Having said that, I do believe that this section of the Constitution may apply to Sarah Palin, as she was involved with a secessionist group while in office.
Sarah and Todd were secessionists and supporters of Alaska right to secession since 1994. This section applies bigtime to Sarah and Todd Palin, along with any changes in the Patriot Act. More so, since she claims she directly negotiating with a foreign country (Canada) to build a pipeline to transport a natural resource that is consider vital to the United States of America's national security interest. A State can not enter into a Trade Agreement with a foreign entity, that is the exclusive duties of the U.S. State Department.
Since her hubby was present at official government meeting as a private citizen, Mr. Todd could be held for treason if it is found that he gave privilege information to BP (technically a foreign company) managers while he was an employee of BP.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Sarah and Todd were secessionists and supporters of Alaska right to secession since 1994. This section applies bigtime to Sarah and Todd Palin, along with any changes in the Patriot Act. More so, since she claims she directly negotiating with a foreign country (Canada) to build a pipeline to transport a natural resource that is consider vital to the United States of America's national security interest. A State can not enter into a Trade Agreement with a foreign entity, that is the exclusive duties of the U.S. State Department.
Since her hubby was present at official government meeting as a private citizen, Mr. Todd could be held for treason if it is found that he gave privilege information to BP (technically a foreign company) managers while he was an employee of BP.