and i am sorry... i think marijuana should be legal... but i am not buying your whole pot is illegal so this is a police state... you are not restricted from doing anything really... what is it you want to do that you cannot because you are oppresed by "the police state"...
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Sure but I can freely tell those assholes to go take a flying fuck at great length, and they won't jump on me, spray me, taze me, or hold a gun to my head and I have to like it or else. Slight difference and they know it. Some are drunk on it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
unbelievable... you show me a doctor who is allowed to act legally under the patriot act and i will show you a COP
you are out of your element on this one.
I agree, but it's a symptom of a problem, they aren't the problem is my take on it. Stress is definitely higher in inner cities, and east texas, lol (sorry for hte no country for old men pun)
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good quote
so using this quote here... are you saying.. people should form themselves to obey any law in the future that may label them as a criminal??
is this what you are saying... or once again
you dont know what you are saying
hahahahahaha... what a joke
yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, wow and you were questioning whether I know what I'm saying? might want to work on those comprehension skills
check yourself before you wreck yourself! DAS EFX
let's try and different approach, what laws are criminalizing you for doing nothing wrong?
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some are, but not could be far worse, we need to fix what is wrong though.
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what does this even mean?
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