whos about tired with this Bush SHit?

was this guy really elected 2 times....i come on this board to debate issues...but than i think..wait...at least half the people on here must have voted for this guy....and than rage against the machine starts playing in my head and i thinkk...
are you all fucking nuts...or brain dead? and what exactly do you consider when voting for a non-consrvative war monger into office.
well before the next election...maybe we could inform these people what the presidents jobs are and what he has the power to do in office.
this could be very educational!
not everyone should just be handed the presidency like George Bush
are you all fucking nuts...or brain dead? and what exactly do you consider when voting for a non-consrvative war monger into office.
well before the next election...maybe we could inform these people what the presidents jobs are and what he has the power to do in office.

this could be very educational!
not everyone should just be handed the presidency like George Bush
Post edited by Unknown User on
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Well you just can't blame Bush supporters. Maybe if the Democrats actually ran a better candidate. Maybe if a large portion of the voting population actually gave a shit and got off their asses and voted the outcome could have been different.
I don't fault people who voted for Bush because they agree with. I may disagree with their decision but at least they voted for the person they felt would do the best job. The people I have a problem with are those that voted for him simply because of the political party he belongs to.
what does he believe in??? lol he never spoke!... can anyone honestly give me a list of his beliefs...
and we all know he loves babies to the point hes ok with pushing women around.
Your going to have to ask a Bush supporter that question.
i see this a lot... do americans not understand the whole THEN or THAN thing?
seriously i'm asking about this as i see it quite often on here.
i understand it... im bad with than/then and there/their and your/youre
but i understand the differences
I doubt half the people on this board voted for Bush. Probably more like 20-30%. This is a PJ message board. Conversely if you've ever been on the Toby Keith message board most of them probably voted for Bush. I wonder how many people wouldn't admit to having voted for Bush now? We have a guy in our office who voted for Bush in 2000 and we never let him hear the end of it. On the other hand I get a lot of shit for having voted for Nader. They're a bunch of goddamn Jackyl's in here.
hes kinda crazy though as a person.
Why is this an American issue? Jesus. Of course, Americans do. But many individuals from different countries apparently don't. Same with their, they're & there. Perhaps the reason you see more Americans make the mistake here is that more Americans post here.
i've never seen or heard an European doing it... ergo thats why i said americans.
i've seen it loads of times... that and the whole "i could care less" thing which doesnt even make any sense.
only seen americans doing it...
ya you are right...it's not our fault our language is one of the most complicated...
lol...where are the spanish philosophers huh
Spanish rocks.
Frenc ROcks. Le Stones
Well i don't know french but I am fluent in Spanish. So to me spanish rocks.
I'm probably not as far left as Nader but I'll tell you why I voted for the guy in 2000 and I probably would've voted for someone with conservative views if they fit this criteria.
He would have worked tirelessly. He has real passion for the job, he would've honestly tried to change things and only has the public's best interest in mind, he doesnt care about getting rich off the presidency, he values human life and he would've always done the right thing. I felt he was the best person for the job. It's kind of sad that someone like that will never win.
el rockos
there isnt a person in this world that could meet nader and not understand that he has the publics interest in his mind always.
its not your language though... its called English... you're just borrowing it
edit: yeah, somewhat like a hardworking pornstar from the 70's i am indeed tired of Bush... just to keep thread integrity
everyone looks at the bad. iraq and afganistan had to happen sooner or later. better it be sooner. bush will probably go down in history for solving the worlds energy problems. why don't people talk about that?
it's not complicated.
ok, some words are almost impossible to pronounce/spell.. but if you learn it properly, it's easy.
ok, carry on.
it has been tirelessly stolen from every language on the planet into a super language.... we are like the white power ranger
that wasnt supposed to be racist...
solving the worlds energy problems... im confused..
we were discussing George Bush. Not An Autotrophic Bush who can produce its own food and energy.
Because he hasn't solved the world's energy problem. Yes people tend to focus on the negative aspects of his presidency but there have been so many negative aspects.
I'm not going to argue over Afghanistan because that was a necessity. We needed to displace Al Qaida and it's support network, the Taliban, from there. The problem is we didn't finish the job. We did it on the quick so we could move on to Iraq. Iraq was a completely unnecessary war. There is and was no reason for us to invade Iraq. Even if want to believe that we did have a reason to go in there the war is self was so horrorably mismanaged. If Bush was the CEO of a corporation he would have lost his job a long time ago because of bad management. Then there is No Child Left Behind, the Medicare Prescription Plan all of which are horrible policies that will be a part of his legacy.
the worlds energy problem has been solved. it's just a matter of bringing the helium3 here. he's got that in the works and by next year; robots will be deployed to gather information and start the process of mining.
iraq had WMDs because WE GAVE THEM TO HIM. he used biologicals to kill villages and when he paid the families of the hijackers he drew the line in the sand. wasn't he convicted of genocide? and what about not complying with nato rules and blocking inspections?
hilary wants to surrender but we need to finish the job.
you can go back to sleep for 10 more minutes
and what don't you understand? i'll explain it.