Na, I don't buy it. If you live by the camera, you can die by the camera. They knew what kind of world they were getting into...
Plenty, and I mean PLENTY - probably the majority of celebirties shun the limelight. I would say something like 5% of all celebrities constitute 95% of paparazi targets.
Look at a guy like Jack Johnson. He controls his image, how famous he is. Look at what PJ had to do back in the day. People have choices.
I totally agree. There are so many famous celebrities just as young as Britney, Lindsey, Paris yet you rarely hear about them because they don't want their lives played out on the pages of some tabloid.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I skimmed through this topic and took in about 75% of what was said but if I sound redundant I apologize. But do you wonder why she is stalked by all these paparazzi? Because her and her family whored her out at such a young age for cash starting with the Mickey Mouse Club which she used to transition herself into a pop princess which bled into everyones favorite former washed up pop princess current ecstasy and cocaine user. If she didn'twant all the attention her parents shouldnt have jon benet ramsied her and she shouldn't have put out all of those crappy records towards the end of the of the 90s begining of the 00s. Britney is going through her washed up child star stage at 25 and my prediction is she either ods or hangs herself within the next 6 months. Either or will make for some lovely television ala Anna Nicole Smith.
BTW Britney is just some hick from the south who stumbled upon fame and notirity, she gets stars of david tatooed on her for absolutely no reason, and deserves and personal hell for the profession that she has choosen.
have you ever met her? lol... your last sentence is proof that you haven't thought about how it would be to be having a bad day..and you want to go get a drink..but you can't leave your house
um, i'm not so sure about your claim here. i think the reality of the situation is that britney spears most likely failed to think about the effects of earning billions of dollars for advertising crap and promoting sleaze to the world.
but yeah, there is certainly an ethical line of journalism, and paparazzi folks are clearly passed that line.
awareness is the only tact against empowered-stupidity.
we don’t know just where our bones will rest,
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
If she didn'twant all the attention her parents shouldnt have jon benet ramsied her and she shouldn't have put out all of those crappy records towards the end of the of the 90s begining of the 00s.
She was a little kid doing what her parents told her to do! I'm sure she enjoyed all the glamour and attention, but she was a CHILD. To say "if she didn't want all the attention ..." sheesh! How old was she when she was a mousketeer? About 12? What did YOU want when YOU were twelve, and aren't you glad you didn't get it?
Honestly ... I could never stand the sound of her voice, I don't like the image she projects, I don't like anything about her, I don't even think she's all that attractive, but that's not the point. The point is she's doing the only thing she was ever taught to do. Sure, I wish she'd knock it off, but I'm not going to personally attack her ... the girl needs help, and I hope she gets it.
Just be grateful your own parents weren't money-grubbing publicity hounds, who knows what would have become of you.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I skimmed through this topic and took in about 75% of what was said but if I sound redundant I apologize. But do you wonder why she is stalked by all these paparazzi? Because her and her family whored her out at such a young age for cash starting with the Mickey Mouse Club which she used to transition herself into a pop princess which bled into everyones favorite former washed up pop princess current ecstasy and cocaine user. If she didn'twant all the attention her parents shouldnt have jon benet ramsied her and she shouldn't have put out all of those crappy records towards the end of the of the 90s begining of the 00s. Britney is going through her washed up child star stage at 25 and my prediction is she either ods or hangs herself within the next 6 months. Either or will make for some lovely television ala Anna Nicole Smith.
BTW Britney is just some hick from the south who stumbled upon fame and notirity, she gets stars of david tatooed on her for absolutely no reason, and deserves and personal hell for the profession that she has choosen.
I actually feel bad for her. Not because I like or respect her, but because she really needs some help. Although she has coveted the spotlight and media attention at times, she was young when it all began and she is too stupid to figure a way out. I don't think she has any control over her life at all and if she was smart she'd leave LA and hide somewhere out of the spotlight. However she is not smart nor does she seem to have any decent support network or a clue.
BTW Britney is just some hick from the south who stumbled upon fame and notirity, she gets stars of david tatooed on her for absolutely no reason, and deserves and personal hell for the profession that she has choosen.
I totally agree. There are so many famous celebrities just as young as Britney, Lindsey, Paris yet you rarely hear about them because they don't want their lives played out on the pages of some tabloid.
