Britney Spears/Paparazzi

when is enough, enough..i just saw a video where she was attacked a gas station i think it was yesterday... but out of all the crazy laws we are forced to abide nowadays..these scumbags run free with cameras attacking people.
theres no reason for it.
theres no reason for it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm sick of paparazzi, and I'm not even a celebrity lol. These celebrities are human beings... some of them do some stupid shit that attracts some attention to themselves (sometimes intentional), but enough is enough... the paparazzi are swarming people as they go about their daily lives, they can't go out to eat or go the the store without a hoard of cameramen swarming them. I understand fans coming up and asking for an autograph or a picture, that is the price of being famous in my opinion, but really, why do we need 500 pictures of some singer or actor walking out of a restaurant.
I don't get how the tabloids are allowed to print what they print either. At the supermarket checkout, you see stories like this actress has affair with this person, or this singer had liposuction surgery or this person has some illness or whatever. Isn't that clearly libel (if it isn't true)? or do the celebrities just not care to fight it?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I don't care one way or another about Britney, she created all of her bullshit. I'm just sorry her kids have such fucked up parents.
have you ever met her? lol... your last sentence is proof that you haven't thought about how it would be to be having a bad day..and you want to go get a drink..but you can't leave your house
This post makes no sense. Have you met her? I didn't think one needed to meet someone to have an opinion about them. But if you feel so strongly about her, you must know her pretty well.
And you have to take the bad days with the good. Everyone has both. She made the decision long ago to be part of that publicity scene.
Tell me about it. Who would have thought that K-Fed would be the better parent of the two.
if we videotaped every moment of your life, it'd be pretty easy to paint you as an awful parent too and a horrible human being too.
precisely. and instead of leaving the poor girl alone to try and deal with her problems in privacy and overcome them, we pass judgment and paste it on the front page of magazines and crucify her becos it makes us feel superior to her. how come when ed rants against fame it's cool and honest, but when britney does it she's just a whiny bitch? dyou recall that she was 16 when she started? you think she was in control of her career at that age? she was a puppet, being ordered around by managers who didnt give a shit for her and were using her. i dont think she was in any sense a publicity whore, i think she was a young girl overwhelmed by the attention and publicity she was getting and simply doing what her managers told her to do cos she didnt know what the fuck else to do.
every child star gets fucked up by the process. ALL OF THEM. it's sickening to me just how much cruel delight people take in watching them crack under the strain.
While I don't really care for any of the people that you mentioned (maybe Lohan has been ok in a couple of movies), I can't place 100% of the blame on them. They are followed because they are attractive, rich, famous and they do stupid things that somehow become big stories in the news. I'm sure if any of us got followed around everyday with video cameras, there would be footage of all of us doing stupid things.
Remember too, a lot of these screwed up celebrities were basically given millions of dollars at a young age and didn't have the family support to keep them on the right path. I know if at 16 years old if someone all of a sudden paid me millions of dollars, I would have done some really stupid things then. Hell I did stupid things in high school, and I was poor.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
amen. they didnt put themselves out there, they were thrust out there. did we forget so easily ed's assault on a cameraman in new orleans? if we documented every second of anyone's life, we'd catch them making dumb mistakes. these are girls in their 20s. their peers are at college, flashing girls gone wild cameras, sleeping with fratboys, creating dramatic bar scenes with their friends, and doing 21 shots for their birthday. nobody cares, it's a normal part of growing up. but lohan goes to a club, has a little too much to drink and gets into a spat with another girl and she's a whorish skank who should be exiled or something and is playing it up for cameras. bullshit. she's a young girl trying to grow up and making mistakes along the way. the only difference is when she fucks up, someone's recording and slaps it on a magazine cover. when your roomate or daughter does it, nobody is watching and nobody cares and you'e willing to say "oh you just went a little too far last night." these girls dont have that luxury, and i have the utmost sympathy for them.
Good post. I agree. People can't wait to, as you say, crucify certain celebrities as soon as they are no longer cute and entertaining to them. They throw them out like yesterdays garbage, nevermind that these are still real people.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh, those poor things. :rolleyes:
so you've never had too much to drink in your entire life? you've never made a stupid mistake you'd rather nobody knew about?
when you're in the public eye you have to expect that people will take pictures. if you don't like pictures; stay out of the public eye. it's that simple.
so we should penalize artists for being good at what they do? nobody should ever pick up a guitar unless they're ready for the possibility that it will deprive them of their humanity, dignity, and privacy?
also, for these girls, THEY WERE 16 when they got there. they were just doing what they were told. they never made a decision to be in the public eye... their parents pushed them to do it.
Awww, let's blame the managers when they're young and innocent...YES. After you grow up, it's no longer the manager's fault. Brittany's been in the limelight long enough to know when to shut up if she doesn't want what she says and does on the record. These people are only victims for a short while; if they repeat their immature behavior, they are at fault; no one elses. They are in complete control of what they're doing. It's called acountability for one's actions. As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I've had way too much to drink plenty of times. But then, I wasn't facing public scrutiny for my actions.
And, I've never had to go as far as REHAB because it was such a problem. And I was drinking legally at 18. And I mean I was DRINKING.
I recall you mentioning before that you could care less about homeless people, yet you feel deep sympathy for extremely wealthy, privileged, famous stupid whores? Please elaborate.
So you have the same feelings for your average college slut also, right?
then stop buying the bloody tabloids. if people didn't create a market for the pictures then nobody would be taking pictures.
let's not forget the right to film anything done in public. she's a bloody picture whore when she wants the cameras on her. accept the life you choose. the pictures go along with the money and fame.
deal with it.
I'm with you man, my mom buys all the fuckin celeb magazines and just absolutely loves to fill me in on the dirt every time I come to visit.
Mom: So Josh, did you hear what's happening with Brad Pitt?
Me: Oh god, please don't. I just don't have the patience right now.
lol, yeah, it's all sucker shit
Na, I don't buy it. If you live by the camera, you can die by the camera. They knew what kind of world they were getting into...
Plenty, and I mean PLENTY - probably the majority of celebirties shun the limelight. I would say something like 5% of all celebrities constitute 95% of paparazi targets.
Look at a guy like Jack Johnson. He controls his image, how famous he is. Look at what PJ had to do back in the day. People have choices.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
that's right. i moved to the mountains and; although 6 miles away; mel gibson is my neighbor. there's plenty of places to hide.
Yeah, I'm convinced that my Mom and Sister provide the salary for one paparazzi for the year with all the tabloid magazines they buy. It really is sad.
My feeling on these celebrities. If they don't want to be in the public eye stop accepting 10 million dollars a movie and fade in with everyone else in society. Otherwise suck it up.
Yes when we are young we do stupid shit and I'm sure having a camera in your face 24/7 is not fair, but that is the life they choose. They wanted to be famous and adored by millions of fans. Unfortunetly it's part of the territory. Britney is probably gaining more attention simply because she has two small children and she is out partying and flashing her poon while getting out of her ride. You don't like the attention then stop doing things that will draw it. Look at young stars like Christina Agulerra (sp?), Ashton Kutcher, etc... Yes when ever they attend an event the cameras are there but for the most part you don't hear about them much because they aren't out there parading around for the camera. I hope Britney gets help for her problem and I do feel very sorry for thher two kids.