My perspective

Hello this message willbe not long considering the bad internet cvonnection and the keyboard that fails to meet my typing speed. I am currently hiding from beirut and the dangerous areas, if any safe ones exist, anywhere on this earth for that matter that we havent cut down and made into new tables. anyways bear with my typing since it is bothering me more not having time and the words to tell you how i feeland the very details which are included in a regularpost.
i want to stress to a few out there who support israel with a few words.
i am not here to curse you, or wish death upon you, but simply with a few words tell you that it is now up to YOUR COUNTRY to stop. Thge leader of the terrorist group in lebanon spoke hours ago which i heard to the full, he said exactly, they will stop firing if israelstop firing. so now it seems to me when the world asks for peace oh lets have peace cease-fire they forget to remember what the words actually entail. itmeans that both parties agree. well one agreed. they have not yet done what htye said at the start of the war which is get rid of hizballah, since they are sticking to this excuse for not accepting cease-fire, then why arent they compelting that task.wellbecause they cant. so they comb the inoccent innstead? you explain that to me please. they threaten beirut. they threaten tell aviv. well if you xdont we wont, but that does seem to work does it because whatever hizballah does, israel takes 10 times more than it really is, and damage 10 times more that of innocent children in hospitals.
i could go on for hours as you all could as well but my perspective here isjsut to shed some light on what is true, if ever you could believe me to be un--biased. i do not say things for prupose orfreligion or anger, or pride. i say it simplyas i see it.
Israel has the decision to make.provoke beirut, and thewar turns into a possible worldwar3, if they choose to accept the fact that they cannot destroy hizballah right at the moment and stop firing and accept cease-fire then maybe something willclear up. right now they are stubborn on the basis of that they cannot go out iwthout doing anything and everyone knows it.
im ranting, buti have little time and much thought and its hard to sum up. i willreply very soon when i can but its hard as you can see things havent been easy lately.
it is up to israel
you must undedrstand
do not tell meabout hizballah laying its wearpons you know that is now the way just yet.
'everybody's going to war,but we dont know what were fighting for, you tell me its a worthy cause, no cause could be so worthy'
believe me nobody knows why its happenbing
i have to go electiricty is in and out. i am not in a shelter i am not sturglgling for food.not yet. dont feel forme that way as i know you wont.but know that OTHERS ARE. know that we are all sufferiegn the pain of destroying our home by something we cannot control.but you can
you can change
youcan change lives
you can and oncew you believe it it will happen.
you know that throught history when people come togehter things happen. youknow once voice matters as much as everything. as wevery vote counts your vpoice counts. raise your hands put them together. look at the pearl jam ten album and understand what you cna do when you put your hands togehther, your voices together and say few words that can change the world.
you cna change my life
you can change our lives
you can change my life. yes you can.
imagine all the people living life in peace,thoselyrics to john lennons 'imagine' could not make any more sense at the moment.
see youallsoon, thank you for reading ifyou did, thank you so much
take care and ill be with you all soon.
thank you so much.
i want to stress to a few out there who support israel with a few words.
i am not here to curse you, or wish death upon you, but simply with a few words tell you that it is now up to YOUR COUNTRY to stop. Thge leader of the terrorist group in lebanon spoke hours ago which i heard to the full, he said exactly, they will stop firing if israelstop firing. so now it seems to me when the world asks for peace oh lets have peace cease-fire they forget to remember what the words actually entail. itmeans that both parties agree. well one agreed. they have not yet done what htye said at the start of the war which is get rid of hizballah, since they are sticking to this excuse for not accepting cease-fire, then why arent they compelting that task.wellbecause they cant. so they comb the inoccent innstead? you explain that to me please. they threaten beirut. they threaten tell aviv. well if you xdont we wont, but that does seem to work does it because whatever hizballah does, israel takes 10 times more than it really is, and damage 10 times more that of innocent children in hospitals.
i could go on for hours as you all could as well but my perspective here isjsut to shed some light on what is true, if ever you could believe me to be un--biased. i do not say things for prupose orfreligion or anger, or pride. i say it simplyas i see it.
Israel has the decision to make.provoke beirut, and thewar turns into a possible worldwar3, if they choose to accept the fact that they cannot destroy hizballah right at the moment and stop firing and accept cease-fire then maybe something willclear up. right now they are stubborn on the basis of that they cannot go out iwthout doing anything and everyone knows it.
im ranting, buti have little time and much thought and its hard to sum up. i willreply very soon when i can but its hard as you can see things havent been easy lately.
it is up to israel
you must undedrstand
do not tell meabout hizballah laying its wearpons you know that is now the way just yet.
'everybody's going to war,but we dont know what were fighting for, you tell me its a worthy cause, no cause could be so worthy'
believe me nobody knows why its happenbing
i have to go electiricty is in and out. i am not in a shelter i am not sturglgling for food.not yet. dont feel forme that way as i know you wont.but know that OTHERS ARE. know that we are all sufferiegn the pain of destroying our home by something we cannot control.but you can
you can change
youcan change lives
you can and oncew you believe it it will happen.
you know that throught history when people come togehter things happen. youknow once voice matters as much as everything. as wevery vote counts your vpoice counts. raise your hands put them together. look at the pearl jam ten album and understand what you cna do when you put your hands togehther, your voices together and say few words that can change the world.
you cna change my life
you can change our lives
you can change my life. yes you can.
imagine all the people living life in peace,thoselyrics to john lennons 'imagine' could not make any more sense at the moment.
see youallsoon, thank you for reading ifyou did, thank you so much
take care and ill be with you all soon.
thank you so much.
"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace." John Lennon
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
Post edited by Unknown User on
No thanks.
Thanks for the post ruud.....I am with you...and don't let the war mongers get to you too bad...they are a small minority....the majority is with you in your support for a quick peaceful resolution....keep safe buddy....
It's good to hear from you again. I'm with you.
Stay safe.
Damn, we responded at the same time, and with the exception of the term warmongers, pretty well said the same thing. That's social conditioning for you. I'm moving to my own island. I'm gonna start my own country.
Not power, I just want to be free from soceity. I can buy an island of the east coast of Canada for around $300,000 if I had that kind of cash.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
No, unfortunately the land is still in Canada, maybe after 100 years I could declare independance. Then again Israel did after what, 20 years?
In the situation if anything got worse i hope that ill be able to come on again soon enough to talk to you ll again, if not then its just a matter of time before ill write back to you all.
take care keep supporting the cause of world without this nonsense of a war. everyone knows we have a whole lot of other problems without the ones caused by violence.
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
Peace to you Ruud.....
Well i have that cash..:)P
Well not that much, but I can sell my home and I think it would be enough to by an island. My own government. What an idea. My sons can't be drafted into nonsense wars, wow even better idea....The idea seems really nice...peace all around..
I'm with ya ruud...stay safe..
Cool, can I live on your island?
Here you go
Burnt Island off newfoundland $199,000 CAD. You can buy islands elsewhere too, but this kind of island in B.C. costs a couple of millions.
Hi! I was wondering what's going on with you. Did you also wake up today to sound of the alram/explosions like us?
I saw it too, but Nasralla meant he wants the air-force attacks on him to stop, and if we do that then he'll stop fireing on Israeli civilians (hence, the battle via ground troops remains). The problem is he said that before after Qana, but he still fired on Kiryat Shmona (though it wasn't as intense as it usually was) and deeper into Afulla. I think that's why my govt don't really trust his words. However, we are running out of time so I believe that cease-fire will come in one way or another.
No one said we can, ever since day one the IDF talked about getting rid of 50% of Hizbullah's power. If Nasralla is asking us to stop shooting, it means he is in trouble (you don't really think he cares about civilians, do you? cause if you do, you are VERY naive), so I believe the IDF will try to keep hurting him in every way they can, till they have no other choice but to stop. Yes, it means both of us are gonna keep on suffering, and that's really some bad news :(
Hizbullah threatened on Tel Aviv, THAN we threatened on Beirut - Only thing we did up untill now is shooting at Hizbullah neighborhoods in southern Beirut. Either way, it does sound like a stupid game. The problem is, they are playing with our lifes :(
Just like me.
Again, Nasralla was the one who threatened Tel Aviv, we didn't fire at Beirut besides Hizbullah's areas, and there's no reason why we would do such a thing. This is Nasralla with his same attempts of stirring things up, just like he was trying to pull Syria into this when Israel repeatedly said we don't want to have anything to do with Syria.
*edit*: I forgot to mention that yesterday night (~21:00), Nasralla did try to fire 1 or 2 missiles towards Tel Aviv, how ever we were able to shot them down before they've reached their target. No one got hurt, and we didn't bomb Beirut nor shut down Lebanon's electricity power. Like I said, we can't trust that guy - he says what he wants and does what he wants.
I didn't understand your last sentence, but never mind. I think it is up not only to the both of us, but also to the rest of the world. Nothing good would happen if no one is gonna help you get rid of Hizbullah - we'll end up in the same spot we are now maybe 3 years from now.
"For every man who wants to rule the world, There'll be a man who just wants to be free, What do we learn but what should not be learnt? Too late to find a cure for this disease...
If God's on our side, then God is a joker, Asleep on the job, his children fall over, Running out through the door and straight to the sky, I don't want to die..."
Nerina pallot, I thought I'm the only one who likes that song of hers.
I'm glad you're not in a shelter. Tomorrow it'll be 21 days for me inside the shelter. I'm a prisoner within my own home, hope you'll never have to feel like that in some part of your life. I also think we can't really do anything besides sit here and wait till it will be over soon. Maybe its pessimism, or maybe it is just over-experience.
Take care, I hope to hear from you soon, and I also hope this whole shit we'll be over ASAP.
But, then he said something that just blew me away:
translation: "I would like to do what is necessary to bring peace to this region, but I am afraid to piss off the wrong people. I don't have the spine needed to bring a better life to my people."
If you live in Lebanon, then I am sorry you have such a spinless, gutless leader who is more worried about saving face with the arabs than protecting his own people.
Syria, Iran, and probably even Turkey are all using Lebanon as their tool for carrying out their ideological wet-dreams. Do you remember what happened in '82 when Israel invaded Lebanon? The PLO was left stranded by all the arab nations. Even Arafat himself was disgusted at how little the arab nations were willing to do when it came down to it.
The only reason Arafat decided to stay in power and continue the PLO resistance was because he had gotten so used to being a celebrity amongst his constituents. The PLO upper echelon lived like kings while palestinian refugees continued to live in sqallor. Lebanon is a tool of middle east.
Leave Turkey out of it, we have GREAT relations with that country. Plus, I think Turkey is the one muslim country who actually fights against terrorism.
About Lebanon leadership: Besides the late prime minister Hariri, everyone there is basically a Syrian-Iranian marionette, which is why the Lebanese civilians need all the help they can get.
Seriously... I've been looking at islands off the east coast of Canada myself, particularly off Nova Scotia. They're all relatively cheap. If a bunch of us chipped in, we could buy one... set up a farming community there, sell our goods to the mainland, maybe a few of us could have jobs on the mainland, but try to be as self-sufficient as possible on the island... Pearl Jam Island.... or Jamily Island... or something like that. Would that not ROCK?
stay safe, ruud, and you too shiraz. i'm worried that the war is going get worse. i wish there was some way to soften all the hard-heads and hard-hearts.
Hey, if you put down the initial payment, I think all of us would gladly be serfs in your fiefdom until we rise up to form guilds and then become the Bourgeoisie.
it is a funny thing, two pearl jam fans,but from another angle completly the reverse of each other as it appears to the outside world. im glad i am not arguing and i would people out there to know more about thigns like this. i do agree that we disagree because ultimatly we both do not know the exact details of the goings-on of the world to the specific detail. we all tellwhat we believe. i am lebanese. you are israeli. we are so close but still extremly different. however there is more than one way that poeople can connect rather than just culturaly i still believe there ismore to it than that and agian i say that it is more of what people in general should understand.
i cannoty express how i feel about you living in a bomb shelter but that i am thankful that i do not need to find one yet or ever. althought it may have seemed that my coinditions are bad..compared to others i still am more gratful than one would realise from just reading these letters as i get to do more in my day of war, than millions of other people do in a life time. when it gets right down to it i believe that we are two peopel suffereing a pain in the world that has recently been most felt by many. besides the effects that mother nature can pour down on us when shes feels like it, our race of people chooses to harm each other with war and war of words.
but i fail to be changed. i am still myself culturaly open to those with an open-mind who approach things with realistic mindsets and unbiased opinions. in modern terms that means dont bring religiong into it, your family, your customs that arent compliant with those you are facing, and dont bring hate to the equation as there is no solution for that. racism changed the face of this earth so fast no on saw it coming. it put people on the defensive and made them state their pride for something false.
anyways to away fromthis i hiope thigns do turn up although i seem to bea for nerina pallot well shes great i really like her voice and the music and the lyrics right there were great haha its funny i thought the same about nobody knowing her either...its a strange world isnt it.
what youre sayingabout them gambling with our lives is the truth and what imtrying to get people outside to understand it is not the soldiers and missiles and governemtn officialsand terrorists that are suffereing it is the people...
sadlyas you concluded we have to wait really and see it is too hard for meto leave the country as many of those close to me did and it makes it just that much harder but i hope all be well soon enough although that is no guarantee of mylife i just keep saying to my selftomake myselffeel better the combination of three word sentences that build up that insufferable pain that pounds in your stomach when those dam bombs go off and your luck 'seems' to run out on you and the normalness , however normal, is gone.
take care and i hopeyouwill be safe as for those still in the dangerous areas there issolittlewecan do butletpeopleunderstand that just because the pain does not hit them directly it doesnt mean itwont catch up to them later even if they dont live remotlyclsoe tous. the effectsofwar willl be in our chidlren and chidlrens children just like how this war was formed, frompain and anger that people teach their chjildren and are accustomed to hating theresupposed enemies. once and for all the conlcusion of this last message,as a granchild of many fore fathers in thisland in lebanonm as im sure you are of your countrey, i can only say that 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' and it couldntbe mre true because imlivbing thsi reality that people seem to beleive is the right way to go about living and teaching their children to live. that much change so that htisnever happens again..becuase we all know these thigns can come out of no where and surprise us all....israel was comfortabel, andlebanon was thriving economically...dont be surprised ifitdoes and dont go looking for any other problem besides the one i just told you about...which is the hatred put into children and children of these two arch enemies of cultures so that not only do we know our fathers hating each other but teaching the children to do so as well...and forcing them to lvieit... that must change...government interference and the oil greed will always be there and we can get past that but remember the problem i just toldyou about i live each day and see and hear from so many peoplkesm mouths...maybe shiraz could add on that too..
take care all thanks and im keeping safe as best as the chances i am given to be. thanks for your thoughts and messages
see you soon...
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
Sorry if I'm bringing you down, its just that I'm a VERY realistic-analytical person. I don't believe in god, nor in most of the human-beings, just believe in my family, friends & myself. The only thing who can give me some comfort is MUSIC, but it seems like I almost can't enjoy it nor relax via listening to it in times like these. That "almost" is practically keeping me from going insane.
Did you heard about the first draft of the cease-fire agreement? What do you think about it?
Take care,
p.s: I don't like Nerina Pallot, just that song - it's different than the old stuff she used to do.
That would be awesome. So long as Ruud and Shiraz can come to hang out for a bit until all this blows over. A kind of a safe island. I suppose that's just a false sense of security though.
see you...
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
Its easy to say this, but keep in mind, Hezbollah attacked Israel unprovoked. Who is to say that Hezbollah will keep to thier words. Everyday hundreds of katyushas are flying into Israel. I am praying that you will be safe and that this conflict will end soon. But I for one will not be so naive as to believe that the terror and violence and killing from Hezbollah will stop if Israel stops fighting.