They're all just people. In life, you encounter people who want the spot light and those who don't, people who cope better than others, people who live their life on the edge, people who make wise choices and those that don't. They are evolving just like the rest of us. Famous and rich does not make one more happy and at peace with their life and they have their lives broadcasted by sharks. Britney is 25 years old and has had two babies in less than two years, in the process of a public divorce from the likes of K-Fed. Chaos is in charge right now. No one knows what goes on in other folks homes. The only thing that is obvious is this is a young, confused woman in a lot of pain who is self medicating and imploding and who may be suffering from postpartum depression to bout. a great quality to strive for because EVERYONE could use some many times throughout their lives.
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes" ~ M Kuhn
They're all just people. In life, you encounter people who want the spot light and those who don't, people who cope better than others, people who live their life on the edge, people who make wise choices and those that don't. They are evolving just like the rest of us. Famous and rich does not make one more happy and at peace with their life and they have their lives broadcasted by sharks. Britney is 25 years old and has had two babies in less than two years, in the process of a public divorce from the likes of K-Fed. Chaos is in charge right now. No one knows what goes on in other folks homes. The only thing that is obvious is this is a young, confused woman in a lot of pain who is self medicating and imploding and who may be suffering from postpartum depression to bout. a great quality to strive for because EVERYONE could use some many times throughout their lives.
Wonderful post. Compassion and understanding are so rare these days it seems.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I find it hard to understand how people can complain about how celebs are acting when they are feeding the system that makes them this way. Stop swallowing that paparazzi shit and you will stop regurgitating it. How does it really effect your life if she makes a bad decision? Unless you're out in the middle of nowhere, I am willing to bet that there is someone within 1 mile of you who is being just as shitty of a parent as Britney Spears. It's stalkishly scary how the general public has become so engulfed in the portreyed lives of celebs. I'm not concerned one way or another how Britney Spears is living her life.............she is hers and I am mine (had to throw some PJ in there, lol). I do, however, find those that buy into this tabloid shit-train to be pretty pittiful.
That made my day, not going to lie. Everyone is so uptight and has to give the cliched answer of that the paparazzi are these vultures which is so stale. I do understand her mother (not her father because he is estranged) used her as a child but she turned 18 which was 7 years ago and her mother basically did the same thing to her little sister Jamie Lynn. THINK ABOUT THIS; Britney hasn't put out a record in what 3 or 4 years ago, COULDN't SHE JUST FADED INTO OBSCURITY? How many people care about Vitamin C, (most of 98 Degrees), Pink, Christina, JC Chavez, the Backstreet Boys, Limp Bizkit, and Ricky Martin? They all were her contemporaries, but they just don't act the same way and don't recieve the same attention? If she stopped acting like a freak and as someone said earlier "stopped feeding" them maybe they cameramen would have went away a long time ago. Look at this, SHE ATTACKED SOMEONE WITH A PORCH UMBRELLA, and BROKE THE WINDSHIELD OF A CAR, SHE HAS DROPPED HER OWN CHILDREN SEVERAL TIMES, PUT HER INFANT CHILD ON HER LAP AND HAD HIM "DRIVE" THE CAR, SHE WAS DRUNK DURING HER PREGNANCIES, SHE HAD A 55 HOUR WEDDING, SHE SHOWED HER NAUGHTY CLAM and C-SECTION SCAR, SHE HAS BEEN HANGING AROUND PAPARAZZI DARLING PARIS HILTON,SHE HAS BEEN A MESS FOR 3 YEARS, and SHE HAS BEEN A MESS FOR OVER 3 YEARS. Shes not right in the head, and the paparazzi are scumbags but she is an adult and can make her own decisions. Lately, all of those decisions have been nothing but entertaining fodder.
sorry for the caps I had to stress alot of things. If you think I'm a terrible person so are you, you just have the stones to point out the obvious in vulgar ways.
They're all just people. In life, you encounter people who want the spot light and those who don't, people who cope better than others, people who live their life on the edge, people who make wise choices and those that don't. They are evolving just like the rest of us. Famous and rich does not make one more happy and at peace with their life and they have their lives broadcasted by sharks. Britney is 25 years old and has had two babies in less than two years, in the process of a public divorce from the likes of K-Fed. Chaos is in charge right now. No one knows what goes on in other folks homes. The only thing that is obvious is this is a young, confused woman in a lot of pain who is self medicating and imploding and who may be suffering from postpartum depression to bout. a great quality to strive for because EVERYONE could use some many times throughout their lives.
