Arguments that suicide bombings are motivated solely by "desperation" or oppression are very flawed. Logically speaking, if poverty, oppression, and other socioeconomic factors were the sole cause, you'd see a lot MORE suicide bombers out there. I mean, Palestinian culture as a whole is said to be oppressed, no? Yet not all Palestinians condone violence, let alone suicide bombings. In fact, the vast majority would not blow themselves up. We have to include psychological distress/disorder, personality factors, religion, and sociocultural factors as well ...
Brainwashed idiots..Their God wants them to splatter themselves and inocent people into pieces...yeah some God huh where can I sign up for this retard nation...If only a few could return from the dead to tell the others where they ended up........
Are you talking about suicide bombers or all of the worlds armies, including the U.S?
Hello Mr Rumsfeld! This is actually Sadaam Hussain. Nice to make your aquaintance. It's been a while since we last spoke. It was during the 1980's if I remember correctly, and you were selling me chemical weapons with which to gas kurds.
Hello Mr Rumsfeld! This is actually Sadaam Hussain. Nice to make your aquaintance. It's been a while since we last spoke. It was during the 1980's if I remember correctly, and you were selling me chemical weapons with which to gas kurds.
Nice to see you Hussy. How's it hanging? Well, you promised me you'd only use them under extreme duress, and that you really only wanted to be able to threaten use of force. Guess I underestimated you arabs and your lust for jihad. My bad. I wont make that same mistake with Iran tho, so thanks for the life lesson. How's your family? Hope we didnt blow them into too many pieces. If we did, just treat it like a puzzle, maybe you'll put together enough to bury them. Well, its been good talking to you, Im off to secure my nation's future. Good luck to you and yours!!!
Nice to see you Hussy. How's it hanging? Well, you promised me you'd only use them under extreme duress, and that you really only wanted to be able to threaten use of force. Guess I underestimated you arabs and your lust for jihad. My bad. I wont make that same mistake with Iran tho, so thanks for the life lesson. How's your family? Hope we didnt blow them into too many pieces. If we did, just treat it like a puzzle, maybe you'll put together enough to bury them. Well, its been good talking to you, Im off to secure my nation's future. Good luck to you and yours!!!
Ahh Rummy me old mucker! You haven't changed at all. Talking about us Iraqi's persuing a jihad when we were actually a secular country ruled by military force. As far as promising you we'd only use those wonderful chemical weapons under extreme duress, and that we'd only threaten use of force, how come you continued selling them to us after we gassed those nuisance Kurds? You have a very short, or selective, memory Rummy baby!
As far as my family's well-being, I have no idea, as I was living in a hole for a month or two. It was quite nice down there, although I could have done with a comb and a razor as I looked like Grizzly Adams with a hangover when they pulled me out of there. Us war-mongers must keep up appearances you know! :rolleyes:
Ahh Rummy me old mucker! You haven't changed at all. Talking about us Iraqi's persuing a jihad when we were actually a secular country ruled by military force. As far as promising you we'd only use those wonderful chemical weapons under extreme duress, and that we'd only threaten use of force, how come you continued selling them to us after we gassed those nuisance Kurds? You have a very short, or selective, memory Rummy baby!
As far as my family's well-being, I have no idea, as I was living in a hole for a month or two. It was quite nice down there, although I could have done with a comb and a razor as I looked like Grizzly Adams with a hangover when they pulled me out of there. Us war-mongers must keep up appearances you know! :rolleyes:
Awwww c'mon Hussy!! You and I both know that we would have slapped you silly when you went nuzto on the Kurds, but back then we actually gave a fuck what the world thought. Not to mention we truly need oil. Dont worry buddy, sooner or later we'll start harvesting our own oil, and then we can toss all you wackjobs to the side and let you live in the 3rd century all you like. And you think you had it bad in that hole? I was supposed to go hunting with Cheney that day!!
