List Good things the current President has done while he is in office here.

You must provide analysis.
I am blank so someone start this thread off.
I am blank so someone start this thread off.
Post edited by Unknown User on
would you be OK with placing full blame on bush for the attacks on 9/11....?
Nothing happened on our soil by a foreign terrorist on US soil after the March 1993 attack on the WTC (3 months after Clinton took office). Would you argue that Clinton had nothing to do with that? That shows what the War on Terror is really, a piece of propaganda. Clinton didn't start saying things like "we need to fight them overseas instead of on American soil". Bush does say that, and he has gone 5 years since an attack. I believe these people will attack no matter if there is a war on terror or not.
there you are.
- brain of c
No, wait. That was Aquaman.
there you are.
- brain of c
I dont understand this question.
Unfortunately, it's the only one I could come up with.
no I wouldnt. I believe Clinton did care about security after the 93 attack. el queda took many years to plan the attacks of 9/11.
clinton didnt say those things because there didnt seem to be an urgency to fight them overseas. maybe now there should have been. if he invaded afgahistan then and killed osama maybe 9/11 wouldnt have happened. I dont know. I believe he tried to get him and failed, much like bush.
of course those people will try to attack no matter if there is a war on terror or not. thats why we need to be on the offensive against them so we kill them before they kill us.
and please no need for references to the war in Iraq. I dont feel Iraq has much to do with the war of terror, although at one point it did. once we killed zarkawi (not sure how to spell it) el queda in iraq seemed to be crippled. now its time to help how we can and get out.
here's a little secret.... shh no one really knows who the terrorists are until they strike... shhh
does that have anything to do with Bush?
If the economy was in a major recession right now, who would you blame that on?
a terrorist struck a few days ago... the milk man who killed the amish people..
by definition is a terrorist.
I have a good idea who the terrorists are. you dont?
Bush doesnt have a good say on how the economy is. our free market and economists and the industries, and the people feeling comfortable and buying do.
no I dont...tell me.. who are they?
this isnt sarcasm either
Is Timothy McVeigh a terrorist to you? If he is, isn't this mad milk man from the other day?
so you wouldnt be blaming bush if we were in a recession?
So I'll assume you're one of the few who doesnt credit Clinton for the good economy during his turn???
That was about it for me, too. I only wish that he had heard of Jacques Cousteau prior to 2006.
But, he DID show some strength in the days after the September 11, 2001 attacks... and going after the Bin Laden crew. But, that was a no-brainer... I believe any President would have done the same.
Hail, Hail!!!
McVeigh yes.
the milk man? he is a mentally ill guy who had inner demons against women and who knows what. did he terrorize the amish community? um yes he did.
i would blame him for not putting a plan into action..such as raising federal reserve limits... that is HIS JOB
Would it be fair to say that McVeigh was a "mentally ill guy who had inner demons about the way the Federal government handled the Waco situation"
he did put a plan into action in early 2002 when we were in a recession. what has the market done since then? hmmmm
so you blame or would blame him for a recession but not praise him for an effective plan.
cant we be fair about it? im sure you thought Clinton was a genius during his time even though the ecomony soared under a stock market bubble which voilently bursts in 2000
he had a much bigger beef with the government than just waco. what are you getting at?
You stated that you had a pretty good idea who the terrorists were? I could be wrong, but to me, that's implying that middle eastern men are the terrorists you were thinking of. I was trying to show that there is no way anyone can know who the terrorists are.
excuse me allow me to be more clear. I was refering to islamic terrorists. they seemed to be more organized and dedicated then the Tim McVeighs of the world.
and to keep in line with this thread. Bush has prevented them from attacking us again on our soil.
What good is it to be protected inside your house if you cant even go outside.