Don't get me wrong I do feel bad that she is in such bad shape. I especially feel sorry because she has two young children who need their mother, but at the sametime I can't blame the paparazzi for being in her face 24/7. Wether she was pushed out into the limelight or walked out there herself she thrived in it and sought it out many times. In the industry she is in you can't have it both ways, unfortunetly. You can't seek out the publicity to help promote a record/movie but then expect that attention to go away when it's inconvenient for you.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Does anyone see the accountability of the paparazzi when they harass people? Or assault people? Or put people in dangerous situations? (ie: following people in vehicles, while driving dangerously, etc.) Do we hold the paparazzi accountable when they violate someone's privacy--ie: going through their garbage, etc.? Since celebrities don't control the actions of the paparazzi, it seems ludicrous that we'd in any way hold them accountable for the actions of the paparazzi.
It looks like there's not a lot of acknowledgement of there being two entitites, here. Britney AND the paparazzi. The paparazzi are not responsible for what Britney does and the choices she's made. However they are responsible for the dangerous, violating and infringing choices they make. Neither party controls the other party and therefore Britney's choices are not responsible for the paparazzi's choices. In the end, just like Britney is responsible for making the decision to choose celebrity-hood and what goes with it, and is accountable within those parameters, aren't, too, the paparazzi fully and wholly accountable within their own profession and as ethical human beings??
A person (Britney) is attacked, and throughout the whole thread, she's essentially held to account for the inexcusable actions of another human being. That's some ethical discernment.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Does anyone see the accountability of the paparazzi when they harass people? Or assault people? Or put people in dangerous situations? (ie: following people in vehicles, while driving dangerously, etc.) Do we hold the paparazzi accountable when they violate someone's privacy--ie: going through their garbage, etc.? Since celebrities don't control the actions of the paparazzi, it seems ludicrous that we'd in any way hold them accountable for the actions of the paparazzi.
It looks like there's not a lot of acknowledgement of there being two entitites, here. Britney AND the paparazzi. The paparazzi are not responsible for what Britney does and the choices she's made. However they are responsible for the dangerous, violating and infringing choices they make. Neither party controls the other party and therefore Britney's choices are not responsible for the paparazzi's choices. In the end, just like Britney is responsible for making the decision to choose celebrity-hood and what goes with it, and is accountable within those parameters, aren't, too, the paparazzi fully and wholly accountable within their own profession and as ethical human beings??
A person (Britney) is attacked, and throughout the whole thread, she's essentially held to account for the inexcusable actions of another human being. That's some ethical discernment.
Of course the paparazzi are responsible for their actions. There are plenty of times when the paparazzi's action are indangering the lives of others, speading to catch a star for example. I'm not a fan of the paparazzi, but lets be realistic some stars use them for fame and publicity as much as the paparazzi use the star to cash in a a big pay day.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
, aren't, too, the paparazzi fully and wholly accountable within their own profession and as ethical human beings??
you're making a huge assumption there
I think it's tough to prosecute the paparazzi b/c it's tough to prove, in some instances, that they are violating privacy, or causing assault. Assault is: An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another or The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another. It would be tough to prove in most instances that someone really feels threatened with bodily harm from a camera. Battery would be just as hard to prosecute I imagine b/c you'd have to prove intent to cause harm or inappropriate contact. Paparazzi aren't going anywhere, unfortunately, b/c we have freedom in this country. If a celebrity, or anyone, is in a public place they can have their picture matter if it's annoying or not. I hope that if someone can sue the tabloids / paparazzi (and win) they sue them for all they're worth.
If you don't want to live in the public eye and have the issues these people have don't live in LA or NYC where the paparazzi live.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
and the paparazzi are scumbags but she is an adult and can make her own decisions.
She's an adult but she's not right in the head like you said. Do you say other people who are not right in the head are also adult who can make their own decisions?
I think she's in a vicious circle and the paparazzi is just making things worse.
Whether you like her or not, the bottom line is this is a very troubled young girl and I am amazed that folks seem to be reveling in her misery. I've never been a fan, but I am sympathetic. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think she 'deserves' to be troubled. I'm so amazed how our culture loves to build people up just to see them fall. She is 100% accountable for her actions and needs to rise above all this, but I personally can not image having my 'dirty laundry' aired out for millions. I do not like to see others 'lose their way', but unfortunately, others find it entertaining, therefore, the paparazzi is there to pray upon people like this.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Of course the paparazzi are responsible for their actions. There are plenty of times when the paparazzi's action are indangering the lives of others, speading to catch a star for example. I'm not a fan of the paparazzi, but lets be realistic some stars use them for fame and publicity as much as the paparazzi use the star to cash in a a big pay day.
The first post in this thread is about how Britney was attacked. Most of the following posts are about how Britney deserves what she gets. It's clear there is a lot of judgment, blame and hostility. I'm wondering: where exactly is this realism you speak of?
