Why do suicide bombers do what they do?

What drives them to this type of madness?
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If you are highly religious it is probably is easier giving up your life for something you believe in also. If they believe they will end up in paradise when they die, dying doesn't seem quite as bad I'd guess.
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Capturing Terrorists Vs. Preventing Terrorism
September 23, 2006, 05:23 AM
Misdirection - it's the word of the day.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
thee are peoples who have suffered alot worse then them, and they didnt resort to murder
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I believe it's not simply a question of religion. It's an effective way to inflict terror with very cheap means. It's not just a prerogative of Islamist fundamentalists. In Japan, you had the kamikaze, different reasons, but again, using the suicide of a person to the cause they were fighting.
As to why they do it, it's a mixture of indoctrination and thinking that martyrdom is the most effective method to achieve their aims. Obviously, to me that is just insane. But how desperate must people be to think that killing themselves will further their cause?
Then, again, until the West changes their Middle East policies, we will still have suicide bombings.
i think there is honestly a lot more truth to this than anyone would care to admit. the oppressive prohibition of one of humanity's most basic urges is ridiculous. catholics tend to go wild once they can, so do a lot of those prim and proper christian girls once they get to college and can fuck like rabbits without consequences. the only difference is, there is no outlet for these guys. the women know they face execution if they give it up and the penalties for the guys are also pretty harsh as i recall. it's fucked up and very unhealthy.
how do you explain then women suicide bombers?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
so its not just me who's a horny fucker then!!!
I agree with the sentiment of Mr Soulsinging here... I genuinely believe that the sexual repression within religion leads to a lot of problems... maybe it doesnt directly lead to Suicide Bombers... but if a young chap came to me and said " i wanna be a suicide bomber" first thing i'd offer him was a computer, internet connection, a darkened room and an industrial size box of tissues... i'm guessing once he had his eyes opened so to speak he'd become a fully fledged Westerner
same as men suicide bombers but with tits and no dangly bits...
Hail, Hail!!!
I am on the same page as you????
If they had airplanes and helicopters and tanks, then there would be no need to blow themselves up. Hell it isn't even a fair fight and people bitch about the "terrorist" action. If they had the fire power they would complain that they aren't using it nice enough for the rest of the world.
Are the people who blow themselves up on par with the kamikaze pilots in WWII? We know they were honoured by their peers. Anything is legal and fair in war and oppression. Or at least what you have as your resource at the time of history.
kamikaze pilots were citizens of a country. and were mislead by their government in their own 'like' time of patriotism, nationalism, romanticism.....poor guys..
I think we're on the same page.
The people who complain about their tactics seem to approve killing by technologically advanced weaponry. Maybe if the U.S. gave Hezbollah some Spectre Gunships, Apache Longbows and F-16s, they wouldn't resort to bomb vest and the people who complain would be satisfied.
Hail, Hail!!!
As opposed to the nomads of the world that we are discussing in this thread? Funny how after 911, I read, had it told to me, heard it on the radio, watched it on t.v. and all those cases told me where every one of the "terrorists" came from. You get your info from different sources?
"Giving" an army to those nations would prevent invasions from foreign country, probably preventing most of the terrorist attacks in those regions, probably leading to less alienation towards the "west", leading to less terrorist attacks in the "west" country... Then those militaries would respond to the state and to those state government, therefore it would be possible to held a nation government accountable for the actions of their army (situation in Darfur right now), instead of pure generalization and speculations over the "funding" of terrorist groups and "support" from government to terrorist groups. Anyway it was just some thoughts...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau