I've been lucky enough to have visited the States over 20 times over the years and the people i've met have been nothing but fantastic. The women over there actually talk to me and love the English accent!!!
Oh that accent gets us every time .
"...believe in lies...to get by...it's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
lol how about england...i mean thats a pretty shitty country.
You cant even make decisions for yourselfs, you just follow whatever we tell you to do.
Its an interesting and well thought out point u make, but i'm pretty sure it was Byrnzie that put this in your mouth in an earlier post so no credit due.
I prefer to think that we are using our much larger depth of wisdom gained thru actually having a history to realise we cant stop the US from fucking the world up, all we can do is be there in its ear to try and limit the damage.
I may be wrong. ( heres ur reply post for u miller: "he are wrong tho aint he ma uhuh uhuh")
and lol?!?!?!? how many people actually fucking use that??
The United States is huge and I have only seen a small part viz. New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and a very small part of Pennsylvania. It’s one of the most gorgeous countries I have ever seen, the parts I visited were so beautiful and there is so much more to see, I can’t wait to go back again. The people I met were all very, very friendly and hospitable but that’s logical because I hitchhiked and bastards and assholes just don’t pick up hitchhikers, nevertheless, I was surprised by how friendly Americans in general were even in NYC, supposedly a cold-hearted city, the people were willing to help us out.
Unfortunately, the US also harbours ignorant people. People who have no idea what life is like in Europe and seem to think the US is the only civilized country in the world. People who claim to know more about my country and continent than I do. People who think people in Europe can’t get rich, we live in small houses, and we don’t have malls… You can tell they have never left the US, they have no idea what the world is like beyond the American borders… The Americans I met who did travel and had travelled were not like this, though. It’s sad to think that the cliché “the US is the greatest country in the world” is really some people’s mindset, well, it’s sad if they never visited Europe, Asia or Australia if they have and still think that than that’s just an honest opinion, other than that it’s very ignorant. These people give the US a bad name… that stereotype extreme patriotism and pride is just ridiculous and sad.
But as I said even these people were very friendly and hospitable.
I don’t agree with US politics but that won’t keep me from coming and visiting (well it might, who knows…) your lovely country. It was a bit weird, though; there was a completely different vibe, the general mindset, the cars, the stores, the roads, the buildings (nothing’s old!) … sometimes it felt very shallow and at other times I just wanted to buy a house there a live there…
Damn, that’s quite a post, isn’t it?
What Collin said.
It's a great place to grow up. It's a great place for vacation.
But I'm glad I got out when I did.
Quality! I agree 100%. The flag business is something I never understood. Most houses in the states have a flag flying outside. What the fuck is that about?
...I'm from Italy and I live in the UK, and I posed to myself the same question when I saw the million English flags 2 months before the beginning of the football world championship... (just kidding)
What do you guys from other contries feel about the US?
i guess the US was veeerrrrry quiet about the Subic Rape Case (US MArines defendants on a rape case here in the Philippines). that's what's been getting me for months...
What do you guys from other contries feel about the US?
There are a lot of threads right now about Bush and election, just wanted an outsiders response to how the world views us.
I personaly dont give a fuck what the rest of the world think's.Most of the world support's us anyway.If they don't then we'll kick there asses!
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
I personaly dont give a fuck what the rest of the world think's.Most of the world support's us anyway.If they don't then we'll kick there asses!
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
'Most of the world support's us anyway.' - Wrong. Tony Blair supports you.
'If they don't then we'll kick there asses!' - You do Alabama proud Dino.
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
It's funny how you start your sentence with "seriously" but then go and and say nothing serious at all.
Maybe he grew up up in Argentina or Paraguay and helped a load of Nazis fleeing Germany after the war. But then why's he now living in Mobile, Alabama? Weird! :eek:
I personaly dont give a fuck what the rest of the world think's.Most of the world support's us anyway.If they don't then we'll kick there asses!
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
I was reading about WW2 the other day and found it really interesting. Apparently, the US was utterly stuck in the Great Depression and it was the WW2 war effort that pulled it out.
So you didn't remain the richest and most powerful, you became it because of WW2.
The internment of Japanese-Americans was interesting too, to say the least.