Awwww c'mon Hussy!! You and I both know that we would have slapped you silly when you went nuzto on the Kurds, but back then we actually gave a fuck what the world thought. And you think you had it bad in that hole? I was supposed to go hunting with Cheney that day!!
Do me a favour Rummy. You owe me one after all those back-handers I gave you in the 80's. Get in touch with your buddies in the C.I.A and arrange for some quality Columbian marching powder to be smuggled into my prison cell will ya? I'm bored shitless in here! They won't even let me watch Jackass on t.v!
Do me a favour Rummy. You owe me one after all those back-handers I gave you in the 80's. Get in touch with your buddies in the C.I.A and arrange for some quality Columbian marching powder to be smuggled into my prison cell will ya? I'm bored shitless in here! They won't even let me watch Jackass on t.v!
Im no apologist Hussy. But you know how wacky us infidels are! Id be willing to bet if you blow a few gaurds or give the warden an Arabian Handjob they'd hook you up. I gotta run, I've got two countries to run, Im a very busy man. See ya in hell Hussy!
Brainwashed idiots..Their God wants them to splatter themselves and inocent people into pieces...yeah some God huh where can I sign up for this retard nation...If only a few could return from the dead to tell the others where they ended up........
The only ones who can truly answer such an absurd question are the ones rotting in hell with nightmares on top of their nightmares
I'll keep taking punches
Untill their will grows tired
If I had a dime for every time a Palestinian mother must have said that...
Hey, Meng... long time, no here.
Hail, Hail!!!
Are you talking about suicide bombers or all of the worlds armies, including the U.S?
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is that you?
It just may be. He is blogging on the internet.
A lack of cowbell, obviously.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Hello Mr Rumsfeld! This is actually Sadaam Hussain. Nice to make your aquaintance. It's been a while since we last spoke. It was during the 1980's if I remember correctly, and you were selling me chemical weapons with which to gas kurds.
Nice to see you Hussy. How's it hanging? Well, you promised me you'd only use them under extreme duress, and that you really only wanted to be able to threaten use of force. Guess I underestimated you arabs and your lust for jihad. My bad. I wont make that same mistake with Iran tho, so thanks for the life lesson. How's your family? Hope we didnt blow them into too many pieces. If we did, just treat it like a puzzle, maybe you'll put together enough to bury them. Well, its been good talking to you, Im off to secure my nation's future. Good luck to you and yours!!!
Ahh Rummy me old mucker! You haven't changed at all. Talking about us Iraqi's persuing a jihad when we were actually a secular country ruled by military force. As far as promising you we'd only use those wonderful chemical weapons under extreme duress, and that we'd only threaten use of force, how come you continued selling them to us after we gassed those nuisance Kurds? You have a very short, or selective, memory Rummy baby!
As far as my family's well-being, I have no idea, as I was living in a hole for a month or two. It was quite nice down there, although I could have done with a comb and a razor as I looked like Grizzly Adams with a hangover when they pulled me out of there. Us war-mongers must keep up appearances you know! :rolleyes:
Awwww c'mon Hussy!! You and I both know that we would have slapped you silly when you went nuzto on the Kurds, but back then we actually gave a fuck what the world thought. Not to mention we truly need oil. Dont worry buddy, sooner or later we'll start harvesting our own oil, and then we can toss all you wackjobs to the side and let you live in the 3rd century all you like. And you think you had it bad in that hole? I was supposed to go hunting with Cheney that day!!
Do me a favour Rummy. You owe me one after all those back-handers I gave you in the 80's. Get in touch with your buddies in the C.I.A and arrange for some quality Columbian marching powder to be smuggled into my prison cell will ya? I'm bored shitless in here! They won't even let me watch Jackass on t.v!
Im no apologist Hussy. But you know how wacky us infidels are! Id be willing to bet if you blow a few gaurds or give the warden an Arabian Handjob they'd hook you up.
The only ones who can truly answer such an absurd question are the ones rotting in hell with nightmares on top of their nightmares
Untill their will grows tired