A Perspective on 9/11

For those of you who care (and especially for those who don't care), I've decided to dedicate my 3000th post, which also happens to fall on this day, to my thoughts on 9/11. I'm a bit fucked up right now, too, but I don't give a shit.
First of all, let's just get out of the way that yes, it was a tragedy, and I completely agree. My heart goes out to the people who lost their lives or family, etc etc etc...
however, on this day there seems to be something people often forget. It was not 4000 people that lost their lives due to 9/11... it was much more... in fact, it was well over one million lives lost.
The thing that gets me is that America is so narcissistic that it never does think about any other nation but itself. When we talk about pulling the troops out of Iraq, we often don't mention what's best for the Iraqi people. We want to pull out because it is in OUR best interest. We never talk about the 4.7 million Iraqis who were displaced and currently have no homes (of those 4.7 million, only about 4000 (if that) were actually allowed to come live in the U.S., many of which without the rest of their family)... We never talk about the Iraqis who were killed, we only mention the U.S. soldiers who were killed (4000 vs 1.2 million)... We never talk about the innocents killed in Afghanistan, and that are now being killed in Pakistan due to 9/11.
America has created a new definition of 'terror attack'. To inflict this much suffering and resentment in this world is beyond words to describe. Unfortunately, many people here say that this is just because we have a shitty president, but in reality, it's not. It's because of the American people that this happened. Keep in mind that Bush was reelected in 2004. Keep in mind that we are the ones who play the major factor in the country. Protests, demonstrations, etc, have become meaningless and almost nonexistent compared to the ones that people had during the Vietnam War, the Korean War, etc... It's really a sad day to see the Americans stand silent, while millions die, millions more become displaced and live in the most harsh conditions possible, due to this country.
Not only do we forget people abroad, but even in our own country. On this day we're so quick to remember words like "patriotism", but we seem to forget the fact that after 9/11, the constitution became more of an idea, but not put into practice.
Pre-9/11: "A 2000 Gallup poll showed that a majority of the American public acknowledged that profiling existed, and that 81 percent disapproved."
Post-9/11: "A majority of Americans, according to an Oct. 1, 2001 Gallup poll, said people of Arab descent should "undergo special, more intensive security checks before boarding planes in the U.S.""
the PATRIOT ACT is one of the most disturbing laws to ever pass. you wanna justify it by saying "we were scared after 9/11" fine, but it's still continuing? what the fuck? this administration has lied to you so many times, it's hard to keep track, and yet people still never question anything about 9/11. they never question the response. they never question motives related to 9/11. everyone here is willing to swallow it up. earlier today, I bumped a thread made by byrnzie, which simply showed other events in history that happened on 9/11. I get a response as if I had done something wrong to bump it.
give me a fucking break. the fact that people in this country would rather talk about lipstick and Sarah Palin's potential dick over the millions of refugees, the thousands of people suffering in the Middle East DUE TO OUR POLICIES is so nauseating that I really lose hope in the American public.
"Just wait till November, when a new administration comes in, then we'll make change."
so we sit by idly as Bush invades Pakistan just because in 2 months we MIGHT have a new administration in? and if we don't, what do we do? not to mention the fact that Barack Obama supports many of these shitty policies. Not to mention the fact that Barack Obama has not yet talked about the Iraqi people, the Palestinian people, the Afghan, the Pakistanis, etc.
Seriously people, wake the fuck up. 9/11 should not be about sitting here crying patriotism while praising these Afghan excursions. It should be about deciding what to do to change the shitty policies we've been implementing that have caused millions of other people to die. How can someone here support the war in Afghanistan to capture Bin Laden even though it killed thousands of people? For all arguments' sake, let's say Bin Laden did 9/11. He wanted to send a message to Bush and the American people. How is the war in Afghanistan any different? We went in there and knowingly killed thousands of people to send a message to Bin Laden and the Afghan people. Iraq was not much different other than the fact that we killed over a million people, and displaced 16% of the population. There are tens of thousands of Palestinian people living in Iraq who now have literally NO country to go to. Out of 30-40,000, the United States has accepted.... 9.