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
I personaly dont give a fuck what the rest of the world think's.Most of the world support's us anyway.If they don't then we'll kick there asses!
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
a few whiney europein's (?) You probably forgot (about) the basic fact that ...
"What then is the American,this new man?He is either a European,or the descendant of a European,hence that strange mixture of blood,which you will find in no other country.I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman,whose wife was Dutch,whose son married a French woman,and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations.HE is an American,(...).He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of Alma Mater."
J.Hector St.John De Crevecoeur
Has everything changed as much ..?I don't think so.
.I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman,whose wife was Dutch,whose son married a French woman,and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations.HE is an American,(...). J.Hector St.John De Crevecoeur
Has everything changed as much ..?I don't think so.
Sounds like my great grand-father... just change the nationalities!
Being Puertorican puts me in a very wierd position because im a US citizen but I dont feel that im American. Puerto Rico is very diferent from the US being that we have our own language and culture but we also have been greatly influenced by the US in positive and negative ways.
I lived five years in Philly and the only things that i miss are hoggies, cheesesteaks, WMMR, and multiple Pearl Jam concerts. I made alot of freinds and in general the people from the area were nice. Now I noticed that that is not the norm because when i would travel the peoples attitude would change. Example, in Boston the people were very uptight and I had a very difficult time trying to stop people on the street and ask for directions and what not, same in thing happens in DC. people in those cities just looked down on you, like they are superior or something. not very likeable.I found that people in Philly and New York were nicer and more down to earth.
I generally like americans and their society but.....your goverment sucks and I feel their is a need for some drastic improvements. The forieng policy that Bush has implemented does not make you guys look good at all. America is better than that.
And on a personal level I wish that the US goverment would treat Puerto Rico with alot more respect. We have been a colony of the US for more that a century and eventhough you have brought many good things to us you have not grated US any type of sovereingnty.I know it is our decision but congress hasnt done anything to help solve the problem. There is a lot more that i could say but it would be too long.
To sum up, I like Americans, I hate your goverment. Do soemthing about it. OK:) They are making you guys look bad.
What a nice post TheVoiceInside.. I've heard that You have beautiful women in Puerto Rico
I know a bit about european approach to the USA.I haven't noticed any negative ractions in general here in Poland ,people are simply interested in your mentality,cultural diversity because it is really outstanding ->as far as I know you are known for directness,energy,optimism and informality.It is obvious that not every single of you is like that.Just like in any other countries.But isn't such diversity beautiful?All the countries in the world can learn from each other,all the countries have different experience,different raising up conditions,historical background...and so much more(sorry I'm so tired..).My experience with Americans ->one of the most beautiful people I have ever met.Being aware of the political situation and significant differences in lifestyle which I could never accept in my environment,I'm planning to visit the USA maybe next year and spend some time there in order to observe everyday life and surely learn sth valuable.Hopefully in Seattle
But for example I've noticed many times that Germans,in general,have a negative approach towards the USA.It looks like a kind of trend recently.I've discussed this topic with many people(Germans too) and we all came to one conclusion: inferiority complex.
So looking on the USA only through the politics and the president is discriminatory,there are too many people against it ... it's similar in Poland with our "president".People make the country and are the most important here.Too many of your comments people were unjustly simplified to"The USA sucks because Bush sucks".The same country bred PJ.I don't think I've made it clear,but the topic is so complicated (and I'm not feeling well )that I've chosen only one chaotic "slice" but I hope some of you have understood what I meant.Warm greetings.
i love serving American people at work... they're the only ones who call me m'am the Canadians are nice too, they don't get pissed off when i say 'what part of the US are you from?'
As long as Schwarznegger is the governor of California, I can't take the USA political too serious. But I think it's a nice country to travel. I've never been there, but maybe I will in the future.
Oh that accent gets us every time
Its an interesting and well thought out point u make, but i'm pretty sure it was Byrnzie that put this in your mouth in an earlier post so no credit due.
I prefer to think that we are using our much larger depth of wisdom gained thru actually having a history to realise we cant stop the US from fucking the world up, all we can do is be there in its ear to try and limit the damage.
I may be wrong. ( heres ur reply post for u miller: "he are wrong tho aint he ma uhuh uhuh")
and lol?!?!?!? how many people actually fucking use that??
vision oOnly Greyyy
It's a great place to grow up. It's a great place for vacation.