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Whether you like her or not, the bottom line is this is a very troubled young girl and I am amazed that folks seem to be reveling in her misery. I've never been a fan, but I am sympathetic.
Do you automatically lump the unsympathetic into a classification that has to do with "reveling in her misery?" I was one of the first unsympathetic posters in this thread, but you'd be hard to find "reveling" as a descriptor for my tone. I simply don't care one way or another about her, and think she is now living the life she has spent so many years creating. My sympathy is reserved for her children who are innocents in this mess.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Do you automatically lump the unsympathetic into a classification that has to do with "reveling in her misery?" I was one of the first unsympathetic posters in this thread, but you'd be hard to find "reveling" as a descriptor for my tone. I simply don't care one way or another about her, and think she is now living the life she has spent so many years creating. My sympathy is reserved for her children who are innocents in this mess.
To say that 'she gets what she deserves' rings of 'reveling in her misery'. It seems that people's sympathies turn to disdain once the 'innocent' child becomes an adult. All I am saying is this: Everyone is accountable for their actions, no matter what's in their past. We all have to same sad story. But, to be so harsh in judgment about another is not necessary, esp in this case. The girl is going through troubled times. We all have or will face troubled times. I just assume to treat others how I would want to be treated. It's so easy to look at another's failures to feel good about ourselves, esp one that seemed to have it all (so to speak). We don't have to condone her behavior, but we don't have to be so judgmental. A little empathy.......... I know very little about her career, but I wish her well and hope she seeks help.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
I totally agree. There are so many famous celebrities just as young as Britney, Lindsey, Paris yet you rarely hear about them because they don't want their lives played out on the pages of some tabloid.
BTW Britney is just some hick from the south who stumbled upon fame and notirity, she gets stars of david tatooed on her for absolutely no reason, and deserves and personal hell for the profession that she has choosen.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
um, i'm not so sure about your claim here. i think the reality of the situation is that britney spears most likely failed to think about the effects of earning billions of dollars for advertising crap and promoting sleaze to the world.
but yeah, there is certainly an ethical line of journalism, and paparazzi folks are clearly passed that line.
awareness is the only tact against empowered-stupidity.
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
Honestly ... I could never stand the sound of her voice, I don't like the image she projects, I don't like anything about her, I don't even think she's all that attractive, but that's not the point. The point is she's doing the only thing she was ever taught to do. Sure, I wish she'd knock it off, but I'm not going to personally attack her ... the girl needs help, and I hope she gets it.
Just be grateful your own parents weren't money-grubbing publicity hounds, who knows what would have become of you.
not to toot your own horn though, right?
wow, you are one sick person.
Wow. I'm not sure how to respond to this.
They're all just people. In life, you encounter people who want the spot light and those who don't, people who cope better than others, people who live their life on the edge, people who make wise choices and those that don't. They are evolving just like the rest of us. Famous and rich does not make one more happy and at peace with their life and they have their lives broadcasted by sharks. Britney is 25 years old and has had two babies in less than two years, in the process of a public divorce from the likes of K-Fed. Chaos is in charge right now. No one knows what goes on in other folks homes. The only thing that is obvious is this is a young, confused woman in a lot of pain who is self medicating and imploding and who may be suffering from postpartum depression to bout. a great quality to strive for because EVERYONE could use some many times throughout their lives.
Wonderful post. Compassion and understanding are so rare these days it seems.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Best post of the thread.
2005 - 9/15, 9/16, 9/30, 10/1, 10/3
2006 - 5/5, 5/12, 5/13, 5/27, 5/28, 5/30, 6/1, 6/3, 6/23, 7/22, 7/23, 12/2
2007 - 6/27, 8/3
2008 - 6/14, 6/19, 6/20, 6/22, 6/24, 6/25, 6/27, 6/28, 6/30, 7/1
That made my day, not going to lie. Everyone is so uptight and has to give the cliched answer of that the paparazzi are these vultures which is so stale. I do understand her mother (not her father because he is estranged) used her as a child but she turned 18 which was 7 years ago and her mother basically did the same thing to her little sister Jamie Lynn. THINK ABOUT THIS; Britney hasn't put out a record in what 3 or 4 years ago, COULDN't SHE JUST FADED INTO OBSCURITY? How many people care about Vitamin C, (most of 98 Degrees), Pink, Christina, JC Chavez, the Backstreet Boys, Limp Bizkit, and Ricky Martin? They all were her contemporaries, but they just don't act the same way and don't recieve the same attention? If she stopped acting like a freak and as someone said earlier "stopped feeding" them maybe they cameramen would have went away a long time ago. Look at this, SHE ATTACKED SOMEONE WITH A PORCH UMBRELLA, and BROKE THE WINDSHIELD OF A CAR, SHE HAS DROPPED HER OWN CHILDREN SEVERAL TIMES, PUT HER INFANT CHILD ON HER LAP AND HAD HIM "DRIVE" THE CAR, SHE WAS DRUNK DURING HER PREGNANCIES, SHE HAD A 55 HOUR WEDDING, SHE SHOWED HER NAUGHTY CLAM and C-SECTION SCAR, SHE HAS BEEN HANGING AROUND PAPARAZZI DARLING PARIS HILTON,SHE HAS BEEN A MESS FOR 3 YEARS, and SHE HAS BEEN A MESS FOR OVER 3 YEARS. Shes not right in the head, and the paparazzi are scumbags but she is an adult and can make her own decisions. Lately, all of those decisions have been nothing but entertaining fodder.