We read out lists of people killed in 9/11, but we don't read out the lists of people killed or lives ruined DUE to 9/11.
this shit makes me sick. if Osama bin Laden could be killed, but you would have to kill a couple more, a few hundred more, or a thousand more innocent people, would you do it? does it matter if the people are American or Afghan? seriously.
First of all, let's just get out of the way that yes, it was a tragedy, and I completely agree. My heart goes out to the people who lost their lives or family, etc etc etc...
however, on this day there seems to be something people often forget. It was not 4000 people that lost their lives due to 9/11... it was much more... in fact, it was well over one million lives lost.
The thing that gets me is that America is so narcissistic that it never does think about any other nation but itself. When we talk about pulling the troops out of Iraq, we often don't mention what's best for the Iraqi people. We want to pull out because it is in OUR best interest. We never talk about the 4.7 million Iraqis who were displaced and currently have no homes (of those 4.7 million, only about 4000 (if that) were actually allowed to come live in the U.S., many of which without the rest of their family)... We never talk about the Iraqis who were killed, we only mention the U.S. soldiers who were killed (4000 vs 1.2 million)... We never talk about the innocents killed in Afghanistan, and that are now being killed in Pakistan due to 9/11.
America has created a new definition of 'terror attack'. To inflict this much suffering and resentment in this world is beyond words to describe. Unfortunately, many people here say that this is just because we have a shitty president, but in reality, it's not. It's because of the American people that this happened. Keep in mind that Bush was reelected in 2004. Keep in mind that we are the ones who play the major factor in the country. Protests, demonstrations, etc, have become meaningless and almost nonexistent compared to the ones that people had during the Vietnam War, the Korean War, etc... It's really a sad day to see the Americans stand silent, while millions die, millions more become displaced and live in the most harsh conditions possible, due to this country.
Not only do we forget people abroad, but even in our own country. On this day we're so quick to remember words like "patriotism", but we seem to forget the fact that after 9/11, the constitution became more of an idea, but not put into practice.
Pre-9/11: "A 2000 Gallup poll showed that a majority of the American public acknowledged that profiling existed, and that 81 percent disapproved."
Post-9/11: "A majority of Americans, according to an Oct. 1, 2001 Gallup poll, said people of Arab descent should "undergo special, more intensive security checks before boarding planes in the U.S.""
the PATRIOT ACT is one of the most disturbing laws to ever pass. you wanna justify it by saying "we were scared after 9/11" fine, but it's still continuing? what the fuck? this administration has lied to you so many times, it's hard to keep track, and yet people still never question anything about 9/11. they never question the response. they never question motives related to 9/11. everyone here is willing to swallow it up. earlier today, I bumped a thread made by byrnzie, which simply showed other events in history that happened on 9/11. I get a response as if I had done something wrong to bump it.
give me a fucking break. the fact that people in this country would rather talk about lipstick and Sarah Palin's potential dick over the millions of refugees, the thousands of people suffering in the Middle East DUE TO OUR POLICIES is so nauseating that I really lose hope in the American public.
"Just wait till November, when a new administration comes in, then we'll make change."
so we sit by idly as Bush invades Pakistan just because in 2 months we MIGHT have a new administration in? and if we don't, what do we do? not to mention the fact that Barack Obama supports many of these shitty policies. Not to mention the fact that Barack Obama has not yet talked about the Iraqi people, the Palestinian people, the Afghan, the Pakistanis, etc.
Seriously people, wake the fuck up. 9/11 should not be about sitting here crying patriotism while praising these Afghan excursions. It should be about deciding what to do to change the shitty policies we've been implementing that have caused millions of other people to die. How can someone here support the war in Afghanistan to capture Bin Laden even though it killed thousands of people? For all arguments' sake, let's say Bin Laden did 9/11. He wanted to send a message to Bush and the American people. How is the war in Afghanistan any different? We went in there and knowingly killed thousands of people to send a message to Bin Laden and the Afghan people. Iraq was not much different other than the fact that we killed over a million people, and displaced 16% of the population. There are tens of thousands of Palestinian people living in Iraq who now have literally NO country to go to. Out of 30-40,000, the United States has accepted.... 9.
We read out lists of people killed in 9/11, but we don't read out the lists of people killed or lives ruined DUE to 9/11.
this shit makes me sick. if Osama bin Laden could be killed, but you would have to kill a couple more, a few hundred more, or a thousand more innocent people, would you do it? does it matter if the people are American or Afghan? seriously.
Post edited by Unknown User on
for someone who in your own word's is "fucked up" ~ you sure said some pretty true shit and did so very well.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I agree.
Great 3000th post.
I thought they hated us because we are (were) free!
SOLUTION: Enact laws that take away our freedom! End our privacy! Lead us towards becoming a police state!
BUT, doesn't that mean that the TURRURRISTS won?
I sincerely believe that there was never a need for the Patriot Act. I can't say I always felt this way-- I think a lot of us felt differently right after we were attacked. Looking back now, there is a solution to dealing with terrorism. Investigate, research, do everything we were doing before 9/11, within the boundaries of the law, including getting warrants, guaranteeing habeus corpus, etc... The only thing that changes are the PRIORITIES.
If someone is under legitimate suspicion as a terrorist, why not prioritize giving out warrants in such cases instead of investigating the entire country at once? Speed up the process! After all, our public officials work for US. It costs too much, and at the expense of our liberties to do things with this current system. If we are losing our freedom to be free, WHAT'S THE POINT???
I gotta say, this is an impressive post...and way more effective a style.
I know many, or most of you support the war in Afghanistan... care to provide some insight?
The reality is war is horrible, and there is no good war or bad war. It’s always going to be a fact of life as long as people inhabit the earth. We can do our best to prevent it, but it’s unrealistic to think the whole world will join in on peace any time soon, we can still try though.
I feel our presence in Afghanistan is completely justified. Iraq never had any value in the war on terror, but we made a horrible mistake and have to bear the responsibility of finishing the job there, like it or not. And until there is irrefutable proof that 9/11 was an inside job by the government (and no one here has that kind of proof), I will continue to support our and NATO's efforts there.
No, I would never want to kill civilians just for one man or a couple of men. Its not an easy task to for us to fight an asymmetrical war, and not a single innocent death is justifiable for it. I don't think there is an answer that will satisfy anyone here, but there are a lot of good people who do every thing in their power to avoid killing civilians while fighting the bad guys. If anyone thinks for a second that the military goes out of its way to kill innocent civilians, is being rediculous. Civilians do get killed, and there is nothing to justify it.
Why would our government want to take away our freedom? And have any of you been directly effected by the patriot act or know some one personally that has?
Really, what good reason would they want to do that? And don't say some vague reason of "controlling the people". What do they get out of that? What then after they control and dictate our lives? Are they going to tax you more? Enslave the US population? For what?
you say there is no good war, but what do you call this: Is a "justified war" all that different than a "good war"? These terms are just bullshit ways to try to paint yourself as 'not supporting war in general' and yet you support 'certain necessary wars'... very paradoxical. you use too many vague terms that are just conjured up by the media... the "war on terror" is just abstract (and quite an oxymoron)... "finish the job in Iraq"... what does that even mean? what is the job? democracy and liberation? freedom? what job do you want us to finish? You will continue to support war, that has caused thousands if not tens of thousands of death, all on the government's version of 9/11. I'm not suggesting 9/11 was an inside job, that wasn't the point of this. however, you cannot deny the fact that it's wrong to invade a sovereign nation to seek out a terrorist by killing civilians just because he killed YOUR civilians. But you just said you support the war in Afghanistan... But you just said the war in Afghanistan is justifiable.
with war, comes innocent deaths.
in a justifiable war, wouldn't the deaths be justifiable as well? who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? first of all, why can no one on this forum spell RIDICULOUS correctly?
secondly, you don't kill 1 million civilians in Iraq by mistake?. You think the thousands of people in Afghanistan we killed was by mistake? do we accidentally bomb weddings? villages? houses? but you JUST said this war is justifiable... lol... yes. I do. I know MANY people. if you don't think the PATRIOT ACT infringes on your rights, then you're insane.
Honestly, the Patriot Act hasn't directly screwed me personally yet, I can't say the same for a member of my family and a few other people I know... And it's not cool. One person I know was held without bail for over a month, and was not allowed to talk to his lawyer for some time. I'm not going into it, but he wasn't charged with any incredibly dangerous crime against society. This law allows anyone to be deemed a "TURRURIST," and grants unlimited power to the authorities.
On top of that, it's more of a slippery slope issue. Once you allow the government to deny you of any of your rights and liberties, it's only a question of how far they will go. But for what, you ask?
Well, for one thing, we are headed towards a cashless society. It will start with the national ID card, WHICH, will be come "necessary" after there are so many illegals here, that it becomes our final solution on how to handle immigration. There will be so many people in this country who we have NO IDEA who they are, that it will then be necessary to know EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY. The National ID Card will be issued. Ever wonder why we're soooo concerned about fighting TURROR but we leave our borders WIDE OPEN? Well, this is why.
There will be no more being anonymous, every transaction will be taxed accordingly. As it stands right now, you can't pull $5,000 out of the bank without the IRS knowing. Why the fuck do they have to know what I'm doing with my money? IT'S MINE. Our same money gets taxed 4 or 5 times. FOR WHAT? So the assholes in power can spend it ludicrously and misappropriate large sums of it for wars and nation building that will only piss off more people internationally and ultimately make it LESS safe to be an American?
And, if you don't like it and make yourself heard about it, they'll turn yours off. No buying, no selling. Better develop a green thumb if you want to eat.
but, how are you actually going to leave??? You could leave now, but will you be able to leave the country one day when you really need to?
Believe what you want. But you are not FREE when you are getting taxed heavier with each passing day for poor choices by some government JERK OFFS that work for us.
Food for thought: If laws like the Patriot Act aren't fought hard, one of two things will happen...
Things will remain as they are, at best: "So what? The government hears me talking dirty to my girlfriend on the phone at night? I get stopped on the road and could waste an hour getting searched for no real good reason? I got nothin to hide! I work hard and give half of everything I own to the government so they can create unnecessary agencies and programs, start wars, and have nothing left for me to retire on? I'm ok with that."
Things will get worse: No privacy, world government, increased taxation, and no voice to speak out against it.
I urge you to look at freedom and liberty from a monetary standpoint. How free are you, really? As the size of our government increases exponentially through laws like the Patriot Act, will it cost you any less to live? It will be just the opposite.
It all starts with realizing that you've been getting ripped off to begin with, and then realizing that they won't stop until WE do something.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Great post man. I agree with everything you said. I was watching a documentary last night on the History Channel, I believe it was called 102 minutes. It was basically video footage pieced together from many different sources to form a timeline of what happened that day in NYC. One thing dawned on me while watching this and that is that we have learned nothing from that day. Our government, the people of this country haven't learned a thing after 9/11. For the first time we have seen the consequences of our actions come home. I'm not saying we deserved what happened or even taking blame away from the people who carried out the attack. But it would be irresponsible of anyone, especially those in government, not to admit that our foreign policy had a direct impact on what occurred that day. This is not some whacked out conspiracy theory but a fact. Even Osama Bin Laden has stated it himself. We failed to see this because of our own hubris and instead of looking at the world differently we continued on doing the same thing we did before.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, what was he doing that got the attention of the Government in the first place? And all the things you predicted about the future is pure speculation. The government is not going to waste its time and money worrying about you and me, and even the "Moving Train". Has anyone here had the FBI SWAT team bust down your door for posting here? How about maybe just a simple letter or phone call to intimidate? I do not know the Patriot Act as in depth as some of you might, but I don't believe the government really cares about whats posted here, unless you're going to be stupid and specifically say something incriminating. This is the same type of fear and ignorance that people get sucked into. The Patriot Act should be closely monitored to insure its power is not abused. I don't care if the government looks into my porn watching, buying habits, and message pit posting, they are wasting their time if that was true.
The Patriot Act can be a dangerous tool if used the wrong way, so it needs to be monitored to insure we benefit from it, and not victims of it.
VG your post is spot on. I myself have not been directly affected by the Patriot Act however it's started already by just ordering a new passport. My daughter and I have renew our passports and I'm nervous because they will be a chip in there that will track every usage of those passports. They'll know if I use it instead of my drivers license at a bank or anywhere or anything else. The slope slips from there into the internet, phones in the future the invasion of our citizenery privacy has begun.
Wake up America
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I think you will be ok
My friend had friends in Organized Crime. He was unfairly placed in their company. Originally, the official charges were Extortion, and Stealing Union Benefits. The extortion charge has been 100% dropped. He will be serving 2 years for ALLEGEDLY giving union work to non-union laborers. In the end, even if the extortion (we're not talking murder, rape, assault, armed robbery, etc...) held up, should anyone be denied the right to talk to their lawyer for weeks? Unable to see their family for a month? Their house raided in the middle of the night, wife and kids screaming? That is all I will say about it.
There is no way to "closely monitor" the Patriot Act, and that is the problem of it. If so, how do you do it? Would speaking out against it once it has gone too far count as "monitoring it?" If you speak out against it loud enough, are you in effect aiding the terrorists by trying to foil this tool that our government has created? Are you a terrorist at that point? That's a huge problem with it. It's the definition of "terrorist," and technically, anyone can be one, and anyone that they want to be one WILL be one.
There's no need for the CIA to threaten me. I'm not BIG enough. If I change a mind or 2 on the board here, it's no threat to them. The worst thing they can do is threaten people like me, cause it would lend 100% credibility to our cause, instead of just writing me off as a "kook." Besides, they're banking on the the over-medicated apathy of the American public to really bring this whole idea to fruition... Why risk awakening more people by getting to little Vinny Goomba?
Now, take a figure like Ron Paul, who has some actual impact. They deal with him by censoring him:
Watch this clip:
This whole 3 minutes was cut from the re-airing of the Republican debates back a few months ago. It wasn't cut out of a highlights-piece on the debate, they took a 2 hour debate and made it a 1-hour and 57 minute debate by leaving out this clip each subsequent time it aired.
Why leave this out? Unlike me, Paul has some power and people listen. They fear Paul, and everything he stands for. They aren't going to clip him, though. There might be a real problem if some unforseen accident ever happened to that guy, with all the fans he has. They probably think the Revolution will die with Paul, and he's no spring chicken at age 73.
I know you don't care that the government may be listening to you. BUT DON'T YOU CARE THAT YOU ARE PAYING FOR THEM TO LISTEN TO YOU? And it's not just you, it's everybody. Our money is spent on this bullshit that is doing absolutely NO GOOD. It's time for them to give us back our privacy, and for strictly concern themselves with catching people who actually aim to harm us. How do you do that? Within the law. It has all been constructed to handle this type of shit before 9/11. Our public officials just might actually have to DO SOMETHING now. Paying for extra surveillance is a horrible idea especially when you're letting whoever the fuck come into our country whenever they want. What's the point???
Call me crazy, I say, do the research yourself. Look up the Real ID act, and tell me it isn't going to happen. Look up RFID chips, and tell me that one day you might just be deciding whether or not you get a chip implanted in you (given that you ACTUALLY HAVE THE DECISION).
How much better are we than Hitler? Stalin? Caesar? These are all assholes that rose to power, and wanted to conquer the world. Why should the people who control any of the world's nations today be any better? If anything, they've had examples to learn from. As people of a soon-to-be former republic, are we learning from history?
OffHeGoes29, would you refuse the National ID Card if it were presented to you?
Well once again sorry about your friend, but being friends with people that partake in that kind of life is asking for trouble. Even though he had nothing to do with it, being associated with those type of people will get you into trouble.
I agree there is a lot of reform when it comes to issues like this, but I feel people here are a little paranoid about the government that’s out to get them. Its kind of a long the same lines as people on the ultra right worried about terrorist and radicals out to get them. We need to meet on some common ground and use some reasoning and logic on this issue. These are two extremes that can't get carried away in a panic.
And yes, I don't care if they waste my tax money on listening to me. If they think I'm some sort of a threat, then go a head. I don't do anything that would red flag they're interest in me. These government agencies don't have the man power or resources to watch every one. If that was the case, they would have shut this board down a long time ago and imprision me and you, and defiantly Drifting for "radical terrorist idiology".
BUT, we are still here, constructively debating the issue, and I don't think anyone is getting waterboarded as we speak for posting on the message pit.
I will give it to you, the idea that we could be controlled through chips and ID cards is scary, but we need to continue to stay informed about whats happing in our government.
Fair enough, happy to work with you.
Edit: thanks for ignoring my post, by the way.
thank you outlaw. i wish more people thought like this. speak your mind often ... and a definite "no" would be the answer to your last two questions.
Sorry about that, I honestly didn't mean to skip your comment.
So here I go.....
A "good war/bad war" is all the same, people die; a lot of innocent people die needlessly. That is the reality of it, which is well established at this point. People usually compare a "Good war", or a "justifiable war" with conflicts like WW2, and a "bad war" or "quagmire" with conflicts like Vietnam. The reasons behind the war may differ, but the end result is the same, people die horrible deaths in the name of Religion, country, etc. The act of war in its self is horrible, and any one that wants to go to war just for the sake of being in conflict is sick. I don't want to be at war with anyone, however; there are cases where warfare is the last resort. It would be one thing if Afghanistan was run by a civilized government that had trouble dealing with extremist. But it was run by a brutal government that killed and maimed people, and they were not going to come to the table of diplomacy with any one. So in this case, invading Afghanistan is completely justifiable. Supporting and harboring terrorist that not only attacked us, but other countries with in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia, was a threat to the whole world.
The horrible part of fighting this is the fact that there is no identifiable enemy, they don't ware uniforms, and don't separate themselves from the public. This has always been an issue through out history to fight a war like this. Usually, the small force that hides with in the civilian population does this for protection. They know if the fight was to ever be taken to them, innocent people will get killed. They plan for that, so CNN can show the damage of a guided bomb that took out a school instead of an insurgent hide out. It’s close to impossible to get accurate information as to where these guys hide out. It’s a type of warfare that puts civilians in the middle, and conventional tactics don't work. The only way to win something like this is to get the civilians on our side to increase the accuracy of our efforts.
For my sanity and the length of this post, if you want to continue this conversation and pick apart my ideas further, you can PM me. Sorry for the spelling, I try to spell check as much as possible, but I'm not perfect.
So to try and answer the important part of your question, nothing about war is good, but it can be necessary to reach some level of peace down the road.
Oh, PM about the people you know who had their rights infringed on by the Patriot Act, I really want to know the details, it might change my mind?
Well that’s usually how they get their facts is to question anyone that MAY BE involved. There is no reason for them to keep some one and infringe their rights, but I would expect to get questioned by the police or FBI if my friend was in the mob.
I don't want my money to feed families...sorry. That’s one of the reason I don't see eye to eye with Dems. I have the right to feel that way. And I was trying to explain that they are not going to waste their time and budget on people like you and me. I'll clarify next time
You cannot blame this on the 'media'. The American people didn't need any media to tell them to protest when the army drafted their sons to fight and die in Viet Nam. Without the draft... Americans think the only thing they need to do is slap a magnet on the back of their car. We are placing our soldiers through a meat grinder of deployments and re-deployments and re-deployments and when they come home all fucked up... we say, "Fuck you.. suck it up and get back to work... or just get away from me."
No one except the soldiers and their families are bearing the brunt of this war. Hell.. we aren't even paying for this war... our kids and their kids will be... how is that being responsible? For every War funding bill... $140 Billion dollars... our taxes should be increased to cover it. WE should at least... take on some of the financial pains if we are to expect our uniformed military people to take on the physical and emotional pains.
It's easy for anyone to support the war... by doing nothing. How about paying your fair share for the $1 trillion and counting that we've racked up since 2003. See how much 'support' this war gets after that.
Hail, Hail!!!
Thanks for the support.
This to me was a direct reaction as to what the Patriot Act can do to those who are innocent like my musician friend Michael Franti and His band Spearhead. Here's an article on some of what happened to him, his band and his management company...
The Man and Michael Franti
Are federal agents surveilling the singer-rapper-activist?
What happened here in this article and that he's an activist with a band member who wore t-shirts during concerts that said *FUCK BUSH*
The Patriot Act to me is basically a law that is used to intimidate, to scare off those who dare to resist or those intend or want to protest. I myself have had my truck tags (STYHUMN) here in DC at protest marches taken down by government agents again as a form of intimidation. I went unto the march with my daughter and paid them no mind.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Government Agents took your sign away. You saw them do this?