But I'm glad I got out when I did.
But seroiusly, when we won all the wars, liberated all the facist's and remain the richest an most powerfull land in the world....who gives a fuck what a few whiney europein's think!
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
'Most of the world support's us anyway.' - Wrong. Tony Blair supports you.
'If they don't then we'll kick there asses!' - You do Alabama proud Dino.
'when we won all the wars'- What?
'liberated all the facist's' - What?
For course you would
It's funny how you start your sentence with "seriously" but then go and and say nothing serious at all.
naděje umírá poslední
Perhaps he knows something we don't?
Maybe he grew up up in Argentina or Paraguay and helped a load of Nazis fleeing Germany after the war.
naděje umírá poslední
I was reading about WW2 the other day and found it really interesting. Apparently, the US was utterly stuck in the Great Depression and it was the WW2 war effort that pulled it out.
So you didn't remain the richest and most powerful, you became it because of WW2.
The internment of Japanese-Americans was interesting too, to say the least.
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
a few whiney europein's (?) You probably forgot (about) the basic fact that ...
"What then is the American,this new man?He is either a European,or the descendant of a European,hence that strange mixture of blood,which you will find in no other country.I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman,whose wife was Dutch,whose son married a French woman,and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations.HE is an American,(...).He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of Alma Mater."
J.Hector St.John De Crevecoeur
Has everything changed as much ..?I don't think so.
More like embarrassment, pure embarrassment.
Imagine the possibilities if we could get a real dialogue going
I lived five years in Philly and the only things that i miss are hoggies, cheesesteaks, WMMR, and multiple Pearl Jam concerts. I made alot of freinds and in general the people from the area were nice. Now I noticed that that is not the norm because when i would travel the peoples attitude would change. Example, in Boston the people were very uptight and I had a very difficult time trying to stop people on the street and ask for directions and what not, same in thing happens in DC. people in those cities just looked down on you, like they are superior or something. not very likeable.I found that people in Philly and New York were nicer and more down to earth.
I generally like americans and their society but.....your goverment sucks and I feel their is a need for some drastic improvements. The forieng policy that Bush has implemented does not make you guys look good at all. America is better than that.
And on a personal level I wish that the US goverment would treat Puerto Rico with alot more respect. We have been a colony of the US for more that a century and eventhough you have brought many good things to us you have not grated US any type of sovereingnty.I know it is our decision but congress hasnt done anything to help solve the problem. There is a lot more that i could say but it would be too long.
To sum up, I like Americans, I hate your goverment. Do soemthing about it. OK:) They are making you guys look bad.
I know a bit about european approach to the USA.I haven't noticed any negative ractions in general here in Poland ,people are simply interested in your mentality,cultural diversity because it is really outstanding ->as far as I know you are known for directness,energy,optimism and informality.It is obvious that not every single of you is like that.Just like in any other countries.But isn't such diversity beautiful?All the countries in the world can learn from each other,all the countries have different experience,different raising up conditions,historical background...and so much more(sorry I'm so tired..).My experience with Americans ->one of the most beautiful people I have ever met.Being aware of the political situation and significant differences in lifestyle which I could never accept in my environment,I'm planning to visit the USA maybe next year and spend some time there in order to observe everyday life and surely learn sth valuable.Hopefully in Seattle
But for example I've noticed many times that Germans,in general,have a negative approach towards the USA.It looks like a kind of trend recently.I've discussed this topic with many people(Germans too) and we all came to one conclusion: inferiority complex.
So looking on the USA only through the politics and the president is discriminatory,there are too many people against it ... it's similar in Poland with our "president".People make the country and are the most important here.Too many of your comments people were unjustly simplified to"The USA sucks because Bush sucks".The same country bred PJ.I don't think I've made it clear,but the topic is so complicated (and I'm not feeling well )that I've chosen only one chaotic "slice" but I hope some of you have understood what I meant.Warm greetings.
ummm... where was i?
not a fan of your government
So you like it then?
Hmm, I should come around here more often.
So this person throws a punch and disappears?
Reminds me of a certain poster with great language skills and was unbeatable during a debate.