sorry for the caps I had to stress alot of things. If you think I'm a terrible person so are you, you just have the stones to point out the obvious in vulgar ways.
Don't get me wrong I do feel bad that she is in such bad shape. I especially feel sorry because she has two young children who need their mother, but at the sametime I can't blame the paparazzi for being in her face 24/7. Wether she was pushed out into the limelight or walked out there herself she thrived in it and sought it out many times. In the industry she is in you can't have it both ways, unfortunetly. You can't seek out the publicity to help promote a record/movie but then expect that attention to go away when it's inconvenient for you.
It looks like there's not a lot of acknowledgement of there being two entitites, here. Britney AND the paparazzi. The paparazzi are not responsible for what Britney does and the choices she's made. However they are responsible for the dangerous, violating and infringing choices they make. Neither party controls the other party and therefore Britney's choices are not responsible for the paparazzi's choices. In the end, just like Britney is responsible for making the decision to choose celebrity-hood and what goes with it, and is accountable within those parameters, aren't, too, the paparazzi fully and wholly accountable within their own profession and as ethical human beings??
A person (Britney) is attacked, and throughout the whole thread, she's essentially held to account for the inexcusable actions of another human being. That's some ethical discernment.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Of course the paparazzi are responsible for their actions. There are plenty of times when the paparazzi's action are indangering the lives of others, speading to catch a star for example. I'm not a fan of the paparazzi, but lets be realistic some stars use them for fame and publicity as much as the paparazzi use the star to cash in a a big pay day.
i dont feel well.
you're making a huge assumption there
I think it's tough to prosecute the paparazzi b/c it's tough to prove, in some instances, that they are violating privacy, or causing assault. Assault is: An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another or The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another. It would be tough to prove in most instances that someone really feels threatened with bodily harm from a camera. Battery would be just as hard to prosecute I imagine b/c you'd have to prove intent to cause harm or inappropriate contact. Paparazzi aren't going anywhere, unfortunately, b/c we have freedom in this country. If a celebrity, or anyone, is in a public place they can have their picture matter if it's annoying or not. I hope that if someone can sue the tabloids / paparazzi (and win) they sue them for all they're worth.
If you don't want to live in the public eye and have the issues these people have don't live in LA or NYC where the paparazzi live.
Well, that's not necessary. But not making music anymore is great news for all.
I agree. She should get some help.
She's an adult but she's not right in the head like you said. Do you say other people who are not right in the head are also adult who can make their own decisions?
I think she's in a vicious circle and the paparazzi is just making things worse.
naděje umírá poslední
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
or crying for help.
yes, that's true.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Do you automatically lump the unsympathetic into a classification that has to do with "reveling in her misery?" I was one of the first unsympathetic posters in this thread, but you'd be hard to find "reveling" as a descriptor for my tone. I simply don't care one way or another about her, and think she is now living the life she has spent so many years creating. My sympathy is reserved for her children who are innocents in this mess.
She doing exactly what the paparazzi wants. Britney, get out of LA!
To say that 'she gets what she deserves' rings of 'reveling in her misery'. It seems that people's sympathies turn to disdain once the 'innocent' child becomes an adult. All I am saying is this: Everyone is accountable for their actions, no matter what's in their past. We all have to same sad story. But, to be so harsh in judgment about another is not necessary, esp in this case. The girl is going through troubled times. We all have or will face troubled times. I just assume to treat others how I would want to be treated. It's so easy to look at another's failures to feel good about ourselves, esp one that seemed to have it all (so to speak). We don't have to condone her behavior, but we don't have to be so judgmental. A little empathy.......... I know very little about her career, but I wish her well and hope she seeks help.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein